Noted left-wing organizations such as Arabella Advisors and the Soros network are bankrolling the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests across the United States, according to a new website documenting the organizations and their funders.
The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has launched a new website,, that details the nonprofit organizations, academic and financial institutions, and foreign governments that have put financial resources behind the anti-Israel protests after the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel last Oct. 7.
“The stakes not only for the American way of life, but for Western civilization itself, could not be higher,” Mike Howell, executive director of the Heritage Oversight Project, told The Daily Signal. (The Heritage Foundation founded The Daily Signal in 2014.)
“Our country is being overthrown from the inside. They’re not afraid. They’re blatantly and publicly celebrating terrorist causes,” Howell added. “This United States needs to get its pride and resolve back, or else we’re going to lose it all.”
The website contends this funding resembles a “color revolution in the United States.”
The website’s “about” section describes color revolutions as “uprisings supported by actors whose interests in protests are not primarily the protest topic.”
It continues:
The actors are distinct in terms of demographics, economic class, nationality, etc. from the bulk of the protestors. They use their significant resources to leverage a divisive event into self-serving political change that is substantially broader than the original protest topic. …
This site makes the case to Americans that behind the current outbreak of protests are well-resourced groups with a history of driving for radical social change that most Americans rightly identified as harmful and have come to reject.
The New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating under the umbrella of Arabella Advisors, has funded anti-Israel protests at Georgetown University and The George Washington University, both schools based in Washington, D.C.
Numerous other organizations funded by major institutional left-wing donors are engaged in organizing anti-Israel or pro-Hamas protests and activities.
For example, the website reports that billionaire funder of left-wing causes George Soros’ family’s Open Society Foundations have funded protest organizers Jewish Voice for Peace and U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The progressive political fundraising group Act Blue has funded organizing efforts by the groups MPower Change, an organization that purports to fight Islamaphobia and white supremacy, and Until Freedom Inc., a group that says it seeks “intersectional social justice.”
The traditional left-leaning philanthropy group Tides Foundation financially supports the Adalah Justice Project, Jewish Voice for Peace, Justice and Education Fund, and Students for Justice in Palestine.
Beyond typical left-leaning organizations, the Chinese Communist Party is working with American millionaire entrepreneur Neville Roy Singham. Singham has a network that has funded protest organizers Justice and Education Fund and The People’s Forum.
It was The People’s Forum that organized the protests at Columbia University, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
The New York Times reported in May 2023 that Singham’s network pushed Chinese Communist Party talking points in its progressive advocacy. And the Jerusalem Post reported that Singham, a consultant for Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, was bankrolling the efforts. Singham has denied that he promotes Chinese propaganda.
Other American Muslim organizations are backing the anti-Israel efforts. These include American Muslims for Palestine, founded in 2005. The Anti-Defamation League called American Muslims for Palestine “the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training.”
The Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation, for Americans for Justice in Palestine, is a fiscal sponsor of American Muslims for Palestine.
The Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund also donated to the Justice and Education Fund and The People’s Forum.
The Daily Signal reached out to all the funders listed on the website. None responded by publication time.
Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal. He is the author of “The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean Elections.”
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
The article basically skims the surface of funding sources for both pro-Hamas protests, as well as general leftist causes without ever going into detail of naming the major players behind the curtain for almost all these activities. Of and by the way, no it’s not just George Soros and his son Alexander. They are simply the most open in their anti-American / anti-Jewish views. The pool of individuals funding and setting the agenda for the left in this country extends well beyond that one billionaire and his even more leftist son, that everyone is fixated on.
All of the organizations named in this article are either 501 (c)(3) type organizations that have to file with the U.S. government in terms of their senior management, financials, etc. or are registered foundations that could also be subjected to a deep dive financial / managerial audit by the government to determine who is really driving the organization’s investment and policy direction beyond the named players on the board. Those are the individuals that you need to publicly identify in future articles by name in order to shine a bright light on what this relatively small group of people are doing to undermine the country. All while pretending to be “committed to protecting democracy” and preaching they are the “adult voices of reason in the room” as long as they are the ones pulling all the strings to drive an agenda favorable to them. You shouldn’t be surprised that all of them are major financial donors to the Democrat Party by the way. Many of these individuals have been identified over the years through their other interests or have even tried running for high political office unsuccessfully in recent years.
some need to be charged with sedition in the enxt administration and treason where pertinent…..left wing fake news needs to be investigated as welll
Time to clean up all these 503’s and 501’s. They should have deep audits performed and if in violation be closed down. They are taking freedom of speech a little too far and are responsible for violent activities. Funding usually comes from an offshoot of another tax exempt organization to hide the trail. Use the thousands of new IRS agents to clean them up.
