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Poland Solves Decades-Old Soviet Murder

Posted on Saturday, April 15, 2023
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis


Father Franciszek Blachnicki, a Polish priest who helped lead the resistance movement against Soviet oppression, was poisoned by the communist secret police in 1987, according to the results of an investigation from Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance released late last month. Until now, details surrounding Blachnicki’s mysterious death were uncertain, but the new revelations leave little doubt about the Soviet regime’s direct involvement in his death.

Speaking at a press conference in Warsaw, Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said that the investigation established that Fr. Blachnicki was yet another victim of the communist police state. “He was considered a threat to the communist system because his activity influenced thousands of young people,” Ziobro said.

Deputy Prosecutor General Andrzej Pozorski added that the investigation has “established beyond any doubt that Father Blachnicki died on 27 February 1987 as a result of homicide by administering a deadly toxic substance.”

Fr. Blachnicki, whom Pope John Paul II called “a prophet of our times,” played a pivotal role in leading the Polish people’s spiritual and cultural rejection of communist ideology. He was also influential in the Solidarity movement, a grassroots organization of workers who opposed Soviet oppression.

Blachnicki was so effective, in fact, that the security agencies of the Warsaw Pact launched a secret operation against him to discredit and slander him – and ultimately had him killed.

The life of this humble priest epitomizes both Christian virtue and the unbreakable spirit of resistance that characterized the Polish people throughout a troubled 20th century.

As a teenager in 1939, Blachnicki participated in a movement to resist the invading Nazi German forces at the start of World War II. For his involvement in this campaign, the Gestapo imprisoned him in Auschwitz. While there, he occupied the same prison bloc that would later be occupied by Saint Maximilian Kolbe, the famous Catholic priest who sacrificed his life to save another prisoner.

As punishment for resisting the Nazis, Blachnicki was sentenced to be guillotined in March 1942. A few months later, in June, he converted to Catholicism from his cell, full expecting to be murdered.

But in August 1942, his death penalty was commuted to 10 years of heavy imprisonment, to start upon the end of the war. That would never happen, as U.S. forces liberated his prison camp in 1945.

Following the war, Blachnicki joined the priesthood and soon became involved in the resistance against the communist regime in Poland. He established two major pastoral initiatives, the Light-Life movement and the Crusade of Temperance.

Light-Life, sometimes called the Oasis Movement or the Crusade for the Liberation of Man, was a Catholic renewal movement that helped inspire many Polish people to resist the communist regime. It began in the early 1950s as a series of retreats for Christians to re-affirm their traditional beliefs and understandings, with an emphasis on participation in the Mass, prayer, and reading the Bible.

This movement stood in direct defiance of the Soviet vision of creating a “new socialist man” who despised religion and was committed to communist atheist virtues.

Pope John Paul II himself was heavily involved with the Light-Life movement while he was a Church leader in Poland, writing in his book Rise, Let Us Be On Our Way, “I defended it before the communist authorities, I supported it financially, and obviously, I took part in its activities.”

The Light-Life movement helped give rise to the Crusade of Temperance, an anti-alcohol and anti-smoking campaign. Blachnicki taught that abstinence could be offered to God as expiation for those addicted to alcohol.

Both of these movements put Blachnicki in direct conflict with the Soviet authorities. The police repeatedly raided his home and offices, and at one point jailed him in the same cell where he was first set to be executed. A communist court sentenced him to 13 months of suspended imprisonment, even though the judge admitted in his deliberation that Blachnicki’s actions were “generous and beneficial for society.”

The regime also engaged in a relentless campaign to discredit Blachnicki publicly – so much so that the Institute of National Remembrance deemed him “the most persecuted priest by the Warsaw Pact.”

State propaganda routinely smeared him, and disinformation campaigns were launched to try and turn fellow Church leaders against him. The Soviets called him a “saboteur in a cassock” and a “theologian of national treason.”

In one instance, the secret police created a fake magazine called “The Self-Defense of Faith” that they sent to prominent bishops and priests. The publication regularly portrayed Blachnicki as a heretic and spread lies about his teachings.

In another case, during a particularly harsh winter, the Communist Party banned coal sales to a mountainous village where Blachnicki was hosting a Light-Life retreat. In response, Blachnicki pleaded with his supporters to mail coal in packages. The discouraged regime acknowledged its defeat when coal parcels destined for the center jammed Poland’s postal services.

Eventually, Blachnicki was forced out of Poland following the imposition of martial law. He settled in Carlsberg, West Germany, but continued to be a strong voice of opposition to the communist regime in Poland.

In 1982, Blachnicki published “A Manifesto For Liberation of the Nations in Central and Eastern Europe,” wherein he argued that the captive nations could dismantle the Soviet bloc by concerted focus on achieving the common goal of liberty. The priest predicted that a national and religious-moral awakening would prepare a new generation of politicians of uprightness and decency, triggering significant worldwide political changes.

Then, in 1987, Blachnicki died suddenly. His death was originally ruled an embolism, and it was not until the early 2000s that Polish authorities ordered his body exhumed for further investigation. The findings announced last month confirmed what had been suspected for years, that the communist secret police murdered him for his defiance of their authority.

