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New York Democrats Ignore Children of Deceased Combat Vets

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
new york democrats

New York Assembly Democrats are a piece of work – out-of-sync with average Americans, a frightening example of what the Democratic Party could become nationally if common sense, moral order and love of country are not valued, vindicated, and restored.  

After celebrating a kill-at-birth (late-term abortion) bill earlier this year (similarly advocated by Virginia’s embattled Democratic Governor, who literally suggested the born child be kept “comfortable” until terminated), the New York Assembly has just gone one better.  They have chosen illegal alien schooling over schooling for dependents of deceased and disabled US military veterans.

Specifically, as reported, New York Democrats “blocked a bill that proposed expanding college tuition aid for children of deceased and disabled military veterans after – having a week earlier approved a state budget that set aside $27 million in college tuition aid for illegal immigrants.” 

Put aside the general sense of injustice, inappropriateness and wrong-headedness of choosing to finance illegal immigrants over the basic and enduring educational needs of American citizen children.  Put aside the general lack of appreciation for those who make possible the freedom, life and safety of those Democratic Assembly’s members.

Put aside the fact that New York Democrats gave $27 million in citizen-taxpayer’s money to the illegals, offering just $2.7 million to children of deceased veterans – who no longer have a parent because that parent, an American citizen, died for those unfeeling, morally indifferent, utterly unappreciative Assembly members. 

Put aside that these particular veterans were all combat veterans, men and women who stood up, trained and deployed to protect the personal freedom and democratic way of life lived, enjoyed and made much of by these New York Assembly Democrats.

The indulgence of illegality (promotion and underwriting of illegal immigration) for political gain is hard enough to bear, especially set beside the idea that children of those who died for these Assembly members do not count as much as children who stole into the country, and whose parents did nothing to protect the rest of us.

The most profound irony is embodied in a New York-centric question:  Why did these veterans end up in combat, in the first place?  Why do these children of combat veterans have no parent or parents?  Answer:  Due to events that began on 9-11 – where was the largest loss of life occurred in New York.

What is wrong with these New York Assembly Democrats?  They are left of leftist parties in other countries, apparently – ready to sell out their living protectors and defenders, combat veterans now at rest in graves from Arlington to Albany, and the defenseless children of those combat veterans – who gave all for them. 

The level of self-indulgence, absence of personal and national awareness, lack of moral appreciation for those who gave all, and self-satisfied saturation in their own position, amorality and abuse of power is breathtaking.  One can only hope that many of these anti-veteran, anti-children, and objectively anti-appreciative holders of public office, power and money will soon be turned out.

But then again, who should be surprised?  If these misguided, morally bereft legislators are content to legalize killing fully-formed children as they approach the birth canal, seeing nothing wrong with this act; if they celebrate such moral abominations as good policy, smiling and toasting that accomplishment; who should be surprised when they turn their backs on children of veterans – even combat veterans who rose to defend them after 9-11, and now have no parent as a result? 

If this is the direction of the National Democratic Party, may they swiftly go the way of those erstwhile Whigs, Know-Nothings, and the Communist Party, as they are wildly out-of-sync with American common sense, moral values and love of country. 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Time to pull up stakes & leaveNY just as bad as CA.
All NY vets should rally on issue alone.
Petitions,protests, NewsMax coverage, Huckabee on TBN, etc.
& they wonder why stats is losing money,
Policies like this.

Joy Bostian
Joy Bostian
5 years ago

Democrats have the wrong idea about whom they support. They are starting to piss people off and hopefully, they will lose their “fan base.”

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

Looks more like reparations for all. Looks like trying to provoke a civil war that will inevitably be lost and result in Mouse Than Roared postwar relief. The left is looking to turn fantasy into reality with their Orwellian and Mad Max shenanigans. .

