WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 25– The red sea of the Republican Party appears to be primed to send a tsunami of grief into the hopes of Democrats in Congress who sense that things will not go well for them come to the midterm elections in November. According to The Hill, to take control of the House of Representatives, Republicans need to flip just five seats in the 2022 midterm balloting, and already, with ten months to go, 28 House Democrats have announced they are throwing in the towel.
Geoffrey Skelley, an elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight.com, says, “Retirements won’t determine the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections in the House, but they do provide a signal that Democrats believe they are in a poor electoral position. Although politicians aren’t necessarily good pundits, their attitude is understandable considering Biden’s approval rating and the trajectory of generic-ballot polling. And more retirements could still be on the way, as only one state — Texas — has passed its candidate filing deadline, so stay tuned.”
There are two reasons why Democrats are giving up so early. For one thing, there’s a Democrat at the helm in the White House, and history shows that House members who belong to the same party as the sitting president have a tough time getting reelected. To make matters worse this time around, both the sitting president, Joe Biden, and his VP, Kamala Harris, have super low approval ratings. NPR provides the icing on the cake, reporting that “the list of retiring House Democrats includes several committee chairs, a signal that veteran lawmakers see the writing on the wall and expect to lose their gavels.”
An analysis by CNN’s White House reporter Stephen Collinson notes that “a wider battle is playing out — a generational struggle between conservatism and liberal activism that Biden appears to be losing, despite some early legislative successes, as the right’s hold on critical institutions of the US political system tightens.”
Redistricting will play a major role in the midterms, and state legislatures have already begun the process of redrawing house and senate districts. It happens every ten years for the purpose of reflecting population changes in towns and cities. So far, 27 states have already finished the redrawing process, according to FiveThirtyEight analysts.
They tell us, “At this point, redistricting has created seven more Democratic-leaning seats nationally, one more Republican-leaning seat, and six fewer highly competitive seats. However, because many of those newly blue seats are already held by Democrats, it’s actually Republicans who have gained a handful of House seats through the redistricting process so far. Republicans have also converted light-red districts into safer seats in states like Indiana, Oklahoma, and Utah. Overall, redistricting hasn’t drastically changed the House landscape so far — but that’s good news for Republicans since the old maps already tilted the House playing field in their favor.”
The hope of Democrats appears to be the legislative agenda their party proposed, which focused on the basic needs of citizens and voters, particularly the overly generous BBB, Build Back Better initiative. But as National Republican Congressional Committee Communications Director Michael McAdams told CBS News a couple of weeks ago: “Democrats are living on another planet if they think any piece of legislation is going to make voters forget the skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime and border crisis their policies created. “[They] dug themselves a hole they can’t escape, so the smart ones are calling it quits while they still can.”
Interestingly, Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark Gonzalez was also quoted in the CBS story, and, to this reader, he sounded like he was offering encouragement to call it quits. As he put it, “If you’re going to retire now, or you’re going to get out of the game, I think you’re going out on top. I think you’re providing yourself more opportunity to realize that at some point, it’s just probably better to go out.”
Yes, the Dems have seen the writing on the wall, and the coming red tsunami. Now we just need to make sure that, come November, we don’t elect any feckless Republicans! And get rid of the RINOs while we’re at it. — As for my district, I’m not worried. I have a Rep who is a proven fighter. He says what he does and does what he says!
Lots of retirements but don’t think they will retire their election cheating strategy. It’s worked well for them for 100 years or more. No reason to stop!
Dems NEVER throw in the towel. Something else is going on.
I thought this article might say that there are some Democratic leaders with a conscience, and can no longer support the thief pretending to be President and all of his horrible legislation, but NAH! that was naive of me to think there’s a Democrat with a conscience. Those kind of Democrats left the party a long time ago.
I would like to think that those folks getting out have come to realize that they are still Americans and not born Democrats.
Chap 7 the Dem Party?? Sell DNC Hqs
After their first-year rampage against America and democracy they have decided to slow down and appear to change course in hopes of attaining more votes in the mid-term election in an attempt to dupe Americans into re-electing them so they can resume their liberal agenda again. Don’t fall for their underhanded corrupt pro-CCP, BLM, and socialist tactics.
I have a hard time understanding how stupid these congresspeople are!
They know and see that the people they represent oppose what the libs are doing
but refuse to vote against Pelosi and the Squad!
Fix 2020 1st or face the same problem with election fraud and illegal ballots this year also. We the People had our Rights violated and abused in 2020, and possibly others. I live in Cass County, Michigan. Although I’m sure that actual cheating here is minimal, I’m certain that the amount of criminal ballots, illegal votes, machine tampering, and very excessive adjudication of Trump/Republican ballots happened in other certain counties, like Wayne County, and Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids. . . . But when We the People demanded Forensic audits done, we were fought by the Left-wing Leaders, and our Republican led legislative body. The Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, said that the forensic audit isn’t part of the election laws and therefore, cannot happen. Yet her partial ballot recounts of like 3% of the ballots are well enough to prove our election was safe and secure.
