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New Zealand Hits Reverse on Woke Socialist Revolution

Posted on Thursday, February 8, 2024
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon

Just over two months into his tenure, new conservative New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has ushered through a series of dramatic policy reversals from the prior liberal government in yet another sign of the declining power of the global left.

Last October, following six years of uninterrupted liberal rule, most of which came under Prime Minister Jacinda Adern, New Zealand voters ousted the incumbent Labour Party and handed a decisive victory to the conservative National Party.

The Labour Party has become increasingly unpopular in recent years due to both a series of far-left policies that have caused the cost of living to skyrocket on the island nation and Adern’s implementation of some of the most extreme COVID-19 lockdown policies anywhere in the world.

Amid mounting public backlash, Adern stepped down in January 2023 and was succeeded by Chris Hipkins. But the change in leadership was not enough to convince voters to stick with the Labour Party, which saw their vote share drop from nearly 50 percent in 2020 to less than 25 percent in 2023.

Luxon officially took over as prime minister on November 27 last year and immediately embarked on an ambitious campaign to reverse his predecessors’ policies, including rapidly passing tax cuts, cutting regulations, and taking action to lower the cost of living.

“Our government will rebuild the economy to ease the cost of living and deliver tax relief to increase the prosperity of all New Zealanders,” Luxon said shortly before taking office. “It will restore law and order and personal responsibility so that Kiwis are safer in their own communities.”

The Luxon government immediately set about reducing the exorbitant spending that had characterized the prior Labour government’s rule. This included canceling construction of a light rail line that had been one of Adern’s top pet projects. The project had already swelled from $15 billion to at least $30 billion, and was running well behind schedule.

Over his first 30 days in office, Parliament also backed Luxon’s bills scrapping the Clean Car Discount, a $7,000 rebate for electric vehicle buyers funded by taxpayers; pulled out of a $16 billion battery project that showed little promise of providing any practical results; halted a $45 billion bridge project in Auckland; and cut funding for a ferry project which had quadrupled in cost since it started.

Following these successes, Luxon repealed the so-called “Fair Pay Agreements” that had expanded union bargaining power to the point where it jeopardized entire sectors of New Zealand’s economy. New Workplace Relations Minister Brooke van Velden argued the agreements were “never about fairness” and instead allowed a minority of union workers to impose their views on every other employee.

Luxon has also reversed course on social policy, particularly when it comes to sports. The government has taken action to ensure that males cannot compete in women’s sports, although some sports leagues are now pushing back. Luxon has threatened that any sports clubs which fail to comply with the policy will lose access to government subsidies that many rely on to exist.

In addition, Luxon has led a series of reforms to New Zealand’s central bank designed to lower inflation and bring down the cost of living. Beginning in 2018, the Labour government under Adern had tasked the bank with a new mandate to target “full employment” – a departure from the bank’s historical role of keeping inflation under control.

That policy led to runaway spending which sent New Zealand’s economy into a tailspin only further exacerbated by the pandemic. Luxon immediately canceled the central bank’s employment mandate soon after taking office and strengthened its power to combat inflation.

Responding to critics, David Seymour, the leader of ACT Party, which is part of the National Party’s governing coalition, said that the government has one job: price stability. He emphasized that the Roman Empire collapsed in part because of hyperinflation and added that the government must “reassure the people that a dollar in your pocket this year will be worth a dollar next year.”

In his first speech as prime minister, Luxon pointed specifically to his Christian faith as one of his main motivators – a public display of faith that has become increasingly rare in New Zealand politics. “Throughout history, Christians have made a huge difference in public life,” he said. The comment was seen as a sign of hope for many that Luxon will begin reversing the trends of radical secular leftism which have taken hold in New Zealand under liberal rule.

Luxon represents a pro-free market and pro-liberty attitude which has for decades been difficult to find among Western leaders. But as voters now see first-hand the alternative to failed liberal policies, more conservatives like Luxon may suddenly find themselves with renewed opportunity to break the left’s hold on power.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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1 year ago

Great!!! Now, if only the United States would see the light and move in the same direction. Why is it that the once great, world-leading US lags behind other countries of the world when it comes to returning to common sense??

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
1 year ago

I pray the USA will vote for a President who will follow the ideals in New Zealand here in the United States!!!

1 year ago

Wonderful news!! Congratulations to all New Zealanders!! You are now on the road to REPAIRING all the DAMAGE done to your beautiful country!!

