Nine major errors occurred with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s sudden, unexplained, dangerous disappearance from post for five days – what the military calls AWOL. On January 7, he remained hospitalized and said he is “in charge” again.
First, second, third, and fourth are profound errors of judgment by this Secretary of Defense himself.
Error one: Why do you choose to undertake “elective surgery” – submit to unnecessary, avoidable, nonurgent, potentially dangerous surgery – when the Mideast is on fire, the world on the brink of war?
On January 1st, as Austin committed to “elective” – that is, cosmetic, functional, or comfort-focused, non-urgent – surgery, he knew the Israel-Hamas war was widening, 100 strikes on US bases in Iraq, US servicemen seriously wounded, two dozen Iran-sponsored strikes on commercial shipping in the Red Sea, Iran deploying a destroyer there, violence by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Houthi rebels rising, and the USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Fore coming back to the US. Why unneeded surgery, then?
Error two: While undertaking an “elective” surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia as the world burned was foolhardy, doubly unwise was not allowing others to know that operation was occurring, could put him out of commission, not letting the chain of command below or above know, including the President of the United States? Unforgivable.
Error three: Once the worst unfolded, where were the standing orders? To alert the chain of command, above and below? Whether unconscious or drugged, orders should have existed and been given within the hour that others were legally, operationally, and in every other way, in charge—dereliction three.
Error four: Upon regaining consciousness, how could it possibly be that this SECDEF did not notify the president, vice president, chairman of the joint chiefs, national security advisor, if not also peers, of his peril and incapacity, his inability to presently undertake and properly perform his duties, then down the chain promptly as well? Dereliction four. Good people can make profound errors, he made four.
Error five: This one is an error shared by all who knew about this operation, from the SECDEF and his inner circle to other non-chain defense and medical staff, and it reveals a great deal more than their bad judgment. No one told the president, not before, not during, and not after – for five days.
What does that tell you about the level of respect that all parties, those who knew, learned, and learned from those who first learned – have for this president? They do not care if he knows the most important facts surrounding the operation of his administration and do not respect him, his authority, his place in the chain, or his cognition. Biden is viewed as inconsequential, a titular part of the process, as others do what they wish.
Error six and seven: These belong to the President. What cognitive present, legally, and politically accountable Commander-in-Chief allows any cabinet member – never mind Secretary of Defense – to do as he wishes, keep him in the dark, and demand no accountability? What leader encourages disrespect?
But beyond merely showing no interest, being disrespected by his Secretary of Defense, and encouraging this kind of AWOL behavior – not just top-down, but bottom-up – Biden has shown contempt for his own position, authority, and duties as president. He has permitted this to go unpunished, shrugged. Pathetic.
Error eight: Those in the chain of command below the SECDEF failed to ask, insist, and on learning no one was in charge, failed to act, just stood around and waited. They should all be summarily dismissed. Their loyalty was to an appointed person, not the Constitution or people, but ultimately to themselves.
Error nine: The national security of the entire country was placed at risk by this group of people – the SECDEF, his inner circle, and an AWOL president, in effect by an inexcusable, ultimately vain and self-interested act, one that did not need to occur, and was then covered-up, excused, brushed away.
The national security of the country is the TOP reason a president, vice president, Secretary of Defense, and the whole surrounding apparatus and troop strength occur, and are constantly ready. This dereliction of readiness is truly terrifying because had any enemy known, that would have been the moment to strike.
Finally, a simple question has not yet been answered: Although the nation was put at risk, chain of command ignored, and elective surgery by this SECDEF was allowed to override the nation’s highest interests – and although a stent apparently was needed when the surgery went wrong, what was the surgery? What was so terribly important that everyone in this administration is ready to cover it up?
Bottom line: Bad judgment, compounded by more bad judgment, left to lie and excused by those who distinguished only by bad judgment – is serious and dangerous. Consequences should follow. They will not, which should tell every American why we need to dispense with this crowd and vote them out soonest.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Well given the fact that the people actually running this administration from behind the scenes dictate everything for how this administration operates, it is really immaterial what the status of Lloyd Austin is or whether the puppet sitting in the Oval Office was aware of anything. Much of this was already going on during the Obama years, with the real power being directed from behind the scenes. Same goes for virtually every other Cabinet official in this administration. They all take their marching orders from the same people pulling Biden’s strings.
I will agree with you that this sends a lot of bad signals to both our allies and adversaries. It highlights how little our allies can depend on anything anyone from this administration says or does, as they are basically inter-changeable widgets at this point. It also tells our adversaries that those in this same administration don’t really call the shots and are just figureheads for those that do. The simple fact is you could replace this Democrat administration with a whole new set of Democrat puppets with different names and they would be doing the exact same things as this one. The power brokers that bankroll the Democrat Party and fashion their socialist agenda are the ones we should be focused on.
There is 1 primary fault with worthless Lloyd Austin’s disappearance…He left the U.S. military leaderless at a dangerous time in the world…The Commander in Chief was on vacation somewhere when Austin decided to go in for some surgical procedure…FOR GOD’S SAKE!..How dumb can you get?
This just another example of how bad our government is. Can anyone imagine? The uproar if this happened in the Trump Administration
Well said, mr. Charles! And to make it even worse, the Deputy SECDEF, Kathleen Hicks, was not only uninformed, but was on vacation in Puerto Rico at the time! I wonder what would have happened in an emergency situation.
I’m sure “Dr Jill”, and Barack were well aware of what was going on. No need to concern Mr President.
This is just one more instance of the dangerous unseriousness of this administration. Clueless, feckless, mentally unstable, treasonous, dismissive of the American People, Constitution-haters all.
Inflation over 25% in 3 years? “Meh.”
302,000 people from all over the world crashing the southern border in one month? “Meh.”
