It’s easy to complain about the state of the mass media. And we have every justification to do just that.
Our Founding Fathers were right in their commitment to Freedom of Speech and in their belief that a healthy Republic demands a free Press which holds the political elite and government institutions accountable. Instead, we have “FakeNews.”
Originally an epithet coined by the establishment media to undermine conservative news outlets, during his time as President, Donald Trump effectively turned the insult FakeNews against its originators in a fashion that would make any jiu-jitsu master proud. And amongst all his achievements in office, from crushing our enemies, like ISIS, to revitalizing our national economy, one of his accomplishments we must never forget is President Trump’s effective demonstration of just how morally bankrupt our media has become.
I do not have the space or time to list even a fraction of the lies spewed by the likes of CNN, the New York Times, et al., but their moral turpitude is today clearer than it ever was. From the actions they took to willingly propagate Democrat smears such as the “Russia collusion” hoax, to their SNL-like portrayal of violent BLM riots and arson attacks as “mostly peaceful,” we now know that these platforms are political and ideological actors, not news services, And this doesn’t simply apply to politics. Remember when media “luminaries” like Rachel Maddow assured us again and again that COVID vaccines would stop you from catching the Wuhan virus and even prevent you from spreading the disease? They lied thousands and thousands of times. Yet not one of them has ever apologized to us, their viewers, listeners and readers.
Has journalism improved since the liars and propagandists have been unveiled? Well, in one way, yes. New, or newer, outlets and “alternative media” platforms have been flourishing for a reason. There’s a good reason sites like Breitbart are so popular, Newsmax’s popularity is exploding, and new technologies like Twitter Spaces are enjoying such a mass following. Not to mention the fact that patriots still dominate talk radio. (Thank you, SALEM!) But we still have much work to do.
But now we have a new role model.
I have known Douglas Murray for years now. He is also from the UK but now is spending much of his time in Israel. Not because he’s a storied war correspondent but because, I believe, he has had it with the international FakeNews.
In the past, Douglas was know for authoring superb texts on the collapse of Europe and Western civilization, as well as being a formidable debater, so good in fact, the Conservative superstar Jordan Peterson has invited him to tour the globe in a series of inspirational live events.
But then October 7th happened.
Instead of staying comfortably in the UK or the US or traveling from one special speaking event to another in the safe cities of Europe, Doug donned body armor and started to report from a nation that has been fighting for its life since its miraculous rebirth in 1948, and it is one of his remarkable reports I commend to you now.
This week, he was being interviewed by one Piers Morgan, a fellow Brit who you may remember from his short stint as a CNN host. Full disclosure: I have had my own run-ins with Morgan, who I find insufferable and an inveterate “click-bait” merchant. Just see how he deliberately mislabels his big-name interviews with guests like President Trump, invariably misrepresenting what was said just to attract more clicks. But this isn’t about Piers Morgan’s standard hyperbole. It’s about his mainstream media apologia for savages and Murray’s flawless and spectacularly succinct and clear explanation of the civilizational war we are all in. Not just Israel.
First, you have to commend Douglas’ utter sangfroid. Halfway through the interview, rockets fly overhead, and Doug pauses for a moment, decides it’s OK, and insists on carrying on. When Piers engages with the worst question any journalist can ever ask, “How does that make you feel?,” Doug’s retort is priceless: “Oh I’ve been shelled by the Russians in Ukraine. I’m used to it.”
But the remarkable aspect of Douglas’ interview is not his calmness under fire, but how he brings clarity to the lies and misrepresentations of the media and Establishment Left (is there a difference?).
When asked about President Obama’s call for a ceasefire and measures to protect the “innocents” of Gaza, Douglas points out the sordid truth: the Arab populace of Gaza is even worse than the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany, since Hitler’s killers had some shame, or at least they tried to hide their crimes. When the 23-year old German Israeli woman Shani Louk’s desecrated body was paraded through Gaza – most likely after being raped repeatedly – the population celebrated gleefully.
There is not one analogous example from the world of real WWII Nazis. There are thousands from the Arab world. Videos, voicemails, social media posts of “average” people reveling in their animalistic savagery, their murder of children, their ritualistic rape of young women before they are killed.
Bravo Douglas Murray. We need more like you.
Watch the whole interview here.
Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.
Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party are pushing to Ban 20 Million Rifles in the United States (So Communist, Terrorist and Criminals CAN Attack Americans easier), Ban Dr. Seuss books (Heaven forbid the kids might learn and laugh), Pack the U.S. Supreme Court (One-sided Court ONLY/HITLER Style), Abolish the Electoral College (UN-American so to Rigged Elections In democrats favor only), and FAKE NEWS (cnn,msnbc,nbc,cbs,abc,TikTok), is Lying saying Republicans are leaving the Republican Party by the droves when in FACT it’s democrats leaving their party in droves because they are finally waking up that the democrats are the enemy of the United States of America. Who KILLED our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE and ECONOMY with Out of Control INFLATION and CRIME? Dictator Beijing biden and the Socialist/Communist/Fascist democrats. Sure wasn’t anybody else that did that.
Pure COMMUNISM/FASCISM using exactly Hitler and Stalin tactics while using his WEAPONIZED DOJ as his NAZIS SS enforcer followed by the 80,000 UNNECESSARY ARMED IRS agents to Illegally ATTACK Americans violating their U.S. Constitutional Rights.
Dictator Beijing is flying to Communist China to meet with his Communist buddy Xi to SELL OUT the United States more since poor little Communist China’s economy is failing. Boo-hoo!
Instead of taking care of the United States FIRST and ending his INFLATION CRISIS he created along with his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION Dictator Beijing biden runs away to Communist China instead. Just like he hides every weekend taking a vacation. Except only to save his comrades in Communist China while putting the UNITED STATES of AMERICA last again.
Vote for PRESIDENT TRUMP to end this destruction of the USA. We ALL know he puts the United States of America FIRST.
Of course, when I want to watch the news on TV I NEVER WATCH the Mainstream Media channels since they desire me to NOT BELIEVE MY LYING EYES! It’s amazing to me when people believe false commentary without factual proof but then again there is a vast number of very stupid people out there that do! And for some reason they identify as Democrats!
Has it occurred to you that if the Israelis who were slaughtered by the Hamas thugs had been allowed to keep guns in their homes they would not have been such helpless prey? Perhaps it would have been wiser to issue each home an AR-15 type rifle and they could have fought back. Anti-gun advocates in this country should take heed.
Excellent article, Dr. Gorka. Mr, Murray has an ability to tell someone to go to Hell in such a way that they look forward the trip. That was a quote by Winston Churchill.
democrat = corrupt/criminal, useless, liars, cheaters, godless, BABY KILLERS, fruits and nuts that don’t know witch restroom to use, degressive socialist/communist/marxist craving total absolute raw fascism POWER to CONTROLL everybody and everything to ENRICH themselves and FORCE their evil ANTI-CHRISTAN lifestyle agenda on children and society.
Why not air that footage? Why not show the world what’s actually going on over there? That’s what news media did in Vietnam. ANYTHING to crucify American service men & women. And, now? “Oh, we can’t show a young woman’s body being desecrated by animals. . it’s disrespectful to the family.” Unforgiveable buncha’ damned hypocrits and liars in North American news media. Plan accordingly..
Douglas is correct.
The Muslims are and have always been worse then the Nazi’s.
the sad part is that the totally corrupt leftists are on the side of the rapist, murderous Muslims. you would think 1600 years of Muslims atrocities would be ample evidence of the problem, but leftists are morons.
The most moronic of the bunch are the school teachers and professors who claim to be educated and intelligent and clearly are neither.
Excellent article.
Piers thinks he is a hot shot but he’s never lasted long on any program he’s hosted. That says a lot. Thank you Douglas Murray for speaking truth in your determined and precise way of cleverly putting down the lies and propagandists.
Excellent article, Dr. Gorga. We are at war here in the United States for the preservation of our country against dishonest politicians, communist media, and those who sell out our nation for their own gain.
Piers Morgan’s a hack. Anyone remember his days at CNN? He’s about as far left as you can get, now he works for FOX and he’s suppose to be right leaning…please, actions speak louder than words.
Fake news is how every socialist / communist requiem controls their people. America is quickly becoming the democrat socialists party in control. Our freedoms are being taken away from us. Pray enough of us can still see this happening!!! Vote for freedom before it’s too late. 2024 (Trump)
Unless Islam undergoes a mass blood transfusion and all the poison is drained from it nothing will change it is expected to accept the pathology that survived centuries and thrives ,modern technology is welcomed not the ideas Is it the fear that there no longer would be absolute power over women?That the savagery no longer would be excused and they would have to live and let live Work and fend for themselves?
