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Led By the Progressive Socialist Wing of the Party, Democrats Passed a Bill in the House That, if it Became Law, Would Upend Election Law, says AMAC

Posted on Friday, March 8, 2019
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

HR 1 For the People Act Local Federal Election law fraud progressive socialist election law houseHR 1, the For the People Act of 2019, ‘facilitates fraud,’ say political experts, calling the proposed law ‘the on ramp for the road to socialism,’ says AMAC

WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 8 – The passage of HR 1 in the House of Representatives on Friday “seems to be the on-ramp for the road to socialism.  It confirms the intentions of far-left extremists in Congress to make it easier for socialism to gradually undermine and overtake our Constitution and the legacy of our founding fathers.”

The Lawyers Democracy Fund [LDF], which is focused on election law, has prepared documents that expose what appears to be the move by progressive members of the House of Representatives to drastically change America’s election laws.

According to the LDF, the so-called campaign finance reform bill, aims to overturn “the federalism foundation of the electoral process in the United States that has been in place for the past two centuries.”

Says AMAC, “the enactment of such a law would facilitate fraud, not while the GOP holds the White House and the Senate, but if and when the Democratic Party, with its increasingly progressive tendencies, controls the three branches of government.  And, it would give the left an edge and allow them to further tamper with our rights and our lives.”

The LDF notes that among the provisions in the legislation is one that would essentially abolish voter ID laws.  All that would be needed to cast a ballot would be a signature.  The measure would also allow online and same day registration and a variety of other “permissive” elements that would almost invite tampering.

And, it would “remove state registration signature laws that require an affirmation of eligibility from the voter at the time of registration. The voter is currently required to fill out the necessary information to register to vote and affirm, by signature under oath, that the information is true and correct and the voter to the best of his knowledge is eligible to vote. Under the bill, new registrants would not be required to provide a signature at the time of registration. Instead, they would only have to provide their signature at the time the voter requests an absentee mail ballot or when they check-in to vote at a polling place.”

National Review’s senior writer David French summed up the implications of the self-styled, For the People Act of 2019, whose cosponsors include among 20 others, self-styled Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, [D-NY-14].

“At its essence, the bill federalizes control over elections to an unprecedented scale, expands government power over political speech, mandates increased disclosures of private citizens’ personal information (down to name and address), places conditions on citizen contact with legislators that inhibits citizens’ freedom of expression, and then places enforcement of most of these measures in the hands of a revamped Federal Election Commission that is far more responsive to presidential influence,” French wrote.

AMAC recommends those who are interested should make their own evaluation of the pros and cons of HR 1 and notes that the full LDF assessment is worth a read.

“This is, perhaps, the first of many bald-faced gestures we can expect as progressives, socialists — and even Communists — gain attention and try to influence susceptible millennial voters in the months and years to come.  Vladimir Lenin, who ruled Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 when he died, boasted that socialism would provide ‘peace, bread, land;’ instead, there was no peace, bread was scarce and the land belonged to the state.”


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5 years ago

Socialism would destroy AMERICA.There are to many slugs that already are working the system and screwing the taxpayer and now you socialist idiots want to create more,i really hope that you bottom feeders wake up in the morning and there is a sluff off sitting on your face,do you now get the message.

Mary Kenny
Mary Kenny
5 years ago

So happy to read Amac news. Had no idea about this latest bill

Tom Edwards
Tom Edwards
5 years ago

We need to get rid of the NEW GREEN DEAL! We have listen to Al Gores lies for years. The poles still have ice on them. The Volcano does more damage than humans ever have. We need to outlaw Volcano’s! That would do more good! First get rid o Alexandria Occasional Coirtez. That should be first move!

5 years ago

Democrats are destroying America.

Barbara and David Ritchie
Barbara and David Ritchie
5 years ago

I can’t believe it is American Citizens that are supporting socialism in a free republic that has been strong for so many years. This attempt to destroy our country is sick.

Art Arlo
Art Arlo
5 years ago

Stop this progressive stuff. It is a hold over from the SOCIALIST LIBERAL AND COMMUNIST PARTIES. The same agenda but they use Progressive to get young and uniformed people to join them. We can also look at the so called education system with the socialist head of the teachers union their leader in charge.

