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One Month Later, Democrats’ “Centrist Pivot” Is Officially Dead

Posted on Friday, April 1, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


One month ago today, President Joe Biden headed to the Capitol for his State of the Union Address in what was billed as a “centrist pivot” moment for Democrats to try and salvage the party’s hopes in November’s midterm elections. Yet in a revealing display of just how empty those words were, today’s “moderate” Joe Biden is endorsing sex change surgery for teenagers and preparing to revoke border protections during the worst border crisis in history. One month later, it seems safe to say that not only has any discernable “pivot” failed to materialize, the chance for executing any sort of run to the middle has long since passed, and the only lasting effect of the attempted change in tone appears to be deepening divides within the Democratic Party itself.

Many Americans – Republican and Democrat – were likely shocked when they heard Biden repeatedly call for funding the police, securing the southern border, and addressing bipartisan priorities like opioid addiction, standing up to China, and online privacy for children during his State of the Union last month. To be sure, the speech still contained plenty of nods to progressive priorities, most notably a call to pass his multi-trillion-dollar “Build Back Better Act” (not-so-subtly rebranded as “Build a Better America”), but overall, the remarks were clearly intended to shift Biden’s positioning toward the political center ahead of the midterms.

Of course, that did not sit well with progressives, who were immediately outraged that Biden did not spend the entirety of his speech talking about climate change, “equity,” or any number of other “existential threats” supposedly facing the country. One activist said Biden’s call to fund the police was “absolutely disgusting,” while prominent “Squad” members Cori Bush (D-MO) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) also criticized the President’s support for law enforcement.

They need not have worried. Progressivism would soon dominate the headlines again a few days later with the release of the Congressional Progressive Caucus’s “Recommendations for Executive Action” – a comprehensive list of desired Executive Orders that would achieve their longstanding goal of “remaking” America if implemented. Far from submitting to the pleas of many Democrat strategists to moderate ahead of the midterms, progressives have continued to plow ahead with their largely successful goal of radicalizing the Democratic Party. Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) has doubled down on her progressive agenda, insisting that only through more far-left policies do Democrats have any hope of retaining their majority.

But the White House and so-called “moderate” Democrats in Congress haven’t exactly done anything to translate their rhetorical pivot to the center into action, either. Along with Biden’s aforementioned actions, his $5.8 trillion budget released earlier this week includes a $2.5 trillion tax hike (the largest in history in dollar terms) and would run a deficit of $1.15 trillion, even as soaring inflation and record-high gas prices continue to devastate working families. Congressional Democrats are also still pushing for tens of billions more in COVID-19 spending, trying to sneak through a radical voting agenda, and working to pass the Build Back Better Act piecemeal ahead of the midterm elections. Hardly “moderation,” no matter the label the White House wants to put on it.

There’s also the inconvenient fact that every Democrat in Congress is still tied to their radical voting record from the past two years. As “moderate” Democrats are forced to face their voters, Republicans have slammed them for “yes” votes on policies like a federal takeover of elections (H.R. 1, the “For the People Act”), mass amnesty (the so-called “American Dream and Promise Act”), and of course the granddaddy of them all, Biden’s “Build Back Better Act.” Not to mention the fact that virtually every elected Democrat voted in favor of the uncontrolled spending that is now causing historic inflation. While Democrats from purple or even light blue districts might claim to be moderates, a similar voting record to the Squad doesn’t make for a compelling argument.

Unsurprisingly, Biden’s woeful poll numbers and Democrats’ struggles on the generic Congressional ballot have not improved at all over the past month.

Democrats’ failure to convince many people that they are willing to moderate, or are even capable of doing so, also speaks to larger problems with the Democratic brand itself. Though Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are all relics of a bygone era where Democrats were capable of advancing a more reasonable center-left platform (all were in Congress during former President Bill Clinton’s famous “triangulation” in the 1990s), they have proved wholly incapable of even coming close to that feat today.

