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Planned Parenthood Turns Its Attention to Confused Adolescents Who Think They’re Trans

Posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Planned parenthood sign

For Planned Parenthood, June is the cruelest month.

Last year, on June 24, at the end of a blockbuster Supreme Court term, the high court issued its landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. That ruling overturned Roe v. Wade and clarified once and for all that the Constitution did not, in fact, ever confer a right to abortion.

As the foundation of Planned Parenthood’s vast $4.2 billion abortion empire began to shake, the solution seemed to be profiteering off a boom economy for “gender-affirming care.”

After all, who wouldn’t want in on a $4 billion to $7 billion enterprise while the getting’s good—even if that means ramrodding manipulable teens through the process at lightning speed?

Planned Parenthood isn’t just looking to destroy preborn lives. In diversifying, it has begun to target vulnerable adolescents, too. What’s more, Planned Parenthood’s “safety protocols” leave quite a bit to be desired.  

The Washington Free Beacon reported Oct. 4 that a Planned Parenthood clinic in New Jersey gave a full course of cross-sex hormones to a teen with autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and impulse control issues—after nothing more than a 30-minute consult.

This young man with special needs not only lacked the capacity to consent meaningfully to life-altering drugs, but the Planned Parenthood clinic didn’t require a letter from a therapist or even a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria before calling in the prescription to a local pharmacy.

The young man’s parents filed a complaint against the clinic with New Jersey’s State Board of Medical Examiners and its Board of Nursing.

Planned Parenthood appears more than willing to ignore a growing body of evidence that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have serious, life-altering side effects, many of which worsen underlying mental health conditions so often present in transgender-identifying teens. Neither puberty blockers nor cross-sex hormones has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat gender dysphoria.

Planned Parenthood’s pivot to transgender medicine is not entirely new. As far back as fiscal year 2015, the organization identified provision of “hormone treatments for transgender patients” in its annual report.

At the time, Planned Parenthood had 26 centers in 10 states that provided these interventions. Now, most of the organization’s nearly 600 centers dispense cross-sex hormones, and Planned Parenthood touts its status as one of the largest purveyors of cross-sex hormones in the United States. In some markets, demand for the drugs has topped requests for abortions.   

Although Planned Parenthood’s annual report for 2021-2022 shows a boom economy for baby killing, much of the data was collected before the impact of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision was fully realized.

According to a report from the Society of Family Planning, the number of legal abortions in the United States decreased just over 6% in the first six months after the Dobbs decision. What’s more, the Nation reports that the “rage giving”—a windfall of donations to abortion access groups following the ruling over a year ago—didn’t last. Individual and foundation giving has dropped off, too.

And Planned Parenthood’s national office recently announced layoffs—to the tune of about 100 employees. Alexis McGill Johnson, the organization’s president and CEO, was quick to paint the layoffs not as indicia of financial instability but rather a shifting of priorities because battles over abortion access now largely play out in the states.

But in those states, changes in the ideological makeup of the courts have resulted in more than a few losses for abortion advocates. And Planned Parenthood’s newest “gender-affirming” game plan may face legal hurdles, too.

The organization’s provision of “gender-affirming” care likely will be affected by the fact that at least 22 states have enacted their own bans on the exact same medical procedures. In part due to the fact that the number of children on cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers in America doubled between 2017 and 2021, concerned state legislators have worked quickly to ban the use of these drugs and “gender-affirming” surgical interventions for anyone under 18.

The lawmakers’ concern is well-founded.

A new study conducted in England reveals that the majority of children who are put on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones experienced erratic and fluctuating mental health impacts; the mental health of over a third “reliably deteriorated.” Scientific studies reveal that the young adult brain doesn’t reach full development until age 25.

England’s National Health Service has banned the use of puberty blockers and hormone drugs by minors, following a growing consensus of European medical experts who have backed off gender-transition procedures for children.

France, Sweden, Finland, and Norway also have put restrictions on the use of puberty blockers and hormone drugs for children, making the United States an outlier in allowing them. No matter to Planned Parenthood, which is pushing the drugs as fast as it can.

Planned Parenthood’s present modus operandi? “If you can’t kill ’em, trans ’em.”

Sarah Parshall Perry is a senior legal fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Sarah Parshall Perry

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1 year ago

What goes askew in a person’s life to cause them to focus on murdering babies and mutilating children as a career field? Needs to be studied so the future can intervene and stop this behavior.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I guess anything goes as long as there is a buck in it

1 year ago


1 year ago

And Planned Parenthood will make a mess of each and every one of them!!! So they will now kill teens and young people as well as babies!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

It’s just “good business”: if they can’t make money killing them, they can by mutilating them! Bet there are even plans to “change gender” in utero so the baby can be “born affirmed”.

1 year ago

Satan is very busy these days. He knows his time is coming to an end and he has ramped up his game to take as many souls to Hell with him as possible. Jesus loves you all, and wants to save you from eternal separation from God.

1 year ago

Planned parenthood is an immoral ,greedy , disfunctional group of murderers ,focused on destroying families and devaluing life. It’s sad when adults are not responsible enough to take the neccessary precautions to avoid pregnancy without the solution being death to a child.
Our society is sliding into the abyss where the marxist democrat party, extreme whackos and lazy irresponsible people have no morals,cannot reason and have abandoned God,Family and America.
Can anyone justify the killing of innocents???
So sad that America’s conscience seems lost and politicians support such absolute immorality.

1 year ago

It’s time all of our taxpayer money quit being used to fund all of this demonic destruction of human life. Leave our kids alone!

1 year ago

People should do their research on planned parenthood. It was originally started by an evil woman who wanted to get rid of all the races that she considered to be inferior such as asians, blacks, indigenous people etc. Evil, evil, evil

1 year ago

I continue to be shocked at all the people lining up to enter the gates of hell.

1 year ago

Demonic Butchers focused on $$$.

End all public/taxpayer funding to these butchers.
If the left is so enamored with keeping this private corporation operating they can fund it from THEIR pockets.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
1 year ago

The two main focuses of Planned Parenthood, an organization that was created by Socialist eugenicist and racist Margaret Sanger, is to do whatever it takes to control population and to con as much taxpayer money as possible to use to promote and support Progressive Democrats. Planned Parenthood has destroyed way more lives than any terrorist organization has.

Dave Mahan
Dave Mahan
1 year ago

I continue to ask myself why people keep lining up to enter the gates of hell.

1 year ago


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