
Newsline , Society

Leftists Whine About “Hateful Language” and “Microaggressions” While Excusing Actual Hate-Fueled Violence

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

Israeli flag painted on a brick wall

In the wake of the barbaric terror attacks on Israel, many on the left seem more outraged about the supposedly “hateful” rhetoric being directed at Hamas and its sympathizers than the unspeakable acts of terror perpetrated on innocent civilians. The problem has become so bad that even some in the mainstream media are taking note.

Following the terror attacks earlier this month that saw Hamas fighters rape, torture, and murder men, women, and children, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was at war with “human animals.” Many other Western leaders and commentators have expressed similar outrage at the sheer brutality and savagery of Hamas’s attacks.

But for the left, the real outrage was the harsh language used to describe the terrorists indiscriminately killing civilians, rather than the killings themselves.

Liberation, a prominent socialist newspaper, accused Israeli officials of using “dehumanizing language” that is “openly genocidal,” yet declined to mention Hamas’s attempted genocide. The Huffington Post decried Gallant for calling for “further oppression of all people in Gaza.” MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones worried about “dangerous rhetoric around Israel-Hamas war,” urging those taking a hardline stance toward Hamas to “try being tactful instead.” (It’s worth noting that Jones did not mention whether or not he believes mass slaughter is “tactful.”)

In another opinion piece for Foreign Policy, Yousef Munayyer of the Arab Center in Washington, D.C., similarly chastised Gallant for using “dehumanizing” language. “Laying siege to Gaza is no solution,” he declared, urging Israeli leaders to stand down and allow Hamas to escape retaliation.

Even once the full extent of Hamas’s cruelty became clear, the prevailing sentiment on the left oscillated between outright and open support for Hamas (demonstrated by multiple pro-Hamas protests in major Western cities) and concern that leaders in Israel and other Western countries were being too mean toward the terrorists seeking to commit genocide on the Jewish people.

The grotesque defense of Hamas was even too much for CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who said on the network last week, “These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people — a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives — in terms of antisemitism on the left.”

“A lot of people who seem more shocked about the dehumanizing language used by world leaders to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday,” Tapper continued. The New York Times also ran an opinion piece entitled “The anti-Israel left needs to take a hard look at itself.”

These past few weeks have made abundantly clear that the anti-Israel left has found a comfortable home on college campuses – particularly the elite Ivy League institutions that pride themselves on being “welcoming” and “inclusive.”

By one account, “dozens” of university chapters of a group called “Students for Justice in Palestine” applauded Hamas for their efforts at “decolonization” and “resistance.” Many staged rallies in support of Hamas while they were still actively murdering Israeli civilians.

Most notably, more than 30 Harvard student organizations signed a joint statement in which they make no mention of any Israeli victim or acknowledge in any way that violence against Jewish people occurred. Instead, they focused squarely on demanding the world stand against “colonial retaliation” – i.e., eliminating the terrorists who killed innocent civilians.

The Harvard students state that they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence,” blaming the murdered Israelis for their own deaths.

That America’s universities have become a cradle of Jewish hate is particularly ironic given that many of these same campuses birthed terms like “microaggressions,” “safe spaces,” and “trigger warnings,” while telling their students that words can be “literal violence.”

So how is it that those so emotionally attuned to imperceptible and subconscious slights are wholly ambivalent to the worst act of mass slaughter against the Jewish people since the holocaust? Even critics of Israel have set aside their personal feelings and acknowledged these acts of horror for what they are. Yet those Harvard organizations could not even affirm that anything wrong or unjust had occurred.

Whatever it is, the left’s willful ignorance and justification for clear atrocities has shattered any illusion that the “woke” warriors are fighting for a safer world. In fact, some seem perfectly comfortable with violence and hate, just as long as you don’t “trigger” anyone while you murder them.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

I saw a t-shirt just yesterday that is a great response to the left. It said: “My rights do not end where your feelings begin.”

1 year ago

Leftists ONLY want to DESTROY AMERICA and CAPITALISM! . . . THEY ONLY WANT TO CONTROL THE WORLD THRU POLICIES OF POWER! . . . Stand Up and Fight to Keep Your Freedom or Prepare to Serve under Serfdom and Slavery!

1 year ago

We are coming to the end of a dream that a college education will assist a young person.
Years ago I saw test results that indicated college graduates knew less about American history than high school. graduates. So much college time is wasted on drinking and partying.
There has to be a safe way for good children to grow up (but it isn’t by moving to a college campus where unseen by parents their lives go very wrong before they are fully mature.)

Gretchen Smith
Gretchen Smith
1 year ago

So sick of the leftist crybabies. They all should go live in Cuba or Syria, see how they like it.

1 year ago

Excellent article exposing ignorant, hateful idiots on the left. Insanity is the word for such evil. They are as bad as the perpetraters.

