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Latest Alito Flag ‘Scandal’ Shows How the Left Thinks Being an American Is Un-American

Posted on Friday, May 24, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Appealing to heaven is “provocative,” says The New York Times.

The Times reported Wednesday that—gasp—Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag last year at his vacation home in New Jersey.

“Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home,” reads the Times’ headline.

The story comes on the heels of a media-concocted “scandal” revealing that Alito flew an upside-down flag outside his house for a few days in early 2021. 

We are led to believe that the first incident means that Alito is a violent, insurrectionist supporter of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot or something.

Alito said that the upside-down flag stemmed from a dispute between his wife and neighbors over yard signs. 

An upside-down flag is a traditional sign of national or personal distress. I can think of countless reasons to use that symbol in 2021. And ultimately, what does it matter?

If, say, Justice Sonia Sotomayor had flown one of those “In this house, we believe…” signs, do you think it ever would have been a story touted as problematic by the left-wing press? Of course not.

From the Times on Alito’s second allegedly damning flag revelation:

This time, it was the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.

After reading that, the only thing that makes me disappointed is that I don’t have an “Appeal to Heaven” flag of my own.

The tenor of the Times’ piece and the reaction from the Left are both deeply cynical and revealing of how our institutional pseudo-elites think.

A little history lesson: The “Appeal to Heaven” flag is a classic flag of the American Revolution. One of George Washington’s aides designed it in 1775 to be used on ships serving the united colonies.

The “Appeal to Heaven” moniker is a reference to the right of revolution. Our Founding Fathers, in their wonderfully Anglo-American fashion, were orderly revolutionaries. 

The foundation of a just legal and political order starts with a grounding in higher law, in the rights endowed by our creator, as Abraham Lincoln noted a generation later.

The argument from Washington and the Founding Fathers was that the British crown and Parliament had violated the God-given rights of the American colonists through oppressive laws foisted on them without representation.

This is History 101 stuff, I know. But among many of those who’ve matriculated from our country’s most elite institutions in recent decades, the concept of “God-given rights” seems like a wild idea concocted by troglodyte Christian nationalists or whatever bogeyman exists in their mind.

Frankly, if you have an issue with appealing to heaven, maybe the problem is with you, not the person holding the flag.

One way or another, this story is being used by some highly cynical leftist activists, political operatives, and media outlets to undermine the Supreme Court.

For a while, they were all working hard to portray Justice Clarence Thomas as a crook because he has wealthy friends and a politically active conservative wife. Thomas hasn’t budged and he’s received a great deal of support, so they’ve mostly moved on to other targets, for now.

Hence the deluge of “Alito is an insurrectionist” stories.

This is pure power politics from the Left. 

Leftist activists have used the Supreme Court for generations to get their way. Now that they’ve lost control of the institution with Trump’s three appointees, they seek its immediate recapture or destruction. That’s their modus operandi.

The Alito flag story is meant to rile up the Democrat base and force Alito to recuse himself on Supreme Court decisions related to Trump.

The press never had an issue with obviously liberal justices such as the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding openly partisan positions and criticizing Republicans. That was just #Resistance.

Also, pay no attention to President Joe Biden’s flagrant violations of the Constitution and insults to the Supreme Court.

“When the Supreme Court told me I couldn’t, I found two other ways to do it,” Biden said of his illegal student loan bailout Sunday during a commencement address at Morehouse College.

That gets a collective media shrug.

But a Supreme Court justice flying a historic flag referencing the Founding, religion, and the ideas at the cornerstone of our national existence? Scandal!

Democrat media allies have been only too happy to do their part in weaving a narrative that Biden and his White House advisers undoubtedly want to tell. At its root, the story is that simple.

However, the nature of the story does say something more significant about the state of the elite modern Left, for which the Times is the paper of record.

First off, the Left seems not to know much about history or the basic premise of our nation. Certainly mockable, but what’s worse than ignorance is that the little leftists do know about our past they seem to deeply dislike.

