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Mental Slips – Is Biden Fit?

Posted on Wednesday, September 9, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

bidenIs Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden showing signs of “early dementia” – or is that unfair talk?  Recently, we have been told to follow science – by the CDC, National Institutes of Health, and endless Democrat leaders.  So how about we follow science … on dementia?

As most know, warning signs include memory, counting, reasoning and language.  Repeat memory loss, confusion over times and places, difficulty problem solving, forgetting names, disorientation, poor judgment, withdrawal from socializing, mood spikes are signs – at Biden’s age.

Biden is 77, which can mean nothing – or something.  How does this play into voter evaluations of fitness for high office, where he would control American lives, liberty, and nuclear weapons?

If Biden were elected, he would be the oldest president ever sworn in – eight years older than when Trump was sworn in, nine older than Reagan.  Still, age is not disqualifying.

In brief, dementia is “loss of thinking ability,” which grows over time. Between five and eight percent of adults above 65 have dementia. That number doubles every five years – so, 10-16 percent over 70, 20-32 percent over 75, perhaps 25-35 percent over 77.  Thus, Biden’s chances of dementia – on hard science – lie between 1 in 4, and 1 in 3.  They are non-trivial. See,

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, brilliant people age 105, but more will fall within rules than outside them.  Put differently, while 60 to 80 percent of those with dementia have Alzheimer’s, mental capacity tends to decline over time. Additionally, 80 percent of those with Alzheimer’s are over 75.  See,

In Biden’s defense, he has often demonstrated the fine art of linguistic lapse, gaff, ludicrous and laughable misstatements, with outsized exaggeration, fictionalization, pure fib, senatorial foppery and – famously in 1988 – shameless misappropriation of another person’s work and words, actually an entire speech, known outside the political world as “plagiarism.”

Also, in Biden’s defense, experts make clear occasional lapses of memory are nothing to worry about.  They are not the same as dementia. “Dementia cannot be diagnosed from afar” as “a person needs a detailed doctor’s exam for a diagnosis …sometimes brain imaging.” Moreover, “forgetting an occasional word – or where you put your keys – does not mean a person has dementia.”  See,

So, that settled, where exactly is Biden?  On one hand, resisting cognitive tests, only he and his doctor know if he has clinical signs of dementia or impaired capacities.  Still, voters need to think on this issue.  On the science, Biden has a non-trivial chance of dementia.  If proven, he would serve impaired or be forced to transfer power to Kamala Harris, equally frightening.

So, does he or does he not?  Can we know or never know? We have eyes, ears, and Biden to judge on.  Before reviewing a litany of slips, note Biden has been testy in interviewers. See,

Even CNN friends in 2019 wondered if Biden was just preparing to hand off power.; If so, one might ask – as a matter of judgment:  Is that right, using moderate Democrat credentials to get enter history, then handing power to an opportunist, and likely socialist?

About the errors, are they serious symptoms or bad luck? What should voters think?  The list is too long to print, even with Biden ducking social interactions for months, until June 30. See,

Still, consider jaw-dropping lapses:  On September 3, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, scene of a police shooting, Biden told a church audience he needed to stop talking “or they’ll shoot me” – to a shocked response. See,

On September 2, Biden confused facts again – blaming “a Trump-supporter” for “inciting response” and getting killed by a “bullet from the crowd,” when the Trump supporter was intentionally killed by an avowed Antifa member, for whom an arrest warrant for second-degree murder was issued – and who was later killed by police.  See,

On August 31, Biden said “COVID, this year, has taken more than 100 years …” He likely meant 100,000 lives.  See, .

On August 27, Biden could not complete a CNN interview without script, needing another one to tell Harris she was selected.  In a July MSNBC interview, Biden did not understand “woke,” and thought it meant “work,” then said he was “constantly tested” cognitively – then declined a test.

In summer, race became part of the election lexicon, and Biden reverted to form.  Having said “poor kids” are “just as bright as white kids,” he told a black CBS reporter he no more needed a cognitive test than that reporter needed a “drug test,” then said Latinos were “incredibly diverse” by contrast to blacks.  In May, Biden told a black host he “ain’t black” if he does not vote for Biden, fist talking him down and then implying independent thought was not allowed.. See,;;

In New Hampshire, Biden thought he was in Vermont; in Iowa, Biden thought he was in Ohio; in South Carolina he forgot where he was.  In April, he identified the last president as Bush.  In California, he took his wife Jill’s hand, and very sweetly called her Valerie, his sister’s name.

