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Oversight Panel: Chinese Company Laundered $40K to Joe Biden

Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2023
by Outside Contributor
President Biden walking away from plane

A key House committee on Wednesday released a copy of a $40,000 check it says was laundered through a China company to Joe Biden in 2017, about eight months after he left office as vice president.

The check to Biden dated September 2017, a copy of which was released by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, is from James and Sara Biden, the president’s brother and sister-in-law.

The committee said the check to Biden is linked to a Chinese energy company, CEFC, that the president’s son Hunter Biden and brother had partnered with. CEFC was associated with the Chinese Communist Party, the committee’s chairman said.

The check is marked as a “loan repayment,” the same notation on a copy of a $200,000 check to Biden that was released by the House committee last month.


“It’s also worth remembering that Biden family efforts to secure millions from this Chinese company began when Joe Biden was still vice president,” House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said in a video message. “In taking funds sourced to a CCP-linked company that wanted to advance China’s interests, Joe Biden exposed himself to future blackmail and put America’s interests behind his own desire for money.”

The revelation comes as Oversight and two other House committees are engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry into the president and his actions.

Bank records showing money going directly Joe Biden appear to conflict with the president’s repeated statements that he never benefited from his family’s business deals. House investigators have determined that Biden family members operated at least 20 shell companies that brought in tens of millions of dollars, mostly during Biden’s time as Barack Obama’s vice president from 2009 through 2016.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams strongly criticized Comer.

“Comer’s lies and conspiracy theories are getting more desperate by the day,” Sams, senior adviser to the White House Counsel’s Office, posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Sams also reposted comments from others who defended the payment as a short-term loan from Joe Biden to James Biden.

Comer’s committee also released a 12-page memo on bank records that explains the web of money.

On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden demanded payment of $10 million from associates at CEFC, the Chinese energy company, in a What’sApp message to CEFC’s Raymond Zhao. In the same message, the younger Biden claimed that his father was seated near him at the time.

Biden family members began working with CEFC while Biden was Obama’s vice president.

On Aug. 8, 2017, Northern International Capital, another Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong.

That same day, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden, the House committee’s memo says.

A few days later, on Aug. 14, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by James and Sara Biden.

Seven days after that, on Aug. 28, Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from a Lion Hall Group account. Later that same day, she deposited $50,000 into the couple’s personal checking account.

Then, on Sept. 3, Sara Biden wrote a check to Joe Biden for $40,000, with the notation “loan repayment.”

The $200,000 check from James Biden to his brother Joe Biden came in 2018. Also marked as a “loan repayment,” it was cut the same day that Americore Holdings paid James Biden $200,000.

“Like the payment to Joe from Americore funds, it’s certainly plausible that this payment where James and Sara used funds from China was indeed a loan repayment to Joe,” Comer said in the video.

“But even if this $40,000 check was a loan repayment from James Biden, it still shows how Joe benefited from his family cashing in on his name—with money from China, no less.”

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Fred Lucas.

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11 months ago

Let’s see we have a Democrat President, and corrupt at that, and a Vice President that’s Stupid, and a weasel Attorney General that’s aiding in the corruption, with a court system, for the most part appointed by the left, and a Supreme Court that you can trust about as much as a Rattlesnake, and The Senate led by Democrats with up to 15 RINO’s, I don’t hold out a lot of hope except the House will Yell, Scream, and Shout, but the Fake Lame Stream Media, will discredit them and we will not see anything come of it.
Before anything positive happens, we will see America slide further into the abyss, I hope not to the point we can’t recover.
God Bless America, Pray for America

11 months ago

Mark my words, Jackass Joe Biden will go down in American History as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER! And he’ll have deserved it too!

11 months ago

The dems are now saying it is okay for ole Joe to take bribes. No matter what we reps find the left will dictate it is okay.
Trump has 91 criminal charges against him and ole Joe does what he wants to bring America down and becoming rich by it. Their house of cards is going to fall soon if not by ole Joe and the gang, then by Hamas. And by the cells that have been formed by the illegals from China, Russia and the Middle East by walking across the border at the invite of ole Joe. They have had three years to organize. Even the FBI warns to look out for terrorists. Don’t worry they are in every state and every big city.
Do we as citizens have enough guns and ammunition to fight these terrorists? Just asking

11 months ago

I don’t understand why the Chinese don’t rat out Biden. They have nothing to lose.

