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“Pardongate” Cements Biden’s Shameful Legacy

Posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2024
by BC Brutus

When Joe Biden suddenly dropped out of the presidential race in late July, it seemed that unprecedented event would be the capstone of his failed presidency. But it turns out Biden had one final act that would further cement his shameful legacy – a shocking deluge of pardons and sentence commutations that even many Democrats are blasting as a dangerous abuse of power.

The pardon spree began with the president’s son, Hunter, following his conviction in two separate federal cases earlier this year. As AMAC Newsline reported at the time, Joe Biden had repeatedly stated that he had no intentions of pardoning his son, a promise echoed by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

However, with the election over and Biden on his way out the door with his legacy in tatters, it appears he no longer felt any need to keep his promises or resist using the presidency’s powers to hand his son a get-out-of-jail-free card. The younger Biden faced up to 17 years in prison on tax charges and up to 25 years in prison on gun charges.

Arguably the most egregious aspect of Hunter Biden’s pardon was how broad it was in scope – granting him immunity from any and all crimes he “may have committed” going all the way back to January 1, 2014. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont warned that the move set a “dangerous” precedent. “It was a very wide-open pardon, which could, under different circumstances, lead to problems in terms of future presidents,” Sanders said.

California Governor Gavin Newsom also joined in the chorus of Democrats breaking with Biden over the pardon. “I took the president at his word,” Newsom said. “So, by definition, I’m disappointed and can’t support the decision.” Colorado Governor Jared Polis called the decision “a bad precedent” that “will sadly tarnish his reputation,” while Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren told reporters, “No one is above the law, and that includes presidents, former presidents, and family members of the presidents.”

But Joe Biden appeared wholly unbothered by his Democrat critics, following up Hunter’s pardon by commuting jail sentences for more than 1,500 individuals and granting 39 pardons just days later. In a statement, White House officials bragged that Biden “has issued more sentence commutations at this point in his presidency than any of his recent predecessors at the same point in their first terms.”

Indeed, Biden has now issued nearly as many executive clemency grants in one term as former President Barack Obama did in two terms. In total, Obama granted clemency to 1,927 people, by far the most of any president going back to Harry Truman, who was in office from 1945 to 1953. Between 2017 and 2021, Donald Trump granted just 143 pardons and commuted 93 sentences.

A few of Biden’s pardons in particular stand out as particularly scandalous.

One clemency grant went to Michael Conahan, a former Pennsylvania judge at the center of the infamous “Kids-for-Cash” scheme that sent children to for-profit detention centers in return for millions of dollars in kickbacks from private prisons to Conahan and another judge. Conahan was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison in 2011.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, called Biden’s clemency grant “absolutely wrong,” saying the decision has “created a lot of pain here in northeastern Pennsylvania.”

Families of Conahan’s victims also spoke out. “Conahan’s actions destroyed families, including mine, and my son’s death is a tragic reminder of the consequences of his abuse of power,” said Sandy Fonzo, whose son, Edward, took his own life after Conahan sentenced him to eight months in a juvenile detention center. “This pardon feels like an injustice for all of us who still suffer. Right now, I am processing and doing the best I can to cope with the pain that this has brought back.”

The list of Biden clemency recipients also includes former Illinois city comptroller Rita Crundwell, who pleaded guilty to her involvement in a nearly $55 million embezzlement scheme in 2012. “Now, today I anticipate she’s dancing in the streets of Dixon with her commutation because she just also conned the President of the United States,” said former U.S. Marshal Jason Wojdylo when he learned of the news. Wojdylo played a key role in bringing down Crundwell for her crimes.

With just over a month left before he leaves office, Biden’s clemency spree may not be over. According to reports, Biden is considering “pre-emptive pardons” of individuals like former representative and vice chair of the January 6 Committee Liz Cheney, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley – all of whom may face investigation under the incoming Trump administration.

As constitutional law scholar John Yoo recently put it in a piece for National Review, “Not only would such broad use of the pardon power mark a cynical development following Biden’s own unprecedented lawfare campaign against Donald Trump, it would also disregard the reasons why the Constitution gives this power to the president.”

There is no denying that the Constitution vests the president with sweeping clemency power. However, the Founding Fathers intended for that power to be used to advance the national interest and promote social harmony.

