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Mocked by Staff, Slammed by Senators, and Sliding in Polls, Biden May Be in Terminal Political Decline

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Pat Conroy


After only 8 short months, the honeymoon period for Joe Biden’s presidency is officially over. Crises on multiple fronts turned President Biden’s “summer of freedom” into a summer from hell. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 American service members dead, anemic economic numbers, and the reemergence of Covid have sunk President Biden’s job approval numbers to the lowest of his presidency. In the RealClearPolitics average, nearly half of all Americans (49.7%) disapprove of Biden’s job performance while only 45.2% approve.

Despite projections of confidence in public by the White House, it appears there is increasing anxiety inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue about the future of the Biden presidency. According to new reporting from Politico, the situation has devolved so much that Biden’s staff can’t even bear to watch or listen to their boss when he speaks at events. “When Biden gives public remarks, some White House staffers will either mute him or turn off his remarks,” Politico reports. “It’s not that they’re indifferent to what their boss has to say. Indeed, their livelihoods are directly invested in it. Rather, they’re filled with anxiety that he’s going to take questions from the press and veer off the West Wing’s carefully orchestrated messaging.”

Regardless of the White House’s spin, it is a damning indictment of the President when his own staff does not trust him to speak to an overwhelmingly left-wing press corps. Biden’s political career has long been plagued by gaffes, dating back to his first failed presidential campaign in 1988, which went down in flames after an embarrassing plagiarism scandal in which he falsified his own family history.

During his 2020 campaign, however, Biden’s staff – with a major assist from the mainstream media and Big Tech – was able to coddle and cajole their candidate into the White House by having him appear as little as possible in public under the guise of “COVID precautions.” Biden instead opted for virtual and very small in-person events that were heavily choreographed by his staff. Now that he is in office, the American people expect a much higher level of transparency and are growing skeptical of Biden’s ability to do the job seeing as he can’t even face questions from friendly reporters without embarrassing himself.

In a poll released at the height of the Afghanistan calamity, a majority of Americans (52%) said they are not confident that Biden is physically or mentally “up to the job of being president of the United States,” compared to only 46% who said they were confident. Not without reason, Americans are starting to speculate whether it’s Biden’s staff who is controlling the decision-making rather than the Commander-in-Chief. According to findings in the same poll, only 39% of Americans think Biden is “doing the job of president,” while a staggering 51% believe “others are making decisions” for him.

Democrats in Congress, aware of the potential political fallout from the President’s collapsing poll numbers, are beginning to distance themselves from the leader of their party. In some cases, they are even outright challenging him in public.

Recently, Senator Joe Manchin explicitly announced his opposition to the $3.5 trillion socialist spending blueprint for Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Manchin bucked his party, writing that “some in Congress have a strange belief there is an infinite supply of money to deal with any current or future crisis, and that spending trillions upon trillions will have no negative consequence for the future. I disagree.” According to reporting, Manchin has told the White House he will support as little as $1 trillion of the package.

The White House would have voters believe Joe Manchin is an outlier in the Democrat Party and not indicative of any larger trend of eroding support, but he’s not the only Senator directly challenging President Biden.

Multiple Democrat Senators had sharp criticisms of Biden over his catastrophic Afghanistan pullout. Most surprising was the rebuke from the president’s loyal old colleague, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal. In a press release, Blumenthal eviscerated the Biden administration for leaving American citizens behind in their evacuation efforts. “I have been deeply frustrated, even furious, at our government’s delay & inaction,” the statement reads. “I expect the White House & State Department to do everything in their power—absolutely everything—to make this happen. These are Americans citizens & Afghans who risked everything for our country. We cannot leave them behind.”

Blumenthal’s significant break with the administration suggests that even the staunchest supporters of President Biden are growing concerned about the position of their party after a summer of failure by the Biden White House. After the Trump administration handed Biden a strong foundation for a speedy economic recovery, relative peace in the Middle East, and three COVID vaccines produced in record time, Biden has squandered all of it in a matter of months. With polling showing that the American people are quickly losing patience with such ineptitude, and with Democratic lawmakers now openly criticizing the President, Biden’s political standing may be in terminal decline.

Pat Conroy is the pen name of a Washington, D.C.-based political strategist.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

2 bad cant do same for Newsom too

3 years ago

Yet another article from yet another political strategist, that outlines Biden has been creating one crisis after another since he took the oath of office and people may be getting fed up. No kidding! What else is new? Seriously! Other than changing the dates of when the article was written and adding in the latest foul up to the ever growing list of manufactured screw-ups, what if anything new is being said here?

