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A New Crime Wave Is Breaking Records Maybe It’s Time For A Defend The Police Crusade

Posted on Monday, July 5, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, July 5 — Crime across the U.S. is surging at rates that have not been seen in 100 years and Democrats, led by their progressive socialist colleagues in Congress, can’t understand why.  Duh!  Perhaps it has something to do with the way they vilify the police, the loathing they express for the cops who protect us and their insidious calls to “defund the police.”

Instead, they are now making the absurd allegation that it is Republicans who want to shortchange the police.  The White House said so just a few days ago.  In an interview with Fox News, Director of Public Engagement Cedric Richmond, shamelessly stated: “Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says ‘defund the police.  But the truth is, they defunded the police.”

But voters know who to blame for the crime surge — insurgent Democrats.  Arguably the Washington Post and ABC News are not too kind to Republicans but they did a survey recently that shows voters believe crime is a top of the mind issue for them  than at any time in the past 20 years believe that crime is an “extremely serious” or “very serious” problem, according to the Internet news site, The Hill.  The report found that “President Biden, in particular, [has reason] to worry about the poll’s findings.  It indicated that 48 percent of adults disapprove of the way he is dealing with crime, while only 38 percent approve.”

Director Richmond sought to put the blame on the GOP for the Defund the Police movement.  He claimed that the proof is in the fact that they would not support the so-called American Rescue Plan, boondoggle legislation that, according to the Biden Treasury Department, would provide $21.6 billion for states, territories, and local governments to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 crisis.

But a better definition was provided by Townhall’s Katie Pavlich in an Opinion article she wrote: “When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked to name a single Republican who voted against the American Rescue Plan specifically in order to defund the police, she couldn’t do it. They don’t exist. The package was rejected because additional Wuhan coronavirus relief wasn’t needed, and it was packed full of Democrat pet projects.”

It’s no wonder that the Democrats do not want to own the mantra, Defund the Police.  But it’s unlikely that miscreant lawmakers, including Reps. Ilhan Omar [D-MN], Rashida Tlaib [D-MI], Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [D-NY] and Ayanna Pressley [D-MA], to name just four, are ready to give up their attack on law and order.  They have proudly, loudly and consistently denigrated the police, calling them the bad guys and demanding that they all be fired.  Ms. Tlaib recently blasted this message on social media: “I am done with those who condone government funded murder. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.”

On the other hand, the Republican have been preaching that instead of defunding the cops, we need to Defend the Police with the goal of a return to the days when citizens in cities big and small could sleep peacefully at night.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration harbors executives who are openly anti-police including two who are ironically employed by the Justice Department: Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke and Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta.  Ask them today and they’ll deny that they are in the ranks of those who want to cripple police.  But there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.

In an Opinion article of her own, Ms. Clarke wrote that “Among activists and local governments, the meaning of “defund the police” ranges from reining in municipal police budgets to complete police abolition. For example, a majority of the Minneapolis City Council pledged to “dismantle” their police force.”

As for Ms. Gupta, in a letter she sent to the Senate Committee during a Judiciary Oversight Hearing on police use of force she wrote: “This moment of reckoning requires leaders, together with communities, to envision a new paradigm for public safety that respects the human rights of all people. That means not just changing policing practices, but shrinking the footprint of the criminal legal system, including police, in Black and Brown people’s lives. And it means shifting our approach to public safety away from exclusive investments in criminalization and policing, toward investments in economic opportunity, education, health care, and other public benefits.”

All of this messaging apparently resonated and more than 20 cities across the country reduced police budgets.  Top among them, according to Bloomberg News, were Austin, TX, New York City, Minneapolis, Seattle and Denver.  Austin made the biggest cut, 33%.  New York and Minneapolis, cut budgets by 14.8%, Seattle by 11.2% and Denver by 9.8%.  It didn’t work out so well, as the new crime wave suggests.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are desperately trying to downplay the new spike in violent crime, at least in Chicago.  Mayor Lori Lightfoot, for example, got into a squabble with a reporter during a press conference last week when she claimed “crime is on the decline. All of our major indices show a decline in our crime and our homicides and our shootings year over year are down.”

