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Manhattan DA Bragg’s Trump Persecution Threatens Red State Senators Tester, Brown, Manchin

Posted on Sunday, March 26, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s transparently partisan persecution of former President Donald Trump has further crystalized how extreme the Democrat Party has become and may prove a serious liability to red-state Senate Democrats even before their 2024 re-election campaigns get underway, most notably Jon Tester of Montana, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. So too while Bragg may force those incumbents to face embarrassing questions about Democrat attempts to use the legal process against political opposition and dissenters, the phony case against Trump might also supercharge House Republicans’ investigation into the weaponization of the government and put pressure on Democrats to answer questions raised by, of all people, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo about potential coordination between the many ongoing attempts to take down Trump.

In Montana, Ohio, and West Virginia – which Trump carried by healthy margins in 2016 and 2020 – the sight of the 45th president and leading contender for the Republican nomination in 2024 being perp-walked in front of news cameras would likely prove devastating for Democrat senators who have relied on a reputation of moderation to get elected.

While an arrest of Trump would enrage Republicans, it would also alienate many Independent and moderate Democrat voters, who likewise recognize the dire implications when the party in power starts arresting its political opponents. The image would flip the left’s narrative that Republicans are a “threat to democracy” on its head and add credibility to the charge that Democrats are the real hazard to “democratic norms.”

Law professor Jonathan Turley has also warned about another danger, namely that “This could trigger a type of tit-for-tat response where Republican prosecutors seek to weaponize criminal charges against Democrats… We cannot afford a race to the bottom in political prosecutions.”

From a political perspective, Bragg has also put Democrats in a precarious position. As the party continues to struggle to shake its association with far-left radicalism, Bragg – a George Soros-funded prosecutor who has been called out by the widows of slain cops for his soft-on-crime policies – is suddenly the face of the Democrat Party. While Bragg has become a hero to the far left, he has become a symbol of everything wrong with the Democrat Party for the rest of the country.

Likely for this reason, leading Democrats have been noticeably reluctant to embrace Bragg’s investigation. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer – a fellow New York Democrat – has refused to say if he has confidence in Bragg, undoubtedly recognizing the peril that Bragg’s probe places his most vulnerable members in.

Even former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, another strident Trump critic, has sounded off in opposition to the probe. “You have a cynical public, they don’t believe anyone and when you start to see these prosecutors bring political cases, it just affirms everybody’s cynicism,” Cuomo said on Saturday.

Cuomo further raised the question about whether the various prosecutions of Trump actually show collusion on the part of the Democrat operatives behind them, scoffing at the idea that “It’s a coincidence that Bragg goes after Trump and Tish James goes after Trump and Georgia goes after Trump.”

Bragg’s weaponization of the justice system against Trump also further exposes the “rule or ruin” mentality evinced by Tester, Brown, and Manchin that may leave them on the outs with voters.

Though these Democrats have sold themselves as moderates, they have in fact voted along with far-left interests on a whole slate of policies that threaten to undermine fundamental American institutions. Last year, the three aligned with Schumer to attempt to ram through a number of radical changes to the U.S. election system, including federalizing elections, eliminating Voter ID, legalizing ballot harvesting, and even destroying the sacredness of the secret ballot. They also voted the party line on efforts to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and pack the Senate by adding new Democrat states.

With each of these votes, Brown, Tester, and Manchin undermined their credibility as moderates and made clear that they are determined to either “rule” American democracy or “ruin” it. Now, their failure to denounce Bragg’s investigation could help all of these narratives break through to the broader public and expose their complete capitulation to far-left radicalism.

One conservative PAC showcased how effective this line of attack could be last year in a series of campaign ads – including against blue-state Democrats like Schumer and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal – that the Citizen Free Press hailed as “the greatest of all time.” Democrats like Tester, Brown, and Manchin are no doubt already being kept awake at night by the thought of similar ads over the next 18 months that highlight their complicity in the blatant politicization of the justice system.

