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Our Country Is Slipping Away, but It’s Easy to Miss

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022
by Outside Contributor

When most people think of the death of democracy, they think of a terrible coup led by a mob and finally supported by a perverted military. The unsuccessful insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, fits that image. The military never got involved, but an angry crowd, encouraged by political actors, did its best. 

However, many regimes transform quietly, almost imperceptibly. The institutions that we know are still all around us. Life doesn’t seem that different when we go to the store to buy groceries. But nothing is really the same. The regime changes before people realize it because the government seems the same.

Plato talked about the difference between government and regime. The government is the structure of political order and its institutions. But the regime (politeia) is the animating principle of the government, its soul, so to speak. 

In the United States, the government is defined by three branches of government — the executive, legislative and judiciary, a written constitution, and laws that define the powers exercised by the governing bodies. But the regime is the fundamental principle of democracy and the democratic way of life. What most people don’t understand is that the shell of the government can remain familiar while the regime slips away.

As Brian Klaas points out in his recent article in The Atlantic, “When democracies start to die, they usually don’t recover. Instead, they end up as authoritarian states with zombified democratic institutions: rigged elections in place of legitimate ones, corrupt courts rather than independent judges, and propagandists replacing the press.”

Smart authoritarians don’t seek an awkward insurrection or a risky military coup. Instead, they work tirelessly from the ground up to transform a country’s institutions while claiming that they are saving the country from internal and external enemies. They quietly change seemingly minor election laws so that elections can be controlled and political opponents marginalized.  And they work to elect loyal party members to positions of modest authority so that future elections can be manipulated without a messy controversy. And all of this is done in the name of protecting election integrity.

They pack the courts with partisan, political hacks. But the courts still operate.

Nothing looks amiss on the surface. If there was a move to close our courts, people might react negatively. Better to keep them open but make sure they are incapable of rendering unfriendly decisions. And the laws that used to protect us are one by one overturned.

And they attack educational institutions to create a platform for propaganda while claiming to be protecting the schools from being used for indoctrination. They censor books in the name of protecting decency and threaten teachers’ autonomy to control what is taught. Good, hardworking, principled teachers are fired or quit their jobs in disgust, and a new cadre of authoritarian teachers slowly takes their place. 

Our schools don’t disappear; they just cease to be educational institutions. We still drive down the street and see the same school buildings and school buses. But the animating principle of the schools has changed.

The legislature still acts and passes what looks like legislation, but it is no longer a check and balance on the president’s power. It does the bidding of the president. The political party becomes an extension of presidential ambitions and desires, and the legislature only exists to promote the president’s agenda. And the same happens to the bureaucracy.

And the press. It doesn’t go away, but the campaign to delegitimize freedom of the press pushes forward daily. The press is called “the enemy of the people,” and fact-checkers are accused of partisanship. New, shady groups are established that look like the old independent press, but they are owned and operated to promote authoritarian changes. People who look like network anchors or reporters begin to proliferate, but they are tools of the authoritarian movement, not a check or balance on it. The evening news still comes on. But those in authority call the shots.

So we must be vigilant. It is not enough to judge by appearances and be comforted by the fact that our political institutions seem intact. Our regime hasn’t been preserved just because we don’t have another January 6. Our governmental institutions may still seem to be operating. The question is this: Is the animating spirit behind the government democratic or authoritarian? 

We must not allow the incremental downfall of democracy, orchestrated by behind-the-scenes efforts of democracy’s enemies. This is a time to stand up, be counted and make our voices heard.

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2 years ago

1) We are a republic, NOT a democracy. Our founders were smart enough to NOT give us a democracy, because they understood the fatal flaws that always manifest in a democracy.

2) “The unsuccessful insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, fits that image.” There was no insurrection on Jan. 6th. What we had was a protest that was intentionally amplified to give the Democrats a narrative they could beat Republicans into submission with and hopefully hang around the neck of President Trump. Show me the tens of thousands of heavily armed people that stormed the Capitol that day and all the bullet holes and massive fire damage caused by the pitched battle with authorities. Ashli Babbit, an unarmed woman, was shot by a panicked Capitol police officer.

3) I find it very interesting that AMAC selected an article by this particular author.

2 years ago

This presidency is definitely authoritarian. Joe Biden has been acting like a dictator since the day he walked into the Oval Office. This has to stop! Unless we have a Red Wave in the November elections, it may be too late to do anything about his abuse of power.

2 years ago

Do your homework…visit your local library and read good reference books on world history as it relates to all world governments. Right now there are three biggest threats to our Freedom….China .. our current administration .. and self indulgent politicians who have forgotten who sent them to Washington and why. They were never intended to make a career of government. Vote your heart on November 8th.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Instead of paying attention to what the government has been doing taking away our Constitutional Rights and Selling Out OUR COUNTRY. EVERYBODY is too busy playing with their cell phones, internet, and video games.
Keeping up with the Jones.
This is their whole plan so you won’t pay attention to what they are doing behind closed doors and in front of your face.
FAKE News (cnn) is their buddy.
And here we are because YOU weren’t paying attention and now we have a CORRUPT DICTATOR selling US out to Communist China, TERRORIST Iran, Russia, and ILLEGAL ALIENS, TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm.
We are in a DEPRESSION (FACT, just look at your wallet), ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION, Cover Up on Hunter biden and Hillary Clinton with SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and last but not least DINGBAT Communist harris. Don’t worry Crying schumer I won’t forget you too.
Not to forget above all, ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Mask, Vaccine, and Lockdown mandates and RAID on PRESIDENT TRUMP.
Can’t afford food, gasoline, medicine, and goods with OUTRAGEOUS prices which are fixing to get even HIGHER.
All this because YOU weren’t paying attention.
And a ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Presidential Election of 2020.
Are YOU paying attention now?

Elaine Fredrick
Elaine Fredrick
2 years ago

Dear AMAC:
Sorry to see you use the word “insurrection” regarding the Jan. 6 event. It was NOT an insurrection.
Definition of an insurrection: insurrection, ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən, nounThe act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government. A rising up; uprising. The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.
No one revolted. It was not a permanent situation, just a short term event with no thoughts of revolt. There was a very limited number of armed protesters, and shots were fired only by the guard who killed Ashli Babbit.

John Ziacoma
John Ziacoma
2 years ago

The only person who was killed on Jan.6 was a woman who saw something they didn’t want out. !!!

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