Traditional symbols of American patriotism are now almost uniformly portrayed as scandalous or at least suspect unless used for distinctly left-wing causes. The mainstream Left makes little attempt to appeal to our country’s history, unlike even a decade ago when the Left at least tried to appropriate history for its own purpose.

And appeals to religion, particularly Christianity? Forget about it. Combining symbols of patriotism with an appeal to religion is a recipe to send the modern liberal into complete hysterics.

As I wrote in my book “The War on History,” the Left launched a full-scale assault on the country’s past in order to fundamentally transform America and the West. Indeed, our history has been rewritten to make 1619 rather than 1776 the nation’s “true” founding year.

After 2020, the institutional Left fully bought into that rewrite.

Americans who didn’t make this leap—whether protesters who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 or an originalist Supreme Court justice or just a regular person who wants to act in patriotic solidarity with his neighbors—are all equally on the “wrong side of history.” 

They are all religious bigots, opposed to the Constitution as the Left has redefined it, and insurrectionists under the new regime.

Our most powerful institutions have decided that being an American is un-American.

Forget the dopey narratives peddled by The New York Times. Be like George Washington and appeal to heaven.

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of the book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Jarrett Stepman

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
8 months ago

It’s not a case of left vs right, it is GOOD vs EVIL!

8 months ago

Would someone please tell those commie sympathizers at the New York Times to please focus on some real stories instead . Flying the US flag respectfully up-side-down , is a long time recognized signal of distress . She flew it that way in reaction to one of her neighbor’s laws signs that was intended to harass the Alitos . She has a right to HER own opinion too . . .

8 months ago

Flag Scandal? . . . The ONLY Scandal in this country is that the Democratic Party is becoming PROGRESSIVELY COMMUNIST!

8 months ago

Justice Alito is clearly doing something right, because liberal snowflakes are having a meltdown

8 months ago

The New York Times can’t get any lower then they are.

8 months ago

It’s alright to fly the gay flag, Mexican flag, Palestine Flag (which isn’t even a country) not to mention all terrorist flags of the world.
Only true “American Patriots” fly flags! And they are always flag’s that symbolize Freedom and peace.
Examples of non- American flags are the Nazi flag, KKK, Black Panthers and dozens of others that represent evilness.

8 months ago

I want one of those flags! Along with the Gadsden flag, under my American flag. Of course, in my rural neighborhood no one would see it or be offended, more’s the pity.

8 months ago

The Obiden administration has foisted the same things on us as the British crown and Parliament did before the Revolutionary war. And where our God Given rights have now been stripped from us and mandates foisted on us without representation. Reps against Ole Joe are being by an executive order dismissed as domestic terrorists. With the following consequences. Loss of job, your bank account is frozen, your taxes are audited, your neighbors have been informed there lives a subservient in your neighborhood. They will follow you for the rest of your life. The hatred for half of the Americans is felt and visible every day. With their dual Justice system. Their bribed judges and DA’s. Flying this flag is patriotic but the left has taken that away from people by running America down. Putting dumb and stupid people in charge of the cabinet. No one has an idea or plan to Make America Great Again. They keep crying how bad things were under Trump only it wasn’t. All races were benefitting. Now we have young people who are totally lost and demoralized by ole Joe. They lost their rudder. And what is that rudder. They need community, unity, worship in church. To be told they can reach anything. Rewriting history does nothing to make them feel better. The hard truth is all people have suffered in the past under some king or emperor, dictator, imam, rabbi or Pope. If we have to pay everyone reparations for what happened in year 1 we would all be living like the Jews. Or the Sunnis or any of the Arab countries tribes. Keeping a 2000 year grudge has to stop. Study the history on what not to do. Learn from the past. But as long we have people like the current heads of government, the UN and the WHO, WEF, IMF, all those world wide organization that are busy to turn the world upside down and want a global community this loneliness these young people are experiencing will increase and so will suicide. Love always wins out over evil and hate. Right now the devil is being boss over us. Why otherwise get so upset over a patriotic flag flown by one person. If ole Joe can do his thing with paying off student loans while the court has said it is illegal. We the people can fly this flag or any flag upside down or right side up. We found a better way as well Joe. Deal with it.