In March, Biden started the first line of the Declaration of Independence, and promptly forgot.  He declared excitement over Super Thursday but meant Super Tuesday.  In February, he declared at a dinner, that he was running for Senate, forgetting he was running for President.

During the campaign, Biden has forgotten familiar words, places, and names, missed basic geography, got utterly disoriented, forgotten where he was, misplaced himself in time, become confused, fallen asleep on camera, pulled from socializing, evinced mood swings, and had trouble speaking. See, e.g.,;;

Essential question:  Is Biden fit?  Some will say, sure – this is all good fun.  Some will say, forgive and look to Harris.  Others will say, on the science Biden has a “non-trivial chance” of dementia.  In the end, these unnerving missteps are – at least – very poor judgment.  That should be reason enough not to vote for Biden, shall we say, on the political science.

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4 years ago

Everyone in Washington and even most of the media that isn’t pro-Democrat keeps dancing around the fact that Joe Biden clearly has ALL THE SIGNS of early dementia. I don’t expect the Democrats or the vast majority of the mainstream media to acknowledge that fact, but most Republicans and the few news outlets NOT completely in sync with the Democrats and their agenda should have the courage to acknowledge Biden’s real mental state. Otherwise, they are doing an incredible disservice to the American public.

For those that say Harris will be running things, that is utter nonsense. She was specifically selected because she would allow the real power brokers to be calling the shots. Her only purpose is to fill the identity politics checkboxes the Democrat Party put out there to secure the black vote of those uniformed folks still clinging to the lies of the Democrat Party after all these years. Should Biden / Harris actually be elected, the White House staff put in place by the real power brokers of the Democrat Party will be running the country on a day-to-day basis. Pay very close attention to the Cabinet level posts and who they install in the next two levels down in the food chain, because they will be running the country although no one cast a single vote for them. No one in Washington politics thinks for one second that Harris will be running anything.

4 years ago


Keith S. Clark
Keith S. Clark
4 years ago

We have all had relatives that have suffered from Dementia and we know what to look for. This is it. Why they would run a man in this condition is anyones guess. The sure thing is he will never be President. If ever elected he would be a puppet on a string for the radical left Communists.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Every Pres, VP, House speaker, etc in line for President needs to be Mentally fit for post IF Not remove or end around.
Joe shows something going on day 1

Joe Barwinczik Jr
Joe Barwinczik Jr
4 years ago

I think his age is catching up to him

4 years ago

Biden was in hidin’ for a reason, not just because of the China virus. Obama had a special private meeting with Biden in which I believe he laid out his own third term agenda. BHO will be the one who controls. His agenda aligns with the far left and especially the four young congresswomen, Malik, Talhib, AOC, and the other one.

4 years ago

I think Democrats probably are using Biden as the trojan horse to make sure they have the power of the executive to increase the power of congress and the supreme court because they will be the two doing anything and he will sign or his vice president will sign.

4 years ago

Biden has dementia (PERIOD)‼️ He is showing it despite hiding in the basement and having no stress. Can you imagine him as President when China sinks one of our ships in the China Sea?? ? He will be totally frozen. The Dims are running him on the “25th Amendment Platform”. In other words, he is a Trojan house for electing Kamala

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Biden even LOOKS ill. Look at his eyes as he speaks. He couldn’t hold his own against Xi or Putin; they’d eat his lunch! Would he resign on January 20 or keep the charade up longer?

Russel Goebert
Russel Goebert
4 years ago

I do not understand how Jill can allow her husband to humiliate himself like this. Is her desire to be “First Lady”, if only for a week, month, or whatever the greatest motivation and vision of grandeur?

Consultant In Actions
Consultant In Actions
4 years ago

Joe Biden; Let’s explore who Joe Biden really is. Has Joe done anything of significance? That is, Has Joe done anything that has set him above the fray in Congress. What we know; Joe Biden was responsible for the legislation that help create the Three Strikes Law. What we know about Three Strikes Law, as it was written, there was so much abuse, individuals that had been charged with Felonies, that weren’t Class A Felonies, some received Life Sentences.

