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Media Tripping Over Themselves to Reverse Position On COVID Lab Leak Theory

Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

labAfter more than a year in which left-wing media outlets, Democrat politicians, and Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that the claim by former President Trump that the virus likely emerged from a Chinese lab was nothing more than a “debunked conspiracy theory,” those who mocked the notion are now shamelessly backpedaling while nonetheless refusing to admit their role in misleading the public.

The so-called “lab leak” hypothesis suggests that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The WIV is the only Biosafety Level-4 lab in China – which means it is certified to handle the most dangerous biological specimens. The lab happens to be located just miles from the “wet market” where Chinese authorities have maintained the virus originated. Trump’s suggestion—one he first made in April of 2020—was not without basis. For one thing, Chinese labs have a history of safety breaches; a SARS outbreak in Beijing in 2004 was eventually traced back to another Chinese lab.

Despite the early evidence, the media slandered former President Trump, Republican lawmakers, and independent-minded journalists and scientists as conspiracy theorists. When Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) raised the possibility that the virus could have been created in a lab, The New York Times accused him of spreading a “rumor” and “repeating a fringe theory.” The Washington Post also called the theory “debunked.” Dr. Fauci said that the scientific evidence “is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.” Even the World Health Organization (WHO), which has served as a propaganda arm for the Chinese Communist Party from day one of the pandemic, said it was “extremely unlikely” the virus escaped from a lab.

As late as March 31 of this year, CNN published a headline describing the lab leak theory as “something out of a comic book.” During the 2020 election cycle, mainstream media outlets and Congressional Democrats repeatedly labeled former President Trump and his Republican allies as racist and “anti-science” for pursuing an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

Now that the left has achieved its goal of driving former President Trump out of office, however, many in the media and the scientific community are pushing for a more serious inquiry into the lab leak theory, forcing naysayers to furiously backtrack on their previous assertions.

Just days before former President Trump left office, the State Department published a fact sheet confirming some elements of the lab leak theory. Among other evidence, the document cited intelligence that some researchers inside the Wuhan lab had become sick with COVID-like symptoms before the first documented case in China. The State Department also described how “the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation.”

Much of the recent flip-flopping by the media and so-called experts have come after 18 prominent scientists published a letter arguing for the plausibility of the lab leak theory. The scientists asserted, “Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable,” and called for further investigation. Since then, many more leading health experts have spoken up voicing their doubts about the Chinese government’s claim that the virus evolved naturally in bats in the area surrounding the WIV.

Dr. Fauci –the king of COVID confusion – now says he is “not convinced” the virus developed naturally. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, is timidly asking for “further investigation.”

Finding the truth about whether COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab will be of critical importance to global health and security considerations in the years to come. While the WIV is the first Level-4 lab in China, there are plans to develop several more such labs throughout the country. In light of this evidence and the reluctance of the Chinese Communist Party to allow for a transparent investigation, many are asking if other countries, including the U.S., should continue to help China possess and perform research on the most dangerous pathogens in the world.

In the end, due to China’s opacity, obfuscation, and secrecy, the world may never know the full story about the origins of the pandemic that has taken more than 3.4 million lives. But one thing is for certain: from the beginning, all the evidence has suggested we should not ignore the lab leak theory. Instead of objectively reviewing the facts and encouraging further investigation, Democrats and the mainstream media worked to downplay and discredit legitimate concerns raised by the Trump administration—and they did it for transparently political purposes. This coordinated coverup has only exacerbated public confusion about the virus. If the Chinese Communist Party did engineer this virus and let it loose upon humanity, the world must know—and the Chinese government must be held accountable.

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The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

While the US gubmint is being run (ruined) by idiots, the news media is controlled by full-fledged morons !!!

Lauren Macarthur
Lauren Macarthur
3 years ago

Sadly, for those of us who care about our country, China doesn’t even have to fight us to get power. The Marxist Communist liberal Democrat party has wheeled and dealed, lied, cheated in every form imaginable to indoctrinate those willing to vote for them…and they are handing our country over to China without even a shred of resistance.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Another reason to not so business with China!!