8 months ago

Get RIGHT or Get left (behind)

8 months ago

This is what happens when degreed ignoramuses are given credence by publishers starving for tales that justify the left’s disdain for anything conservative. The subject matter in these respected leftist publications would be considered downright childish by anyone able to hold an objective viewpoint. It is unfortunate that most of the legacy medias’ object in life is to massage the egos of fools that can’t weigh facts and have no desire to have the truth placed before them.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Praise for Jarrett Stepman for this article and praise for Justice Alito for his good sense in flying the ” Appeal to Heaven ” flag. Symbols, have their place and this flag is O.K as I see it.There is historic significance attached to it , and it is appropriate for the situation in America at present. I am 73, born and raised in Philadelphia , visited Independence Hall at least a dozen times during the 1960 ‘s and 1970’s – made a few visits to Valley Forge too. An Appeal to Heaven – the more I think about it the more I like it. I reckon I will get an Appeal to Heaven flag sometime soon , or if I cannot find one then I’ ll make one. I am a toolmaker, have been a toolmaker and skilled craftsman since the 1970’s for fifty years now. Let Liberty be the watchword, God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.

8 months ago


Brenda G
Brenda G
8 months ago

My opinion of this “outcry” or behavior as if we are all in junior high school is just that. Grow up, you are adults. Express yourself, understand you may not agree with others, and they may not agree with you. Don’t make more out of a situation than it is, get your facts before you wig out.It’s not hard to adult, give it a try.

8 months ago

if it was an Iranian flag or Chinese flag, they would be happy

8 months ago

Obama said he would transform America and he was right. We have homo Obama and tranny Michelle spreading their lifestyle like a stage 4 cancer in our country. There’s no doubt in my mind that the obamas are behind most of this sick perverted push to harm normal people through political and global activist groups. It’s fine to be open-minded with people that seem abnormal but don’t let these sick people harm our country and pervert our laws that protect us from them.

8 months ago

The appropriate answer to the New York Times is to NOT read it and certainly NOT pay for it. It is NOT news and no one with half a brain wants to see the garbage they print.

8 months ago

It’s our time. Time for truth, honesty and patriotism to be the order of the day. Our enemy for a long time has been complacency. We are too comfortable in our own skins to get out and vote. The Dumbacrats finally figured out that they could get power by taking advantage of that. If the vote to have their way, then the percentage of the electorate that is common sense based left to vote gives them a tie or a win. Americans all need to vote. I once thought that if 75% of the electorate does get out and vote, then an election should be null and void, and you have to keep who you had (how scary is that?). Now the left has no scruples left, so they would spoil that rule and stuff the ballet. Yes, let’s call it what it is. George Washington’s farewell address stated his biggest worry was that at some point and time a party’s members would think it more important than the country and cause the upset of the American experiment. He was right. We are seeing that right now. Only one way we can get America back: the vote, the real and honest vote. There is no doubt that most Americans want to do the right thing. All those who have sit at home during an election can continue to be a problem or they can set the course of our country right. Get out and vote. Vote big to beat the rig. If most Americans would vote, then idiot’s like Crooked Joe would never be President. How embarrassing for our country.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

I’d like to point out that the January 6th rioters also carried American flags… but the left picks the Appeal to Heaven flag because not everyone flies one so they can easily label it as “insurrectionist” or “subversive”. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t General George Washington commission the ATH prior to the early 13 colony American flag? So I guess Washington was an “insurrectionist” too? But we know if it was 1776 again today, whose side the Democrats would be on. Alito should fly a Hamas flag just to appease them…upside down of course!

8 months ago

Excellent! Well done!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
8 months ago

Un-American slime. From the bottom of the swamp.

Charlotte Childers
Charlotte Childers
8 months ago


8 months ago

What soiled ethics these worthless, “democrat” dregs showcase on a daily basis.
Help one out of a life-altering jam, and he’d reliably stab you in the back for a nickel that evening.
Their entire purpose is taking what no one owes them.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Wrote this reply to your comment earlier ,somehow it got posted on it’s own as a comment – so here it is – Good comment Patriot Bill, right to the point and very true.. In the spirit of God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.

