
Newsline , Society

Missing – Accountability and Public Safety

Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

As one lives, one learns, or should. We see failures in government—outcomes, character, and trust—at federal and state levels. We see out-of-touch leaders and gaps in accountability and public safety. Such failures are not new, but they must be corrected in dangerous times.

One of the most famous, effective leaders and callers of good men to action was a Greek named Demosthenes (Dee-mo-theens). You will never have heard of him. He lived from 384 to 322 BC, more than 2,300 years ago, yet his truths are profound, direct, and timeless.

In 342 BC (Before Christ), Demosthenes got fed up with his fellow Athenians. They were go-along-to-get-along, back-slappers, and many dishonest. He was tired of an Athens that allowed bad guys to overrun good people. He despised weak leadership, wrote a speech, and talked bluntly.

This is what he said: Get up, get off your backside, understand the future depends on you, even now. Understand that you have duties. If the government fails, it is on you, you own it.

In his  “Third Philippic” speech, he urged honesty no pettiness, and integrity. Athens listened and rose. The speech is long, and not worth the labor unless you are retired, and have a warm fire, but have high points.

“Men of Athens … wrongs are being committed …against you… Our words and deeds must be to check and chastise arrogance, yet I perceive that all our interests have been so completely betrayed and sacrificed that – I am afraid … we could not be in a worse condition.”

What was he saying? Athens had enemies inside and out, ignored them, and did not stand up. Leaders were listening to “those who study to win your favor rather than to give you the best advice. Some of them are interested in maintaining a system which brings them credit and influence, have no thought for the future.” Lost – and a tragedy – were the children, the future.

Even in his time, there were lobbyists, petty jealousies, influence peddlers, and those who indulged human jealousies and so undermined the public good, public safety, and national security.

“But such methods of dealing with public affairs, familiar though they are to you, are the cause of your calamities.” He spoke firmly. “You think it is so necessary to grant general freedom of speech to everyone in Athens that you even allow aliens … in the privilege, with more liberty than citizens enjoy … “ In the name of goodness, you do harm.

“Your self-complacency is flattered by hearing …pleasant speeches, but your policy and your practice are already involving you in the gravest peril…so … I am ready to speak.”

He laid out the truth – and later died for it. Athens’ leaders were petty, and unaccountable, opening Athens to harm. “The state of our affairs is in every way deplorable … until … you choose to do your duty, that all may yet be repaired.” Internal and external threats were real, and being ignored.

“What I am going to say may perhaps seem a paradox, but it is true. The worst feature of the past is our best hope for the future. What, then, is that feature? It is that your affairs go wrong because you neglect every duty, great or small.” Hope exists – if there remains room for “improvement.”

In other words, when leaders – of a country or state – finally admit there is a problem, hope exists. When they deny it, indulge in pettiness, they doom themselves. Demosthenes is adamant. Athens had less information warfare and fewer illegal aliens, no ruthless drug traffickers, but he knew Athens was in trouble. He also knew if they acted as one, they could still win.

“Nor have you been defeated—no! But you have not even made a move.” This, of course, is his real attack on the leaders of Athens: Petty politics was winning, enemies rising in the breach.

He gets tough with fellow legislators. Enemies are “violating the peace…since some of you are in such a strange mood…” While enemies are “seizing cities, and retaining many of your possessions, and inflicting injury on everybody, you tolerate some speakers … saying the real aggressors are certain of ourselves, we must be on our guard and set this matter right.”

Sound familiar? Has so much changed in 2000 years? “There is grave danger that anyone who proposes and urges that we shall defend ourselves may incur the charge of …” overstatement. He pushes for honesty, and self-protection, not self-delusion. “What is left but to defend ourselves?”

At the national level, we will – God willing – soon see a return to accountability, more limited and more humble government, and greater public safety. But many States lag. They cannot afford to.

