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Mail-in Voting Is Unsafe and Unsecure, Despite Democrats’ Claims

Posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Kathryn Vitale

Ever since 2020, Americans have heard Democrats, including Joe Biden himself, repeat the refrain that mail-in voting through the U.S. postal system is completely “safe and secure.” A New York Times opinion article in May 2020 went even further, claiming that voting by mail “may actually be even more secure than in-person voting.” Democrats and even some misguided Republicans in many states are working to make mass mail-in ballots permanent. Media outlets and left-wing nonprofits constantly accuse anyone critical of mass mail-in voting of trying to suppress vulnerable Americans’ votes. But ironically, the very mail-in voting system Democrats are pushing is, by the admission of the Inspector General of the U.S. Postal Service among others, inherently insecure and could disenfranchise thousands of eligible voters by preventing their ballots from being counted at all.

Skyrocketing mail theft is one big reason why the U.S. postal system is not sufficiently secure to function as America’s election system. The U.S. has experienced a 1,600 percent nationwide increase in checks stolen through mail theft in the past year, according to a recent study. There have been more than 130 cases of mail theft in just one Ohio county this past year, costing victims over $2 million due to stolen checks. In California, 80 people were recently charged for their involvement in a large mail theft operation in which they stole almost $5 million from over 700 victims across the state.

Just a few days ago in Maryland, a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mail carrier was robbed of her keys—the keys that give access to Americans’ mail—at gunpoint. USPS union leaders in Chicago report that mail carriers are robbed at gunpoint for their keys practically on a daily basis. There have been over 2,000 assaults or robberies of postal workers in the past two years.

This surge in mail theft began during the pandemic in 2020, just as 90 million ballots were mailed through the U.S. Postal Service to voters across America compared to 41 million mail-in ballots sent out during the 2016 election, an increase of 117 percent. From 2016 to 2020, the number of people casting mail-in ballots increased by 109 percent, from approximately 33 million in 2016 to nearly 70 million in 2020.  From 2017 to August 2020, complaints of mail theft, vandalism, and delivery problems surged by 600 percent. In August 2020, in the middle of this crime spike and less than three months before the general election, the USPS gutted its police force and prohibited postal police officers from patrolling the streets or responding to postal-related crimes away from postal facilities—a rule that remains in effect today. Even with a practically nonexistent postal police force, in 2020 over 1,600 people were arrested for mail theft.

In the absence of a police force, mail carriers became easy targets for criminals, especially with the postal service’s outrageously unsecured universal key system. Under this system, postal workers are given master “arrow keys” that can open any mailbox in a given zip code area. An August 2020 report by the USPS Inspector General revealed that the USPS has no idea how many arrow keys are in circulation, postal workers do “not adequately report lost, stolen, or broken keys or maintain key inventories,” and the “Postal Service’s management controls over arrow keys were ineffective.” These factors led to an explosion of arrow key thefts starting in 2020.

The problem is only getting worse. Across the nation, many local police departments have begun to warn residents to avoid dropping off checks or mail containing personal information in post office drop boxes.

It is important to state the obvious: if checks and cash can easily be stolen or destroyed, so can ballots. This occurred on numerous occasions during the 2020 election, when many mail-in ballots never made it back to election officials. Instead, they wound up in ditchestrash bins, or on the side of the road. Mail-in ballot drop boxes were vandalizedleft open, and even burned to the ground, damaging many ballots. In some instances, bad actors within the USPS attempted to discard or tamper with ballots. A U.S. postal worker from New Jersey pleaded guilty to throwing 99 election ballots in the trash. A postal worker in Louisville, Kentucky, threw away more than 100 general election mail-in ballots. A Miami postal worker was charged with stealing political flyers and a mail-in ballot. Tens of millions of ballots were mailed to voters whether they requested one or not, further increasing the risk of ballots winding up in the wrong hands.

In total, 15 million mail-in ballots that had been sent to voters were never returned to election officials.

Mail carriers also struggle to deliver ballots to election officials on time. In 2020, the USPS warned 46 states and D.C. that it could not guarantee that all mailed ballots would arrive by Election Day. Thousands of ballots never even made it to the voters who requested them. In Wisconsin, 9,000 requested ballots were never delivered. In August 2022, multiple voters in Baltimore just received the mail-in ballots that they had requested two years earlier in 2020.

USPS also failed to properly postmark thousands of ballots, resulting in confusion among election officials regarding whether they should be counted.

In addition to problems with the postal system, shifting away from in-person voting toward mass mail-in voting will disadvantage vulnerable communities. Without election officials present to provide voters with guidance, mailed ballots are significantly more likely to get rejected due to voter errors. Young voters’ ballots are disproportionately likely to be thrown out due to mistakes. By contrast, legitimate in-person votes will almost certainly be counted.