Yet despite having him killed, the communist regime failed to defeat this remarkable priest. In many ways, killing him was their ultimate admission of defeat – no matter their scare tactics and threats, they could not silence this champion of piety and freedom.

Today, Fr. Blachnicki’s story is a reminder of the ability of faith and conviction to move a nation and indeed the world toward a better future – no matter what the cost. While the trend in the West recently has been to secularize the history of the Cold War and the defeat of the Soviet Union, the spiritual life of leaders like Fr. Blachnicki will always be remembered as the decisive factor in the triumph over Soviet communism.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 year ago

Another true hero downed for doing for others! This shows how Communism is against freedom of thought and speech. RIP to this great man!

1 year ago

Such an inspiring and holy man. While I am not a Catholic, I honor him for the valor of his life.

1 year ago

I believe Fr. Blachnicki should be considered for Sainthood by the catholic church. He certainly dedicated his life to his fellow man as much as anyone possibly could.

Scott Christy
Scott Christy
1 year ago

Hint of Jesus Christ story. Evil will never win. God wins in the End.

Werner Born
Werner Born
1 year ago

Unfortunately, this is the direction the United States is going with her present government in the collusion within it.

Mary Lou
Mary Lou
1 year ago

Well said and much appreciated article about this dedicated priest who stood with God by his side against oppression and tyranny of his country and its people. Thank you

1 year ago


1 year ago

We the people in the United States should all read this .. because this very thing is looming in our doorsteps ..

1 year ago

Beautiful and inspirational

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Very interesting and educational.
Some of it sounds like what is happening here in the United States now.
By 2025, if the Socialist Communist democrats succeed in rigging the 2024 Presidential election we ALL can expect the same treatment. NO BS.
So, learn from this valuable lesson and WAKE UP AMERICA and FIGHT BACK because YOUR LIFE and YOUR COUNTRY IS ON THE LINE.
There will be NO FREEDOM and mamma’s shopping will cease.
And we ALL know what happens when you cut into mamma’s shopping.

1 year ago

It is a remarkable testimony of perseverance and humility. One can imagine this priest’s sacrificial work was not recognized until the Berlin Wall fell. He did not witness the fruits of his tireless work.

1 year ago

The similarities between Communist times and the present time in America are striking. It is time for America to recognize the threat. His diagnosis of the problem as spiritual was priceless. This time is no different. 

1 year ago

One reads this article which has an extremely high likelihood of being “spot on” as to the Ruskies tactics …. and one wonders what is so attractive about Communism to the regular citizenry…. and why should anyone support a Communistic governance. Communism is just a disguised group of thugs that care only about themselves and their personal welfare and have no limits to the measures they will employ to maintain their control. And the only way it can work to the satisfaction of the top dogs is an unlimited use of murderous tactics to insure their control. Hmmm … that seems to have shades of the US DemocRatic Party?????

1 year ago

The first measure to nip the trend of getting even close to Communism in this Nation is to insure honest elections …. and the last POTUS election was DEMOC_RAT rigged. We need to clean up the Voting System … the Democrats have pretty much master how to rig an election … and have been doing so for generations. But it isn’t going to happen unless the public begins to demand it an and new laws are applied to stop the cheating tactics used …. for example, the Trump/Biden voting election.

1 year ago

We have that knowledge about the consequences of communism, which these countries lacked at that time. Therefore we have an advantage. However, political correctness is already thought police that controls young minds. Elections slowly lose their transformative power due to the massive bills that bolshevize our lives. We still can remove Biden, but it may be one of our last chances.

1 year ago

This story is about contemporary America under Obama and Biden. We already have communism in our culture, which is now being implanted into our economy. Christians are already under persecution, which many pastors and priests ignore. When they wake up, it may be too late.
The state guarantees for nearly every deposit are just another step towards socialism. One should remember still huge Fed’s balance sheets. Even though we did not fix the inflation issue, and the rates are still too low, they are discussing a new stimulus to avoid a recession.

1 year ago

This story is encouraging and uplifting. Thanks, AMAC.
I will share it with all of my friends. It should reach as many Americans as possible. What a great and sacrificial individual he was.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This story is very important, it is a great reminder of the power of the human spirit, connected to courage, faith and love of freedom. The strength and determination , recognizing and respecting the will of God, all combine when confronting evil , in whatever form it presents itself , in order to vanquish the evil and make victory for good possible.
Franciszek Blachnicki , a genuine Polish patriot, a great example for people who value freedom, wherever they live. It will help Good prevail , it will help Freedom everywhere for this story to be told as much as possible.

1 year ago

We need people like Fr. Blacknicki now, to stand up against the totalitarians in our increasingly dangerous police state.

1 year ago

A truly uplifting and thought provoking article about a truly courageous priest. More Catholics who are still voting for and supporting the Democratic Party should read about this man and others of his faith who boldly resisted evil totalitarian practices, which the Democratic Party is supporting today.

1 year ago

ALL who follow Christ, regardless of the label they bear, should stand up for what is right according to the Word of God and not be lead into the abyss of madness that we call society today!

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