Biden’s clemency bonanza does not just fail to accomplish either of those goals, it actively undermines them. It is, if nothing else, a fitting final chapter to the most corrupt presidency in modern history.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 months ago

This is what we get when the American press refuses to do their job and not investigate these people but instead provide them cover. The so-called mainstream media has utterly failed in their duty to be our eyes and ears so that we may protect ourselves from despots and retain our liberty. They have intentionally and with malice betrayed we the people.

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

Pardon me? Only if you’re on Joe’s handlers list. Elect crooked politicians and you get their crooked friends.

Greg R
Greg R
3 months ago

Our President is a crime boss.

3 months ago

If Biden commutes Liz Cheney Fauci et al, is confirmation that Jan 6 was a plan set up by the dems with P in charge. Biden’s legacy is, he destroyed America, at least he tried to. Only by the grace of the American citizens he did not succeed. They will keep trying the next 4 years only they won’t succeed. The truth about Biden and the deep state including O’s involvement will come out. We haven’t gotten to the real crimes he committed the past 4 years. That is why he is commuting and pardoning all his buddies so they won’t testify against him, including his son. Biden should be impeached for treason alone. Only he will pardon himself as well.

Donald West
Donald West
3 months ago

Only by the grace of GOD did we slip out from under this despot.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Think that’s bad? Wait until Joe pardons himself!

Judy Nugent
Judy Nugent
3 months ago

There is NO doubt. Joe Biden is the WORST president this country has ever seen. There is NO doubt, he got in due to theft using Covid in 2020.

3 months ago

Yet the Dems are still upholding Kamala Harris for 2028. Are they all stupid, arrogant or just power-crazed? I say all of the above. She was part of the most dastardly president’s admin and went along as an opportunist who did nothing, accomplished nothing, took responsibility for nothing and still claims she should be president next. WE must STOP HER from holding any office. Her rise was due totally to her relationships, not her ability (none), her “hard work” (laughable) or her “joy” which translated means cackling non-stop to the point of being a grating nuisance of inarticulate nonsense.

Paula Frazier
Paula Frazier
3 months ago

Just before he leaves office, he will pardon himself!!
BUT, anything that an illegitimate president does, will be turned back around, so those who have been pardoned, shouldn’t get too comfortable with their ‘freedoms.’

3 months ago

A bad precedent set by the worst President! I still think Congress can challenge that “all crimes he may have committed since 2014” part of Hunter’s pardon. Never say anything so vague and sweeping in a Presidential pardon before. Something for the Supreme Court to look at? Clearly Joe expected Harris to pardon Hunter (and himself etc.) when she won but she didn’t. He set himself up for yet another of his famous “falls” when he stated before hand he would not pardon his son. He could have just said “No comment” every time he was asked if he would pardon Hunter but of course the mouth that roared never knows when to shut up!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 months ago

Biden and his handlers have been America last during the entire presidency. Pardon Gate is actually small potatoes if one looks carefully at the treachery and betrayal that the American people have suffered under for the last four years.

Donald West
Donald West
3 months ago

Completely useless individual among many of his ink.

carol exposito
carol exposito
3 months ago

Biden never made a promise he didn’t intend to break. He’s a slime-ball grifter who drifted into the White House on a malevolent breeze!!

3 months ago

I don’t doubt that most “democrats” are “wholly unbothered” by Biden’s pardoning of criminal acts on such a broad scale, or the fact that Biden, predictably, lied about his intentions before breaking his “promise” not to pardon his criminal son… whose criminality was supported by Biden, himself, for many years.
In my lifetime, the “democrat” party has never, as a rule, functioned in a ways that have been legal or worthy of respect. Simply put, the “democrat” party is The Party of Dishonesty. The damage they have done to our republic is horrifying, and, they will not change.

3 months ago

People, Jackass Joe is just trying to protect his Crooked Party’s leaders from Trump being able to revenge himself against what they tried to do to him.

3 months ago

NONE of these Democrat politicians that criticized Biden’s pardons are going to leave the Democrat party.

3 months ago

We have the big pardon yet to come. On his way out the door, The Pardoner-in-Chief will pardon himself for any crime for which he might be charged. As I remember, it is Democrats who fretted that Trump might pardon himself if he was elected. I am convinced Joe Biden will be the first US president to pardon himself.

3 months ago

The most corrupt U.S. President in the History of the United States, chosen for us by the previously most corrupt U.S. President of the United States. And that is what we got when the voters elected them based on lies fed to them courtesy of the corrupt, bought and paid for Main Stream Media.