5 years ago

This Green deal is a joke on freedom our freedom. This Democrat from New York should be thrown out of the Congress for her racist views. Anyone else would have been. To allow anyone to vote without proof is horrible. When are the American people gonna say enough? One more way for the socialists to tear down this country. When there is no more food cause no one has to work their will be rioting, murdering complete chaos. Wake up American people. All the democrats think this won’t happen to them but ask yourself why is everyone trying to come here. They sure not pleased with their own country! Vote no no no on the Green Deal!!!!

5 years ago

Socialism is an economic system. It is not a form of government. Typically socialism joins communism because both favor centralized decision making. That said, this bill is very dangerous, which is exactly what the radical liberals want.

5 years ago

Thank you! No Green Deal, No Voter changes, No anything that goes against our Constitution or further limits our rights/freedom. I am so disappointed at the continual push by Democrats to destroy our way of life. Anyone who doesn’t think that’s happening, just compare your healthcare today to what you had in 2005. That’s where we’re heading in everything else – getting a lot less at a higher cost with more restrictions.

5 years ago

The word “progressive” is used several times in the article above. Why do conservatives continue to refer to the left as “progressive”???? In what literary context is the word progressive ever used that gives a NEGATIVE impression? IT ISN’T. So my plea is that conservatives will QUIT using that word in reference to the leftist people/policies!! Think about the connotation of words! Call it what it is: leftist, socialist, communist, immoral, regressive, anti-constitution, liberal, ….. BUT NOT “PROGRESSIVE”.

5 years ago

I am thankful for AMAC and this format to learn that others share my views and concerns. Whenever I read these comments I feel less helpless and hopeless. I believe there are many more like us but the media won’t report it. Let’s keep our unity strong as we stand up for America!

5 years ago

Socialism/Communism is from Russia.Who are the Colluders in our Government?The very ones who signed this and who are trying to pass legislation to allow any foreign person to come into this Country at anytime there is an election to vote.That is making the wall moot and destroying our Constitution along with our rights.Their agenda to destroy America from within is on a fast track pace.The time is now for our President to call the military into action and stop these invaders and insurrectinists in our Government.They are now a High Security risk to the whole population of America and to the very Fabric of our Nation.They need to be arrested and charges brought against them for trying to overthrow the government of the United States of America by using the powers of their offices.It’s gone beyond free speech.When they make legislative decisions and put them forth for future political reasons it’s because they plan to overthrow our President and our Government.That is treasonous and sedition.They have taken on Russian ideology and are putting it into place and using their place in government to do it.They are doing things behind closed doors and using different government entities to overthrow and impeach the President.That is abuse of power.

Silas Longshot
Silas Longshot
5 years ago

It’s why open borders dems push for open borders….lots of new conscripted democrat voters, who can’t read, write or speak English, but will love the democrat handouts thru welfare, food stamps, free housing, free medical care, free needles, whatever the bribe they like best to vote democrat. It’s the only way democrats keep power, using voter fraud by hundreds of thousands of fake votes in no ID states. You may have noticed that every state where Hillary ‘won’ was a no ID state run by other democrats. Did you notice the 7 CA seats republicans initially won by vote count were ‘flipped’ AFTER the votes were counted when officials ‘FOUND’ just enough democrat ballots (ballot harvesting) to squeak a win out of all 7 counties? Just like Abrams in GA pulling the monkey business in the few metro Atlanta counties that she “won”, by ‘finding’ several thousand ballots, she still lost by the state count, be-itching all the way since the loss about ‘voter suppression’, etc

5 years ago

God Help us.

5 years ago

Have got to stop the obvious communistic, progressive, and ultra liberal actions occurring presently and some 50 years ago.

Our nation is definitely under attack , politically .

We’ve got to find a way!!!

Dennis Brandt
Dennis Brandt
5 years ago

Enough is enough. We already have election laws that work. The only time we need to change any law is if it ceases to work and any changes proposed would be required to justify and prove existing laws no longer worlk for the majority.

Ellen Wang
Ellen Wang
5 years ago

The Democrats belong to the planet “I don’t have a clue”. All they want is the destruction of our country. Our educational system needs to be replaced if this is the final results.