Bragg’s targeting of Trump also threatens to backfire in a massive way by blowing the top off a massive collusion scandal. Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik has already called for Bragg to testify before Congress under oath, and Rep. Jim Jordan – the Chair of the newly formed House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government – has asserted that Bragg’s motivations for seeking an indictment of Trump are purely political in nature.

If Bragg and other Democrat lawyers involved in the Trump probe are subpoenaed and forced to testify, it could raise a whole host of uncomfortable questions that Republicans were clearly hinting they want to ask about the involvement of individuals from both the Democratic establishment and even the Biden Department of Justice in an effort to manufacture an arrest of Trump to remove him as a political threat.

Reports are already surfacing that there is major dissention within Bragg’s office over the Trump probe – another sign that people close to the investigation are concerned about any inquiries into it. Aside from just the appearance that Democrats are trying to crush dissent and opposition through pseudo-legal means, ethics investigations could soon follow for Bragg and his compatriots.

Even if Bragg and his potential co-conspirators can survive scrutiny, they may well have torpedoed a handful of critical Democrat campaigns before they even start and leave Chuck Schumer in the minority once again. Moreover, Democratic candidates everywhere may have to face questions that they are trying to crush political dissenters and opponents in view of their party’s escalating attacks on not just Trump, but also Elon Musk, Fox News, and even ordinary American citizens who dare to speak out at school board meetings.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with experience in the executive and legislative branches of government.

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1 year ago

No need for Tester to be overly concerned. He won’t be voted back on in 24. He has become the laughing stock of most in Montana. He talks like a typical left winger who is out of touch with his people

1 year ago

Bragg needs to be shamed and shut down statues of limitations has ran out on most of the charges so now it is a witch hunt to go after the ones who don’t agree with you. Also need to restrict people who Soros funded for these people , evil little man who try to do this in the UK now a globalists pervert our justice system for his own good!

1 year ago

Note that the title of this article has the word “persecution” …. not “prosecution”!!! To DemocRats, the applicable word they use depends on one’s relationship to the DemocRat Party. In other words, to the DemocRats, prosecution and persecution are often both applicable to their partisan goals.

1 year ago

The Democrat Party has just about completed its transformation into being solely and openly a hard left, socialist / communist political party. Relics from the past like Tester, Manchin and the few others that still remain in Congress, from when the Democrats had to pretend to be s-called “moderate”, are being ejected from the Party by their own Democrat voters who prefer true radical leftists. So it doesn’t much matter what DA Bragg does or doesn’t do in terms of prosecuting Trump for another phony charge. Folks like Tester, Manchin and the few other dinosaurs of a long dead Democrat Party that no longer exists are on their way out in any event.

I do find some of these articles written by inside the beltway types under a pen name amusing. The typical Democrat voter that these people write about largely no longer exist and haven’t existed for quite some time. Your typical Democrat voter is neither well informed on any of the issues, is in most cases not what one would be accurate in describing as “moderate” in terms of where they stand on the few issues they do seem to care about enough to rant incoherently about, nor are they uncomfortable with voting for the new wave of Democrat candidates that are openly either socialist or pure communist. Just look at the stats across the country on the Democrat side to see who your typical Democrat voter actually prefers. So it would be beneficial for a number of these inside the Washington, D.C. beltway types to venture out to visit some other parts of America. If for no other reason than they would get an updated view of the bifurcated nature of the country.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

1 year ago

“If Bragg and other Democrat lawyers involved in the Trump probe are subpoenaed and forced to testify….” Not. Gonna. Happen. Congress has no oversight authority with the Manhattan DA. None. And assaulting this position is suicide. 

1 year ago

“Law professor Jonathan Turley has also warned about another danger, namely that ‘This could trigger a type of tit-for-tat response where Republican prosecutors seek to weaponize criminal charges against Democrats… We cannot afford a race to the bottom in political prosecutions.’” Too true, but what’s the alternative? The GOP takes the high road, alone? (I.e., unilaterally disarms?) Team Blue—in addition to its media/propaganda advantages—is also allowed an unlimited number of pernicious, calumnious prosecutions in partisan forums (e.g., NY state, D.C.), while Team Red turns the other cheek, in perpetuity? 