Moreover, Hispanic and Black voters are twice as likely as white voters to choose to vote in person. Of all racial groups, Black Americans are the least likely to choose to vote by mail. States that shift to all-mail-in voting often reduce the number of in person polling places. Even David Becker, the director of a left-wing Zuckerberg-backed nonprofit, expressed concern that quickly switching to mass mail-in voting at the expense of in-person polling places could inadvertently suppress minority turnout.

Democrats claiming to be concerned about voter access must reckon with the fact that each time a mail-in ballot gets lost, stolen, altered, or rejected, it silences a voter’s voice in the electoral process. A secure election system is the necessary first step to protect against disenfranchisement by ensuring that no one’s vote gets lost or fraudulently altered. The logical way to increase voter access is to install more secure in-person polling places—not to promote an inherently unsecure system that compromises a voter’s ballot.

Every American’s vote is far too precious to entrust to a U.S. postal system that has a proven track record of theft, fraud, and human error. Once voters drop their ballots into a blue box, they relinquish control over ballot security to the U.S. Postal System and its mail carriers.  Voters must be able to have complete trust that their ballots will not fall into the wrong hands. But the rise in mail theft has demonstrated that it is not possible to have such trust. If it simply isn’t safe to put sensitive personal information, checks, or cash in the mail, then it isn’t possible to trust the mail system with millions of mail-in ballots. The inescapable conclusion is that the U.S. postal system should not serve as this country’s election system and that voting in person with paper ballots remains the most secure voting method. To best ensure that every legal vote is counted, American elections must be conducted in person – not by mail.

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Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

The only time a mail in ballots won’t be safe is when democrats lose.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

If you trust mail-in-voting, I have a Bridge in northern California I want to sell, I think you might be interested in the purchase, because you are an Idiot!

2 years ago

If the demoncrats insist mail in ballots are safe, they probably are not.

2 years ago

Mail in voting has only one purpose and that is to allow the communist democrats to cheat, it was designed from the beginning as organized vote fraud!

Karen Frischkorn
Karen Frischkorn
2 years ago

I have heard of these anomalies happening. I does concern that there appears to be no way to securely vote? I will be voting in person & praying.

2 years ago

Mail in ballot is all I can do because of health reasons. I track my ballot to my voters office to see if it’s been received, and recorded

2 years ago

What??? How come all of a sudden there’s all these ‘checks in the mail’? With auto pay and direct deposit this seems like a ‘made to order’ statistic. Fake news!

2 years ago

It is a no brainer, we should vote in person on a paper ballot.

Len Tatko
Len Tatko
2 years ago

Mail in balloting is “corruption” at it’s worst. We recieved a ballot for a family member dead for 10 years.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

For the gubernatorial recall in CA, my cousin who works in a liberal occupation but is not liberal, received THREE ballots! Mail-in voting is an invitation for fraud!!

2 years ago

Yet in the 2 years since the so-called “emergency” election rules allowing mass mail-in balloting, wide-spread early voting and reduced voter verification standards were rushed into place in 2020, little has been done by most state legislatures to correct the mess that was created. The result has been 21 months of one man-made crisis after another by Democrat rule at the federal level. Sure we have a handful of states that did do something to address part of the problems that created huge opportunities for voter fraud in several states, but much has unfortunately remained the exact same in far too many states around the country.

Even good old peanut farmer Jimmy Carter understood the many dangers of the type of lax voting procedures and processes we put in place in 2020 and that largely remain in existence today. Yet amazingly little has changed since then. So the question really becomes “What will it actually take to return election day to being actually being just that?” A single day where Americans go to the polls to cast their vote, after their identity has been verified. We all understand that the infirm and the military deployed overseas seas need to be able to cast their votes by mail-in ballots or other means, but those remain limited, controlled circumstances. NOT the largely wide open, mass mail-in fiasco we permitted in 2020.

2 years ago

never trust a democrat or whatever he/she tells you. they are not worth your vote for they will screw you over and throw you in the trash

Robert C Howard
Robert C Howard
2 years ago

In Pennsylvania a voter can check on-line to see if their ballot has been received by the Elections Division of their county. Every voter should check and verify their ballot has been received after they mail it or drop it off.

Dave H
Dave H
2 years ago

Common sense is not common! When did we vote for a change to our voting laws? Did John Q Public or Jane Doe have any say? Drop boxes and mail in voting is nothing more than a recipe for fraud, suppression of the vote and control by which ever party is controlling the count. Even if a mail in ballot has been received by the election board, who is to say how that vote was counted or if it was counted at all? There is no longer a good excuse for not going to your polling place and cast your ballot the only way it will be properly counted, in person! The only good reasons for mail in ballots are overseas Military, medical, or having to be away from home during the election period! Covid is no longer a valid excuse, laziness is not a valid excuse and not voting because you are inconvenienced is not a valid excuse.