Dennis Torres
Dennis Torres
5 years ago

The people are getting tire of the looney toones trying to overthrow our president. Sound the alarm now and wake up America. Don’t wait until you have to fight for your freedom. Everything comes with a price, I know, I spent 30 years defending this country agains communist, socialists and Marxist. Remember, Hitler, the Cold War, Panama , 9/11. This is how it starts. Fight for your freedoms or loose them. Keep your muskets ready, it’s coming your way.

5 years ago

HR 1 is the federal equivalent of what California is doing. Voter fraud is the only way communism can take hold. History has shown it. Venezuela is the most recent example. Today’s brand of liberals HATE the Constitution and will do whatever it takes to destroy it. One step at a time!

5 years ago

There is a long history of “socialism for America” (back to the 1850’s) easily uncovered in the records of the teacher’s largest union (NEA). Education in our public schools (and it’s progressive supporters) has apparently completed it’s first new main young domino in Ocasio-Cortez. The question is: how many other new young dominos will win ascent, to take places in the lineup. Our Country needs prayer and activism to stop this terrible onslaught!

Michael J
Michael J
5 years ago

Destroying America a little bit at a time from the inside was always the goal of progressive left.
Term limits are the only way to keep treasonous politicians and bureaucrats from further eroding this once great nation.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
5 years ago

What’s wrong with what we have? It’s fine if everyone is HONEST
If some one or an issue is voted down—- it’s because the voters don’t want it or them. Just that simple!!!
The ones who want it changed aren’t getting voted in -even by fraud and they don’t like it.
If “they” don’t like it here -then leave. I keep noting Obama’s mother didn’t like America so she did the right thing—-she left!!!

Ann Correll
Ann Correll
5 years ago

It is a shame and a sham. It is coming though, as Americans who believe in the visions of our founding fathers fail to lift their voices in protest of turning America into a country ruled be a few. I do not understand why folks who love socialism don’t move to a socialist country.

5 years ago

This entire line of thinking is the result of the progressive/fascist/communist takeover of our education system. They are able to brainwash the younger people into believing that what they see is NOT what they saw. All of these forms of government enslave the people to the government. Take Rome for example the citizen was disenfranchised and they had to sell themselves into slavery to stop the torture. Say it isn’t so. We are headed to this juncture and the youth thinks this is right up there with God. The State has become God for these kids so we should be serving the State.

5 years ago

Unfortunately, we have many in the Democratic party that are ignorant of the consequences of their actions. Being ‘history- illiterate’ leaves them without the ‘software’ needed to understand; (thanks to the education system). They don’t understand that history will bear the same results from the same actions. As they say, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Not even current events, with refugees pouring in from socialist countries, brings question to their little minds. I think of Senator ‘Idunno’ (Hirono) who said that ‘democrats are smarter’ (based on an article on the web). She doesn’t know what our laws our, where they came from, how they are to be implemented, and yet her ‘web psychology source’ has her convinced her party is smarter. I know that the ignorance, insolence and insanity of this group of elected officials will lead to our destruction. I know they will probably have to learn the hard way, and we will have to suffer with them. The greater evil to me, is the controlling elite, that have been planning this ‘coup d’tat’ (and financing it) for years using their billions to place ‘poly-parroting- puppets’ in our government.

5 years ago

Communism is complete control of the human spirit and the oppression of the human spirit is both brutal and uncomprehensable in it’s so called enforcement

Joan Osborne
Joan Osborne
5 years ago

You need to start publishing the “Agenda 21” which has been around for about twenty years and tells how this country will be taken over and changed if these reform methods are getting passed into law.

