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Media Runs Cover for Violent Illegal Alien Criminals

Posted on Friday, March 29, 2024
by Shane Harris


Laken RIley, a 22 year old nursing student from Georgia who was killed by an illegal migrant.
Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, was killed on the University of Georgia campus while on a run by an illegal migrant. Photo Credit: Laken Riley|Facebook

With Joe Biden’s border crisis continuing to funnel drugs and violent crime into American communities, the corporate media is now running cover for criminal illegal aliens and dismissing concerns about public safety as nothing more than racist right-wing fearmongering.

The tragic killing of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, by a twice-deported illegal alien in February brought home for many Americans the tragic human cost of Democrat open borders policies. The illegal alien charged with Riley’s murder, Jose Ibarra, was paroled by the Biden administration after entering the country illegally in 2022 and was arrested twice previously and then released by local law enforcement who did not contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – once in New York for endangerment of a child, and once in Athens, Georgia, for shoplifting.

But Riley and her family are hardly the only Americans to suffer the consequences of Biden enabling a flood of completely unknown persons to enter the country illegally.

Just last week, Brandon Ortiz-Vite, an illegal alien from Mexico, murdered 25-year-old Ruby Garcia in Michigan. Ortiz-Vite had previously been deported in 2020, but crossed the border again sometime during Biden’s presidency.

In early March, Raul Santana, another illegal alien from Mexico with a lengthy rap sheet, was drunk and high on drugs when he slammed his SUV into Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd, instantly killing the 27-year-old father.

Back in 2022, Jean Macean, an illegal alien from Haiti with multiple prior arrests, brutally murdered Brenda and Terry Aultman, a Florida couple on a bike ride near Daytona Beach.

In total, Customs and Border Patrol reported just 11 convictions for homicide or manslaughter involving an illegal alien while Donald Trump was in office. Since Biden took office, that number has shot up to 169. In other words, Biden has overseen a 1,536 percent increase in illegal immigrant killings.

And of course, that’s not even to mention the increase in other crimes perpetrated by illegal aliens. Reports are now emerging of illegal alien gangs targeting homes for robbery, in some cases using sophisticated technology to dismantle alarms and even drones to scout potential targets. CBP has also seen an increase in child sex offenders crossing the border, and drug trafficking has soared.

Despite this shocking increase in the number of Americans being victimized by illegal aliens who should never have been in the country to begin with, the corporate media has instead decided to push the narrative that concerns about migrant crime are overblown.

In early March, for instance, taxpayer-funded NPR ran the headline, “Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find.” The piece claimed that the idea that “immigration brings on a crime wave” is a “false narrative” and that “there is no correlation between undocumented people and a rise in crime.”

CNN, meanwhile, published a 5,000-word article on February 27 containing interviews with “migrant crimes experts” (read: liberal criminology professors at woke universities) which argued that there is “a gap between public perception and reality” when it comes to migrant crime.

The Washington Post did their part for the liberal cause as well, accusing Donald Trump of “using anecdotal evidence to make an emotional case against undocumented immigrants” after the former president slammed Biden over Riley’s death. The article also claimed that “there is little evidence that immigrants — or even undocumented immigrants — cause more crime.”

The New York Times, USA Today, and NBC News all ran similar headlines pointing to “several studies” that purport to show that illegal aliens commit crimes at lower rates than American citizens.

Of course, all of those “studies” and the media outlets promoting them entirely miss the point. Even if illegal aliens do commit crimes at lower rates than Americans (and that is a dubious claim in its own right, as some conservative researchers have documented) every single one of those crimes is preventable. The only acceptable number of Americans murdered by illegal aliens each year should be zero, because the border should be secured.

But instead of putting pressure on the Biden administration and local Democrat leaders for letting killers like Jose Ibarra blaze a trail of death and destruction, corporate media “journalists” are spending their time lecturing the American people about why they’re racist if they believe migrant crime is a problem.

It is also worth noting that the left never applies this same logic to anything else.

For instance, despite the fact that data shows black men are no more likely to be killed by police officers than white men, the left asserted that the death of George Floyd in 2020 was enough to demand every police department be defunded. By that line of reasoning, Riley’s killing alone should be enough cause to close the border entirely.

But as Roland Fryer, a black economics professor at Harvard who found “no racial differences” in police shooting data going back decades, recently learned, questioning the integrity of the left’s narrative is a surefire way to get yourself bullied and canceled.

It is no coincidence that all of the stories insisting the migrant crime wave is an illusion appeared just a few days after Riley’s killing sparked national outrage over Biden’s border policies. The corporate media recognized that such a tragic incident would draw attention to the disastrous consequences of Democrats’ open borders agenda, and so they dutifully jumped into action to assure the public everything is fine.

Even Biden himself seems convinced by the charade. The only genuine regret the president has expressed over Riley’s death is that he slipped up and referred to her killer as “illegal” – a comment he made in an interview on cable news.

Meanwhile, 170 House Democrats voted against a bill, the Laken Riley Act, that would require ICE to arrest illegal aliens who commit theft, burglary, larceny, or shoplifting offenses and would mandate that these criminals are detained until they are removed from the country. Senate Democrats blocked a similar bill in the upper chamber.