2 years ago

Guess the democrats have a good chance of winning – does not matter what they say or believe! They are laughing at republicans- cause democrats have an ‘Ace’ in the hole.

2 years ago

You can bet if the marxist democrat party is for something it’s NOT good for America’s Citizens at all!
The Washington swamp is anti America, anti freedom and anti Real Citizens !

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
2 years ago

It is not as though we needed anything more than a Democrat claim to know otherwise.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

anyone can vote by mail that is why it’s a preferred choice for dems

2 years ago

Why would I do this? Because we all know once you mail it in and they see it’s a Republican vote or conservative or independent, they’re going to rip it up and throw it out.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

“…Despite democrats’ claims.” Name one thing the dims, any of ’em, have claimed in the last six years that has been the whole truth, or even close. They’re LIARS that LIE about EVERYTHING.
The article brings up excellent points. VOTE IN PERSON! They’re going to cheat, to be sure, but voting in person makes it FAR more difficult for them and it’s pretty much the only chance we have of getting enough “R”s elected to reclaim at least one of the two chambers.
Many are claiming that there will be a YUGE Red Wave. I wouldn’t bet the farm on that! They pulled off a a coup in ’20 with nearly total impunity…they’re not going to change gears next week!

Diesel Dave
Diesel Dave
2 years ago

Why isn’t the postal service being held accountable and investigated for their part in this situation? If I entrust my ballot to them, I should be confident it will be delivered to the proper addressee. Of course, we are talking about the United States Postal Service, a perfect example of government inefficiency.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Not a day goes by that I don’t read an article about mail in ballots. Several to same address, sent to the dead, sent to forwarding addresses…. There are 700+ days between elections. Wondering why this cannot be fixed in two years. I know what would happen to me in my job if I were that inefficient.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Will this be another 2020 election with lying, cheating and buying votes for communist party. I heard this morning there is already voting harvesting and Russia is looking closely at changing the election. We must set voter identification and whatever it takes to protect our liberty and the right to vote fairly

2 years ago

Predictions of a Republican ” Red Wave ” can cause many people to stay home , thinkng their vote is not necessary . And , therefore , could actually cause the loss of many races to the DEMOCRATs .

At this point in time , this is a “Turnout Election ” ! ! ! ! Most Americans agree that the DEMOCRATS are dangerous to America . So , it is MOST important to make sure we vote .

BTW, the Main Stream Media is full of stories about the expected win by Republicans . The MSM is the propaganda wing of the DEMOCRAT party and wants to create a sense in each Republican’s mind that their vote is not necessary . DO NOT BELIEVE THIS .
EVERY Republican vote is necessary ! ! ! !

Regardless of how good the expectation of victory appears at this point in time , we MUST stay resolved and determined to cast our votes . Casting our votes is the ONLY way to make sure our votes are counted and not stolen . If we stay home and do not cast our vote , we then create a ” hole” in the potential vote . The ‘ potential ‘ vote is the entire body of Republicans registered to vote .
Then those electronic voting machines might ” fill ” that ” hole ” with a vote for the DEMOCRATS . In other words , if a Republican does not cast his/her vote , then those electronic ‘ voting ‘ machines may glitch your vote over to the DEMOCRAT party , as in 2020 .,

2 years ago

I have not heard any arguments for or against the drop boxes. Nor have I seen any documentation on exactly how they are being used, how the ballots are being transported from the box to their destination and counted. And the security of these boxes in general. Are there any safeguards to keep someone from dumping 1000 ballots into one?
If you don’t actually know don’t respond. I only want the facts, not your opinion or what you think.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

As usual you need to apply the foolproof Democrat lie detector. If their lips are moving they are lying! Democrats cannot win if they don’t lie and cheat

2 years ago

The only way the democrats can win. True cheats and liars. Awful for our country!

2 years ago

Living in a state that has all ‘mail in ballots’ I never mail mine. I put it in a drop box. Yes, they can be broken into but I trust them more the the USPS.

C Sumo
C Sumo
2 years ago

I do perceived challenges with mail-in ballots, such as sending ballots to people who might have died or moved. A person may move and forget to update one’s voting record. Also, the challenges facing our country with the States Registry might inadvertently pose risks, especially now that nonresidents and noncitizens are given states IDs. If you are in the country, go out and vote whether it be early voting or the day of voting. We venture out for everything else, why not do the most sensible thing to secure our voting process?

2 years ago

The DemonRats have already stolen the election once, and now they want to do the same thing again. Do they really think conservatives are that stupid that we’d fall for that again?

At this point, if any DemonRat wins any election that election should have the ballots physically counter by a a nonpartisan group appointed by the election board of each state. All blue states need to have an injunction against them to have all their ballots physically counted, PERIOD !!!