Democrats thus appear to have passed the point of no return when it comes to salvaging their image or attempting a pivot toward the center before November’s elections. Like someone who allows a sore to fester for too long for fear that treatment may be painful, the Democratic Party is now waking up to realize that it has no hope of recovery from its radical and extremist brand with the American voter.

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2 years ago

LOL!!! Centrist pivot? Seriously? Again, another author confusing a speech given by Biden with the actions of what this administration has consistently stood for since Day One. Which is the agenda of the so-called “Progressives” (Socialists) running the show. You could give Biden a speech that recites anything you want, but that doesn’t mean either he or his administration, or for that matter the Democrats in Congress, will necessarily do anything remotely articulated in that speech. The SOTU was theater for the masses. Nothing more. The Democrat agenda remains the same as it has always been and to expect Democrats have any interest in moderating their agenda is delusional.

If Republicans want to win big in November, as they claim they want to do, they need to get off their collective butts and formulate a clear and concise set of real deliverables the American people can get behind. Not vague fluff, but specific deliverables for both the short and long term that the American people can hold them accountable to. To date, it seems most Republican Congressional candidates are almost sleep walking through campaign season. Which is NOT the way you re-take both chambers of Congress with enough votes to stop the Socialist agenda cold. The clock is ticking, and the Republicans need to stop wasting time.

2 years ago

I have given up on the Democrat Party since Obama when I saw how his depravity pervaded our society with the support of many Leftists, especially the media. When Biden blatantly ignored our border crises without any uproar from the Left, I realized the Left is hopeless. So I’m sorry to say, but this article is merely a repetition of what is already expected from Democrats and is nothing but an exercise in futility.

2 years ago

Democrats best defined as liars lying about their lies. Not much more to say on the subject.

Deborah Myers
Deborah Myers
2 years ago

I sincerely hope those who cast votes for mid term and POTUS will, in the future, research your candidates. Biden has lied and plaguarized his entire adult life. He sees himself as being our savior but is actually a narcissist. Many voted for him for the dislike of Trump and you can see where it got us. This administration is a danger to our country.

Douglas Pierovich
Douglas Pierovich
2 years ago

Nothing much to add. Biden and his handlers are pathetic excuses. Period! They don’t care about the United States, or the Constitution, or Americans. Time and again they show everyone that their only goal is to destroy what was great about this nation.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

I have said this many times before, the democratic party is over, they are on the wrong side of every commonsense issue, I mean everything from killing babies to open borders, put a fork it, it is done!!!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Yesterday, it occurred to me that every single time the government tries to “help” the people, inflation tics up, the bigger the cost of the program, the larger the inflation increase. Worse, the cost of this government “assistance” is born on the backs of those who actually pay Federal income taxes.

A study determined that 47% of all wage earners pay no Federal income taxes. I going to go out on a limb here and guess that more than a few citizens like the idea of bigger government. You know, the ones who pay no Federal taxes, plus the people who receive some form of government supported welfare.

OK, what percentage of the voters in America fall into the aforementioned category comprising of people who pay no Federal taxes, and/or receive government support? I’m pretty sure that that number is greater than 50%. Why on Earth would these people vote for less social spending? To be candid, I am amazed that the Republican candidates have gotten as many votes as they have in past elections.
That’s the main reason that you no longer hear Republican candidates talking about reducing government spending. That’s a sure fire way to lose an election.

Socialism is toxic to free societies. A little socialism is akin to a little cyanide. By the way, I came to realize this problem before yesterday, but I wanted to attract the readers who might be interested in a recent epiphany.

2 years ago

byeden was just beating a dead mule.

Amelia Little
Amelia Little
2 years ago

When people go to the polls to vote RED, they need to be sure to vote out long-term GOP’s, RINO’s, all of those who play the good ol’ boy games. It does no good to gain control of the House and Senate if GOP’s do like they have so many times–and bow down to whatever the democrats are pushing for. democrats threaten to say GOP shuts down the government when in fact, democrats shut it down because they expect (demand) GOP give in to them. There are GOP who are scared of what the democrats and media will say about them, call them. We need congressmen and women who aren’t afraid of name calling and who are more attentive to their constituents’ needs.