Consider this, at the Center Nov. 3- ? When they got done, most Republicans were not allowed in the room?
How many envelopes have No Signatures?
How many mail in ballots are not folded, different paper, different print, and not dyed by the original manufacturer?
How many dead people voted?
How many illegal aliens voted?
How much data has been removed from
Fraud or not, the courts should have looked into it. To much crookedness was evendent. Kyle L.
Retirement? From what? they have no idea what work is and now we will keep the drones in comfort because they worked so hard for their constituents . after they’ve screwed everything up they retire let someone else mop up the mess there is no other occupation where one would get away with it
The Rs did the same in 18, out of rino hatred for trump as well as not wishing to go backwards in their careers. When they go out on top, they can sell themselves more dearly then after losing or being part of a minority. Their real goal is wealth that would’ve eluded them in the private sector.
They’re retiring because the ‘FIX’ is in. They’re going to get out of the country because they know it’s just a matter of time before she sinks. All these uplifting platitudes of Republicans coming to our rescue is merely the attempt to soften the blow of our demise. Nothing is going to save this country without God intervening right now…
In addition to all of the above Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt said that this administration is in the process of getting rid of anyone in the military who agrees with many Christian organizations such as the American Family Association or Alliance Defending Freedom. Apparently they think that they can control those in the military more if Christians are out of it.
I don’t know Republicans , doesn’t seem to be that many fighters in the party. once you get into office all you guys do is yak. We need Fighters !!!!!
I believe it is getting closer and closer for the time for empreashment of Biden. What does not make sense to me is Biden is not a king. So why can’t we over ride him and get the border closed
Dems NEVER throw in the towel. Something else is going on.
I thought this article might say that there are some Democratic leaders with a conscience, and can no longer support the thief pretending to be President and all of his horrible legislation, but NAH! that was naive of me to think there’s a Democrat with a conscience. Those kind of Democrats left the party a long time ago.
I would like to think that those folks getting out have come to realize that they are still Americans and not born Democrats.
Chap 7 the Dem Party?? Sell DNC Hqs
After their first-year rampage against America and democracy they have decided to slow down and appear to change course in hopes of attaining more votes in the mid-term election in an attempt to dupe Americans into re-electing them so they can resume their liberal agenda again. Don’t fall for their underhanded corrupt pro-CCP, BLM, and socialist tactics.
I have a hard time understanding how stupid these congresspeople are!
They know and see that the people they represent oppose what the libs are doing
but refuse to vote against Pelosi and the Squad!
Fix 2020 1st or face the same problem with election fraud and illegal ballots this year also. We the People had our Rights violated and abused in 2020, and possibly others. I live in Cass County, Michigan. Although I’m sure that actual cheating here is minimal, I’m certain that the amount of criminal ballots, illegal votes, machine tampering, and very excessive adjudication of Trump/Republican ballots happened in other certain counties, like Wayne County, and Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids. . . . But when We the People demanded Forensic audits done, we were fought by the Left-wing Leaders, and our Republican led legislative body. The Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, said that the forensic audit isn’t part of the election laws and therefore, cannot happen. Yet her partial ballot recounts of like 3% of the ballots are well enough to prove our election was safe and secure.
Consider this, at the Center Nov. 3- ? When they got done, most Republicans were not allowed in the room?
How many envelopes have No Signatures?
How many mail in ballots are not folded, different paper, different print, and not dyed by the original manufacturer?
How many dead people voted?
How many illegal aliens voted?
How much data has been removed from
Fraud or not, the courts should have looked into it. To much crookedness was evendent. Kyle L.
Retirement? From what? they have no idea what work is and now we will keep the drones in comfort because they worked so hard for their constituents . after they’ve screwed everything up they retire let someone else mop up the mess there is no other occupation where one would get away with it
The Rs did the same in 18, out of rino hatred for trump as well as not wishing to go backwards in their careers. When they go out on top, they can sell themselves more dearly then after losing or being part of a minority. Their real goal is wealth that would’ve eluded them in the private sector.
They’re retiring because the ‘FIX’ is in. They’re going to get out of the country because they know it’s just a matter of time before she sinks. All these uplifting platitudes of Republicans coming to our rescue is merely the attempt to soften the blow of our demise. Nothing is going to save this country without God intervening right now…
In addition to all of the above Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt said that this administration is in the process of getting rid of anyone in the military who agrees with many Christian organizations such as the American Family Association or Alliance Defending Freedom. Apparently they think that they can control those in the military more if Christians are out of it.
I don’t know Republicans , doesn’t seem to be that many fighters in the party. once you get into office all you guys do is yak. We need Fighters !!!!!
I believe it is getting closer and closer for the time for empreashment of Biden. What does not make sense to me is Biden is not a king. So why can’t we over ride him and get the border closed