The message that Biden, congressional Democrats, and the media are sending is clear: to the left, the suffering of the American people at the hands of illegal aliens and the deaths of Laken Riley, Ruby Garcia, Christopher Gadd, Brenda and Terry Aultman, and so many others are simply the price we must pay to achieve the liberal utopia of a world without borders.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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5 months ago

Well, the country is paying a high price for the idiotic policies of an inept administration. Things will continue to get worse unless the people stand up and fight for themselves. Every single one of us need to get involved at all levels and not let the Socialists achieve their agenda.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

They don’t care. Look at what Biden did yesterday: he didn’t just not go to slain NYC Police Officer Jonathan Diller’s wake, on the same day, he holds a gala campaign fund-raiser with his rich anti-police donors at Radio City Music Hall; pictures with Biden, Clinton, and Obama for the low-low donation of $100,000! “By any means necessary” means we’re expendable. We’re nothing to them.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

Concerns about migrant crime overblown? Concerns about migrant Racist? TELL THAT TO THE VICTIMS OF SAID CRIMES AND THEIR FAMILIES! A world without borders is NOT a utopia. Also the blood of the innocent of totally preventable instances of crime (in other words, crimes committed by people who BROKE OUR LAWS to come here) is on the hands of the Biden Administration and any other democrat who refuses to secure the border.

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
5 months ago

I wish all GOP candidates would not so much argue against their democrat opponent, they should orate on the ills and corruption of the democrat party.

5 months ago

ILLEGAL ALIEN crime is rising, while at the same time the liberal slime is pushing to yank our right to defend ourselves from us.

5 months ago

Of course the lame stream fake news media are all hiding like the worms they are. They’d ALL rather twist reality around than coming anywhere close to admitting Biden’s border disaster has ANY culpability towards the obvious crime wave that’s on it’s way across America. Nothing to see hear is the crat’s moto.

5 months ago

Yes… what matters to our “democrats” (so ironically named) is absolute power and control of our electorate at ANY cost… That control, quite evidently, includes policy decisionmaking over who lives and who dies… again, for the sake of their total control.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

Praise for you and the article you wrote here Mr. Harris – this topic needs to be brought to the attention of as many good , respectable people as possible. What is going on with the left wing pro – communist people in this country is similar to what happened in the 1930’s in Germany and Japan . We have the advantage through knowledge of history to understand the evil that was being practiced in Germany and Japan prior to the start of WW 2 and why. So that corruption of news organizations is a strategy that is easily identifiable and that helps to deal with it. Rest in peace Laken Riley and others like her, casualties in this war being waged by despicable ,dishonorable criminal aliens ,and those in positions of influence here who are responsible for this very serious situation .by allowing crime to increase in order to advance their political aims. Well done with what you wrote Shane. Let truth and liberty prevail here in the United States of America – let the respect for law and the will of God be strong . Let us do whatever possible to advance good character , good citizenship, and the spirit of Faith Family and Freedom . There is hope for better days ahead.

5 months ago

Simply the fact that they arrived without progressing through proper channels makes them criminal. Let them explain the murdered paramedic in South Carolina whose SUV was driven by an illegal immigrant to Nevada.He then shot, twice, a state trooper and stole his police cruiser. Two murders, two stolen vehicles, and a stolen gun … by a man who, by leftist statistics, is less likely to commit a crime than a natural-born citizen of the United States.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
5 months ago

Biden and his cohorts are covering for the brutalities that are being inflicted by violent illegals, and the mainstream (propaganda) media are fully onboard with the deceitful coverup. Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, explicitly warned us that a free country needed a free press. Tragically, many foolish Marxist leftists are so fanatical that their ability to appreciate our Constitution comes a very distant second to the whims and lies being spread by the Biden regime. We are currently living under a federal government run by schemers and elitists who are totally out of touch with a majority of Americans.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Laken Riley act? It’s a deja vu all over again Was there not an attempt to introduce the same act when a young woman was shot in San Fran by the illegal criminal and all excuses were made why that would not be fair Must be welcoming and understanding

5 months ago

The media has blood on its hands in many of these incidences.

5 months ago

Great article, everyone should read it.

5 months ago

The Dumbs are so freakin messed up wit TDS they can’t see what is RIGHT OR WRONG. Most of the time to vote on PARTY LINE they will sell their souls. This makes them sell their constituents down the tubes.

5 months ago

The Media in this country will not realize the facts of the danger of illegals UNTIL it affects them!!! With addresses they might find out sooner than later. So get to work and do your part.

5 months ago

We’re surrounded by 10-20 million illegals. When enough of them are shot our opinion will be heard. Until then expect another 10 million by January. We should not fill up our jails at great expense. We need total elemination. Like rats and roaches.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
5 months ago

The media only cares about it self and ratings they care nothing about the people of this country. They stab every citizen in the back by cover up of what Biden and Harris and the Dems are doing in the White House.The could care less about anyone killed by the illegals well they would if it was someone in there family.They should report what is happening at the border instead the do nothing but lie for Biden&Harris and there so called team it will only get worse in this country with all the millions of what ever they let into the country we need change in this country.

Bill Braun
Bill Braun
5 months ago

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5 months ago

Evil protecting evil, like radar locating and finding its own.

Mark Szyman
Mark Szyman
5 months ago

And what is the talking point? Statistically US Citizens commit crimes at a higher rate than illegals. They fail to mention had the illegal had not been in the country the crime wouldn’t have happened. Citizens who a victimized by an illegal should be able to sue the president .

5 months ago

I love how the article connects the topic to broader themes in society.

5 months ago

Great article and 100% spot on.

D. jone
D. jone
5 months ago

That’s very stupid to connect Illegal Alien to a death of a young lady. Like i if it was ‘American’ Criminals the title was the same…

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