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

As a retired 32 year military veteran, and a participant of Operations Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), I’m shocked that these politicians can get up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror. It’s hard to respond to such evil, yes, evil politicians. They know that the vast majority of their constituents fall into several categories. 1) They are too busy living their lives to care about what going on around them. 2) They ONLY get their information from the main stream media and therefore will never hear about this travesty…they are in a media “bubble”. 3) They truly do not love this country and have little appreciation of how special we are, at least not in the way Conservatives do. What a shame!

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
5 years ago

I cannot believe how legislators that we elect are all about those who come to our country illegally. Giving more freebies to them and ignoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice is beyond understanding. Trying to buy votes to stay in power is the only answer I can come up with. Despicable!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
5 years ago

I try hard to understand points of view that that differ with mine, but this one absolutely stumps me.

Kenneth W Loach
Kenneth W Loach
5 years ago

Democrats just trying to buy votes. Hoping all illegals will be giving amnesty and become democratic voters.

Arthur S.
Arthur S.
5 years ago

Remember, in 2020, we must vote out all these evil dems! Our survival depends on it.

5 years ago

As a veteran, this doesn’t surprise me. These liberals are the same ones who spread lies about Vietnam vets and spit at us when we returned.

Consultant In Actions
Consultant In Actions
5 years ago

Why should we not act, as Americans, to defend those who are left behind, after their Parents went off to War, Ordered by those that Run Our Country? Keeping in Mind, the Mayor of New York, is not only a Socialist, but a Borderline Communist. Who by the way, has Prospered, while in office, as has his Wife. His Wife, being another Corrupt connected Political Neophyte and Money Grabber, that deprives New Yorkers of what is rightfully theirs.

How has he done this; He’s been a constant attacker of Law Enforcement, and his Opportunistic Marriage to a Minority, is nothing more than another Ploy. Watch
De Blasio, (Not his Given Name) as he advances his Finances, and his Political Career. By the way, De Blasio’s always advanced, on the backs of others. He appeals to Minorities, as have other Socialist Democrats, because they’re always the Part of Exploiting Minorities, with Empty Promises. Ever noticed; When there’s an Election, the Socialist Democrats, always come to the Impoverished areas of our inner cities. But wait, something’s different this time.

For the first time in Decades, Minority Unemployment is Down, Jobs for All, ant that includes Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, yes, All Americans, are up, to a point, where there are more Jobs, than Workers, that is those that want to work. And why is that? Simply because Donald Trump, the Candidate, made Promises to America, All of America, and he’s seen those Promises Through. Of those Promises; Cut Regulations, that were Politically Motivated, by the EPA (Enriched Political Association) our Crony Infiltrated Environmental Association, led for years by Political Appointees, that are Beholding to Radical, Rabid Environmental Organizations. If one were to Poll, all those working for EPA, it should be noted, that 90% are Socialist Democrats. Which creates another issue, that we will discuss at another Post.

Teddy Roosevelt, was an astute individual, and an Environmentalist, a Real Environmentalist, not a Pseudo Environmentalist, with Political Demanding Agendas, to move America to a Socialist Economy. No, Teddy Roosevelt, was a Patriot, that on many occasions, was at odds with the Progressives, Socialist, Communist, all were at odds with America. No, Teddy Roosevelt, in 1905, said; “Behind the Ostensible Government, Sits Enthroned a Government; ACKNOWLEDGING, NO ALLEGIANCE and Owing No Accountability to the People.” It was Bureaucracy then and today, known as the Deep State, is ever so Demonstrably Evident today. Even to the point of; Attempting to TAKE Down a Sitting American President. However our Justice System, will persevere and overcome those, in high places, and hold them accountable.

Vote TRUMP in 2020, and Let’s All Make America Great Again…. Vote Republican in 2020 …. Take Out the RINO’s in 2020 AS WELL (REPUBLICAN IN NAME ONLY)

For all who don’t know, the Never Trump Contingent, is alive and well in the Republican Party, they need to go. … . Time to Purge the Party . … .

