
The Republican-controlled House has voted to boot Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., off the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
I salute Republicans for leadership, beneficial for the country and beneficial for Black Americans whose interests Omar pretends to represent.
Omar pushed back from the House floor, playing, of course, the race card. She accused Republicans of questioning her as an American because she is of a “certain skin color.”
No. To quote one well-known Black American, this is about the content of her character, not about the color of her skin.
Anyone following the story has read the long series of antisemitic, anti-Israel diatribes from Omar since she has been in Congress.
But she is not just antisemitic and anti-Israel. She is anti-American.
Last year, she lumped Israel and the U.S. together in comparing both to the Taliban. “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan and the Taliban,” she observed.
A number of years ago, George Gilder wrote a book called “The Israel Test.”
The test, per Gilder, is summarized by a few questions: “What is your attitude toward people who excel you in the creation of wealth or in other accomplishment? Do you aspire to their excellence, or do you seethe at it? Do you admire and celebrate exceptional achievement, or do you impugn it and seek to tear it down?”
Those who admire success and seek to emulate it pass Gilder’s Israel Test.
Of course, the test is about a state of mind, an attitude toward life. Israel is just one focal point.
You must have self-inflicted blindness not to appreciate that no country in the world has ever achieved what the United States has achieved and contributed. The creativity and innovation on every front of science, technology and entrepreneurship is mindboggling.
Americans have won 403 Nobel prizes, 43% of all since the award began 122 years ago.
But Omar and her lefty friends are more interested in focusing on what was and what is not perfect in our nation so they can trash everything and advance their left-wing agenda.
Israel’s story is miraculous beyond words. Out of nothing, in just 75 years, a booming modern economy has been created, despite having to fight at least three major wars along the way against enemies that far outnumbered them.
Omar and her crowd hate this. They hate a story in which individuals take personal responsibility for their lives, fight, struggle against great odds and achieve.
Omar deserves to be booted because of her antisemitism. But more deeply, she deserves to be booted because she fails Gilder’s Israel Test.
She loves to talk about her childhood in Somalia. Somalia has a national per capita income of around $500. Why doesn’t she spend time trying to inspire change in her beleaguered home country?
Omar and her colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez prefer making allegations about institutional racism rather than looking at what really drives poverty and underachievement in our poor communities. As a start, it is perpetuated by the Omar-AOC mindset looking for whom to blame, looking for whom to hate, rather than starting with freedom and personal responsibility.
We’re in the middle of Black History Month.
Let’s not let Omar and her lefty crowd hijack our great American story.
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in his historic “I Have a Dream” speech, the problem is not our great American values, but failures to live up to them.
The struggles, and achievements, of Black Americans to participate fully in the American saga and dream have made this country greater.
We are getting closer. But we must turn from the naysayers and move in the direction of life, family and freedom.
As for Omar, she ought to spend less time accusing others of denying that she is an American and more time learning and embracing the values that define, and make great, our free country under God.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.”
Hope the people who voted her into office”WAKE UP” !!
Some people give their all: work hard, love their families and their country. The rest whine, criticize, the demand that the rest provide for them. What each intends to do once inside our country has to be at least asked of every newcomer.
The fact that she was reelected speaks volumns about the state of Minnesota. Obviously, her hatred of the American way of life is shared by her constituents.
sHE ONCE MADE THE STATENEBT THAT SHE HATED THE us read this back when she first enter the governme
I agree, she’s anti American, but so is Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and just about everyone else with the word Democrat after their name.
I find it difficult to understand why she went to the lengths she did to come to this country only to hate it. I’m referring to marrying her brother and later divorcing him. If this country is so bad why become a citizen? Why not return to your native country and work on improving things. Could be she liked the many freebies she received here. I also find it hard to understand why she’s mad she got kicked off the committee. She always talked hatred so what did she expect to happen. Did she think others could be swayed her way. She hung her hat on the wrong hatrack. Nobody but nobody wants her on that committee to sprue her hatred. Her loss. Our gain. Let’s hear it for the good guys!
She would never have been elected if it weren’t for the large population of Muslims in Minnesota!! I don’t feel safe having someone on the committees that she was on! She spoke of her desire to institute Sharia Law in this country and she has made both anti-semite and anti-American statements!! This is why we should be very careful about the immigrants we allow into our country and why the open southern border is such a huge problem!! If she isn’t happy with our country the way it is, she can renounce her citizenship and go back to Somalia!!!
She has no scruples about receiving a salary paid for by the ameican people. What do we get in return?, nothing, just verbal bashings.
Omar is totally thankless for all the freedoms and opportunities that we have in this country. She comes from a brutally dysfunctional country, yet instead of being humble and full of gratitude for the goodness in our great country, she does her best to lie and slander those Americans who believe in honesty, hard work, and exceptionalism. Omar is totally unqualified for her political position. Instead of doing her best to build this country up, she is addicted to contributing to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. Omar should be voted out of office. She is pure poison and too full of hate and anger to represent the interests of citizens who love our country and have pride in its history.