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
B.C. Brutus nailed it on this article.

1 year ago

Donald Trump is as pure as the driven snow. He’s never even thought of committing a crime or an immoral act. Anybody who charges this great man with a crime is seriously misguided. No former president should ever be charged with a crime, especially not one so great and humble as Donald John Trump!

lothar baier
lothar baier
1 year ago

if even andrew cuomo the former NY Governor and also NY Attorney general is blasting braggs investigation as partisan witch hunt than you know its time for bragg to call it quits

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
1 year ago

Time and The tax payers Money should be spent on Border Control.
Rather than this Useless Witch Hunt. This is Democratic Matra!
Attack Donald J.Trump! Try to stop him from running in 2024.
That’s how afraid the DOC is!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Is he on the “take” or have contract on him ( Bragg)?

1 year ago

We actually have the manchuchian candidate in office now and they are chasing an ex president that, while certainly not faultless, had the country at headed in the right direction.

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
1 year ago

Trump has got to be loving his vote-getting victimhood & cost-free press. Wat to go Demoncrats! Don’t stop know. You’re on a roll.

1 year ago

When are we as true Americans going to rise up against these Marxist, Totalitarian, Demoncrats and take them out. Grab them all & place in concentration camps for traitors. This includes the lying, filthy, scum, media people along with George Soros who should be shot by a firing squad. Seize there assets and feed the poor & fight drug addiction.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
1 year ago

Until top Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi camera James Comey, Clapper, Schumer and the rest are prosecuted and put in jail, Republicans / Conservatives have much less of a chance of saving the United States.

1 year ago


Linda Durham
Linda Durham
1 year ago

All this dissension between parties, senseless investigations of Trump, numerous investigations of biden and his family, obama, the clintons, the stunts of “the squad” and problems with immigration, increasing our national debt on a daily basis, etc are exactly what china and Russia want. Keep our minds on other things so they can increase their daily actions to take over America and our God given freedoms. Wake up America before it’s too late to reverse it and stop communism in it’s tracks.

1 year ago

These three senators are masters of presenting an image to robot voters that bears little or no resemblance to their true nature. Testers crewcut and Manchins phony scruples readily decieve lazy constituents, but the winners trophy for fakery surely goes to Brown. He manages to convince deer hunting rural people that hes not after their guns and that his chief concern is bringing more jobs to ohio. He’s a career politician who has never held a job in the real world. We will see if voters finally see thru his camouflage but im not too optimistic.

Oliver Davidson
Oliver Davidson
1 year ago

PLEASE don’t include FOX NEWS with others that are be dumped on from other news reporters because FOX NEWS is stuffed full of lawyers that will come out every day to add their two cents worth of experience and not always for what is right.This morning a lawyer on the 9am group said that congress has no right to call local officials before congress for questions.

1 year ago

They are going to continue to use lawfare to destroy Trump and his supporters. Be aware! It’s going to get worse before it gets better; if it does. The illegitimate incompetent empty suit place holder may get us blown up. That’s not out of the question.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The left is never going to stop persecuting Trump. They have been at it for 7 years. Nothing has ever stuck. This is the communist manifesto to gain total power over the people and so far the people have voted with them. Just the appearance of Trump being charged with something is enough to have the power. If they can get Trump then they have the people. WAKE UP AMERICA.

1 year ago

If you live in or near NYC, you realize that many just dislike Trump and his dis-likability means that he has committed some crime that needs identifying and prosecuting. Alvin Bragg ran for office by stating that he believed in non-incarceration for low level crimes. Once elected he started downgrading charges of assault and battery or armed robbery to “lesser” offenses. Criminals know that if arrested they will be back on the street within hours, sometimes before their victims get out of the hospital. Trump, on the other hand, deserves to be persecuted by prosecution over and over and over again. And that is a popular belief in NYC. Someone is bound to find a crime, somewhere, somehow. Just keep the investgations coming! Those who live in Realville realize that it is just another Democrat distraction during our non-stop election seasons. Otherwise Democrats might have to talk about inflation, the border crisis, real crime statistics, Chinese, Russian, North Korean and Iranian aggression, TikTok, rail mishaps, China to Biden money transfers, President Biden’s latest failure to find a hand to shake……………..