Joe was an Advocate of NAFTA, ARAB SPRING, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi. Joe is like a Chameleon he changes who he is, depending on the Narrative he wants to appear in. He was in the Obama Administration, Vice President and the only No Vote when Pursuing Osama Ben Laden … Or how about his forgetting where he is?

Joe Biden, from Scranton PA., the so called Working Mans Senator? Hmmm, that in itself is suspect. Voting for NAFTA, then supporting the Transpacific Agreement and what about Obama Care… If you like your Dr., you can keep him/her? Wow, how many Pinocchio’s for that one? Or how about Joe Biden’s most recent Silence on the Violence in our Cities? Or how about Joe calling the Riots Peaceful Protest? It this the Joe Biden America needs. And what about Hunter Biden, facilitating the sale of a Auto Parts Mfg. to CCP’s China. And what about his involvement in the Ukraine and his Son’s being on the Board of one of the most Corrupt Companies in the World? Or, how about Clinton Foundations having made Billions of Dollars during his Tenure at the White House? Better Yet, on his watch, Uranium One and the Secretary of State’s Clinton Sale to Russia?
Joe claims to be on the Ball, well Joe, why don’t you Bounce on down the road, perhaps you have done enough damage to America, we needn’t anymore of your Antics Joe.

I’ve personally seen enough of Biden’s intentional Pocket Lining from the Coffers of the American People. … .

Consultant In Actions
Consultant In Actions
4 years ago

JOE BIDEN + Socialist Democrats = President by Committee . … . Bought and Paid for by George Soros and the Socialist Party of America

4 years ago

Biden along with all the out democrats are not fit to be President of the great country! They are only wanting to destroy us and give us to China.

Ronald R. Cooke
Ronald R. Cooke
4 years ago

Joe Biden …
As a Christian, I feel sorry for him. He is being used as a hood ornament to cover for future President Kama. As a voter, he is an awful choice for America. His ties to the Chinese Communist Party, corrupt behavior, and lack of mental capability should automatically disqualify him.
As others on this thread have noted, Kama will be controlled by the DA.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Biden is NOT “fit” for the presidency and his happy hooker running mate is even worse. The left owns him these days and a Biden/Harris administration would be a disaster worse than Obama. The sad fact is that a lot of people vote based on personality and “likeability” instead of policy. In that regard, President Trump has hurt himself since 2016 with some of his tweets although his policies have been very hard to fault and the media bias makes it even worse. We vote for policy meaning Trump gets our vote with no reservations. But those who vote for things other than intelligent policies vote for the wrong things meaning Biden unfortunately has a chance.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

I think the evidence speaks for itself. Biden is suffering from mental breakdown. The plan of the Dems is clear, commit elder abuse by trying to get Biden elected and then declare him incompetent and slip Kamala in his place! Horror for America!

4 years ago

How can anyone in their right mind vote for this man who clearly should go home to his basement and look in a mirror and even he might get his dementia condition/It really is a pity that the liberals have chosen this poor slob to represent their socialist agenda//GO TRUMPSTER and the USA will be very fortunate to have this man succeed for 4 more years////

peter Mitros
peter Mitros
4 years ago

The man’s a fool, plain and simple!

Tim C.
Tim C.
4 years ago
  • Biden is perfectly fit – to be a puppet. What I don’t understand is how so many people feel badly for Biden being used be the puppeteers. Biden has reason to be doing this. Becoming President immunizes him from the crimes he has committed that hopefully the DOJ will expose prior to the election (not holding my breath), and it also comes him the power of pardon which he will use to protect his son Hunter.
Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Another reason Biden should not be elected.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

Seniors need to unit. If the democrats get in, we will get socialized medicine with it’s death boards, lose our social security when they think it is an entitlement and tax us to the hilt and suck up our savings. We need to vote Republican as if our lives depend on it. In reality, it does.

kris atkins
kris atkins
4 years ago

My question is ” Why is his wife, a Doctor, letting him continue?” I find it hard to imagine letting someone I love set themselves up like this.