But data from both the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times challenge her assessment.

Tracking by the Tribune shows that nearly 200 more residents were shot in the streets of the Windy City this year than last year– 1,587 people so far in 2021 versus 1,392 in the same period in 2020.  Meanwhile, the Sun-Times reported that “there have been at least 317 homicides in Chicago this year, up from 302 this time last year.  Last year ended with 775 homicides, an increase of more than 50% from 506 murders in 2019.”

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3 years ago

Bottom line, Democrats are liars. We cannot allow these vile politicians to take our second amendment rights away. Those who choose to use their firearms against the innocent should face the death penalty. We must enforce existing laws and get serious about crime.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Refund the Police & or OK Vigilantes in interim until Manned up & change PD culture

3 years ago

This crime wave is deliberately being encouraged by the left in order for the “sheeple” to finally cry “uncle” and want a national police force, which is exactly what the communists want!!!

3 years ago

“If you tell a lie once, it’s a lie, tell it a thousand times, it becomes the truth.” I forgot who said this, but the Dems and the MSM know it works!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

The Republicans had nothing to do with defunding the police – it is the democratic socialists and the liberal left – the ones who are doing all the rioting, etc. This rioting and blaming the police has to stop or we will not have policemen left to answer our calls for help. I, for one, appreciate the police and think they are being maligned by the left.

3 years ago

Democrats are ruining the best country on earth.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

The Audacity of the Communist/Democrats to spin a poisonous web of ‘Lies and Deceit’. They honestly think that ANYBODY is going to believe; that the Republicans started the demonization of police this last campaign? Next, they will be saying that the Republicans, were behind the destruction of Our Founding Father’s Statues. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary.

3 years ago

The reality is, there is nothing democratic about democrats. They are communists.

3 years ago


Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

Defund the Dumdocrats and imprison the SQUAD!

3 years ago

“…shrinking the footprint of the criminal legal system, including police, in Black and Brown people’s lives. And it means shifting our approach to public safety away from exclusive investments in criminalization and policing, toward investments in economic opportunity, education, health care, and other public benefits.”
This could happen. But not until black and brown people decide to live by the same rules the rest of the populace does. No need for an argument. It is a fact. Across the nation, the majority of the crime is committed by blacks Always has been, always will be. Until they take responsibility for their actions and live as others, by preparing themselves for work and then getting a job, there will be no change. A segment of the black community stands as proof of this. They have exerted themselves, gotten an education, gone on and worked for a career and made something of themselves just as others. But then you have the ones who have bought into the Democrats ploy of “victimhood” claiming they are the victims of “whitey” and have no control over the lives. These will never be allowed at the table. They have not earned that right nor the respect of the rest of the populace. So get over it. We need that thin Blue Line to protect the ones who work for a living and pay taxes. In fact, if were left to me, if you could not prove you paid taxes, you would not vote.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

I suggest we change what we say when claims do not match facts: we should not call those making the “claims” liars. Use different words but present facts with the words for example “making stuff up” or “fictional account.” It is easy to understand Lori Lightfoot’s discomfort. Making excuses is what people do when they do not have what it takes to lead the people out of the wilderness that earlier bad decisions created. These excuses smart people quit making in third grade. It is hard to hold out for leaders when our best people do not run for office.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

I am puzzled. I guess at 81 I haven’t been around long enough to understand why it is when a police officer (they are black and white) shoots a black person in the line of duty the marches start. The signs go up. America’s number one bottom feeder, the phony baloney good Rev. Al comes from under his rock, yet when scores of innocent people of color are gunned down on the streets of our cities on any given weekend by teen blacks with guns? It rates little outrage. I guess black lives matter only when a white cop shoots a black person. Blacks killing blacks? That’s just a cultural issue.
Yes Mr President, it’s those nasty Republicans who are trying to undo our law forces.
Yesterday, I think it was, I saw Mitch McConnell, Jim Jordan, and Kevin McCarthy walking the streets of D C. with signs reading, “DEFUND THE POLICE NOW!”
I then woke up from my nightmare.
Mr President, you remain in the middle of your delusional dream.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago



aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

No. Let all the police in all those “metro” areas lateral to safer areas for THEM. I want to see these turd brains all kill each other. Then when THEY are all dead, the citizens can move back into a safe city. Yeah, let those gangs and Soros funded communists / terrorists knock each other off. May god NOT have mercy on their souls if they bleed out to rural areas. They will be ‘greeted’ if they do.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