3 years ago

Now that President Trump is out of office, all those medical experts in virology that the mainstream media and the Democrats successfully muzzled or completely ignored all throughout 2020 (to protect China and slam Trump as crazy), in favor of the deep state Fauci and Birks types echoing the discredited WHO CCP approved party line are able to finally be heard. Unfortunately, the Biden administration will not press the case with China and this story will soon be replaced by some new distraction “news” for the short attention span public.

3 years ago

When will the American People hold the corporate media networks, news press and social media accountable for lying continually to us. I have not watched the nightly news in over ten years and canceled my local newspaper 12 years ago because they lie and twist the truth. They simply do not report news based on the facts and the truth. The media is complicit with blood on their hands for the millions of people who died around the world. It’s appalling to me and many others that the Democrats, the left and the media will do and not stop at anything including murder to advance their agenda. We are dealing with pure evil when comes to today’s Democratic Party and their minions.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

There is no surprise here.
It wasn’t that long ago, back in 2020, the WHO claimed China was acting in a “responsible” manner concerning the pandemic.
It gives a weird meaning to the word “responsible”.
Mother said, “John, you can’t get blood from a turnip, just a lot of red goo.”
She may just as well have been speaking about China and the truth.
Anyone who is shocked at these revelations is obviously on life support, and losing badly.

3 years ago

President Trump, vilified by the media, will be vindicated…and I sure pray that this day comes sooner than later.
Shame on the left!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

When did brain dead orgs like CNN EVER be considered “news” media?

Andrew Blake
Andrew Blake
3 years ago

What a U-turn!! The left at its best – or worst.

3 years ago

Will the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise continue to fund the WHO? President Trump was 100 correct for cutting funding to the WHO! While we are at it, the Fire fauci move should proceed with haste.

3 years ago

Dr. Quacki and his DemonRat Pals already made their millions off the Vaccine. Many American Lab rats now getting sick. Cheenna laughing it’s rear off, with their zombie Made in China biological Virus. Now what?

3 years ago

So do you think wearing a face diaper will protect you from something that came from a level 4 bio-lab?

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

“It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.” (Winston Churchill) That ‘explains’ a lot of things in the ‘Cosmos’.

Ruth Kidney
Ruth Kidney
3 years ago

Lets not forget that China spent tens of millions of dollars in order to perpetuate their lies AND to buy an election to put their puppet in place. I haven’t believed anything from the main stream media since the Vietnam War!

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

The msm are masters of retconning and stealth editing. In simpler terms…THEY’RE LIARS that only tell the truth when they’ve been completely exposed. Even then, they continue to lie more often than not.

Dave D
Dave D
3 years ago

Trump is right again!

3 years ago

It is beyond hilarious to read the media’s take on the COVID-19 virus. The more they report on it, the more they step into “crap”. Every media outlet has their “opinions” – each thinks they are experts at nothing, other than suck up to clueless Joe.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

There is a very high probability that the COVID-19 virus originated in the Wuhan lab, not naturally. There is also the possibility (very real, but as yet unproven) that China intentionally released this virus onto the world for its own political purposes in furtherance of its agenda to dominate the world.

China allowed thousands of tourists to fly out of Wuhan after the virus “entered” the population. This spread the virus worldwide in a short period of time, resulting in both the health and economic turmoil throughout the world which we have all experienced since early 2020. Shortly after this dissemination of the virus throughout the world via returning air travelers, China immediately clamped down on its own population within days to “control” the spread within China.

Interesting how the timing of this “pandemic” just happened to coincided with the runup to our presidential elections! Had the so-called pandemic not occurred, there is no doubt President Trump would have been readily returned to the White House, and probably by a landslide.

The way events have unfolded to China’s benefit represents a stroke of political genius by China that they could pull off in one fell swoop the so-called legitimate election of an extreme leftist menagerie of Swamp Denizens that effectively are little more than puppets of the Chinese Communists. Without firing a single shot, China is well on its way to reducing America to little more than a subservient, fawning, vassal state (i.e., America as a mere, minor province awaiting annexation by the Chinese Empire).