The people controlling the Biden administration will continue to keep Biden in place until it is no longer politically expedient to do so any longer. Then he will be swapped out for Harris, who will name a new VP (not Pelosi for those out there with limited imaginations or who don’t really understand how the process works) to be her back-up puppet for when Harris herself is deemed expendable by the people running the show.

John F Edwards
John F Edwards
3 years ago

While I enjoy most of your articles I cannot repost them on Facebook. Every time I attempt to repost an article I receive a notice that someone disagreed and/or had a problem with my post and they would therefore not post it. It doesn’t matter what I posted.

3 years ago

I am amazed that it took this long for the dems to see the light(or dark) as the case may be of their chosen one. I guess they thought they could hide it (him) forever. The American people are not fools, but are too willing to give someone a chance who is an old senile fool. WAKE UP AMERICA!! We have work to do to save our country from this doddling old fool and the radicals who control him. It is not going to be easy, but we must take back our country or our children, grand children, great grand children are lost and we will have no one to blame but ourselves!

3 years ago

He was in decline when he was running for President and he was falsely elected!!
He is in further decline now and he needs to recline permanently!

Heidi Lepak
Heidi Lepak
3 years ago

It is a very sad state of affairs to watch the reputation of our great country fall into ruin by such an incompetent president. What scares me even more is the Kamal will be next if he is removed. Heaven help us all!

PattyRN MA
PattyRN MA
3 years ago

This is agonizing. Let’s end it. Get rid of Biden in whatever expedient manner that can accomplish that. I hate waking up in the morning knowing that we have a dysfunctional boob in the White House. For the first time I am seeing empty shelves in the grocery stores. The price of clothing and shoes has gone up and I can’t even talk about gas prices. I hope we find out who is really speaking in Joe’s ear. I think it’s Obama. He was a rotten President and now he is an even worse “behind scenes” President. Dopey Joe said his patience is running thin. Mine is gone.

3 years ago

Sliding at the polls? He was at the bottom of the barrel to begin with, he wasn’t elected , he was selected.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
3 years ago

Pretty frustrated after that California crap. I’m starting to realize that we have just a bunch of yakkers. Are senators are news all they do is yak ! nothing gets done. Come on sheeple wake up. Vote vote vote vote vote !!!!!!

Flyover Country John
Flyover Country John
3 years ago

If I had the capability, I’d stand on every street corner in Washington DC with a sign, put a bumper sticker on every conservative’s car and commission every billboard in the country declaring: “YOU STOLE THE ELECTION FOR THIS GUY???”

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I don’t blame Biden, I blame all Democrats for nominating this blundering idiot and then committing election fraud to put him into office. It’s both insane and treasonous, pure and simple. If his own staff doesn’t trust what he says, why in the H _ _ _ should we? That is nothing more than pure, unadulterated common sense.

When I think of the future of the United States, I think of Nero playing his violin while Rome burned. What we are all witnessing right now, at this very moment, is the beginning of the end for this once-promising and once great and proud democracy. We’re being herded into oblivion.

3 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Joe Biden, “our” Liar in Chief, is just the current mouthpiece of the Leftist Crapsters running today’s Democratic Party. Can anyone name who would be more acceptable from who is left to choose from in this band of deplorables? Until the Republican Party so-called leadership can find the guts to demand that the entire LYING Biden Administration including a good portion of our Military Leadership be tried for TREASON, We the People are doomed and America is Lost!!!
Where can we find a true Patriot to lead us?

3 years ago

Straight down!!!! Does that describe political decline???? He won with 81 million votes didn’t he? How could that many “voters” be wrong? LMAO. Joey(which in the past has been a term that was used to identify a clown) and his puppeteers are in a deep pile of mule fritters. He has one thing going for him. EVERYONE LOVES THE MONTHLY CHILD TAX CREDITS!!!!!!!!!!!! The progressives/socialists/communists have the walking mummy doing what they want. What a great trip may still be ahead.

3 years ago

Biden himself said he would not last his whole term. This all according to plan.

3 years ago

Compared to the 45th president, Biden gives the impression that he doesn’t care.

Lindsey C Goff
Lindsey C Goff
3 years ago

He was already in “decline”, politically, physically, and mentally, before he was “given” the election fraudulently. For those still hiding under a rock, Obama is running the country, don’t think he isn’t. 2024 will be a race between Obama and Trump.

3 years ago

I said since day one Biden would not make it one year in office. He may not even make it to Thanksgiving. That would truly be something for which to be thankful for.

3 years ago

More talk, never any action……

Elliot W Penna
Elliot W Penna
3 years ago

Terminal political decline? Not to worry, there is a vaccine for that.