Over 250,000 people in their prime dying from fentanyl since biden became president, and no one considers this a monumental tragedy? “Meh.”
Secretary of Defense disappearing for days without informing chain of command or the Commander-in-Chief although the world is on fire? “Meh.”
Was Austin’s hospital stay more serious than we were told? I don’t believe anything the biden administration tells us. What idiot would have “elective surgery” at a time like this?! Maybe he had a nervous breakdown or a heart attack from the pressure of being An Important Person. Maybe he made a massive blunder and had to hide for a few days. Really…all of them need to be thrown out on their a55es this November. They are not worthy of our votes or our loyalty.
As always you sum it up in a nutshell for all to understand. Thank you Mr. Charles.
Good grief! Has it come to this? Is this who we are, that we cause this much uproar over a guy having a sex change? I’m leaving the country.
Well it is a reflection of the Biden presidency! Who’s in charge?
Great work presenting the timeline involved in this development Robert – every administration , what went on , what was accomplished, is a history lesson for the next administration. Call the facts of what happened a set of instructions , or a history book for reference when proceeding on the business of managing the Nation properly. Good decision making involves Planning,Organizing , Coordinating ,Scheduling , and Intelligent, Clear Communication. That is how good management of anything is achieved. This article should be appreciated by people who can grasp the importance of having truthful instructions provided to all those who are responsible for the defense of freedom .In the spirit of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – the pursuit of Happiness should be connected to doing what is needed to maintain Life and Liberty and to make self determination possible. Leadership that respects Truth and Liberty – that is the kind of leadership that is needed . What the signers of the Declaration of Independence did essentially was to size up the political situation then and realizing some important things were missing decided to make those things necessary for good government. I am glad they did that. I appreciate their efforts .In the spirit of God bless America , land of the free and the home of the brave
Yes Sir! All of that is true, but will the American people stand up and do it? I pray they do or we are doomed.
In today’s “woke military” the elective surgery was more than likely some form of trans gendering! You know, he just wants to fit in and lead by example!
Biden has no self-respect and no respect for the office. Therefore, he cares not whether anyone else does. Dealing with these particular kinds of thinkers is no different than trying to force a two state solution to happen with people who want Israel and Jews wiped off the face of the map.
What a totally useless administration!
As a to military leader, Austin should have been aware of all these things. He should be dismissed and/or impeached as will be Mayorkas. Or maybe court martialed for dereliction of duty. Too bad he’ll get away with it.
Those who knew should all be dismissed and prosecuted.
Maybe he’s either getting his skin bleached so he can have “white rage” like Gen. Milley, he’s having a set of walnuts surgically implanted to replace the ones he surrendered, or he’s transitioning to womanhood so he can fight for the woman’s heavyweight championship in the US Women’s Boxing League.
Our SecDef should be fired, because his absence is inexcusable. He showed his incompetence when we left Afghanistan. He has blood on his hands when we lost eleven Marie’s, one sailor and one Army soldier. At his position, he should have told Biden and his incompetent administration, that he couldn’t and wouldn’t support this desertion of the country in this manner and should have resigned. He is incompetent and needs to be replaced TODAY.
I bet Obama knew all about Lloyd’s surgery.
I guess the circus must go on.
I agree 100% Sir!! Please vote these idiots out of office!!
Everyone already knows Biden and the Rat Party and Deep State have tirelessly worked to UNDERMINE our national security. We have their unending efforts to keep our southern border open, and tens of millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to prove it.
I am retired, but my prime order was “Never let your boss be surprised. ” (It’s corollary – “Bad news doesn’t improve with age” – also applies.)
A competent President would have fired Austin and, assuming he knew, the Chief of Staff – Jeff Zients immediately. Lucky for them, Joe Biden is President.
Unless things have changed since I left the Air Force, the Secretary and the Joint Chiefs are not actually in the ‘Chain of Command’. The chain runs from the President to the Specified Command commanders.
So, while what happened is foolish, it would not interrupt the Command Chain in an emergency.
Error Ten: The bloated diversity hire failed to die……so far anyway.
Another Big OOPS.I’m not being flippant, but really?So many serious issues, where to start,whom is responsible for them. This stuff is “Laurel
Latest news indicates he had surgery for prostate cancer. It was months after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer that my treatment began. After extensive research and consultation with several specialists, I chose a non-surgical treatment.
The point is, that Austin had plenty of time to advise the administration of his pending surgery, assuming that is what really happened.
What a bumbling and incompetent administration! God help us!
Ahh yeahh , Austin Powers would be a better Def Sec.
D-I-E, in action, and much to our peril.
Was he on secret mission for Biden?
The bottom line is; he did it without it being “leaked” to the news media. The news media was totally unaware – that in itself is remarkable. I worked at Walter Reed ICU and the VIP ward at the old hospital; none of these patients are alone, they’re well protected and given more than one-on-one care. A lot of people knew where he was and what he was doing. And ya know, all of these guys in these prestigious politically appointed positions haven’t a clue as to what they’re doing anyway. Typically they’re more in the way than helpful. If they’re there or not doesn’t affect the operations, it’s a desk bound paper shuffling government job. So chill out and be glad, for once the news media didn’t know…. a remarkable victory for the DOD.
He, too, is disconnected like the rest of the government. When the “hidden” make the policy, I guess it makes no difference. The President? He is unaware and led. Is no one experienced and have the guts to right this country?
Vote Trump 2024????????????????
Did anyone call the Chinese, like Austin supposedly did? Maybe they were providing back up! God save us all!
Ok, there are too many deliberately made mistakes in this issue to be able to defend Austin from being dismissed from his position. Knowing he was going to be out of commission during his surgery, he should have released his command to someone else. If there is no one else to take charge in this instance, we are in even bigger trouble than most of US already believe we are in.