
WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 7 — Socialists had big grins on their faces when the Democrats took control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives last year. They saw it as the beginning of the end for capitalist America, which they aimed to replace with a 21st-century version of a “people’s republic.” So, to get the ball rolling, they put together a multi-trillion-dollar spending plan the likes of which has never been seen before.
Not to worry, they said when asked how can we afford to pay for all the socialist goodies in their grab bag. We’ll raise taxes on big businesses and wealthy individuals; they told the proletariat. Their smiles got bigger as they assured the public that they won’t increase taxes on the little guys and that, in fact, there are all kinds of freebies for workers and their families that they can’t wait to dole out. That’s when their smiles turned into full-fledged liars’ grins, thinking that they had put one over on us.
But Americans are not so dumb as our would-be socialist overseers might have you think. We all know that the very wealthy and corporations don’t necessarily worry about taxes; they have the means to avoid them.
The richest individuals can simply give up their citizenship and move to the nearest tax haven. According to the Wall Street Journal, “In the past decade, nearly 37,000 Americans expatriated, according to the Federal Register, the official journal of the federal government, which publishes the list of names quarterly … But this year promises to set a record.”
As for corporations, the Tax Foundation says, “before deciding that the corporate income tax is a good way for the government to raise revenue, we should consider who bears the burden of the corporate tax. This is a difficult question on which economists disagree, but one thing is certain: People pay all taxes. When the government levies a tax on a corporation, the corporation is more like a tax collector than a taxpayer. The burden of the tax ultimately falls on people—the owners, customers, or workers of the corporation.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the leaders of the socialist movement in Congress, and since the Democrats came to power, she’s been encouraging millennials to join her ranks, promising them free health care, free housing, tuition-free college, etc.
Laughably AOC, as she is called, is also promising them “the same thing Hugo Chavez promised now starving Venezuelans,” says The Federalist. That publication notes that Chavez became president of Venezuela “on promises that could have come from Ocasio-Cortez.”
Bear in mind that, prior to Chavez, Venezuela was arguably the richest country in Latin America. But, under socialist control, its economy unraveled.
In a recent article published on the Townhall Website, senior editor Matt Vespa recently posted an article describing the current fate of that once prospering nation. In his article, he graphically described the socialist poverty in which Venezuelans now live:
“There are rolling blackouts. Zoos are being raided by the people for food. Trash cans are being sifted for food. Venezuelans have eaten their pets. Teachers and members of the nation’s educated class have been relegated to prostitution to get food. It’s a total mess. Chavez is long dead, but his successor, Nicolas Maduro, still peddles the failed policies of the past. So, after over a decade of 21st-century socialism, what are the results? How about extreme poverty?” So, where did all of Venezuela’s oil wealth go? Author and commentator Dinesh D’Souza says in a New York Post Opinion article that the elites who foisted socialism on the nation continue to make big bucks. While the country’s people live in life-threatening destitution, socialist leaders are “living high on the hog … the current ruler Maduro goes on European soirees with his socialist top guard, and Hugo Chavez’s daughter is the richest woman in Venezuela with a net worth exceeding $1 billion.”
Who does this surprise ? Only the fools who think Marxism is the answer.
See Rep Maxine Mouth Waters: has mansion BUT lives outside district But district in poor
The GOP and Republican (Lackey/Rino) Party in now over four (4) years late for Work!!!! There were No Charges and/or Prosecution brought against Obma, The Clinton Klan, The O’Biden Family Corruption, George Soros and all the others !!!!
This was condoned on the basis of “Political Correctness” !!!!! Now look at what you left us with, a Fraudulent and Criminal Presidential Regime !!!! It is now long past the proper time to Aggressively Act. Better Late Then Never !!! Please For Our True America Find The Courage and Fortitude to Act !!! Like Article 5 !!!! If You do Not Do So Our True America will Be Lost to These Unethical Tyrants !!!!
This ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is being UN-Lawfully Allowed By the Radicalized Far Left Fraudulent and Criminal “President” O’Biden Regime !!!! They are using this to Bring Down and Destroy Our Economy, Our National and Personal Security, Our Health Care System and Our Educational System !!!! They will Likely be Allowed To Vote “As Non Citizens” !!!! With No Means Of Support they will be Subsidized at Tax Payer Expense !!!
Then we have the Recent Afghanistan Serious Issues !!!! Before Afghanistan Fell China, O’Biden’s Ally, moved to offer support To The Taliban. Then The O’Biden Regime Just Up And Left Afghanistan with Our Citizens, Our 51 Service Dogs and Billions of Dollars Worth Of State of The Art Military Hardware, Supplies and Owe Base Facilities for China and The Taliban !!!! Just Connect The Dots to See How Our True America Was and Is Being Destroyed By this Evil Fraudulent O’Biden Regime !!!!
The Righteous Right Republican (Lackey/RINO) Party Must Stop Trying to Out Raise The Radicalized Far Left With George Soros and all His Elitist Henchmen, Both Foreign and Domestic Supporters !!!