Rexford O Ames
Rexford O Ames
5 years ago

Every time the Democrat Party losses an election regardless at what level. They change the laws to their favor. ( Note: California, Oregon, Washington State and now New York, to mentio0n a few)That;s not a free election. That’s Socialism! Other words to describe that behavior is: Nazism, Communism, Maoism. Just to name a few.
The Democrat has a history of subversion that boggles the mind. Think about this. Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy , and ( Ronald Reagan , his was an attempt that failed) were Democrats. They were all assassinated and the Vice Presidents took over and eliminated those Presidents policies and initiated Party directives. Fact: It was the Democratic Party that controlled our congress prior and during the Civil War. Created that war between the North and South. Used Black as the tool for their agenda. Enforced laws that required any Black caught leaving , their owners , would be hunt down and returned or hung , at the discretion of those bounty hunters! When that war was closing. Lincoln was assassinated and Andrew Johnson( Yea another Johnson) took over. The south was not allowed back into the Union Nor could they have any representatives in the House or Senate. The rest was a mitigated disaster and one of the blackest eyes this country ever had. Guess who was the instigator of those assassinations. Gee, could that have been by the New World Order that took over Amercia’s politics? Gee I wonder? Don’t even get started , studying and research, the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts. Gee, The New World Order wouldn’t do that would they?

Shelly Bedford,
Shelly Bedford,
5 years ago

Encourage our legislators to vote against any bill that changes our election laws right now! There are waay too many progressive democrats in office to trust ANYTHING this important to today’s government.

Henry Staton
Henry Staton
5 years ago

Two groups of people on earth; they are Jew and Gentile with the Jew being much smaller. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, which are called by my name(Jehovah) shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” This scripture was written to the Jews in time, but it applies to all mankind. This is a prerequisite to America getting back to peace and prosperity. This is the answer to antisemitism. Genesis 12:3 says to Abraham(father of Jews), “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” To disobey this verse results in dealing with the Creater of the universe-Jehovah God.

Anthony Sara
Anthony Sara
5 years ago

Not too long ago I would have suggested a new name for the so-called Democrat Party, i.e. “Far Left Radical Party”, FLRP” for short. But, based on the recent election of so many who would overturn the country as we have known it for over two hundred years, and which has proven to be the absolute greatest form of government in the history of the world, providing the greatest opportunity for personal advancement, prosperity and liberty for our people, I now believe a more appropriate name for the so called Democrat Party is the “Anti-America Party”. How else can you describe those whose clear goal is the destruction of our great country in favor of a form of government which history has proven time and time again leads to economic disaster, misery for its people, lack of personal liberty, and total control by government. Wake up America. If we don’t stop it now, it may soon be too late, and we have to take back our education system, starting from kindergarten, so our young people appreciate and love the great values of our wonderful country.

As to what is going on at the southern border, the so-called democrats see this as their best chance ever to destroy the two party system in this country, i.e. destroy any chance for the Republican Party to gain power again, because they believe that when the illegals, and their legal kids, grandkids, etc. are able to vote, it will be for the most part a vote for the so-called democrats. If the so-called democrats believed for an instant that those coming across our border would vote for Republicans in the future, you could just see Pelosi, Schumer and every other so-called democrat parked at the border firing machine guns at the illegals to keep them from coming across. After all, the difference in the popular vote between Trump and Clinton in 2016 was only a few million. If you add potentially 20 million more votes to the total so-called Democrat Party total, it is obvious which party will win future national elections.

5 years ago

Demonrats are destroying us

5 years ago

When will the people of this country going to wake up?

Professor Reality
Professor Reality
5 years ago

Democrat Bolsheviks continue to have serious mental deficits, perhaps it the habitual use of drugs wild mushrooms and pornography that make them what they are. The green deal is Bolsheviks in wonderland.

5 years ago

What can citizens do to fight this communist agenda? I hear no voice from the repubican party! Only the president is voicing condemnation.
Very concerened about the communist members of the democratic party.

Carol Def
Carol Def
5 years ago

…….And Putin is just sitting back and smiling while our Russian immigrants here are shaking their heads because they see and hear some very familiar and unwanted socialist talk. They came here to get away from socialism and now the ignoramuses of this country are falling into the socialist trap. They don’t realize that there is a difference between socialism and socialist democracy. So much for our wonderful education system.

Santford Casey III
Santford Casey III
5 years ago

I’m already signed up. Do you not know that?
What can wedotostop this socialist madness?

Juanema Hinesley
Juanema Hinesley
5 years ago

O’Cow-zio Car-Less hasn’t had a reasonable thought since she walked into D.C. Somehow she thinks the world elected her to take over our government. And, the older, seasoned officials are letting her walk on them as well as pile her cow dung on top of them. Just how stupid can these people in the swamp get? I believe entropy disproves evolution. Anything left to itself just eventually rusts, comes apart, or disintegrates entirely. It seems the “old guard” in D.C. have been there so long they have finally gone so far downhill and backwards that they are worthless. Term limits!! And, control the big mouth attention seeking not very smart, O’Cow-zio!!