Minnesota is seriously gone. Lump them in with California. They elected a comedian for a senator and a wrestler for a governor. And they’re overrun with Muslims radical Muslims. Write them off and forget them
You have to laugh…the democrats fear these four women of the Dingpocolyse. I do have to say this about AOC..she sucks as a diplomat, she has a future in acting.
Why is this Communist who married her brother to get into the United States Illegally and committed major Ethic and tax violations is still sitting in Congress?
Who also has voted against everything PRO-AMERICAN and constantly insults Israel and the United States.
When people finally stop using Black, White, etc to describe one another, and remember as far as race is considered. We are all part of the Human race, they use the cultural differences to divide us, so that they my conquer us.
Dear world: I keep trying to tell each person I meet that the way this country is going is so wrong! I have worked in health care in both the soviet union and the middle east. I was there in 1991-92 during the second worst year of war with their neighbor. So at the age of 82+ and with Parkinson’s I can say with so much truth that Star Parker has “hit the nail on the head” with her article. I am so happy that omar is off the committee with her hatred that constantly spews out of her mouth. And when she finally got the boot along with aoc, and the others who were kicked off I have never heard anyone call the race card until they did except for the black lives matter crowd. And they did not represent their race very well! I would think that these “useless people” could find a few wonderful things in this country compared to countries like somalia, russia, venezuela, cuba, argentina and every other country that has failed because of these type of radical people in charge! I read every response and I concur with everyone of them (except the person who keeps coming in and trying to sell us on a job she says she does at home). This is no venue for that sort of trash. And I hope that each person who reads this will know how angry I am at the americans who voted any of the squad in to there position. They can all go back to where they came from as far as I am concerned! I have devoted my entire life to helping others follow their dreams (adults and children) before I graduated from the university and during my entire career. I am watching right now the 5. They are still talking about the speech that biden gave last night. The only democrat stooge on the panel is speaking and I am so sick of being lied to. This is something that I saw in the soviet union and in the middle east. Thank you for allowing me the time to vent my anger and my “atta boy” to Star who has followed her dream and is so eloquent in her word use. Carol
Omar has nothing BUT the race card to play!
Get lost!
elizabeth: You are a very sick person and I know this because you have put your trash in again.Carol
Omar and her “squad” are the sh#t I scrape off the bottom of my shoe. All traitors, all are anti-American, all are racist hypocrites, and all are hysterical. They sit in congress screaming and crying, literally, about how poor little incestuous Ilhan got her feelings hurt by the big, bad Republicans! and instead of focusing on the legitimate needs of their constituents and their states, and America, they’re on their collective knees to their woke masters in the lobby cesspool destroying everything that America is. I don’t care if they were born in Toledo or Timbuktu, not a single one of these filth can rightfully call themselves and American.
Omar is a muslim, and they have hated America for 200 years that is all that needs to be said. Read the history of President Thomas Jefferson and the significance of “The shores of Tripoli” in the Marine hymn and how the term “Leathernecks” came about.
Omar should not even be in America, let alone in an elected office.
How is it that these anti-American hacks gain office?
How did she get elected not just her but the others that are just as bad as her they do nothing to make this country better just hate and all should be fired the squad is not what this country is about, we have are problems but we work them out time for them to go if we want a better country.
Right on the money!!
It would be in our best interest to educate those in her district. “The Obama plants.” Are they here to help try to destroy the best country on the globe?
Miss Omar and others with this radical agenda are the most dangerous people in our country, even more dangerous than a foreign spy. They are influencers of the worst kind. They claim to be one of us, with all the rights and priviliges of an American, but determined to destroy the freedoms and foundations of our country.
She never belonged in Congress in the first place! We need to screen candidates before we vote for them, and please do not let the media “screen” them for you!
It is amazing she is allowed to serve as a member of the United States Congress, and has power loaned to her by her constituents. Vote her out! Send her packing to wherever she wants to go. Take AOC with you.
Do not forget that she is the daughter of the enforcer of of the brutal regime in her home country. He could sentence anyone he did not like to death back home. Do not forget that she married her brother and has been anything but faithful in her relationships with other men. Do not forget that she has repeatedly scorned the US government and many who do not trust, admire or believe in her.
If this is the type of person who 1. is elected by the nation’s largest Somali population, with such un-American family ties and relationships, 2. is frequently publicly scornful of most decent Americans and 3. basically elected by the immigrants from Somalia now resident in the US, can anyone, who is not beholden to a foreign nation really desire to follow her down a path that leads only to the final extinction of Judeo-Christian ethics and norms, to personal and national destruction?
My question is how un the HELL do people like Ilhan Omar get elected to office in the first place? Are there really that many anti-American voters?
Go back home, al presto più possible, i.e. subito!
