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Lawfare Forever and No Supreme Court

Posted on Wednesday, September 4, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Much is said about “big issues” – electoral integrity, open borders, millions of illegals, drugs, inflation, public corruption, and the Harris-Walz deceptions. But two issues rise to the top, possible lawfare forever and losing the Supreme Court. If we fail on these, the road back is steep.

These two issues, taken together, will determine the Republic. Harris has been unrepentant – as has the Democrat Party – about abusing the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment rights of Donald Trump, stepping on separation of powers, free speech, and election interference laws.

Does anyone really believe that, if Harris-Walz win, installing a politically motivated attorney general, installing US attorneys across the country, sending a signal to all Democrat Attorneys General, that persistent, unremitting and ultimately illegal or malicious prosecutions of Republicans, Independents, and any non-conforming Democrats will not multiply?

The Biden-Harris track record is textbook for how to abuse legal process, target opponents, chill and instill fear around speech – how to encourage state and local prosecutors to take cases against political critics, misinterpret constitutional and statutory laws and language, misapply these laws to frighten, harass, detain, and jail those who protest – whether abortion or elections.

Already, we have seen hundreds of cases that would ordinarily never be brought – but got brought to punish administration critics – some against parents for wanting to protect their children from Marxist or immoral actions in schools, some against those opposed to abortion, some protesting CRT, DEI, suppression of speech, defense of Israel, or election irregularities.

The most notorious, of course, one reason for his popularity, are half a dozen contemptible actions brought against former President Trump, two federal for holding classified documents (despite parallel acts by Biden) and an official act – a speech – called insurrection, others at the state level aiming to bankrupt him, jail him, and all abusing traditional understandings of law.

Several of these cases have been clipped by the Supreme Court, a majority of which appears to see these cases as pure put-up jobs, or unworthy of prosecution and dangerous to the nation, our traditional understanding of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and separation of powers.

Frighteningly, the Biden-Harris team has on many occasions – including rulings on these cases – ignored the Supreme Court, pursuing the cases full throttle, re-filing federal charges hoping to jail Mr. Trump. Likewise, their Justice Department is pedal to the metal, ignoring precedent around how to respect the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments, never mind case law around relevant statutes.

What does all this point to? The second big threat. Beyond potentially unending and abusive use of laws to target, dissuade, place in fear, distract and jail political opponents, at literally every level of government, and those speaking up – teachers, business, church and temple leaders, parents and even kids – the real threat is a Harris-Walz White House remaking the Supreme Court’s conservative majority, or undermining the entire institution.

Already, in recent years, the Biden-Harris team has ignored a raft of Supreme Court opinions they did not like, student loans and electoral reform to limits on presidential power, and failed to adequately protect Justices after an abortion ruling they did not like. One Justice was almost killed.

The so-called reforms they are contemplating already, if they do not get enough appointments to oust the current conservative majority, include raising the number of justices, impeaching the conservatives, pulling rank with an ethics law targeting them, imposing term limits – against the Founders’ intent – and effectively displacing the Court’s independence with politics.

To be clear, if this presidential and congressional election cycle does not restore respect for the Constitution, Bill of Rights, separation of powers, fair administration of law, accountability for abuses, and honor Supreme Court justices, structure and rulings, the Republic is in trouble.

So, while many issues animate the public and inform the vote, even those in the middle, those who dislike personality politics, should understand the stakes. If we become a place with endless political persecution and a left-leaning Supreme Court – political rather than independent – we are no longer who we were. The road back will be steep.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

They don’t want justice or equality or equity or whatever lofty BS terms they can invent, they want ONE LAW, theirs where being Republican is a crime! Justice is as blind as journalism these days.

5 months ago


What is being shoveled hard and fast by the Democrat Party, not just Harris and Walz, is pure Marxism at this point. In a communist society governed by Marxism, law as the American people have known it for centuries since this representative republic was formed via the ratification of the United States Constitution, simply doesn’t exist.