3 years ago

I beginning to believe that if there are any “positive” polls for Biden that the only people taking those polls are in his administration, those to whom he takes his marching orders from, those who pay to keep him in office to do their bidding, etc. I just cannot believe that there could possibly be enough rational, sensible, etc., American who think he is doing a “good job” or doing anything right! It is so obvious that he cannot do anything right and that he is not fit to be our nations leader.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

O’Biden does not know what is going on….he is a puppet for others in the Marxist administration. It will be very soon when he cannot even read the cue cards that those fraudsters have prepared for him. There is absolutely nothing positive about his diminished leadership since the inauguration in January. His lying and deception caught up with him seven months ago, and he along with his cronies continue the charade to this day. The Milley fiasco is the latest in a series of deceptions that must be addressed soon as this country’s reputation continues to decline as a world leader.

3 years ago

In addition to the failure this Biden Buffoon has become in 8 months the state of California is still rigging the recall election/ if that is not true the liberals in that state have to be the dumbest group of people on earth for wanting to get screwed// also Joe the dementia guru is a stone cold crook and sold out to China/Russia/Iran to name a few along with his scum bag son Hunter the Druggie//

Albert Myles
Albert Myles
3 years ago

I hope for the sake of America that Senator Manchineel doesn’t fold to Biden

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

What 45 out of 100 AMERICANS would approve of Biden. I say Buck Fiden!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Lying Biden’s decline started in about 1973 and has slowly went down hill, only on Jan. 6th, 2021 did it picked up speed. I believe that a fart in Church would get more plus votes than Lying Biden. He has not made one improvement in America in the 8 months of being in office, and has appointed more sleaze-bags than any other President in history all they are is the Devils Foot Soldiers, out to destroy America.
God Save America !!!

3 years ago

A local radio host said Pres. Biden’s reaction to Senator Manchin’s disapproval of the grossly overpriced spending bills included the f-word. Biden has clearly lost his mind…no great loss there. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who hasn’t yet realized it.

I’m openly requesting that Joe Manchin reconsider his party affiliation since he more closely allies with Republicans on a few issues. Now wouldn’t that make the headlines!

3 years ago

The “45.2 %” are progressively killing the country. Pun intended.

3 years ago

After failure to recall Newsom I am becoming increasingly skeptical about the polls that are supposedly showing dissatisfaction with terrible leadership, and about the articles that are based on those polls. A lot of us believe what we believe, but are there enough of us, really? So discouraging.

David Maddox
David Maddox
3 years ago

…….”when the wicked reign, the people mourn” (Prov 29: 2)

Free American for now
Free American for now
3 years ago

He and his communist henchmen are not just incompetent they are a treasonous threat to the safety of our nation! Along with evidence their are members of treasonous congress, the threat is imminent and action should be taken with extreme prejudice!

3 years ago

I find it hard to accept the poll numbers that only 50.3% of America disapproves of this shill. If Americans voted for this clown IN SPITE OF the vitriolic rhetoric coming from his radical leftist Marxist alliances, then it’s on them, simple as that, even though the election was “won” by corrupt deviation, which as far as real America should be concerned, he is just some impostor occupying the Oval Office. Unfortunately it’s the REAL Americans who are paying the bills for this treason.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

I can only hope that this evil man leaves the office he has stolen as quickly as possible by any means possible.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I don’t want to read that his administration is in decline, I want to read where he’s been removed from office. For the first time in the history of this once great republic, we have an empty shell occupying the White House. I don’t blame dementia Joe for this, I blame every stinking democrat for putting him there.I will never forget this fact. I pray for the ultimate demise of the un-American Democratic Party. If you don’t like my sentiments, then KMA.

3 years ago

Patriots, I believe 2022 election will be a repeat of the Newsom FRAUD. We have damn few real Republicans with the guts to lead. That SOB Biden will be out by year end. Harris is the devoted bootlicker of Obama.
The late great America will be history. So sad…

3 years ago

But for a rigged election done by DemocRat partisans and thier Commie ilk, any non-DemocRat partisan nut cake would have recognized it when he was nominated to run for POTUS. Joe Hidin’ Biden was a sleazy crook and was apparently by a DemocRat partisan majority to be the best they had to offer. I hope Americans realize that a message must be sent to the DemocRat party in the next few elections that rigging elections is not Constitutional, honest, or done by a trustworthy political party. Biden needs to step away (or be carried more likely) from the POTUS role even tho Camel Hair Is not much better … maybe worse. In the DemocRat Party, partisan priority reins over all other traits of a political organization in a Constitutional Democracy … traits such as honesty, respect for the majority will at the polls, character enough to accept the will of the true majority in an unrigged election. The NATION’s citizenry must insist that a closely monitored voting system MUST be kept fair and honest and with absolute privacy of an individual’s vote choices (which CAN NOT be guaranteed by using US mail to deliver ballots (to or from) to voters..