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
4 years ago

I can’t for the life of me understand why the subject keeps coming up” of course he’s not fit, for God’s sake he doesn’t know where he is half the time, all he is” is a puppet who the radical left have a strong grasp on all his strings!

4 years ago

I can’t wait for the debates, if Pelosi allows them. Then we’ll know for sure if Biden holds up mentally, if he survives that far.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

You don’t have to be a medical professional to realize Biden is missing a few french fries out of
his happy meal.

Burton Pauly
Burton Pauly
4 years ago

In my opinion Biden is not sharp enough mentally to deal with his opposites from foreign nations. He has pr0ven that as Veep.The person hasn’t done anything significant In HIs so-called service in over 40 years.Put him out to pasture.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Remember the old saying “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!” Well, all the indicia about Biden’s “lapses” would lead one to the inescapable and unquestionable conclusion that Joe has at least early onset dementia of some sort and therefore should never be elected president. On the other hand, the Demsheviks all act like the “inmates running the asylum,” so one would expect many of those “inmates” to vote for Biden regardless of the evidence. The sad part is that Biden represents the “best” that the Demsheviks have to offer. Sad for America, that is.

John Cofiell
John Cofiell
4 years ago

The only thing he said right is “We cannot win this election,we can only elect Donald Trump”.

4 years ago

Mark Meadows (WH) made real bad comment yesterday. He said something like “leave it to Democrats to start investigation of Postmaster General within 60-days of election “. The Republicans started this in July, when Trump appointed DeJoy & USPS turned in to chaos following. Trump does not do a good job of vetting people for jobs, and why did they attack USPS this year 120-days before election.

4 years ago

The plans of the democrats are to get Biden in office and then they will take it over one way or the other.They will eather declare him unfit and then say that Harris is they same and they will make Pelosi the President.Democrats are very evil .

4 years ago

Democrats are using Biden to get their socialist in! Just wait and if, a big IF, Biden gets elected after a couple months he will be declared too sick to continue and the country will fall into Harris hands! That’s how the Democrats plan to get us into a socialist nation and Harris will complete what Hillary was supposed to do – make being a conservative illegal! Pray that America sees this ploy and rejects everything the Democrats are planning!

4 years ago

Talk about not in my back yard, Trump extended moratorium to stop offshore drilling off Florida coast. Trump stands behind fracking(look this up in a few cases) & opened up more drilling in Alaska. But , very political to do this in Florida this close to election.

Mary C.
Mary C.
4 years ago

I watched my father for 8 years slowly lose his mind with Dementia. Joe Biden has the signs my father did in the early stages of the disease, and I firmly believe he has Dementia and will only get worse with time as my father did.

4 years ago

Besides all the obvious proof, the man has either Dementia or some mental disorder, so why would Democrats want to vote for him as President…..even though they would have the alternative of Kamala Harris who is a poor substitute. I would think they’d be afraid of the outcome.

4 years ago

I cannot imagine Biden standing in a live debate with Trump Sept 29 in Cleveland. Dollars to donuts he’ll no-show.
Harris and Pence are set for Oct 7 and that I believe will go off as planned.

Biden has a long history of gaffing…..he’s one of those who cannot organize multiple head thoughts at once very well. But over the last few months, his monotone has gotten progressively slower and more gutteral, punctuated with extended pauses. This is early onset dementia and possibly Alzheimer’s….and it will only progressively get worse.

4 years ago

He is not fit and they know it. They are planning something with this disastrous campaign and running mate. Not good for sure. Anyone’s guess what it is.

Catherine Duncan
Catherine Duncan
4 years ago

While it is sad, it would be sadder for America if he became President(which he won’t). This man can’t even put a thought together, how on earth can he function?I don’t want his brand of evilness holding any office.

4 years ago

Forget Biden. The demoncrat party isn’t fit to run the country.

4 years ago

Socialism is just a nicer word for communism.

Louise Poston
Louise Poston
4 years ago

Joe Bidden is unfit to run anything period, especially the presidency of the USA. He can’t even say one full sentence that makes any sense at all. I can’t believe he was even accepted as a candidate!!! We all better hope and pray this election doesn’t get rigged and these two nazzis wind up in office!