I’ll guarantee you that Conservative candidates will win in most states, unless they are so blue that counting the votes did not change the outcome.

2 years ago

There was just a mail truck full of ballots that burned with all the ballots inside. Hmmm, wonder what conservative area that mail was from???? The dems want mail in voting and they want “election month”, instead of election day. That’s 30 days for opportunities to cheat, instead of just one day.

2 years ago

First everything a democrat says is a lie. Mail in voting is nothing more than a democratic vote stealing scheme in most cases as is ballot harvesting.

2 years ago

Mail in ballots are an open invitation to cheat. Vote in person with an voter ID.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

It’s one of the ways the FASCIST liberals can CHEAT which goes all the way back to them doing same thing just before the Civil War and since.
Do your homework.

2 years ago

Trump voted by mail in ballot to Florida in 2020 election, & he defended that by saying that his absentee ballot was legal & different than others. So , this contradicts this article.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Maby more voteing precents would help. The problem needs solving. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

My wife and I are really old seniors, but we early voted. Yes we had to show our I D. No problem and sign a paper. Kyle L.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The Democrats became soft on crime in order to placate their leftist youth. The result has been a crime wave that became an avalanche. Many are feeling the impact today in the leftist cesspools of NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, and Philadelphia. (Did I miss any?) There are consequences to every action. There’s a similar law in Physics. For every action, there’s a reaction. Well, if you allow unfettered mail-in ballots without any rules or checking for a registered voter, what do you think will be the reaction? Well, the response is quite obvious, simple to imagine, and logical. There would be an avalanche of illegal voting to where no one would be confident in the election system. The aftermath would be frightening since it would create unimaginable chaos and death in the streets. I guarantee you, the right would respond. Ultimately it would tear down the walls of democracy to possibly introduce unfettered liberal, socialist, and communist idealogy. We would be embracing insanity.

2 years ago

But I do not like having to show an ID to vote. I am here illegally and cannot find a fake ID that looks real good. It’s just not fair. LOL….

2 years ago

Ever since Oregon went full-on mail-in ballots, we haven’t had a Republican governor and always a majority Democrat State congress. I miss voting in person. And I endorse voter ID!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
2 years ago

I, totally, agree.
Go Vote in-person!!!!

2 years ago

Another thing ruined by Democrats. I have used mail-in voting a couple times when going on vacation, otherwise I vote in person.
— It used to be: I had to request an individual absentee; it was mailed to me at my address; voted; signed and returned by mail. For valid reason and very infrequent.
— Automatic unsolicited Mass mailings of ballots to everybody on a Registration database floods the state to 100s of thousand of real valid ballots that are ineligible because people have moved, passed or for other reasons no longer a valid voter.
— Embracing mail-in as a new normal, as your article points out, now puts an already strained postal system under major duress and more service failures and fraud.
— Ballot drop boxes are definitely unsecure and open to major fraud… just watch 2000 Mules.
Without major Election reforms to restore faith our system of free and fair elections are at risk!

2 years ago

On what planet should a union that can endorse a presidential candidate be allowed to collect and deliver the ballots for that election?

2 years ago

Even if you do mail-in voting from your home, and don’t use a ballot drop box, those numbers can still be skewed by whomever is in control of counting the ballots. I never trusted it and I never will. Unless I am in an iron lung, I am going to go vote in person.

2 years ago

What I don’t like is that the Cuyahoga County BOE website will tell you that your ballot was received. But will not tell you if your ballot was counted.

2 years ago

As I read this article I got more and more upset! The ineptitude of of the powers to be within our government just eludes me, we elect people who pledge to clean this sh*t up and noting happens. I have been retired for many years now, but back in the day when I worked for the LASD,30 years,( Los Angels County Sheriffs Department) we would escorted all ballots to the general assembly area where they would be counted and were overseen be election official. Nobody, but no nobody, would screw with our ballots. Once delivered to the central collections area, they were further observed by law enforcement and election officials.
What I see now is nothing more than wide open election interference.
Come on people use some common sense. We are being played!
Too many men and women have died to retain the honor and privilege of voting for the people we elect to represent us, to let this kind of sh*t go on. If they can’t do the job, then vote them out and put a Vet in there to help clean this mess up.
It really is a matter of common sense, an idea that is, unfortunately, out of favor these days.

2 years ago

Mail in voting is safer than in person voting. The article is filled with lies. Do republicans ever tell the truth about anything anymore? Republicans have been bought by Trump, the biggest liar and dirtiest politician in American history.

Proud Voter
Proud Voter
2 years ago

This article is false information to confuse people and discourage them from voting. Drop your mail in ballot into any UPSP mail box, your ballot will be delivered and your vote will be counted.????????

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