The reason Omar was elected to office is because, there are more people like her living in USA hating America’s Constitution. We accepted her but she neve accepted us.
Ilhan Omar must be stripped of her office as a member of the US House of Representatives, striiped of her fraudulently obtained US citizenship, and deported back to where she originally came from… Somalia where she should be air-dropped from 10K feet sans a parachute.
100% agree. She has no business being in our government to begin with. Now how do we stop her from cheating in elections to get re-elected? That’s something unfortunately Minnesota has to deal with and thanks to Obama who dumped her kind in that state. .
This is nothing more than a spy sitting in chair.We hear of documents being where they can’t be,I wonder what FBI would find at her house. Traitors are brave and visible when no one is ready to catch them. Deport this woman now and save all of us future problems.
Voters elected Omar & voters can either continue to support her or vote her out of office at next election. Must have been a lot of voters that agree with her views or else the person running against her last election was an even worse choice.
Thank you Star for speaking out and a great commentary. You will probably get tagged as a racist, but if we let the haters like Omar control the narrative they will just create more divide and tear down all of the hard work people like MLK worked so hard to achieve.
She is flatly a Muslim Socio-Communist and should, at a minimum, be DEPORTED! I have lived among these people. They, as a norm, lying back-stabbing scum and the world should be eradicated of them, in total!!
she a racist.we let her into OUR country. we are ALL different races. we can’t be racist. she proves she is walking breathing proof that sometimes bad and racist people get in.
Why do people from grubby third-world countries think they know how to run ours?
No one that hates this country should be representing the people to their government. This would never had happened when schools taught students about the greatness of America. This hatred has grown long enough now with the leftists takeover of schools that ignorant voters are voting these leftists into government. BUT don’t forget the 2nd Amendment isn’t about hunting. And oh yeah FJB!
I judge people by what’s in their hearts and not the color of their skin. However, if Omar is a true and practicing Muslim, she is required as written in the Quran, to hate Christians and hate Americans because they consider us infidels. Therefore, it should be illegal for any Muslim to hold any elected office in America. Just my opinion.
Poor Omar. Someone should take her out for a BBQ pork sandwich. with fries. Kyle L.
I have a question, is she legally a US Citizen? The story I heard is that to get to America, she married her brother, is that true.
If so wouldn’t that disqualify her to be a member of Congress?
Please help me to learn what is the truth in her citizenship.
I believe that Omar willingly came to America as part of a plan, purpose, and desire to begin the takedown of America, the death of America as many of us have known this country to be. She, along with others is in our government, in top-level positions in our federal government, governing our country. As a born and raised legal citizen of the United States of America, I see this as a problem. She belongs to a group of people who have been chanting “death to America” for eons and possess a real hatred for our country, for Israel, etc. She is not alone. There are her cronies in the squad. I would bet there are others who are operating likewise in this country, even in our government but just aren’t drawing attention to themselves. Now, thanks to the Biden administration we have people streaming into our country from all over the world by way of our Southern border and we don’t know anything about them. What about our northern border??? What is happening with law enforcement and our judicial system is all part of “Death to America”. Our federal government leadership continues to sell our country out to the highest bidders. It is sad that our leaders have and continue to let all this happen. I believe that our next election will determine the fate of America! Time is running out. I will say it again. Wake up America!! America needs to get back to praying and seeking God for the leaders we need to turn this country back and get this country back to being the Country of Blessings that we can share with the world.
It’s easy to complain about something. It takes brains, intelligence, etc. to offer a solution.
If she hates America then send her back to whatever backward 3rd world hellhole she came from. Either her district is full of nutcases or the election was rigged. Voter ID., VOTE IN PERSON, NO MAIL IN BALLOTS, paper ballots hand marked with indelible ink, hand counted by tellers from all political parties = NO FRAUD!
Nooo. It’s because of your anti-Semitic and anti-American stance and rhetoric. You need to stop bringing up old tired accusations of the past. This isn’t the ’60’s.
Wonderful article, Star!
Unbelievable!!! She comes into this country, gets all kinds of benefits, is elected to congress, and has the NERVE to criticize our great country…. She and the rest of the Biden cabal are responsible for the mess this countru is in now. SEND THE UNGRATEFUL RACIST BACK TO HER FORMER COUNTRY…….
The problem isn’t Omar. She is what she is and the fact that she doesn’t hide her prejudices or her hypocrisy is refreshing. I find I usually fall for the liars and shysters at least once before I wise up. With people like her I can discount her right off the bat. It’s her nutbag constituents who love her and what she stands for that’s the problem. They’re use to whatever government was in charge of the hell-hole from which they escaped. Hopefully most Americans can hold her political allies for as long as possible before they make headway for good. We use to say that about Marxism but today we’re sitting about half and half on the political spectrum. We’re quickly headed toward that fractured society that Europe and Africa has been living under for decades.
Thank God we have a few Americans with guts, send her and about 2 dozen more home, they would starve to death! Our Veterans are happy.