Cheryl Nelson
Cheryl Nelson
4 years ago

Oh dear Lord help us!!!!!! He is too scary for me…….if he can’t recall where he is or what his wives name is…there is seriously something out of whack there. C’mon man. (couldn’t resist that remark)

David Campbell
David Campbell
4 years ago

This is a trick question, right? A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris for president. She will become president at some point, probably early on, in a Biden “administration”. This is why the media and the Democrats are constantly pushing hate and division. In a normal election, there would be no question, but the blinding hatred that has been stirred up allows people to beleive they are doing the right thing by simply voting against Donald Trump, no matter who or what it is that they are voting for. If you have been wondering “why all the hate and division”, that’s why; it blinds people into doing things that they would normally not do.

If you hate The unites States of America, vote for Democrats.

Lee McQuillen
Lee McQuillen
4 years ago

Perhaps the annurisms (sp?) he had in 1988 are coming home to roost. I almost feel that his entire family is using him and has been for decades to further their own interests. No, I won’t vote for him as I don’t agree with anything he proposes and feel he would be a disaster for this country, especially with the VP that has been chosen to run with him. I do feel sorry for him however.

Paul Michael Thayer
Paul Michael Thayer
4 years ago

I thought that Biden was senile last fall, based upon reports in print and over the air about his performance in the Democrats’ cattle calls as well as his reported behavior around women. When the Ukrainian mess became the subject of public discussion, I was most offended that President Trump was pursuing a senile older man. Also, recalling how Horace Greeley died of exhaustion and disappointment not long after his loss to President Grant, and then how Samuel Tilden also died after his exceedingly close loss to Rutherford Hayes in 1876, I wondered if the former Senator from MBNA would survive the aftermath of this election. Now, I’m beginning to wonder if he will last till Election Day. I also think that Mr. Biden is probably more impaired than President Roosevelt was in 1944, although not as impaired as President Wilson was in the twilight of his administration (from his stroke in the fall of 1919 through President Harding’s administration in 1921), when his wife effectively governed the country. Famously, FDR was not at the top of his game at Yalta, and he decided NOT to approach Stalin for permission for American planes to land in territory under Soviet control after bombing the railroads to Auschwitz, because he timorously feared that the American people would not support him.

4 years ago

It’s sad but the whacko democrats care little about sleepy joe,telling the truth and the future of this Great Country and it’s real Citizens.
For them its ALWAYS power,control and their agenda to destroy and re-write the history of America.
They care absolutely NOTHING about the people.
President Trump cares ONLY about American Greatness and We the People, just like the Constitution proclaims.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
4 years ago

Joe Biden’s main asset is his electability. Biden has always been a bought and paid for politician, doing the bidding of whatever entity got him elected. In nearly 50 years, Biden has done nothing positive for American citizens, only enhancing himself.

Joann M Evjen
Joann M Evjen
4 years ago

Doesn’t the person who runs for President have to be of sound mind? I suppose this hasn’t happened before in our history. I defiantly think he has dementia. My Dad had ALZ and I see very similar traits in Mr. Biden. I too ask, what is the matter with his wife. How terrible that she is letting humiliate himself. It’s very sad.

4 years ago

There is only one way Biden can win the election.FRAUD, stealing the votes just as Hussein did twice. If elected he would be nothing more than a talking head for CCP-USA, Hussein, Soros and the rest of the globalist elite. He woud never be allowed to speak without a written speech on a teleprompter and that is exactly what the commie-rats have planned. IF they fail to steal the election they will begin a military coupe, they already have the scum planted in every nook and cranny available to them throughout the previous menstruation, otherwise Arkancide would be in order.

4 years ago

I have until recently thought of Biden as a good man. A man with no plan and no distinct agenda other than being a good democrat.
No imagination. Now, I see that he has a questionable past marked by his use of taxpayer money to protect his son from being
exposed as being on the take in Ukraine, his total support of the Chicoms, and what is now, unfortunately, his limited mental acumen.
Not presidential material at all. I grimace when I think of how he will perform against Trump in a fair debate.

4 years ago

For some reason the dems keep dusting off old-timers such as Robert Meuller and Biden to carry their water. Does this
party have no talent under 70 ? It seems they don’t. Can’t wait to see who jockeys for position after their slaughter in

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