1 year ago

Americans should look to New Zealand as proof that total power by the left is not working. Not even using global warming as a reason to stop fossil fuels. This can’t be done overnight. The left made global warming so extreme just to scare the people into obeying and become mindless sheep. And so far they are succeeding. Going so far to get their political opponents from being on the ballot. Dictatorship and tyranny have arrived. What president of New Zealand did needs to be done in spades here in America will we stay a free nation. Where the constitution should be followed by our leaders no matter dem or rep. Right now they are rewriting it through the courts by justices that have been compromised by Soros by bribing them with large sums of money or through sex stings. Put Epstein’s name here.

1 year ago

One way or another, USA will make the same course correction. We will not have mob control.

1 year ago

Good news for New Zealand.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Hallelujah perhaps there is a hope after all

Chicago Bill
Chicago Bill
1 year ago

WOW, Common Sense! True government Of the People, By the People, and For the People, the way God intended.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

Bravo New Zealand! Hopefully America will wise up in 2024 and beyond.

1 year ago

A good start, now rollback the gun confiscation that allowed the UN and WHO’s darlings to run wild against law abiding New Zealanders.

1 year ago

A politician with guts. Trump could have cut spending, but he didn’t. Hopefully, if he wins again, which he did last time, he will have learned you can’t please anyone on the left and therefore, spending on their stupid issues is a waste of money and political capital.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

“Just over two months into his tenure, new conservative New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has ushered through a series of dramatic policy reversals from the prior liberal government…”
Liberal? No. Jacinda Ardern is a full-fledged Communist, and the government she led could well have fit into the Soviet Union. PLEASE stop calling these people “liberals”; in no way are they “liberal.”

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
1 year ago

A political leader who gets it! Thank God that there is one leader, a Christian man who wants to do what is right and right for the citizens of New Zealand! Thank God that the citizens were given the freedom and right to vote for him. America needs to do the same!

1 year ago

Isn’t it great to see sanity and reason return to politics? Good for you, New Zealand!

When the pendulum swings too far to the left, it will swing back to the other side, but not before creating harsh difficulties for the citizens. This seems to be the trend if global politics, where many countries are realizing the folly of electing liberals to office…and then reversing the mistake. Let’s hope it catches on here in America.

MAGA 2024

1 year ago

Good for them! How long before America sees the light. The American people have—it is the leadership that has to get on board. There is still hope!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Jacinda thought somebody had elected her GOD.

Jan C
Jan C
1 year ago

I wanted to travel to New Zealand before I am unable to travel. Their government’s policies over the last few years certainly took that off the table. Perhaps now I can begin to plan for a trip there.

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

Sorry New Zealand but you are too far gone. Your people accept too much control and cannot perceive a life without a nanny state constantly caring for your every need.
You rolled over and urinated on your collective bellies when the gun grabbers came…..and you meekly handed everything over just like your fellow Aussie sheeple did.
Your country is beautiful and I will look at images of it on television and in book form, but I will be damned if I will risk visiting out of fear of being captured and imprisoned for being white, male and for having hunted for seven decades.
Good luck to you Kiwis……..luck is ALL you can count on.

1 year ago

Finally some sanity in an English speaking nation. I wish the U.S. and Australia were next. The UK is too far gone.

1 year ago

They must actually have fair and free elections, unfettered by lawfare and elite politicians and overweening bureaucrats telling them who they can vote for and how long voting will last. Does our government have the will or the stones to follow? I guess we’ll see.

1 year ago

Mr. Luxon, you could come to America and give lessons to Mr Biden on how to run a country successfully, so it will be great again and prosper.He’s“clueless, in D.C.”

1 year ago

Wow! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Aotearoa, New Zealand has turned for the destruction of the Leftists.
As an avid supporter and traveler to our Māori community on North Island I cancelled a trip because of all the political left policies and uncertainty.
Look forward to visiting soon again. Thank you, Mahalo for sharing this article here Amac. ????????????????????

1 year ago

I think Mr. Luxon studied under Donald J. Trump.
Save America. Vote for Trump. M.A.G.A.

1 year ago

Yea for Kiwis having the sense to return to logical and practical government instead of following all the “woke” practices of the liberal media and corporations whose sole objective is greed at any cost to the ones who actually foot the bills and create runaway inflation. And, males have no business competing as females in any sport, period! God created two genders, in animals and humans for a reason!

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