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Alvin braggs has proven once again what all conservatives and honest liberals know. The entire legal battle with repeated attacks on on has been nothing by the democrats illegal and corrupt party being funded by George soros. The democrat endless attacks are then hallmark of democrat corruption.

WE are at the point that the entire government needs to be fired. all pensions cancelled and all contracts cancelled. start over with each employee hired required to sign an legal document acknowledging they are aware it is illegal for them or any government employee to lie to the american citizens and that all proposed new regulations, mandates, restrictions, and taxes are applied to them five years before they are applied to the public. this woudl include all elected people.

Hanna D
Hanna D
1 year ago

2020-21-22-23 Congress and State legislators have refused to decertify and forenically investigate the suspicious results of 2020 Presidential election and elections since.Obviously, Tester, Brown, and Manchin could care less about the US Constitution and US citizens God-given rights.

Michael S.
Michael S.
1 year ago

OMG!!! It doesn’t take a genius to realize how badly the left, socialist, woke, and maniacal democrats have delved into the political sewer to create a narrative that only a democrat can fix AMERICA. AMERICA has a TWO PARTY system and three independent sections of government to keep democracy in check. Not like the AUTOCRATIC SYSTEM of Russia, China, and all other SOCIALIST COUNTRIES that trample on people’s FREEDOMS. If you want what the Democrats are offering, PACK YOUR BAGS AND LEAVE AMERICA. Of course once you get to those countries you will understand how much you have lost in your endeavors to turn AMERICA INTO A SOCIALIST REGIME.

1 year ago

The public in general is too gullible. Remember all the lies and fake news about President Trump and Russia. Should have squashed anything the democrats have said but the voters still put the “haters” back in office in 2022. Even if Trump is exonerated, the damage aginst him will already be in the minds of zombie voters for next year.

1 year ago

I wish it was just Soros, but he’s just a tiny part of the problem. The Chinese Communist Party, the UN, the WEF, and the Gates Foundation are all allies of Soros and the fascist/communist US Democratic Party and Deep State.

1 year ago

Our US Constitutional elected Offices PROMISE under OATH to Protect our individual freedoms and the Rule of Law.

Due Process: innocent until proven guilty in a unbiased court. Judger and Jury pool must recuse themselves. And cross examination for both side to prove if evidence stands up in court.

Please expose all the criminal this DA has set free to terrorize US Citizens. And why is he allowed to be soft on actual criminals and still go after his political opposition for a possible Jay Walk?

Does Congress still have a hushmoney fund paid by taxpayers? Accusations must be proven against our Elected Officials or the accuser should risk blackmail and jail time. Like real evidence of an actual crime, left inside Hunter’s personal computer and forgotten at a tech shop. Or a Diary of a family member in the Biden household scared of sexual abuse in the shower.

Why are these crimes ignored?

And let’s not forget Hilary!

1 year ago

dems creating their own “butterfly effect”.

Walter Markovic
Walter Markovic
1 year ago

BS, propaganda and lies from the fascists in the GOP. Would not recommend for any decent human being. The GOP sure isn’t my grandfather’s Republican Party any more.

1 year ago

When are the American people going to accept the truth that Joe Biden and the Democrats are hell bent on destroying the American way of life and set up a totalitarian government. Biden is without question the most corrupt president in history. He must go.

Phil M
Phil M
1 year ago

Lots of good comments over the last few days. However, the article is all wishful thinking. The persecution of Trump will have zero impact on the re-election of these three senators. First, the Democrat voters in the three states might even be energized (which is what the DA hopes). Second, the vast majority of voters have little history of connecting one event to another, regardless of topic. If the incumbent looks good on camera, and the part in his hair is of sufficient length, he will be re-elected.

1 year ago

Bragg needs to be reminded of his jurisdiction in so far as his limits. Thus is just an effort by G. Soros to try and control our justice system to his liking. Money talks but the time has come to deal with the likes of him.

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