3 months ago

A. Biden should have been removed right off the bat! He hasn’t been running the White House … it should be painfully obvious if one is paying attention, that Barack Hussein Obama has been in charge! Doesn’t anyone remember Barack’s first presidential speech where he threatened to “fundamentally change America”? Not to mention that Barack has been seen and photographed going into the Whitehouse! Biden was incompetent before he entered the White House after spending his time in the basement! Where were the so-called “Republicans” on that idiocy? Really? keeping a “presidential candidate” in the basement? And the painfully rigged “election”? In one state Trump received over 8500 votes in one evening. VOILA!! The next morning Biden had exactly 8500 votes in the same state. People who’d signed Federal Affidavits that they’d seen massive fraud…Affidavits that if they were lying they could go to a Federal prison for 3 years…were interviewed by NewsMax TV for several hours.
I pray that President Trump will put together a dedicated team of investigators to expose the Treason, lying, cover ups of all those who were behind this, those traitors who’be deliberately endangered the safety and security of this nation…hopefully starting with Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and every other person who committed High Treason against this nation and it’s supreme laws and will be rotting in Federal Prison. The gangs that are still terrorizing some states, my state of Colorado has been under attack from these thugs for several months and our pretend “governor” Polis doesn’t seem to give a rip except to continue his war on law abiding gun owners. Then there’s the “media” or as Adolph Hitler called it “propaganda” who should also face strong penalties for deliberately lying and pushing this treason.
The demorats are the party of treason, destruction and murder with their destruction of our border and every American who’s been killed, run out of their homes, and should be up in arms. Thank God for Trump…if anyone can bring chaos under control he will. But we the people need to consider our own actions to help bring this nation back to order again.

Donald King
Donald King
3 months ago

What you must realize and always remember is that Biden couldn’t care less about his legacy. The Biden cartel has pocketed millions of taxpayer’s dollars while engaged in any office position. And that’s not to mention the sleazy deals Hunter and Joe made while he was Vice President and President. And Joe just covered all their backsides with his ultra extravagant pardons. The whole family is laughing their collective butts off at the rest of us. Crime does, in fact, pay. And as far as his legacy, the progressive/socialist media and legacy ghost writers will have him served up as some sort of a god in their writings. So,there’s no way on earth that Sleepy Joe cares a whit what any of us out here in the real world think of him.

3 months ago

Yep, it’s very evident Biden is a criminal and really not too shocked so many are receiving clemency and he will pardon himself .

3 months ago

He’s going to save the big one for the end. He will pardon his entire family.

3 months ago

Joe Biden and his family and administration are DESPICABLE!!!!!! They better not walk away scot free from all these IN YOUR FACE crimes and underhanded activity! LET’S BE HONEST ABOUT THE FACT THAT THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST PRESIDENCY IN AMERICAN HISTORY, HANDS DOWN! EVIL PERSONIFIED!

John A Bird
John A Bird
3 months ago

Can anyone explain to me how a president gained this power under our Constitution?

3 months ago

It’s bad enough that he put the country through 4 years of nonstop lying, gross incompetence and unmitigated corruption, but his egregious actions as a lame duck are just a big F U to us all. Goodbye Traitor Joe. You will not be missed.

Edward Posuniak
Edward Posuniak
3 months ago

The Combo of Obama & Biden can pardon criminals all they want. The list of Criminals will all answer to God when their Term Limits on Earth are up. God is the Just Judge who is incorrupitble. Heaven help the Criminals and Presidents. We all have to account for are lives on earth one day.

3 months ago

Is anyone surprised by Biden’s actions? This has been his presidency for four years and he took advantage of every opportunity to advance himself and family, and the final insult was his pardoning of people, no matter how hurtful their crimes were to others! The democrats brought this on themselves!

3 months ago

the biden family has been cheating the gov since ww2 does anyone think the bidens are anything other than grifters that goes for most politicians

Linda Dyson
Linda Dyson
3 months ago

Proof positive that Joe has an innate criminal mind. These pardons include such a clear criminal thinkers as Hunter and Kids for Cash Michael Conahan, Illinois Embezzler Rita Crundwell. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE LIKE-MINDED THINKERS AS OUR CRIMINAL THINKING PRESIDENT. His actions and accrual of Ukrainian money were criminal! There simply is no evil boundary that he has crossed! It is his native pattern of thinking!!

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
3 months ago

Beyond Hunter, I doubt Diaper Joe knows who he was pardoning/commuting or why. O’Bama handed him the requisite paperwork and, with Dr. Mommy guiding his hand, he signed it.