Jeanne Diehl
Jeanne Diehl
5 years ago

Voting laws need to be enforced, limited to citizens 18 and over, with strict ID measures in place

Michael Craine
Michael Craine
5 years ago

What can I do to help prevent socialism and HR1 from becoming out of control?
Before you and I know it, you have a fresh-faced AOC proposing unrealistic green deals.
To an aging , saggy faced Pelosi, obstructing and interfering with every positive step President Trump is making.
The border security wall is the obvious example. The HR1 bill,you say ,is an easy pathway to undermine our Democracy . Is there anything I can do to help prevent that from happening.
Thank you
Mike Craine

5 years ago

When these people who are doing their best to destroy our country and continue this kind of stuff in our own government, they need to disappear. I don’t care how, why or where!

5 years ago

So what should our plan of action be? How can we stop the destructive momentum? There is no reasoning with the irrational so what do we need to do?

Odie Yoesting
Odie Yoesting
5 years ago

I am disgusted with the radical Democrats, lead by a 20 something bartender, whose agenda is to destroy the country the “Greatest Generation” fought and died for.

5 years ago

Starting to sound like the Soviet Union or East Germany, etc. Believe it was Stalin who quipped that it’s not the votes that count but who counts them that matters…

5 years ago

This is regressive! The Democrats are communists. Limousine liberals. We must derail their sinister efforts. Hold on to your guns and get the wagons in a circle as they are coming for Conservatives

Susan P
Susan P
5 years ago

We need to ‘impeach’, actually fire, all those in congress who do not follow the Constitution as founded. Don’t they all take an oath to uphold it?

Sally Sims
Sally Sims
5 years ago

LOVE YOU GUYS, and I tell everyone I know, who has brain cells left (no Libs), to join AMAC!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Terry L Herman
Terry L Herman
5 years ago

These trends are scary. Where did these left wing Green Deal Morons com from? I’m sorry I didn’t see it coming.

Mary Ann Gorog
Mary Ann Gorog
5 years ago

At the rate this political unrest is growing, we will be embroiled in another American Revolution and then all those countries we’ve been helping with the hard earned cash of our citizens, and all those illegal aliens that have been “welcomed” into our country by the Democrats and their cronies will turn against us and there will be even more bloodshed…my only hope is that the “welcoming idiots that started this” will be the first to be attacked and displaced from their comfortable dwellings and their high and mighty jobs (perhaps by the very people they welcomed against the wishes of those who wanted the wall and the vetting and to reform our immigration laws)…or by those who elected them and can now see the mistake they made in choosing them.

Unfortunately, the Democrats hate our President so much that they just can’t stop digging into his life to try and find ways to remove him from the office he was duly elected to. Their actions are so fowl that they’ve tried to convince everyone else they are in the right when all they are doing is making themselves look like the idiots and spoiled, privileged people they really are. Our President may be gruff in the way he does things but many of us believe he has done a good job that could have even been better if the Democrats and the wishy washy Republicans hadn’t tried to thwart him at every turn…see, I am 80 years old, and I’ve seen a few presidents come and go and, as far as I’m concerned, President Trump is the only president I’ve seen who has had to fight an upward battle for the entire time he’s been in office…yet, he still pushes forward. He has not made America look bad…but the rest of you politicians (who should have helped him and stood behind him) have stabbed him in the back every chance you have gotten. And the media is just as bad, if not worse, You are the people who make America look weak and bad…so, look in the mirror and see where your life would be if you were hounded day in and day out the way you all hound President Trump.

I’m hopeful the American people will finally see through all your subterfuge and vote every one of you out of office in the next election. YOU’RE words and actions make America look bad to the rest of the world. You don’t represent the people, you are only trying to save your own necks. Just remember, you reap what you sow…may God help us all.

Charles Pulaski
Charles Pulaski
5 years ago

The so called dead Demorat party should now be called the communist party of the world.

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