5 years ago

Any legislator who places ILLEGAL immigrants above LEGAL immigrants and US Citizens should be charged with treason! Any legislator who votes or voted for late term abortions right up to (and apparently in some cases beyond) birth should be charged with being an accomplice to premeditated murder!

Paul E Mlynar
Paul E Mlynar
5 years ago

As a former, born & raised, New Yorker, I am disgusted by what the Democrats have done to what is one of the most beautiful states in the union.

R Jeannotte
R Jeannotte
5 years ago

I joined the military in 1969 from NY. One of the few states that did not fund a veteran’s benefit. One of the few states that taxed income earned in a combat zone. One of the few that offered nothing to veteran’s. Now why would anything be different. Young people should move their tax domicile to another state before enlisting.
I’m thinking that maybe we should split all future caravans and put them on the road to NY and Cali, cut off federal funding of any program for those states and put the wall around them instead.

5 years ago

Would it be wrong to wish a plague on the house of NY Dems? Maybe it will be brought in by one of those illegals they love so much.

R. Tabor
R. Tabor
5 years ago

The trouble with to many of our so called representatives is that they do not legislate responsively. This is just another example.

5 years ago

Democrats are stone dead. No morals, no conscience, no compassion, no empathy, no feelings. Misguided automans who believe the State is the ultimate. To them the State is the only entity to be worshipped and glorified. Woe be unto them when The Judgment Day comes.

5 years ago

Where are the decent people they need to throw these vile politicians out of office and Not wait for elections if they don’t do right we have to be able to Throw them out and banned for life plus Prosecuted when it is against the law and they have done this just push the Constitution out we have to stop this and starting NOW or America is gone and our children are domed that includes these judges and teachers that are leftist communist socialist muslums

5 years ago

If California, Washington, and Oregon would fall into the Pacific, and New York, New Jersey and Conn. would get sucked into the Atlantic the USA would be a long way down the road to being normal again !!

Dalya K. Horowitz
Dalya K. Horowitz
5 years ago

Completely disgusted – it defies reason and logic.

Robert Klein
Robert Klein
5 years ago

The actions of the NY legislature display yet another example of a disgusting disregard of the American citizen in deference to the illegal alien. The DEMS blocked a college aid bill that was designed to support the children of deceased or disabled military, a vicious act of bias and animus…yet authorized $27 million to cover college costs for young illegal aliens. This is insanity and reveals the shattering of our moral compass, a deterioration in the respect for our flag and those military families enduring sacrifice, and a troubling deviation from the standard of what is good

Irv C
Irv C
5 years ago

Disgusts me. Trump 2020

5 years ago

the great thing politicians have going for them is a lot of people don’t bother to vote, (look at the number of votes some are elected with), and good. capable people don’t run because they will be trashed (Kavanaugh).

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
5 years ago

Judges, Samuel, and Kings describe how the children of Israel would forget how good they had it, lapse back like flies to manure into false gods, and end up under tyranny. I don’t think we Gentile are any improvement. From my mouth to God’s Ear this “progressive” ideology will go the way of the dodo, but how much longer can we tempt Him?

5 years ago

These people make me sick !! The only reason that makes any sense is they are buying votes ! Trying to make sure they can implement more of their socialist ideas!!! GOD is watching folks! They need to get on their knees and ask GOD for forgiveness! And remember why they and their families enjoy all the a FREEDOMS they have !!! It is because of the selflessness of our men and women fighting for our right to be FREE! May GOD Bless America!!

5 years ago

The New York Democrats are just like all of the Democrats in the rest of the United States. The do not understand what is going on, and they don’t want to understand. They have their own agenda which does not have room for our Lord and Savior.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

The reason is simple – dead soldiers can’t vote while illegals can. The (d)s are laughing at us – knowing that all will be forgotten by next year’s election.