8 months ago

Great support for your words here. I want to get your book.
Thank you.

Family members chastise me for flying the appeal to Heaven Flag AND The American Flag. “ Someone might think you are right- ist”

Hope so. Hope they realize I am Right.

8 months ago

Of course they would think that being American is unAmerican. What were you expecting a communist or fascist or socialist would think you are?? Seriously, what are you thinking??

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

One word describes the Left and that is Communist.
The Left can go Choke their Chicken with the rest of the Loser democrats.
In fact. They can get the Hell Out of the United States and go live with their Communist and Terrorist buddies in Communist China and Terrorist Iran.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
8 months ago

I hope the justice ignores them. Bunch of useless, totally of no value, but takers all, no value and when identified, well we shall see.
Support the Justice, he has a right, they do not in the minds of most others.

8 months ago

Chief Injustice Roberts needs to decline Durbin’s demand that he meet “to discuss the Court’s Ethics Crisis.” Durbin and Democrat congressional members furthermore demand that Alito recuse himself from cases involving election interference. Roberts has always been easily cajoled by the left. Case in point, his being swindled into a faulty ruling on Obama Care.
But this is Robert’s opportunity to grow a pair and tell Durbin and his ilk that if they are concerned about government ethics they should start with the Hill’s notorious insider trading practices and then extend that inquiry to include Congress’ Crossfire-Hurricane transgressions along with the Biden influence peddling scam.
Roberts should tell Durbin if he’s looking for a judge to recuse himself out of ethical considerations he need look ho further than Judge Merchan in the Trump show trial. Lastly, Roberts needs to remind Durbin about the concept of Separation of Powers implicit in Federalism.

Ron Fragapane
Ron Fragapane
8 months ago

another example of left wing lunacy. Ignore the chaos on the border, the wars caused by bozo Biden’s foreign policy and destroying the economy with inflationary policies and instead choose to “report” on the flags flying at Justice Alito’s homes.

8 months ago

I’ve always wondered ‘how’ and ‘why’ Germany followed screaming meme Hitler with his wild rants – how could they have elected HIM??? But today, I feel that I now know how they felt…helpless…and hopeless… It’s like a Tank rolling over all of us – every day.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Good comment Patriot Bill, right to the point and very true .In the spirit of God Bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.

8 months ago

Funny how the oft-bankrupt NYT doesn’t squawk the same about the KKKJoe Biden racist who stupidly ‘crosses’ his limp self in public.

Chris G
Chris G
8 months ago

I wonder how freaked out Progressives would get if Alito, or any other Supreme Court Justice, flew any of the Confederate flags instead?

<i>Sic semper tyrannis!</i>

8 months ago

“We are led to believe that the first incident means that Alito is a violent, insurrectionist supporter of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot or something.” Boy, NYT ASSUME = them making an ASS OUT of YOU and ME, except I don’t assume anything accept that NYT IS the ASS. I am not led to believe that, their actions, in this case their words speak louder than actions. I am from MO, the SHOW ME state. NYT haven’t shown me anything truthful. I take their words with a grain of salt. They like to stomp on other’s right of free speech.

Vil Vaitas
Vil Vaitas
8 months ago

When you look up on Wikipedia the appeal to heaven flag you find a picture of the flag being flown during a BLM protest. Wonder when someone’s going to take it off Wikipedia to cover up the left’s attempt to paint everyone flying it as subversives?

8 months ago

If there were any real Christian Democrats they would be outraged at the NY Times opinion of them.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
8 months ago

I believe one MAJOR person who knows MUCH about this “Appeal to Heaven” flag is Dutch Sheets, brother to Pastor Tim Sheets. I myself would not have said or printed anything about this flag without at minimum an interview with Dutch Sheets.

Mob corleone
Mob corleone
8 months ago

He’s a god fearing man he’s the head of the ku klux klan he won’t rest until he takes every woman’s rights yeah boy Sam alitos in the house tonight lol

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