The purpose of a Supreme Court, in all communist nations, is to merely rubber stamp the decisions of the authoritarian leaders that lead such nations and to persecute anyone who dares stand up to the ruling regime. Just look at how such courts function in every socialist or Marxist country around the world to see what the Democrat Party wants to replicate here.

For just one recent example, just look at how Maduro in Venezuela has used the weaponized court system to arrest thousands that dared question and protest against the obvious stealing of the last presidential election. Hugo Chavez, the former Marxist dictator of Venezuela who hand-picked Maduro to succeed him, had already trashed the rule of law in Venezuela before his death. So, every election in that country has been fixed now for over 20 years. Much in the same way it is in China, Russia and elsewhere where Marxism is alive and well. The voice of the people doesn’t matter. Only the voice and will of the supreme leader.

It’s too late for Venezuela and many other countries already trapped by Marxism, but the American people still have a very slim chance to save themselves from the same fate. The clock is ticking down to zero, and the American people have to make a choice as to which way they want the country to go. If we allow the left to finish their plan for this country, there is no coming back. So, one would think the decision is an obvious one.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

Those of us here in the United States who are not in favor of Lawfare forever and who value the Supreme Court – as it is ,and as it was intended to be by the Founders – We have the moral high ground in these issues And that should be appreciated for being something that provides a great advantage in. defending what needs to be defended. Part of the reason why things have become so corrupt politically has to do with the culture becoming corrupt , deteriorating and causing some people to accept what is actually not acceptable – to those of us who believe in ethical standards , respectable behavior , good character practices . So, this matter ,the respect for the Constitution ,the Bill of Rights and honoring Supreme Court Justices, rulings and structure presents duties and responsibilities to American citizens that will determine the the level of courage and intelligence and integrity that can be applied to maintain this Constitutional Republic , keep steady on course through turbulent political seas and uncertainty. The history of this Nation has many good examples to look to for ideas that will bring victory for what is good and right . In the spirit of reverence for the principles of Faith,Family and Freedom.

5 months ago

The liberals already ignore the Constitution and Supreme Court’s rulings. A November election steal will result in a communist takeover with the SCOTUS existing in name only (unless it is completely dissolved) and a complete destruction of our Constitution. The AMAC app and website, along with other conservative sites, will be outlawed and cancelled, thus killing our right to free speech. But hey, the commies won’t have to go through the trouble of stacking the SCOTUS or adding DC as an electoral state, isn’t that great? Sarcasm aside, I’m praying for a Trump victory and conservative control of the House and Senate. VOTE EARLY!!! MAGA!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

One word can change the course of the country for ever People instead of Constitutional Republic. Should Harris – Walz end up in the WH it’s not because they won The gates of hell will open..

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

IF Harris-Walz wind up in the WH, I personally feel the road back will not be steep, but impossible. Already we are on an iced road that is so slippery that Nov will determine whether the US continues to be a beacon.
The steep road Mr. Charles mentions in his last statement is where we are now. If Trump doesn’t win in Nov, our Constitutional Republic will soon be no more.

5 months ago

The U.S. AG , Merrick Garfinkel,is behaving in exactly the same way as the tyrants he and his family escaped from.He gained his freedom but being an ardent little lap dog of his master Obama his aim Is to restrict or curtail The Bill of Rights to American Conservatives.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
5 months ago

The ultimate goal of the “progressive” Left is a one-party socialist state. Branches of government with their checks-and-balances will become meaningless. Those who stay outside The Party will get negative “social scores” (a la the CCP) and live as second-class citizens. Vote on NOV 5 like our republic depends upon it — because it does!

5 months ago

A ‘loser pays all’ system (which we don’t have) will stop most of this crap.

5 months ago

Did anyone catch corrupt Garland today? What a veiled threat to conservatives to stay away from another rigged vote count

Gilbert Gatica
Gilbert Gatica
5 months ago

Mr. Charles, your characterizations of the indictments of Mr. Trump are grossly incorrect and ignore the facts. Mr. Biden and Mr. Pence were absolved of wrongdoing. Mr. Trump was indicted for retaining documents, for willfully refusing to return them and obstruction of a lawful search for them. The trial is delayed pending appeal of dismissal.

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