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OPINION: Boxer was “Mugged by Reality;” Trump Explains What Reality is All About

Posted on Wednesday, August 4, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 4 — We didn’t hear her Democratic colleagues decrying the fact that Barbara Boxer had been mugged. Nor did we hear the liberal mainstream media condemning what happened to the 80-year-old former Senator last week when she was savagely assaulted in broad daylight in Oakland, CA. Fortunately, Ms. Boxer was not badly hurt, but the assailant stole her cell phone and got away.

Interestingly, According to Fox News, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC have ignored the story entirely while CBS has only given it seven seconds.

However, CNN’s Erin Burnett gave the story an important play and, in doing so, acknowledged the fact that President Donald Trump may have been the first public figure to issue a statement about the incident. It was a rare thing for such a liberal network.

Perhaps Ms. Boxer’s former colleagues in Congress and their sycophant news outlets didn’t want to bring attention to the fact that progressive socialist lawmakers who have infiltrated the Democratic Party are responsible for the surge in violent crime that is sweeping the Country with their calls to defund the police. Oakland, of course, did just that last month, despite appeals from the town’s police and its mayor.

It seems the cops were promised a $27 million budget increase, but the City Council diverted more than half of that amount — $18.5 million, to be exact. That means police jobs would be lost at a time when the city is struggling to deal with a rising crime rate. But fear not, the funds will be put to good use: to fund its Department of Violence Prevention, which “applies a public health approach to violence prevention.” The police would have been able to hire 50 police officers to patrol the streets. Good luck with talking criminals into giving up their lives of crime.

According to the New York Post, “In Oakland, murders were up 47 percent in 2020 over 2019; so far, 2021 looks to be much worse than 2020.”

Meanwhile, it appeared for a while there that the only voice of reason who wanted to talk about Ms. Boxer’s encounter with a mugger was that of President Donald Trump. He was quick to bring attention to her attack. The former Senator took her time to react to Mr. Trump’s acknowledgment of her firsthand, unfortunate encounter with violent crime, and her “thanks” to the former president was decidedly ungracious.

“He has no standing,” she said.

But Mr. Trump does have standing and had lots to say:

“We must give power back to police or America will never be safe. We cannot let Communist Democrats destroy our great cities. If we don’t stop them, our communities and our Country will be lost forever.

“Today, it is the least secure in our history with criminals illegally flooding into our Country—many spreading COVID into our communities—and other countries’ prisons being emptied into our neighborhoods. America needs law and order, not defunding the police. We need our police back. America should and can be safe!”

A Washington insider reminded AMAC News that five decades or so ago, the liberal position on crime led to a huge increase in the numbers of crimes. Just like Ms. Boxer and her like-minded associates today, back in the day, they also had a better way to deal with criminals. They may not have been as anxious as they are today to remove the police from the equation. But they embraced the notion that criminals are motivated by “root social causes” instead of anger, avarice, and an appetite for lawless behavior.

As a result, the people wind up with Departments of Violence Prevention, leaving them to fend for themselves with crime on the rise yet again.

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3 years ago

She, Mad Max-ene, Feinstine and NAZI-Pelozie asked for this in their OWN words!
What goes around… comes around!

3 years ago

Oh my did he have a Red Hat? Like any young thug would have any idea who she is anyway. Join the real world Barbara!

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

These special ‘queens’ all need to experience reality. Queen maxine NEXT.

3 years ago

I shared this story to Facebook but it doesn’t show there. It only invites people to join AMAC. The story should show first, then offer a subscription toward the bottom of the story. I won’t share anything else.

David Brown
David Brown
3 years ago

I guess I’m a bad person, for I take joy in every bad incident that befalls these evil, America-hating, socialist/communistic, globalist demoncrats! Joe-tard and Harris are in a big hurry to destroy America, and occasionally we get to see one of their own meet Karma/Justice.

3 years ago

Maybe Ms. Boxer was just unknowingly caught up in an episode of Bully Beat Down. She is, after all, a leftist bully.

3 years ago

Glad I don’t live in one of these crime ridden liberal run sh!tholes. I do miss my great President Trump and love when he has things to say about current events. KAG

3 years ago


Let her eat cake!

3 years ago

This is the best news we have gotten in a long time.
I hope Pelosi and Maxene are next.

3 years ago

But will she be tired into a conservative? That’s what they say about liberals mugged by reality

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

When stupidity raises it ugly head it easy to spot, it comes in several form, but looks the same and it all has Communism written all over it, but, comes with several different names,
it has titles like Democrat, the Left, Woke, BLM ( Burn, Loot, Murder) ANTIFA (Arrogant, Nerds, Turds Idiots, Freaks and A##holes), Planned Parenthood, these groups spread the same lies and are given legitimacy by a failed News system with labels like CBS, ABC, NBC, MSDNC, AND CNN, AND 90 % of print media, has no Credibility at all and is only fit to line bird cages or in a pinch can be used in out house. the left will never admit their failures and we must remind each other that the above groups can not be trusted for anything dealing with America greatness.
GOD SAVE AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

What a joike. Now more basketball courts.

3 years ago

Why do you think that there has been a surge in gun ownership, even by democrats? These people are crazy

3 years ago

Trump is right “We must give power back to police or America will not be safe” Not sure if his comment of COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS is true of all in that party & just adds to division in this country. This story is about a Senator, but how about all of the innocent people in cities all over the US that are being attacked. They are not Senators , but they are American citizens. How could any city think it will be safer when they cut funds & people in police dept.

George Serniuk
George Serniuk
3 years ago

The constitution does not require any kind of background examination for anyone seeking public office or those being appointed by someone in office. To carry a gun for protection, you need to comply with all sorts of regulations, etc. They all need background checks. Lier’s should all have a date with the guillotine. We are not tough enough on crime.

3 years ago

What Boxer got was ‘justice’. A fitting response to the Left’s long-term committment to division, disharmony, strife, and authoritarianism.

3 years ago

Plus the shooter of a house robber goes to prison for defending his family. It is terrible how the left defines police, yet they have security for themselves and their family. It is just crazy!!

Frank Ascolese
Frank Ascolese
3 years ago

Trump does it again; “a blinding flash of obvious”

3 years ago

Apparently Ms. Boxer is so entrenched in her animosity and left-wing ideology that she cannot even accept Donald Trump’s acknowledgement of her mugging or that her own party and the MSM never said a word! So, where is their ‘transparency’ and openness??? What a bunch of liars and deceivers. Way to go Donald Trump. You are still a hero; thank you.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

I keep wondering what would have happened if the police had captured the chap who mugged Boxer, stole her phone and left her in a heap on the street? Would he have gotten bail? Would he even been charged? Would he have been given a “good talking to” by the social workers? Inquiring minds want to know.

3 years ago

We need to defund ALL of the security needs of the politicians so they experience what ordinary Americans have to deal with.

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