About time people living in these cesspool cities wake up and demand change from their local non leaders. For the most part crime is a local issue and dealt with by local police. If Minneapolis wants to defend their PD, that’s their issue. If the people of Minneapolis allow it, then the whole city can collapse and I could care less..

3 years ago

Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Marxists… whatever banner they fly, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between them; They are not Americans in any way that matters. You can identify them because they ALL wear “Democrat clothing”… except for the RINOs… who ‘try’ to pass themselves off as Republicans…. they may as well be naked!
As for “President Walter” (made famous by Jeff Dunham), he has no “worries”. The guy must first be able to “think” in order to be able to “worry”. The physical likeness between Biden & “Walter” is SHOCKINGLY UNCANNY ! Just as ventriloquist Jeff Dunham speaks for the actual “Walter”, Obama ‘speaks’ for Biden, in his efforts to finish “transforming America”, as he began to do in 2009 as the first blatantly “UN”American President.
Most Americans KNOW what happened with the 2020 Presidential Election. There is NO doubt, voters did NOT elect Biden !!!! Personally, I am beyond frustrated, because if all of the Democrat’s lawless cloak & dagger tactics are not irradiated, THERE WILL NEVER AGAIN BE RELIABLE ELECTION RESULTS. We will become just another “shit hole” on the face of the earth.
If our nation pulls out of this downward spiral, it will truly be a miracle of mercy shown to us by God Almighty Himself.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Shoot their sorry ass down in the street is whats needed. Wake up libs. All your social talk is never gonna fix this problem. You social libs need a attitude change.

3 years ago

Obey the law dumb ass. All my life a segment of our citizenry has opposed the norm. Hats should face forward, pants should cover your butt, English should be respected and not changed into some foreign language with meanings obscured by anti American linguist. Bottom line about America and those who love this country, if you don’t like it, leave. And where ever you go, try to pull half of your disrespectful moronic acts. Let me know how that goes.
One more thing, we need to get out and vote these so called representatives into retirement ASAP. They are there to represent the majority, you know the old saying majority rules, must make a come back.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

All I can say is arm yourselves, because the Demonrats on left will let crime sore out of control, so they can pass more Gun legislation and other laws to take away more of your rights and freedoms. They could careless about how many of Americans are killed in our streets, too them the more the that die, the more laws they can pass, gun control is not , I repeat, gun control is not crime control, not one gun control law has saved one life and I challenge them to prove it. They treat the American citizens like MUSHROOMS, feed us BS
and keep us in the dark.
I am starting to believe that the law abiding citizens of this country are cowards and have lost our way, we should be in ever street on every weekend in every town so they hear us loud and clear, and if ANTIFA, ( Anarchist, nerds, turds, idiots, freaks and a##holes ) or Black lies matter, we stand our ground.
Remember—- Those that beat their sword (guns) into plow shears, plow for those that don’t…
P.S., Which dialect of Chinees would you like to speak !!!!!!!!!!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Those that chose to defund the police now need to deal with it. They have made it an unsafe place to live.

3 years ago

I am so fed up with the federal government. The majority of those who are running our country right now are acting like spoiled children fighting over their toys! They’re spending money like there is no tomorrow and putting our country at risk by doing so. We need to step up and change things come next year. We all need to get out and vote. And please, do NOT vote without thinking long and hard on who you vote for! We CAN make a difference!!!