3 years ago

After reading this article, my question is: Who does Joey’s staff, who mute him or don’t listen to him, go to, to air their concerns or complaints?, To his wife who pushed him into this situation? to Pelosi, arms flailing when speaking, who is just as incompetent as Joey?, to the Senate who sticks together as Democrats? Give me a break! The staff has families to support, and they need to pay bills. They should just listen to Joey’s dementia and senility, and keep collecting that paycheck for as long as they can. We don’t need any more people on unemployment, food stamps, free housing, etc., as we already have plenty collecting benefits from those of us who do pay taxes.

3 years ago

When do WE THE PEOPLE REALLY get to slam him?

3 years ago

Each day our great country is going closer to an internalized destruction that is going to be harder and harder to reverse. We need someone to take charge, and lead the millions of patriots to stand up and take back the power that the federal government stole from the states. Article V of the US Constitution give the states that right through a Convention of the States, 15 states have already signed up, 19 more are needed.

3 years ago

We must not be discouraged from voting in person on election day in ’22 & ’24….their plan is to discourage us..encourage us not to vote …and we will never see the media or progressives admit to voter fraud in 2020 election..I doubt with all the engineered delays even after legal presentation of such fraud…the press especially will continue to insert “Trump’s fraud claims” not mentioning the proof & legal cases that are pending.

I’d like to see Trump run and win in 2024….and DeSantis follow his term in 2028. We can’t lose Florida and I don’t see another strong leader in Florida to take his place at the present time…and with his backbone & spirit we need him in Presidential position in 2028.

As far as impeaching Biden or his resignation …Harris would be so much worse…just hoping we can gain control of both houses in 2022….so please VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY.

3 years ago

Biden out and Harris in? Who is worse?

3 years ago

We must VOTE in person, always. New Jersey Gov. Murphy the Creep would not allow it. NO machines. We had just mail in. Mail in should only happen, if you are out of the country.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I find it difficult to believe according to this story that only now the American people are beginning to wake up to the utter & complete fallacy of JRB as potus. After nearly ( 8 ) months of nonstop missteps, one after another & according to polls, people are only now seeing ” Bumbling Biden ” for what he really is?
CT’s Richard Blumenthal is a tried & true liar, Vietnam vet, right, such a man of integrity…
Joe Manchin, if nothing else he’s a realist by NOT signing off on the 6 trillion dollar steal…
If it actually passes, lest we forget, we have ( 20 ) RINO’s onboard with it, it will be a total unmitigated disaster for this nation btw…
Yes, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr has managed to RUIN a nation well on it’s way to getting back to normal, economically, socially & a nation with SECURE borders, energy independence, respect around the world, all LOST under an old senile man willing to lie, cheat & steal his way to the presidency…Trump left him the perfect road map to follow only to let it all go to waste, what a sad state of affairs our beautiful nation finds herself in…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

I sense that even the DemonRats propaganda News outlets are beginning to go more silent in boosting Hidin’ Joe Biden because to do so makes them also look like fools. Even the DemocRat Propaganda outlets are becoming more mum on trying to boost Biden’s slidin’ in the public eyes. Biden is what you get when you have rigged Cook County type rigged elections.

3 years ago

F**k Joe Biden… chant…F**K Joe Biden

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

The scariest fact that this man should step down but in reality we don’t have anyone standing by who can be President on the world stage. Harris is a real loser and couldn’t manage her office much less the big office of President. We are going to be in real trouble and the next in line is the witch flying her broom Pelosi! Yikes.

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

After all his blunders and dumb decisions that we know of as President he still has a 45% approval rating? When you can fool that many people then America is in big trouble. We have a lot of confused people that don’t know right from wrong.

Pete & Mardi Nagy
Pete & Mardi Nagy
3 years ago

What’s really troubling is that 45.2% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance and 39% actually believe he is doing the job of President and not letting others make decisions for him. Just who could possibly believe this? Scary thought….. how could anyone be that clueless?

3 years ago

You cannot believe Joe Manchin . He will write an editorial that is actually thoughtful but then the administration offers a couple bucks for West Virginia or gives Mrs. Manchin a cushy high paying job and good ol Joe rolls over and gives the socialists whatever they want.

3 years ago

Bidens mental decline should have everyone worried. Time for the
25th amendment, but Harris could be more mentally lacking. The dem-o-rats
have put the country in a real leadership crisis. (or lack there of )

3 years ago

I’m amazed at the lack of mention or criticism of Jill Biden’s apparent acceptance & agreement to have Joe run in the presidential campaign…where is her compassion for her husband’s condition???..did they both want to be in the White House that bad.. or what is her payoff to go along when she is apparently the closest person to Biden and has to have been aware from the beginning of his decline. .

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