Instead, Start Thinking Out Of The Box !!!! Everything that Has Been and is Being Done By The Radicalized Far Left Socialists Is Anti-American, Against Our Economy, Our National and Personal Security, Our Bill Of Rights, Our Constitution and Our True American Values !!!! To Begin With, Get to Work Prosecuting such as Obama, The Clinton Klan, The Biden Criminal Family, George Soros and all the others !!! Re-Establish Our Rule Our Laws and Our Constitution !!! Get To Work Re-Establishing Our Fraudulent Media !!! Gain Greater Respect From The Voting Public By Renewing Our Righteous American Voting Ethics !!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” and From China !!!! Where is the Justice Within America ?!?!?!
“scalding” TRUTH, which I am very grateful for. Too many have verbally “soft-stepped”, trying to use words that did not sound as NASTY as the reality of dems is. . . . PRAYER to The One & Only True God Is the ONLY way to flip all these horrendous things into the GOOD that God Desires. Please read & study His Bible: Begin with Matthew thru Revelation. You’ll be glad you did.
The left has been very smart and patient pulling this off, they have over the last 40 years taken over our education system capturing the hearts and minds of our youth. If we do not turn this around and do it soon, our country will be lost without a shot being fired.
The author writes “But Americans are not so dumb as our would-be socialist overseers might have you think. We all know that the very wealthy and corporations don’t necessarily worry about taxes; they have the means to avoid them.” I beg to differ. The Americans that did vote for the Socialist party and its candidates are indeed as dumb as their would-be overseers think they are. The proof being that If this group of American voters weren’t that dumb, then none of these Socialists would be holding positions of power currently.
The author then writes “Laughably AOC, as she is called, is also promising them “the same thing Hugo Chavez promised now starving Venezuelans,” says The Federalist.” Yes, virtually every Democrat in 2020 ran on a party platform that could have come directly from the one Hugo Chavez and other Marxists have run on in the past. It was pure socialism using the same language that convinces many other countries to willingly surrender their rights and freedoms for the promise of a “free” handout. Thus proving the point that indeed a substantial percentage of the American population is truly dumb enough to vote for their own demise.
Socialism only rewards those at the very top of the government, who then become inordinately wealthy through the confiscation of all the private wealth of the nation they lead. Everyone else is pretty left to forage for scraps in garbage dumps and empty stores. Thus delivering to the people real economic and social justice of socialism in the form of universal poverty and misery for the masses.
Great article. AOC does not realize Nothing is Free. Did she give out free drinks when she was a bartender??? How the heck did she get elected? What idiots voted for her? Hard work goes into paying for things, not to mention one’s growth in personal integrity and being responsible. Strange how the corrupt political officials Dem Communists and RINOS are salivating to destroy our Great Country and capitalism, while they stand in line to make financial gain from this. Kind of Like what John Wayne said when asked where are you going with those prisoner: They should all be given a fair and speedy trial then imprisoned or executed in this case for their traitorous efforts to destroy our Constitution and Great Country. I still do not recognize Traitor Joe Biden as President. I truly believe this was a voting scam and all those behind this undermining of America need to be Prosecuted.
History DOES repeat itself! . . . And it will here again in America. The dummying down of at least half the population, that is the ones that vote “Democratic”. And Now that LYING BIDEN is filling America with thousands of low intellect illegals to vote “Democratic” in gratitude for citizenship and “freedom”. So with half the People stupid and most of the other half gutless, i fear that America is lost!
Unless, and it’s a hu-u-uge Unless, We the People decide to take action and FIGHT TO KEEP OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS!
Nothing new under the sun.
Instant gratification and gullibility have become the norm rather than the realization that to become successful one actually needs to put in some effort. Scamming others by “influencing” and having over a million “friends” is the new goal, plus getting all that “free stuff” from the government. When all the “free stuff” runs out, these same people will be crying with their hands out for more because they are”entitled” to have it. All these “socialists” leaders better have a place to hide when stuff runs out because the mass of benefits-dependent people aren’t going to accept being left with nothing.
Some time ago (memory fails me), someone said if America fails, it will collapse from within.
We are watching history unfold right in front of us.
Ever hear of the “Judas Sheep?” That is what devilish politicians like Ortez are – they lure the ignorant sheep to the slaughter and at the end they step aside and save themselves. This is what the communists have done since Marx placed the real opium of the people in their mouths! What is the “opium?” Free everything and no toil, no struggles – NO FREEDOM. In the end the promise is filled with never ending poverty and chains!