So, why are the Demsheviks now wanting to start an investigation regarding the origins of the virus? Simple, go through the exercise and then arrive at the foregone conclusion that China is innocent and not at all responsible for anything to do with this virus. All along, China has been saying, like Miss Piggy of the Muppets, “Moi?” After this upcoming “investigation,” China can then respectfully say, “See, we told you so!”

3 years ago

The Communist Chinese are on the move toward American & global domination with the help of the Democrats and their propaganda media.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
3 years ago

PolitiFact (which is obviously a complete joke and nothing more than a liberal mouthpiece composed of useful leftist idiots) is now very quietly retracting their “fact checks” on the subject. PolitiFact claimed that the lab leak theory was nothing more than a “debunked conspiracy theory” (despite a Hong Kong virologists saying otherwise, offering proof, and being censored by big tech for it), and also that “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!”

3 years ago

Senator Cotton was one of a very few who stated the virus came from a Wuhan laboratory before the Chinese virus became rampant and the foolish hoopla began. It was buried and kept hush-hush. Amazing how the truth always comes out, right Fauci?

3 years ago


3 years ago

Having a background for NBC warfare, first thing to look at was COVID itself. In its natural state it is not a threat unless ingested and would only affect the individual. To spread as it has, COVID-19 could have only been manmade. Historical fact: 95% of the world’s pandemics throughout history, have originated in China

3 years ago

This would be funny but it’s too serious. The first thing I thought when the news broke was, Trump was right, again. But the media will choke on their words before they admit it.

3 years ago

Damages should be assessed and paid by the CCP, the lab should be shut down as well as any other labs the are operating. WHO should make sure the CCP never can murder anyone else and the heads of the party should be punished whether that includes jail time or removal of power!

3 years ago

If this were a natural virus, why now? This is an engineered bio-attack.
This is not natural.

Lost Freedom
Lost Freedom
3 years ago
  1. Dr. False-Ci told Congress Tuesday ” only a small amount, $600,000 was given to China in five years”. Remember a dollar has a lot more purchasing power in China, so the US tax payer gift was worth a lot more than $600,000.
  2. .RE: Bat theory of virus spread, I don’t know much about China weather, but in the U.S., BATS HYBRINATE in the winter, They are trying to have us believe bats started this in the winter months of November, December?
Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

The Chinese communist government (not talking about the hard working class Chinese people) CANNOT be trusted in matters of military, communication, electronics, treaties, trade, politics, OR SCIENCE. Cannot be trusted PERIOD – END OF STORY.

Cindy C
Cindy C
3 years ago

I am completely amazed that the author of this article did not mention Fauci’s admission that he gave the Wuhan lab million in funding from his NIH budget! Hopefully, more evidence will come to light.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Patriot Will, dependency on, and craven fear of a nation that is no friend of ours is the recipe for guaranteeing second class status for our nation.
I hope I’m wrong, but it looks like the mantra for this administration is, “Don’t do something — just stand there”.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

President Trump’s policies had the Chinese economy stagnated. The ChiComs needed something to get US stymied so they could catch up and surpass us. The “China Virus,” combined with their help to The Senile One, is achieving that!.

Moses Mathis
Moses Mathis
3 years ago

Maybe the media will reverse course on election fraud also?

3 years ago

This just shows the ignorance and bias of the Lamestream media. President was right again.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Shows media lied people died since 3-20 or earlier
Now to “cover up” actions?
Prosecute Fauci, WHO, CDC, NIH NAID for war crimes?
Covid 19 is a Bioweapon
Via CCP China

3 years ago

dems and msm lied and showed their hatred and bias all along of President Trump and now the truth is slowly coming out. They should be held accountable but I won’t hold my breath, because the Rollover party has also done very little to support President Trump making them complicit in my opinion.

3 years ago

I hate it when people are confused with education and intelligence. You can have a master’s or doctor’s degree and still be a dumb donkey! {just trying to be polite} Got that Dr. Farce!, Bill Gates, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer – and the rest of you demons Your mascot is fitting for your pathetic party. Your god is money and power. Shame on you! This is nothing but a conspiracy to take control of We the People!