1 year ago

Over the last decade Qatar and other rich Muslim countries have sent billions of dollars to colleges and universities setting up pro Muslim chapters influencing students to hate Israel and the Jews. Let’s set the record straight. Hamas is a sadistic terrorist organization funded by Iran to “represent” the Palestinians in Gaza. The Palestinians are being held captive by Hamas as they can be used as human shields and for propaganda if they die when Israel begins their ground attack on Gaza. Hamas has violated every code of human decency and will face extinction as Israel hunts them down and kills them. The so called “progressives” need to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror because they have “regressed” back to the anti-Semitism of the past.

1 year ago

Trigger this, Jesus saves.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Damn Leftists are in theyre “bubble” & cant Live in Reality

1 year ago

This attitude of these so called leftists has been perpetuated for years. In universities in neighborhood meetings etc . Under ole Joe this has become more in the open.
He has called half the population in America domestic terrorists. He has made criminals victims and victims perps. And this has been going on all over the world. There is a movement going on to make the Arab world along with China the powerhouse in the world. And ole Joe is appeasing right along with other nations. This global world they are envisioning is being created. And the first thing on the agenda is depopulating the world and especially Israel has to be wiped off the earth. Many middle eastern countries have always denied the holocaust occurred. With all the demonstrations you see that these demonstrators don’t believe it either. When asked if they thought beheading babies and burning people alive and raping and killing women was okay they said because any Jew has to die, or Hamas doesn’t do that this is all Israeli propaganda. They knew what Hitler was doing during WW II but the Allies turned a blind eye. This time they are annihilating the Jews and the Jewish state for the whole world is behind them.
Ole Joe never condemned Hamas. He kept denying that Iran was not using the 6 billion dollars for ammunition, guns, rockets, tanks for Hamas. Of course they are. Coincidences like this, Iran gets 6 billion dollars has made billions from oil and a couple of weeks later Hamas attacks Israel. All to eradicate Israel and its people. Don’t be fooled it is all a plan by the elites.
There is so much dirt in the world and many people in Amerika and elsewhere don’t see how they have been manipulated and are being controlled by the Group in Bazel. But I better stop because most people don’t know what I am talking about. My last thought, if we don’t stop Hamas now we will fight them in the streets here in America. Or Iran will drop their nuclear bomb on us.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Help! Someone on the left tell me: he, she, him, her, they, them,… I’m confused about which pronouns I’m supposed to use to describe “Gaza Freedom Fighters”. I’d sure hate to trigger anyone with a micro-aggression and hurt their feelings!

No Name
No Name
1 year ago

Excellent article
No comment is needed when you read the truth

Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno
1 year ago

Israeli Jews are the world’s only indigenous population universally despised by these fasco-Marxists!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Is there even one person naive enough to think that should Jews choose to leave the territory there would be peace and “palestinians” would build the prosperous state where they would live in love and harmony?

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

leftists / democrats are stupid people.

there really is no other conclusion. leftists are just plain stupid.

1 year ago

Does anyone know what happens when Israel is rejected/hated by all or most of the world??
Jesus comes, be ready.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
1 year ago

Words cannot express the disdain I feel for so-called “higher education” platforms that are so smart they can’t see reality. They are worthless, even worse than worthless! Their “education” is garbage, and a sign of real intelligence is to stay as far away from them as possible. Bankrupt them! Don’t pay their exorbitant tuition! Don’t even use their online courses! Don’t go to their sports events! Don’t support them in any way! They are dying dinosaurs. People can get much better education in all kinds of ways without them.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
1 year ago

Having watch Fox 7:pm news, where a reporter braved the protesters in New York. I was appalled by the vicious remarks by protesters, who seem to be so brain washed by left wing groups. How can these people sleep at night when they support inhuman monsters.

1 year ago

The Progressive Socio Fascists Democrats are showing their real “colors” now. They have been restricting free speech on college campus’s for decades and getting away with it. In spite of all this Democrats continually get voted into positions of power across America. Evil is winning.

1 year ago

Personally, I believe that the Weakness, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence, which in my mind is TREASONOUS not only led to the CHAOS now happening around the Globe, but Spawned it!

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

All of our universities have been infiltrated and been brain washing our children for years, yet we do nothing about it. Now we find these demonstrations disturbing? Has anybody watched the news lately? We’re on the brink of WW3, most of the news agencies have reported that within the last 14 days alone, there have been over 2000 Chinese, and something like 350 Palestinian, 600 Syrian, 600 Iranian, and countless other men from other countries, all of miliary age that have been stopped at our southern border and they have all been on one watch list or another. Our country is being INVADED and all with the help of the Biden administration.
Back in the late seventies and early eighties, the John Birch Society predicted this very scenario that’s taking place today. They said it was the best way our adversaries could invade the United States. Now we have an estimated 1.7 and probably more like 2.7 million illegals who have entered the country who are probably preparing and waiting for the word to attack…we’ll all wake up someday in the not so distant future to find out all hell is breaking loose. Maybe then the American people will wake up and realize voting Democrat has consequences. I guarantee you the Dems will be the ones screaming the loudest…whoa is me, how did this all happen?
Wake up America!