“Politicians” & military personnel ALL/EACH take/make an oath (something like) I promise to protect these United States of America against ALL enemies: FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!
Bravo !! Douglas Morgan we could use you 1,000 times.
There was a cease fire until Hamas violated it.
Our media, is no longer an independent press, but a political action group, with no idea of truth and honesty. You only have to watch the evening news, it’s one of two trails. Omission by not telling the whole story, or a straight out lie. Russian collusion, Bidennomics, closed borders. These are just a couple example. Fakenews is correct.
A little dose of reality for these arrogant “journalist”!
Thank you for your post on Douglas Murray. We need more like him.
God bless him and watch over him to bring him safely home to his loved ones. May he feel our prayers and the thanks of a grateful nation.
The press are nothing more than Bagdad Bobs for the DNC. Biden has more or less sided with Israel but I wonder how long before Joe asks himself how many of these terrorists in protester clothing chanting for the death of Israel are “lost voters” that he begins to chant with them?
Good article, those who controls the press controls the people..NO free press thanks to SOROS friends..
The left will never accept the truth about Israel. Hamas is their darling they support because the poor Palestinians were living peacefully in Gaza and Hamas has destroyed their existence, only they blame Israel
Like I have said before Israel has never done a holocaust on any people but many holocaust have been done to them as late as Oct 7-2023. Only we live in a satanic world and killing innocent babies and children along with their adult parents is a sport in the Arab world as long as their victims are Jews and after that Americans.
In WW II they came first for the physically impaired and nobody said anything, then they came for the mentally challenged and nobody said anything, then they came for the Jews and the gypsies and nobody said anything. By the time they came for me there was no one left to speak up. If we don’t speak up for the Jews they will come for us next and will there be anyone left to speak up for us? Don’t count on it. Everything happens for a reason but if you go along with killers and satanic hatred you get what you deserve. And antisemitism is rampant but don’t forget the Jewish soldiers are fighting for you to prevent Hamas along with Iran to attack America. Because with ole Joe as our leader they see an opportunity to do just that.
What is the story behind the protesters that inside the Capitol in October & how did they get there & why did the Capitol Police let them enter . This is too close to Jan 8 riots & whey did we let people inside again this time? News media never did pick up on this & AMAC has never said a peep!
Douglas Murray shames Morgan.
As with all Communist Regimes, our government must lie to take over. The ads I have seen for Biden so far are nothing but out and out lies about all the wonderful things he has done for us. People who watch only far left media that is aiding and abetting the Marxists in DC believe it all. The DC politicians and their comrades will cheat even more diligently in 2024 because they are very close to totally destroying our country and its Constitution. I have little reason to believe that we Conservatives will win. I am heart-sick that my beloved U.S. is coming to an end because of evil, corrupt politicians. All I can do is pray that God will find a way to show me I am wrong.
Fake News is one of those who paid an undisclosed sum to the Covington Catholic School kids.
Reminder to all, where does the Bible predict the final War will start & end ?
Murray gets money from Fox. You work at Fox you blindly back Israel and go full attack mode against anyone that dares question “Gods Chosen People”, or rather their officials mass slaughtering children, women and the elderly.
Anyone that says Israel is not doing just that in response to a very peculiar failure of the defense of the fence used to segregate the “animals” from Gods Chosen. The awaiting trial leader of Israel will keep this conflict going for as long as possible.If he allows it to end it WILL mean the end of his long reign as the leader of Gods Chosen People and also eventually to his imprisonment.
Whatever, if anyone, Douglas Murray, the preening moron Piers Morgan or the reader of this wishes to back the Israeli version of a holocaust the go for it. I do wish you would stop using my tax dollars to fund the evil Zionists currently in charge of Israel.
As for there being comparisons of Palestinians to the Nazis involved in the death camps, that is a stretch for even the diminutive Mr. Murray. Comparisons of that sort can be made between the current Israeli regime and that of the Austrian painter with the funny mustache. Both used large concentration camps and mass murder of the inmates. One thing “Bibi” hasn’t gotten around to as of yet are the disposal ovens. Maybe those will be installed this week.