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
3 years ago

And so, one more thing President Trump brought out is being proven as more likely true. Once again, “Mean Bad Orange Man” is right, and the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats have egg on their faces, and have once again proven their ability and desire to show their stupidity…

Just Asking....
Just Asking....
3 years ago

It’s amazing that the media can back track without admitting they were wrong!

3 years ago

When a person is a victim of demonic possession there were generally two things (although there may be more);that precluded the possession: denial of God’s grace and invitation to the demon. Both of these can be very enigmatic and the person may not have known they occurred.
We certainly did not “invite” the pandemic and I am sure that most called upon the grace of God.
The bioweapon that Covid presented as was simply that, a fairly indiscriminate bioweapon.
So then along came an old senate guy who pretty much lacked a cognizant thought that could easily be pushed around. And with a little manipulation of the US voting process could be made (God help us) the leader of the free world…the opposite of communism.
Now the CCP has what they need and they literally got invited to destroy our freedom.
just saying…

3 years ago

Who authorized our tax money to go to China’s lab development of COVID-19? We know Fauci was involved but who was he taking orders from? Did Fauci have financial interest in the development? We know the corrupt Biden’s have taken tons of money from China-now don’t we. Senator Kennedy wants to know what other labs Fauci et. al are involved with. Fauci is as bad as the Socialists Dems twisting and turning their story to fit their narrative. Why are we giving China money? Why are we giving all these other countries money? The Dems print it off like it don’t matter to the Americn citizens. We do not owe the world a living? We have fought and died in battles defieding other countries and we can’t even defend our own border. Maybe Biden will let go more Great Senior Military Leaders. Biden is a Hypocrite, Liar-the Big Man and anti-American. Who put him in office????

3 years ago

Of all the institutions that keep this nation bound as one Nation, I do believe the media institutions (with a scant relatively exceptions (… e.g. Fox News, AMAC, some talk radio celebrities such as Rush Limbaugh) have failed to remain unbiased in their reporting, hiring of reporters and news gatherers, giving full & fair event reporting, and honesty. The most major incidents that come to mind was burying the truth about the Bidens (Joe Hidin’, and family, particularly his son) AND the shameful abuse of election laws and procedures that allowed to Illegal votes to be counted and illegally submitted in sufficiency to sway the outcome of the POTUS and other concurrent races). Don’t count solely on the GOP to fix it come next elections … they must have our support to insist on guaranteed fair and honest elections in the future. Otherwise the DemocRat Party will remain the Kemlin of US governance and the Constitution will be only used when the Kremlin deems it to their advantage to do so …. which somewhat what is going on in the Hidin’ Biden Administration now.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

So much for their managed perception tactics.

3 years ago

I trust nothing the CCP does or believe anything it says. Their number one goal is world domination, and the easiest way to wipe out the free world, and most of their own, is with biological agents. We should stop letting them buy American land and businesses, and encourage other countries to do the same. Participating in laboratory experiments in the spirit of cooperation with the CCP and the WHO is just crazy-talk.

3 years ago

Personally I don’t trust anything that come out of Washington furthermore I trust absolutely nothing that comes out of China. I’m baffled why out country has anything to do with them.
Fauci has dirty hands in this mess and it certainly doesn’t stop with him. Fool me once granted never again.

3 years ago

I long ago ceased to consider the classic media outlets (with a few exceptions) anything but liberal, Democrat Party, sensationalist propaganda outlets.

Tom Sansoni
Tom Sansoni
3 years ago


3 years ago

The mainstream media with their lying talking heads have ZERO credibility!
Bye bye , NOBODY wants to listen to you blather anymore!

3 years ago

Covid-19 was weaponized by Dems just like IRS and DOJ was weaponized by Obama against citizens. COVID-19 was used as excuse to validate large number of mail in votes, which r now belatedly being investigated for fraud. Too late!!! Damage is done. When will Dem fraud of using COVID-19 be effectively prosecuted? Even Fauci is waffling on his mask order.

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

It’s about time! Slowly those on the left side will finally realize how much they’ve been lied to!

3 years ago

If only the American people could sue Dr. Fauci for his lies. He is so lacking as a medical professional, but he is not; is he? He is political through and through. He liked the attention and the money. So disappointed!!!

James Dean; Rebels Without a Cause
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