2 years ago

Democrats are cheats and liars. Their best show horses are Biden and Pelosi, so corrupt and so self serving.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

All Dems do is pivot LEFT

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

The thing is, Satan’s time is very short and he controls those on the Left. Remember in Revelations written about those on Christ’s left. They will be cast into the lake burning with fire and brimstone. And those on his right will be welcomed into the Kingdom of his dear Father in heaven. Satan, we were told, has a deceptive nature. As do the Progressives with their twisting of the truth for their own purposes. And since Satan is also the prince of the power of the air, the MSM is like clay in his hands. Ok, enough about him, I was informed by a minister that ‘he’ likes the attention, so just want to make my point about how the Left is being controlled by him.
Everything up until Pres. Trump, was subtle in its growth for the Progressive religious movement. Religious because they all agree as one in their design to tear the country down morally. They showed their truly demonic ways while Pres. Trump was in office. Now they have nothing to hide. They are so deceived they really believe in what they’re doing. I don’t know at this point if America will recover from this. This level of egregious sin in this country is pretty damning. I still hope and pray our God will intervene and destroy the evil one’s who are totally against him.
That’s all we can do, is repent and ask forgiveness.
God help us!

2 years ago

It’s still the dance. Same steps, different music….the ole “Potomac Two Step.” Sadly it is not just
dems who are dancing…..far too many repubs are still “stepping out” as they play the games they
play so well. If you think those clouds on the horizon are dooming….you might be right.

2 years ago

Down with this administration! We can make an enormous difference in November, providing, of course, that we can achieve a nonfraudulent election!!! God Bless America & the Ukraine

2 years ago

Where, exactly, are the Republicans and exactly what are they doing these days to short-circuit democrats’ efforts to destroy the American taxpayer? Where are they? With all that money available to them, are they not able to counteract news media efforts to mis-inform and lie? Can they not at least demonstrate their presence SOMEWHERE in this god-forsaken political landscape?

2 years ago

The Democrat party can’t pivot with a broken steering wheel unless the Republicans, only by name, actually get their collective butts in gear and get moving and stop beating ON OLD JOE. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU PROPOSING IN OPPOSITION TO THIS MAGNIFICENT PILE OF PATHETICISM???

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
2 years ago

The biden criminal enterprise needs to be shut donw NOW

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

How utterly evil ! POTUS is ENDORSING SEX CHANGE AND EVIL PRACTICES FOR CHILDREN ! NO OTHER WORLD LEADER HAS .SPOKEN OF SUCH SIN AND BLASPHEMY !!!!! Folks , if you have a family , and or love children , we HAVE TO GET RID OF THIS EVIL ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Most of the politicians in Washington have skeletons in their closets. And they try to indoctrinate and spoil newcomers so they can have something on them too.

Scott A.
Scott A.
2 years ago

Every time I see that P.O.S. In front of a microphone, and those three P.O.S’s behind him, I want to throw up…..

2 years ago

The Democratic party is morally bankrupt. Its politics are a threat to religious, economic and cultural freedom. Its supporters are ignorant, arrogant, self righteous. vain and narcissistic. They must be beaten badly and the carcass buried at sea.

2 years ago

So why not just move forward with whatever destruction they can muster between now and November!! God help us all.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Once again, empty words. Not just empty, but outright lies. The American public is so gullible that 40% of Americans still think Biden is doing a good job? He’s doing a good job of lying.

2 years ago

“democrats” are communists and communists dont pivot to the center. check your history.

2 years ago

State of the union was just another lie intended to hide the marxist democrats agenda!
Wake up America – Throw them out!

2 years ago

Biden is an unelected self serving dangerous robot. He is unpredictable. He has severe dementia. Combined with always doing the wrong thing, he needs to get out of the WH asap before the country goes 100% down the greasy chute.

Fighting Idiots Daily
Fighting Idiots Daily
2 years ago

Lies come out of his mouth daily. Even CNN is calling him out.