3 months ago

And we are surprised????? Political crooks with no responsibility!

3 months ago

I feel strongly that the preemptive pardons should be challenged and tested by the Supreme Court lest we set up the potential for future administrations to do what the Biden family did knowing a “preemptive” pardon could be waiting for them

Bonnie Sult
Bonnie Sult
3 months ago

I hope and pray that the victims of the crimes committed in Pennsylvania and Illinois by those pardoned begin their lawsuits/class actions now and go after those criminals who embezzled from taxpayers and moved juveniles to private institutions from which they profited have to pay the price for what they did.

SD Howard
SD Howard
3 months ago

We need to follow the money. Who got paid and how much for these pardons. Biden is too far gone to know what he’s signing. While we’re at it, check to see how much the Obamas and Clinton’s got paid to campaign for Harris.

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

For someone who, twice now, has been referred to as ‘elderly man with a poor memory’ and himself said he has not had an acuity test, all these pardons and commutations seem thought-out and purposeful. So if Biden is thought to not be capable to stand trial because of memory issues, who is behind all these decisions that Biden’s signing, especially if other Dem cronies wind up with “pre-pardons”?
This has to be stopped, and perhaps some already done, undone. Is that a possibility? Can his mental condition be used to backtrack his actions,, especially pre-pardons?

3 months ago

why is there suddenly a commotion? anyone who knew anything about him and his crime family have for the last 50yrs screwed the american public. now, is the time to investigate biden, every family member, each pardoned and commuted individual, their bank accounts – including outgoing and incoming monies, as well as off-shore accounts. biden does not do things because it’s right or ethical. he does things for the money. i don’t like being negative. if he walks and acts like a duck he’s probably a thief.

3 months ago

Biden: Worst resident of the White House in American history! What else needs to be said about this treasonous tyrannical corrupt person?

R Lerch
R Lerch
3 months ago

I have maintained for the past two years that Biden is the worst president in my lifetime. I was born when Truman was president. History will remember him as a deceitful life long politician who nearly destroyed the country he professed to love.

Poppa John
Poppa John
3 months ago

What else can you expect from a 50+ year swamp rat?
Good riddance and take all your misfit toys with you.

3 months ago

The WHOLE BIDEN ‘CRIME’ FAMILY should be in prison. Lock them up and throw away the key.

Dennis Dickinson
Dennis Dickinson
3 months ago

This is just another step in the Biden crime family cartell agenda. Would not have expected anything less.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Why would we expect anything but this from this President? Look at what he has allowed to invade this country at the Southern border. This does not surprise me. He has a bunch of idiots as his staff and they are just pushing stuff in front of him to sign. I doubt he has the capability to understand what he is reading at this point. I’m a nurse. I know that people with dementia do not always understand what they read or comprehend the context. This is actual continued elder abuse that has been being done to Joe Biden. Don’t like the man, but do think it is wrong that this is being done to anyone with the limited mental capacity that is obvious.

3 months ago

Biden is the worst president, the united states has ever had and the biggest loser. He should be hung in front of the White House and then throw into a chipper. All his assets taken away & sold. His wife can move in with her son or the streets. This whole family are Major Crime & TRAITORS TO ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS, TAXPAYERS, AND OUR MILITARY.

3 months ago

Only 30+ more days and this President is gone. He is the worst President in my lifetime and that goes back more than 80 years, He is so corrupt and now he is doing stuff that he is unable to perceive what he is doing. The new Government can not come to soon.

3 months ago

And what do these pardoned criminals all have in common? My bet is a bad taste in art!

3 months ago

I wonder how much it cost to be get a Biden Pay For Pardon Get Out Of Jail Free Card?

3 months ago

Joe Biden – fool 1, n. someone lacking common sense or judgement. 2 adj. foolish, silly. 3 v.i. to trifle, not be serious Il v.t. to deceive ll to cheat, trick foolery n. foolish behavior. Lacking in good sense, prudence or judgement or showing such a lack…

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 months ago

Well if they get a pardon does that mean they can’t be sued? I think there are many who would have grounds to sue Fauci. And the whole darn mainstream media ought to cough up millions like Stephanopoulos. Maybe those who are pardoned will have at least some consequences. Lawyers love to go for the huge settlements and they don’t mind taking their cut.

Paul Enge
Paul Enge
3 months ago

Joe will not escape judgment. He doesn’t care what people think of him on “this side of the grass”. He needs to worry about what waits on the other side.

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