1 year ago

How interesting and eye opening , the radical two faced leftists will continue to be narrow minded and ???? evil in deed snd thought! It’s their core and personal!!!!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

I would disagree with the Israeli spokesman on one point: Even ANIMALS do not kill for FUN! They have a legitimate reason: either protection or for food! Only godless (sub)humans kill like Hams does!

Terry Serbus
Terry Serbus
1 year ago

Under Trump they would have flourished, but their brainwashing, hate over runs them, YET TODAY!

1 year ago

This idiotic behavior and people being “offended” by words started a long time ago in the US. As women have gained more influence in politics and media, we’ve seen this become a bigger topic. When I was raised, we were taught that “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me”. Now, we hear people crying that “words matter”. We are putting our mentality to that of a juvenile mind instead of that of an adult mind. This has bee spread among our youth and they push this notion. BTW, I write this because this is the position of many women that I know. They are not meek women that sit at home and are not involved in the real world or business world, etc.. Some of them are police officers and EMS workers, etc.. Some of them are high powered business women. These women are the ones that made me realize that there is merit in this notion. The more women have gained influence and power, the more we are allowing emotions and “feelings” to dictate behavior and what is “right and wrong”. That’s ridiculous, especially when dealing with truly bad people, like Hamas or any other actual bad person or entity. We often hear that people weren’t concerned about “Toxic Masculinity” during WWII and that is so right. It simply shows that we need strong people, not just men, and we cannot allow emotions and feelings to dictate our behavior. It definitely leads to suppression of our First Amendment rights and we have been seeing that for some time now.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

The woke are the worst people on the planet. They have fully embraced evil. I fear for them for the Lord God Almighty said to Abram, the Father of Israel,”I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you”. The Third Reich was supposed to last 1000 years, according to Herr Hitler. It barely survived 12 years and Hitler fell into the hands of the God of Abraham. Enough said.

1 year ago

that’s why they are hypocrites and their supporters are idiots!

Bruce P
Bruce P
1 year ago

When this war is over there should be no two stones on top of each other in Gaza. The “innocent” civilians over there know who Hamas is and what animals and terrorists they are so they aided and abetted them. As far as Harvard and Yale are concerned, they and the other Ivy League universities have become breeders of worthless human beings no better than the clueless ideals they stand for. Nothing more than clueless spoiled children.

1 year ago

Hamas are sub-humans, that’s who they are.

1 year ago

I hope that these university students’ homes get ripped right out from under them by criminal elements that just take things. Then let’s see how understanding they are of the poor criminal.

Maurice Brandt
Maurice Brandt
1 year ago

I have watched the anti-Israel demonstrations staged on the campuses of what are supposed to be ‘institutions of higher(?) learning’ and I have been appalled! It is truly shameful how the parents of these children spend THOUSANDS of dollars on tuition and yet, their kids are still obviously IGNORANT FOOLS! Sad how far many of what used to be considered good schools have fallen in this country.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Remember for past 7 years the Fascist liberals accused Republicans of spreading Hate Speech including their Communist Fake News Media backing them up when THEY were and are the ones that have been spreading Hate Speech with their Communist Fake News promoting it including being backed up by LOSER elite universities and colleges.
The Fascist liberals parade around Congress with Terrorist country flags supporting Terrorist and supporting Terrorist on Fake News and Fake News Social Media.
The Socialist/Communist/Fascist liberal democrats are in desperate need of DEPROGRAMMING.
They are the TRUE Racist and TRUE Speech Haters including Riot Promoters who love CRIMINALS and Illegal Alien Terrorist.
Just look at ALL the newscast of Dictator Beijing biden, Communist harris, h. clinton, pelosi, LOUDMOUTH Maxine Waters, Nadler, Schiff, schumer, and the Socialist Squad of Congress who have been spreading their Hate Speech on a daily basis for YEARS.
Facts are Facts.

Mark Gibbons
Mark Gibbons
1 year ago

I think all of these whining leftists need to volunteer to travel to Gaza to become human shields.

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
1 year ago

Decolonization means complete destruction of Western Civilization…

1 year ago

FREE SPEECH IS FREE SPEECH! There is no such thing of hate speech, hurtful speech, wrong speech, or any other speech. The first amendment protects all speech weather you like it or not.

1 year ago

Leftists negate critical thinking! It would shatter their hyper inflated ego!!!

1 year ago

The left destroys everything it touches. The left stir their pot of hate; just awful people.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Hail Ceaser. What a messd. Kyle L.

1 year ago

AMAC should NOT ASSUME they are being told the truth about what is going on there!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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