3 years ago

DEFEND THE POLICE isn’t new. They have deserved our support for all time. It’s these democrat-controlled cities and states that are the problem. By not enforcing the LAWS they have exacerbated tround up peaceful citizens that entered the US Capitol building on Jan 6th. he problems.
It is these ANTIFA and BLM protestors that should be rotting in jails, but, Pelosi and her ilk have instead held a witch-hunt police action to ARREST AND INCARCERATE CITIZENS who were inside the Capitol on Jan 6th. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE ON THESE ACTS AGAINST OUR CITIZENS?

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

The growing list of dysfunctional policies perpetrated by the Demsheviks against America and the American people is so long at this point that it exceeds the number of pages in most books. “Defund the Police” is so utterly stupid right out of the gate that it must be rejected forthwith every time it is mentioned. Additionally, any politician supporting such stupidity MUST be voted out of office as soon as possible. The survival of the country depends on it.

It is irrelevant whether one “likes” or “dislikes” the police or any other law enforcement organization. As a nation of laws, these servants of the people are there to enforce the law and provide for the security of ALL of us against those who would commit criminal acts against us.

I do not relish the concept of having to sit on my front lawn with a loaded firearm to defend my family or home from assault. However, as a veteran well trained in the use of weapons, I am fully prepared to use them if the situation ever warrants. And if it ever comes to that, I will do what I need to do, without any hesitation, and with what is called “extreme prejudice.”

3 years ago

Lies, lies and more lies from the Communist Liberal Elite….and until someone has the balls to finally bring all of them down, the rest of the country will wait and wait and hope and pray and wait, etc, etc..


3 years ago

I tried to post this article to Facebook and this is what I got back, “Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.” Guess I’m in Facebook jail again

3 years ago

Defund Police & Defund FBI are two real bad ideas , We need the police in our cities & need the FBI to counter the Cyberattacks against us before something major happens.

3 years ago

If you are a waitress in cafe, a checker at grocery store, a Walmart checker —-and you are doing your job — do you think it is right that people can storm this store & beat on you with shields, flagpoles, and crush you against door or wall?? Then why was it okay Jan 6th & is it okay that many officers injured & hardly any riot people. How can you expect people just to stand there and take that kind of violence without defending themselves.. Something is wrong with this picture if you think it is okay to attack these officers & not be breaking a law.

3 years ago

Democrat socialist marxist are stupid. Terrorist all.

3 years ago

The slogan should be to reassign the Attorney General and eliminate District attorney, the Sheriff’s Department should decide to prosecute or not to prosecute a crime then give it to a lawyer to prosecute. The D.A. is our main obstacle because that job is political.

3 years ago

We’re definitely in the end times. We have fallen so far as a nation, and the whole world for that matter, that God will be judging us. It’s His universe, and He makes the rules. Read the 10 commandments. He loves us and will forgive us because His son died on the cross for us. But we have to do our part by asking Jesus to save us, confessing our sins, and changing our ways. The bible says in revelation chapter sixteen, verses eight and nine, that the sun will be so hot it will scorch people. Now that’s climate change. But, it’s controlled by God, not humans.

John S. Rinck
John S. Rinck
3 years ago

This is a very timely, but brief article and well written. The facts are presented including individual names and quotes included as evidence. Although it is shocking to read about the level to which the democrat party has fallen, it is not surprising. Ferguson-effect was kindling, we are now in the midst of a conflagration. Democrats have lost their soul; sorry, they have just stopped being rational and are a destructive influence upon our society.

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

The 38% that of approve of Joebama’s handling of crime, must be the criminals!

3 years ago

On the other hand , maybe we should just let Democrats continue to defund the police in Democrat ruled cities . After all , they voted for the idiots who run those cities . While , during and after there were marauding gangs of Democrats rampaging through Portland Oregon , the people there voted Ted Wheeler back into office knowing of his inability to deal with the problem there . Apparently , the people of Portland approve of his inability to govern and provide safety and security for them. So, let them ‘enjoy’ what they voted for.

3 years ago

How long will it be before The Democrats mobilize the NEW GESTAPO? American
residents” (no longer citizens) are herded into cattle cars to camps who knows where? Oh!, that cannot happen can it?

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Whether it is protests or guns or foreign affairs or anything else, the DIMM plan is to attack the innocent and let the guilty go free.