11 months ago

If this were Trump or any of the republicans running for president, the left would be all over it demanding the AG Garland press charges against them. It would be the top news stories on all the liberal news aka commentary stations.
Came out the FBI knew about the reported attacks on Israel but kept it a secret according to one of the senators on the intelligence committee (think that is the one he is on). So the FBI buries the story about Hunter, has a file going for years on Biden crime family, and now the Hamas attacks. Time to get rid of the FBI or at least all the leadership and those making decisions. There are good honest agents out there – feel sorry for them. The attack on the homeland is coming soon thanks to all the terrorist Biden has let come freely across our border. It will make 911 and Pearl Harbor minor events.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
11 months ago

Everyone, even the lying leftists, know the biden family is completely corrupt and engaged in criminal activities. Everyone knows that schiff, schumer, pelosi, the clinton’s, and obama’s are equally involved. There is tons of evidence/ everyone knows that as well.

The truth is that the leftists will not be honest about it because it would completely ruin the fake world view they are conjured in their minds. The media is constantly wrong and gets caught daily. every massive vast maga right wing extremist conspiracy theory the left claims turns out to be true. You would think some of the leftists would grow sick of the lie. apparently the desire to be identified as leftism religious members is greater then the desire to be a little bit honest.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Why mention 40 000 or even 200 000 when we know he received millions and millions and no action has been taken

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

The FAKE NEWS and LOCAL FAKE NEWS are protecting Dictator Beijing biden by injustice to the American people for not reporting his espionage and treasonous acts of crimes committed against the United States of America and her legal citizens.
Flood your Local Fake News with calls, texts, emails, and DEMAND they REPORT this.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

AAWWWWW It;s all so untrue. Poppa Joe can explane everything. Personaly i thing it was 40 thousand dollars worth of girl scout cookie3s he sold the Chinese.

11 months ago

This $40k, plus the previous $200k, is just drops in the bucket once all is said and done. Let’s hope it’s ALL “discovered” since Joey from Scranton never had any business dealings with his druggie son. The whole Biden bunch appears to be a cartel, drug, syndicate. And always somebody there to soften the fall…..

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

It says “loan” in the memo section of the check proving Joe’s innocence! (I’m being sarcastic) He sure “borrows” a lot of money, huh?

11 months ago

Until equal justice is returned, the FBI and AG departments are filled with duty-bound, honest, people, this crap will continue.

11 months ago

It is called ACCOUNTABILITY And there is none in our GOVERNMENT any longer.
Apathy got us to this point but it will not get us out of it. STAND UP! GET INVOLVED!

11 months ago

Thanks very much looks like Millions received JAMES COMER TRUTH UNVEILED ALL BIDEN’S LIES…IMPEACHMENT.

11 months ago

The traitorous SOB sold AMERICA out years ago along many other scampers! If we don’t get our act together SOON it will be too late!

Anne Z
Anne Z
10 months ago

I believe it!

11 months ago

Biden and any other crooked demo/socialist (which means all of them) can commit all the crimes they want and nothing will happen. The globalist left now controls America. None will ever serve jail time. Don’t look for any clean elections in the future either. 2024 will be a circus of lies and corrupt actions by the demo/globalists.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
11 months ago

Time to break some eggs.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
11 months ago

So what? Does anyone actually believe the drooling creep that stole the Presidency with an army of assistance will ever be held responsible for mere criminal activity? This is a creep American citizens have stood by while he frenziedly sent at least 150 BILLION dollars to Ukraine, a Nazi infested ultra corrupt thug-ocracy in which his family is heavily invested. I could list this brain dead puppets criminal actions in the guise of political action but I don’t want to invest my time in doing so. Nothing will be done to the Biden Crime Family, nothing. The Republicans got a new Speaker of the House and he is to be conservative but watch while he allows further flows of welfare to prop up the penis piano playing Nazi without the audit he initially demanded. The new Speaker is just another cog in the wheel of the corrupt House of Representatives who are almost universally bought and sold by the corporate elite.
Again, though I’m sure it took some effort on the part of the author of this piece, why bother?

10 months ago

So why can’t we impeach the anti-American, treasonous j***s? and get rid of the cackling idiot that is a so called VP. She does nothing but sit on her a** and collect a ridiculous paycheck from taxpayers. America is indeed in deep s***.

The aftermath of a disaster while the flag hangs.
Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.

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