5 years ago

What has happened to pride in your country? Our politicians should be shining examples of that pride and instead are doing their best to make this Country about cow-towing to illegals. It has gotten to the point of almost being laughable in New York, if it weren’t for the fact that the situation there is very sad. The elected officials in New York (and in other States, like mine—Illinois) are a good example of why we desperately need term limits!!!!

5 years ago

Unfortunately, the ultra rich liberals in New York, who support giving illegal immigrants more benefits don’t really deal with them on a personal basis ( except for their service non-seen, as in cleaning maids or off the books nannies). As long as their pleasure are taken care of, the ultra rich liberals don’t care. As for appreciating the military, most of them never served and don’t care. The few that do appreciate the military are usually made fun of by the ultra rich liberals. (Like Trump and Teddy Roosevelt)

5 years ago

Term limits folks! That’s the only way to get rid of’m without having to shoot! End of benefits time also.

5 years ago

what is the matter with these legislators and their thinking

William E Roche
William E Roche
5 years ago

Great piece…..and very sad

Dave Goldman
Dave Goldman
5 years ago

Me was Korean Vet now old retired from hard work, living well as a self made comfortable close to the beach xperation date we all,have. My money will now be used to prevent my grand children not to be in American Military till we come back to,common sense again. Low grade morons are trying to run us and own us.

5 years ago

Most Democrat politicians are disgusting in that they value illegals more than Americans and those associated with the military. Illegals should be deported where and when they are found. I don’t care if they were brought here as children or they crossed the border as an adult. They are breaking the law. We would be held and jailed for breaking any of the laws on the books but they are vocal and in our face and yet they are still here using our social services, committing crimes, and taking our jobs. These NY politicians should be voted out of office. They are a blemish on the American life.

Mary Ann Pauley
Mary Ann Pauley
5 years ago

The Democrats want to kill legal American full term babies. And allow illegal parents and children come into the U.S with open arms, and full benefits on our tax dollars. This makes me sick to my stomach. The democrats are committing treason. They all need to be voted out !!!!

Harry L. Burley Sr.
Harry L. Burley Sr.
5 years ago

The only reason that New York doesn’t float out into the Atlantic ocean is because New Jersey sucks!

5 years ago

I come from a long line of military people, this absolutely is disgusting what may of these states are doing, if it were not for these precious MEN AND WEMEN WHO HAVE FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM, AND YES MANY HAVE GIVEN THEIR LIVES, those children that have been left with out a PARENT OR PARENTS, why should they be punished. Giving liberties to illeagles and not supporting our on legal military family’s is absolutely unforgiveable. (MOST OF THE DEMOCRATSE ARE ABSOLETLY HEARTLESS AND DEFINATELY NOT HUMAN) VOTE EVERYONE OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Larry Palmitier
Larry Palmitier
5 years ago

I already get this the AMAC newsletter electronically and have heard about this outrageous act on FOX News. I thought New Yorkers were only known for the way the speak, but now I know they do not care about the American Public, that is the Democrats. Do you realize the $27 million is 10 time the amount that is set aside for the children of Americans the fought and died defending the United States of America? Why on earth would such an organization want to deprive these children. I forgot, it is because of the votes they will receive from the illegal college age parents. I thought is was against the law to buy votes, but New York Democrats are going around the law and buying votes. Since they list themselves a Sanctuary City, send the immigrants to New York as President as suggested.

Edgar Fletcher
Edgar Fletcher
5 years ago

This is hard to fathom……these soulless, godless, evil representatives. NY, what has happened to you?

Cheryl Christie
Cheryl Christie
5 years ago

Because of all this I have become an activist like you would not believe. My family says they are so proud of me. We need to get more of us to stand up. Write letters, make phone calls, etc. I have actually called Pelosi and sent her letters letting her have it. We need more people to do that

5 years ago

By hasn,t this been reported by the media? Bob

5 years ago

gotta save for illegals

4 years ago

And these same politicians wonder why people, alot of which are veterans, are leaving in droves to work and retire in other states! They only look out for themselves and their voter base

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