What is driving the DemocRats is not “SOCIALISM’ …. the governance pattern that the DemocRats are pushing is “COMMUNISM.” Socialism will only work halfwell and for a relatively small group of citizens tied to a religion to come up with standards for behavior and conduct or it surrenders to Religious domination. In Communism, a ruling body consisting of a small group of influential (rich, wealthy mostly) that use their laws to subjugate the people and is usually headed by a single strong personality leader, like a Ho Chit MIn or a Mao Tse Dung. Naziism it a diseased form of Communism but with a very close in principal twith a Communistic Monarchy type super pugilistic leader.(e.g. Hitler). It is hard to distirnguish twist Naziism and Communism…..
You hit the nail on the head. Socialists are trying to take over the country.
Side note to this article: POTUS can give pardons & Trump pardoned more than one person that was charged with income tax evasion. If you look back, I am sure that others have been pardoned for income tax evasion —- so what does this tell you about what our leaders believe about our tax system.
A brother has told me I must think half the population is stupid because half of them voted for personality rather than policy. I told him he must be right. This was the most asinine election this country ever experienced. I share as many Biden dumb actions as I can with my Facebook friends, especially those who savaged Trump. I haven’t yet asked why they were so stupid. During the campaign, one of them asked “how dare I” must derogatory comments about Biden. I hope he sees the before 2022 or he’s going to think I’m evil.
Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury wants the middle class tax payers to turn over their bank records. That is anything over $600. Hum, I knew they were not going after the RICH.
let them eat cake!!!
The gross immorality of human beings to do this to a country and to other human beings! And it’s utterly amazing, that Venezuela is siting on top of approximately one trillion barrels of oil. How’s that green new deal working out for you, Venezuela?
No different that the alleged comment of Marie Antoinette when told the people had no bread: “Let them eat cake!” As long as they have theirs, who gives a **** about the rest of us?
What makes me maddest of all is that Biden’s approval ratings are still 38%. I cannot imagine that there are still so many buffoons willing to say this degenerate excuse of a human being is doing a good job. May the Lord be merciful to us.
Don’t like capitalism? Study what it means & how it works; people who invest (risk) their money are rewarded when that business profits. Get involved in it! Teach our children & grandchildren how they too can become more prosperous by _investing_ in America. Microinvesting doesn’t take riches to (maybe) make riches. Learn some macroeconomics regarding wealth creation in America. It’s for EVERYone! Learn how to manage one’s capital resources. Learn why debt is generally a disaster. The reputable resources are mostly free. Pass on the KNOWLEDGE to the younger ones NOW, more so than just money in a last will & testament.
How about we all contribute to a fund for the purpose of paying for plane tickets for those who like the socialist/communist way of life. And send them to Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea. The caveat being they denounce their U. S. citizenship
Promise everything and give heartache!!!
The people who are running our country are ruining our country! God Bless America and bring us through this administration unscathed!
The saddest thing about clueless and misguided people is that they never realize they are, until it is too late. “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, and respects not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.” Psalm 40:4
Every time AOC and the rest of her socialist pals put the word “free” in front of something (free tuition, free health care, etc.) THEY’RE LYING! Government does not, has not and will not give away anything for free. Taxpayers (and not just the rich ones) will inevitably pay for it all in the form of higher taxes and higher prices for goods and services than they’re currently paying. When the socialists claim that everything they’re promising us will be paid for by only taxing millionaires, billionaires, big corporations and anyone making more than $400,000, again THEY’RE LYING! The things they’re promising us cannot be paid for only by taxing the “very wealthy” because even if they take 100 percent (not a suggestion) of everything they make, it still will not pay for everything. Eventually and inevitably EVERYONE will be paying more of they’re not already.
Everything that I have been predicting about the democratic party for the last three decades is coming true. A blind man could see it coming, you don’t have to be a history major to recognize the signs of socialism and communism. Anyone can gather intelligence just by watching documentaries or reading magazine articles or short biographies on the subject. Part of my military training was to write an essay on the influence of communist Russia on the world. I didn’t score very well on my essay, but the research made me aware of the communist plot. The serious gravitation towards socialism started in the Clinton years and the GOP stopped it. So, the Dem’s found someone good looking and charismatic in Obama who could appeal to the masses and hypnotize them, so they could restart the socialists campaign. Hillary Clinton was going to take it a step further and ease the citizens into autocratic rule. But the GOP stopped them again. That seriously upset the rich and powerful autocrats and they implemented a full out unrestricted propaganda campaign to defeat not just Trump, but all traditional likeminded Americans. Now we the people are in the fight of our life to keep our free republic! Citizens who support progressive left ideology think that they are going to get rich quick. If the progressives take over the government, the misinformed and indoctrinated will soon realize that they had been duped! Freedom or Free Stuff, it’s our choice, but we can only have one or the other, not both!
“Favor us, Lord Jesus, and deliver us from evil. Lord, come quickly and help us. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever more. Amen.”
AOC is NOT a political representative of any voter …unless it might be a horny DemocRat, an total idiot, a monied guy that wants to be intimate with her for her bod, or a social scientist that wants to study on how an incompetent sexy looking barkeeper can convince people to support he nutty agenda.
Anything is possible in The Age of Stupid.