Bottom line: Our work is not done. Recent victories aside, all is not well. Demosthenes was right. Leaders – federal and state leaders – are often complacent. They often think politics is a game. It is not. Accountability and public safety must matter – to all levels of government.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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3 months ago

Well RBC, your “Bottom Line” comment says it all. The real problem is that a majority of the people will return to their stupors during the next administration’s term of office and again, when they wake up, it might be too late to address needed changes.

3 months ago

RBC: I am afraid that your “bottom line” will play out again. BUT…hopefully, “We the people” are stirred up enough to keep fighting with President Trump to regain our country and our freedoms. We can’t afford to sit back on our (very few) laurels for the next 4 years. We must keep on fighting to regain what we’ve allowed to be taken away from us.

John Bass
John Bass
3 months ago

Great article, a lot of similarities towards today’s political climate. History indeed repeat’s itself. Too bad our elected leaders didn’t take more interest in history classes when they were supposedly educated.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Accountability may not happen but at least right now we can look forward to the possibility for “change” that doesn’t include Joe’s diaper.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

As Demosthenes encouraged. integrity in government leaders and taking action to correct what needed improvement , what needed correction three centuries Before Christ those ideas should be thought of as standards today. Accountability and public safety should be thought of as the foundation for responsible government. With regard for the qualities of good character, sense of purpose, and living by a code of conduct with honorable intentions . There is much to be done , to be vigilant ,in defending principles ,it is the way to stay on the right course. The idea of Integrity is never out of date and is essential in all worthwhile endeavors that involve Liberty. Encouraging article RBC.

3 months ago

Mr. Charles’ Demosthenes references in this important article (that apply directly to the US) also underscore the utter failure of our schools to educate our students on national security and related matters. The stupidity of deliberately opening the borders of a sovereign, industrialized nation is abysmal. Those who lead our Department of Education, evidently, are not focused enough on educating our students to be responsible voters.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
3 months ago

That’s a wonderful example for us to follow in my opinion.

3 months ago

Every person must know what is right & what is wrong. More people need to follow the TEN COMMANDMENTS regardless if they religious or not & this will solve the problem. And our court systems must quit protecting criminals more than our law enforcement people.

3 months ago

This discussion from Mr. Charles on the breakdowns in our discipline of law enforcement, attitude and messaging, that once reflected a REAL national cohesion and security from dangers of foreign and domestic enemies, using ancient Athens as an example, calls for maximum urgency in identifying and addressing risks from presence of dangerous illegal immigrants and unknown foreign actors that now live within our borders. Thanks to the abandonment of our once-patriotic, political mindset … these dangers have been scandalously ignored.
With so many risks that we all currently face, in our own time, having far greater potential for damage and mass lethality than those which threatened the ancient Greek states, Mr. Charles reflects on the expedience, competence and pragmatism needed to surveil and address attacks and other man-induced catastrophes … in the “RIGHT HERE” and “RIGHT NOW”… with accountability for public safety at the forefront. Though it is reassuring to see and feel the urgency in Mr. Charles’ message, it is both terrifying and infuriating to consider the accumulated danger of our (illegally) long-open borders, and the all-consuming self-interest of the despicable players that put us in this danger. Our recent elections should only be the start of a new beginning that protects American lives and our national interests.

TX Conservative
TX Conservative
3 months ago

Part of the re-awakening must be carried over to deal with the media too. As much as gov’t officials they are supposed to “represent” us in the quest for transparency and truth. They should be the first line of defense/offense in holding officials feet to the fire. As they are failing us, we need to get them back on track too.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Without even a baby step toward transparency it will be a slide back into murky swampy natural habitat of “democrats”

3 months ago

I hope that the REAL transparency efforts that MUST start immediately after Trump’s inauguration will succeed in waking people up! I just read online (wondering it its correct?) that bar tender AOC is now worth 29 million? If true, this is a prime example of the powerful riding into riches on the backs of the taxpayers they are supposed to be working for! Whomever introduces term limit legislation first will be an American hero!

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