Don Landis
Don Landis
3 years ago

We MUST understand that defunding the police means a rise in crimes and violence. When crimes and violence rise there will be a cry for the government to do something. What will they do? They will institute a National Police Force. Probably the National Guard. If this happens there will be no local law enforcement. We will be at the mercy of the Demonocrats (I did not misspell Demonocrats) and they campaign to make us all their slaves.

R. Burke
R. Burke
3 years ago

Difficult to make sense of all your message when you have such poor editorial standards as to allow that convoluted 3rd paragraph. Some serious problems there.

3 years ago

I would like to add that it could be (probably is) the illegal lawless immigrants, the ones who enter our country bringing along the druggies, cartel, rapists, etc. coming through our borders….what I read is about those that are being arrested and let go because the law enforcement are not able to hold them or send them back to where they came from. It seems to me that we are giving our country away. Where’s our police, sheriffs, law enforcers…their hands are being tied by the lawless government. I see where in Texas an attorney has filed papers suing President Biden and the government because of their transgressions against the U.S.A.

3 years ago

I agree with Barb, DL, PH and John and so many more of you. The Dems are letting illegals into our country by the droves and hidden within their ranks are a lot of the criminal element. And yes, the Dems in the middle of the night are bringing them to a town near you, ain’t that nice. The Dems want to defund our police, the only element here to help protect us from the criminals, then I say lets remove all security protection from Congress. Let them fend for themselves too. What hypocrites we have representing us. Of even more significance, can anyone tell me why Eric Swalwell is still on the Intelligence committee when he was dating a Chinese spy for so long. You think our Intel and national security is safe with idiots like that, let alone our home front safety! You know and I know that this Democratic government is the enemy of the people.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

How about just defunding the crony politicians and brain-fried nitwit bureaucrats?

Steven Huskey
Steven Huskey
3 years ago

Defund politicians!

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Attacking the police, both Literally and Figuratively, is definitely Problem One, but Selective Enforcement of Laws is also a HUGE issue! If you happen to belong to any one of the endless LGBTQ-ABCDEFG groups, you are excused from your illegal behaviors. If you are a Democrat Politician, a Celebrity, an Illegal Immigrant, a Black Person, or a member of BLM or Antifa, you can break the law with impunity. Sooo, who does that leave to be arrested, oppressed, and stripped of Constitutional Liberties? White Conservatives, Asians, and Jews. We are literal TARGETS for the Left. WHY are criminal Democrat Officials walking free, while peaceful protesters who walked into THEIR Capital building on January 6th, STILL being held in jail cells under false charges? Why is there no Bond, NO news coverage of the FACT that they are Political Prisoners, and NO Due Process for THESE people?!?!? This is ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, And COMMUNIST action! Where is the OUTRAGE? WHERE is the EQUAL JUSTICE? When EVERY American, regardless of Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Title, and Fake Gender, is held personally responsible for their behaviors, we will start to see the crime rates decrease, but WE are the ONLY ones who can see to it that it happens.

Melvin Kleinschmidt
Melvin Kleinschmidt
3 years ago

Parents could be charged for juvenile crimes!

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
3 years ago

Day by day, brick by brick. What your witnessing is the purposeful, deliberate, criminal destruction of the Republic by the Democrat Communist Party with their partners in evil, the Mainstream media. And at the heart of this movement is Comrade Obama. We need a modern day Paul Revere. Their lies are so outrageous now its almost comical. Cause they know no one will be called out on anything they say.

3 years ago

Having just read the article,I wonder if the Dems are giving me permission to defend myself and my property??

3 years ago

YES! Defund the Police, divide the military into factions of Woke” versus actuality.
Americans have become blinded to the fact that this HAS happened before!
The NSDAP (NAZIS) did it extremely well! Militarized the Police and founded the GESTAPO in force. Then divided the hierarchy of The Military (Wehrmacht) into the SA then the SS groups All with CRIMIALS as leaders!

3 years ago

If you note the trend. All the city crime is with liberally run governments. My thoughts people need to wake up and smell the roses and get rid of these liberals in government.

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