2 years ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Not everyone watches Fox or conservative podcasts/websites. The Big Lie is aired every night to millions of voters. The Swamp exists because a colluding media and Big Tech provides cover for it. Before that swamp can be drained, we first have to drain the one the media lives in.

2 years ago

It’s sad and a shame what Biden (just says what is put in front of him) and the Democrats are knowingly ruining our Country. Fake news media, Covid, cheating in the elections, cover ups, USA open border, high gas, inflation, war with Russia and Ukraine, giving money to other countries, is all part of their plan to bring down this Country. This has to be on purpose no one can be this stupid and ignore all of this like nothing is wrong. What is sad nothing can be done to stop it until the elections 2022. By then might be too late. ????

2 years ago

Everyone except the totally blind and deaf can see and hear what the socialist democrats truly believe. They are so hooked in to the globalist/one world agenda it would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. Any American voter that doesn’t think there is much difference between the two parties is brain dead. We have two options; freedom or socialism. How much simpler can it be? God help us if we decide socialism/Marxism is the best choice. Every election from now on will be the “most important” election. By the way, how’s this new socialism treat’n ya’ so far?

2 years ago

We have lost our country in just over one year when the Communist Control Washington took over our lives, future of our children and financially bankrupt the country. Now they want open borders so they can have a guarantee communist regime for ever. I am so thankful that I am of the age I will no longer worry about what is happening but my grandchildren will never see ownership of anything without government subsidies. Watch the same stupid people vote midterm for the same trash leading us into obliterans.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Why do you think that DICTATOR Beijing biden is letting in ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS.? So he and the FASCIST party can OVERWHELM VOTING SITES WITH ILLEGAL ALIENS to ILLEGALLY VOTE IN Midterms Elections.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

What I’m doing is letting people know they need to take their filled out ballots to their nearest voting precinct where ever they are, especially in Commicrat states that now have permanent vote by mail. I’m posting it on Meta and another platform daily and sharing my post. Telling them to watch to see how the precincts are being managed. We have to make sure things are done lawfully. I also remind them to not confront someone if it looks like what they’re doing is wrong, but to video record what is going on. This is the only way to show whether our process is fair and legal. I’m praying our elections will be fair and legal from here on out. Maybe if we all do this, more will get the message and most people won’t mail in their ballots!
I feel like it’s our last chance for this country, sad to say.

Pat R
Pat R
2 years ago

Our government has become a totalitarian oligarchy. If mid-term in Nov doesn’t change things, our only hope as Americans is 2nd Amendment right to bear arms & form a militia for just such a reason as stated there.

2 years ago

Who do you reckon is the ACTUAL President? “Biden” is unrecognizable now. NOT the same guy I remember in the $enate.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago


2 years ago

LOL!!! Centrist pivot? Seriously? Again, another author confusing a speech given by Biden with the actions of what this administration has consistently stood for since Day One. Which is the agenda of the so-called “Progressives” (Socialists) running the show. You could give Biden a speech that recites anything you want, but that doesn’t mean either he or his administration, or for that matter the Democrats in Congress, will necessarily do anything remotely articulated in that speech. The SOTU was theater for the masses. Nothing more. The Democrat agenda remains the same as it has always been and to expect Democrats have any interest in moderating their agenda is delusional.

If Republicans want to win big in November, as they claim they want to do, they need to get off their collective butts and formulate a clear and concise set of real deliverables the American people can get behind. Not vague fluff, but specific deliverables for both the short and long term that the American people can hold them accountable to. To date, it seems most Republican Congressional candidates are almost sleep walking through campaign season. Which is NOT the way you re-take both chambers of Congress with enough votes to stop the Socialist agenda cold. The clock is ticking, and the Republicans need to stop wasting time.

2 years ago

I have given up on the Democrat Party since Obama when I saw how his depravity pervaded our society with the support of many Leftists, especially the media. When Biden blatantly ignored our border crises without any uproar from the Left, I realized the Left is hopeless. So I’m sorry to say, but this article is merely a repetition of what is already expected from Democrats and is nothing but an exercise in futility.

2 years ago

Democrats best defined as liars lying about their lies. Not much more to say on the subject.

Deborah Myers
Deborah Myers
2 years ago

I sincerely hope those who cast votes for mid term and POTUS will, in the future, research your candidates. Biden has lied and plaguarized his entire adult life. He sees himself as being our savior but is actually a narcissist. Many voted for him for the dislike of Trump and you can see where it got us. This administration is a danger to our country.

Douglas Pierovich
Douglas Pierovich
2 years ago

Nothing much to add. Biden and his handlers are pathetic excuses. Period! They don’t care about the United States, or the Constitution, or Americans. Time and again they show everyone that their only goal is to destroy what was great about this nation.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

I have said this many times before, the democratic party is over, they are on the wrong side of every commonsense issue, I mean everything from killing babies to open borders, put a fork it, it is done!!!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Yesterday, it occurred to me that every single time the government tries to “help” the people, inflation tics up, the bigger the cost of the program, the larger the inflation increase. Worse, the cost of this government “assistance” is born on the backs of those who actually pay Federal income taxes.

A study determined that 47% of all wage earners pay no Federal income taxes. I going to go out on a limb here and guess that more than a few citizens like the idea of bigger government. You know, the ones who pay no Federal taxes, plus the people who receive some form of government supported welfare.

OK, what percentage of the voters in America fall into the aforementioned category comprising of people who pay no Federal taxes, and/or receive government support? I’m pretty sure that that number is greater than 50%. Why on Earth would these people vote for less social spending? To be candid, I am amazed that the Republican candidates have gotten as many votes as they have in past elections.
That’s the main reason that you no longer hear Republican candidates talking about reducing government spending. That’s a sure fire way to lose an election.

Socialism is toxic to free societies. A little socialism is akin to a little cyanide. By the way, I came to realize this problem before yesterday, but I wanted to attract the readers who might be interested in a recent epiphany.

2 years ago

byeden was just beating a dead mule.

Amelia Little
Amelia Little
2 years ago

When people go to the polls to vote RED, they need to be sure to vote out long-term GOP’s, RINO’s, all of those who play the good ol’ boy games. It does no good to gain control of the House and Senate if GOP’s do like they have so many times–and bow down to whatever the democrats are pushing for. democrats threaten to say GOP shuts down the government when in fact, democrats shut it down because they expect (demand) GOP give in to them. There are GOP who are scared of what the democrats and media will say about them, call them. We need congressmen and women who aren’t afraid of name calling and who are more attentive to their constituents’ needs.

2 years ago

Democrats are cheats and liars. Their best show horses are Biden and Pelosi, so corrupt and so self serving.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

All Dems do is pivot LEFT

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

The thing is, Satan’s time is very short and he controls those on the Left. Remember in Revelations written about those on Christ’s left. They will be cast into the lake burning with fire and brimstone. And those on his right will be welcomed into the Kingdom of his dear Father in heaven. Satan, we were told, has a deceptive nature. As do the Progressives with their twisting of the truth for their own purposes. And since Satan is also the prince of the power of the air, the MSM is like clay in his hands. Ok, enough about him, I was informed by a minister that ‘he’ likes the attention, so just want to make my point about how the Left is being controlled by him.
Everything up until Pres. Trump, was subtle in its growth for the Progressive religious movement. Religious because they all agree as one in their design to tear the country down morally. They showed their truly demonic ways while Pres. Trump was in office. Now they have nothing to hide. They are so deceived they really believe in what they’re doing. I don’t know at this point if America will recover from this. This level of egregious sin in this country is pretty damning. I still hope and pray our God will intervene and destroy the evil one’s who are totally against him.
That’s all we can do, is repent and ask forgiveness.
God help us!

2 years ago

It’s still the dance. Same steps, different music….the ole “Potomac Two Step.” Sadly it is not just
dems who are dancing…..far too many repubs are still “stepping out” as they play the games they
play so well. If you think those clouds on the horizon are dooming….you might be right.

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