Republicans should issue the same B/S to Soros and his commies as demorats have done to Trump. They can come up with lies just like the communist demorats have done, tie his ass up in court and cost him a few millions .
Our country “The United States of America” will be destroyed because our Politicians “Elected Officials” ALLOW it to HAPPEN!! Congress does not run the USA anymore all the acronyms run it IE: FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, HUD, FDA, HSD, ETC ETC. We see a lot of shows put on in Congress questioning the traitors but NOTHING is ever done, NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!
An inciter of violence and civil unrest he and entire fake NGO program he and his son fund should be dismantled!
Yes, Soros was the first name that came to mind when I read the question of who was bankrolling ProHamas protests. He should be deported and never be able to enter the US again…he is a traitor.
Ido find it hard to believe that the same people backing HAMAS are the same ones backing the Democrats and the sheep dont have since enough to see this and just keep pushing for him . GOD help our REPUBLIC
Great articles
George Soros and those like him need to be targeted and imprisoned for treason and their assets seized to pay towards the national debt.
Another classic example of the “abuses” of the US Tax code. It’s time to eliminate the current tax code and go to a consumption and usage tax for the country and let all “charitable “ organizations prove their worth. Americans will still donate to quality charities and religious organizations
NGOs back Hamas
Pure wicked evil to use and hide behind non-profits organizations to fund and promote hate and evil. If you hate America that much and wish to see her destruction “leave”! Get out! Go live in a foreign country and see how well it goes for you. It won’t!! China has been allowed to have way too much power and influence in America for years and years! I say this a lot, BUT GOD! One day all those involved in the destruction of America will pay. We need GOD back in our country and true Christian leaders in all positions of government and power in America. Clean up all non-profits with wicked agendas. Enough is enough!!
And Americans just sit by and let it all happen . Too blind to see what is happening, or too brainwashed. They will eventually come to regret their choices, sadly it will be too late. I’m so glad I have mist of my life behind me at this point.
Goldman Sachs? Seriously?!?? I’ll seriously consider divesting my accounts if that is the case. Is this verified?
I found this article to be very informative.
Those funding sources explain the otherwise inexplicable “reason” for the incoherent ramblings of our college-age youth, who STILL support Hamas after their armed, murderous, surprise attack and kidnapping event against innocent, civilian Israeli families.
Obviously, now is the time to identify and destroy all sources of funding for political groups who (tacitly or otherwise) support acts of genocide such as this, against innocent people… no matter what their ultimate “angle” may be.
How interesting it is that our “Democrat” party, somehow, is so often associated with the foulest players in so many filthy dramas.
The people behind the groups listed in this article are enemies of America, just like China. Russia, other countries in the Middle East and Africa. These are America haters, but they enjoy the liberties the American way of life offers. These are the one world party, the new Nazi platform, and the swamp people who are enjoying the benefits of being in America but are not blood in the sand Americans.We need the names of every person linked with these organizations printed in a list so the American people can see them eye to eye. Expose these traitors, including the Biden’s and their followers, who have conspired against the Constitutionanal rights of all blood in the sand Americans.In the 1960s, Walt Disney, who beleived in America and the individual rights the American way of life and governing it presented to the world. He knew that our individual rights would always be in jeopard because our citizens owned their property and had the ability and the right to believe in their support of God, family, and country.Walt believed that regardless of heritage, faith, or skin color, each person in America enjoys the same rights. As Americans, we, as a people, are all of these, here from every part of the world together. So, Walt built Mr. Linclon! The following is Mr. Linclon’s speech.”The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing.What constitutes the bulwark of our liberty and independence? It is not our frowning embattlements, our bristling sea coasts. These are not our reliance against tyranny. Our reliance is in the love of liberty, which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit, which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.Then, at what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic or Pacific military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge mountains in a trial of a thousand years.At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, this, if danger ever reaches us, it must spring from amongst us; it can not come from abroad. If destruction is our lot, we ourselves must be the authors and finishers. As a nation of free men, we must live through all times or die by suicide.Let reverence for the law be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, in spelling-books, and almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the light-hearted of all sexes and tongues and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly at its altars. And let us strive to deserve, as far as mortals may, the continued care of Divine Providence, trusting that, in future national emergencies, He will not fail to provide us the instruments of safety and security. Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by the menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”Our duty here is to unmask each person involved with these groups and let the American people resolve the danger by all moral and legal means. These people may live and benefit in America, but they are not Americans. Drain the swamp!
They must be relieved to not have to pay bail money since very few if any are ever arrested…
George Soros….CAIR…or any other neferious anti-american muslim group allowed to operate in the united states.
It makes me wonder where all these foundations and philanthropist get their money in the first place. Where does their money come from and how do they bankroll all these other foundations? How does George Soros get rich!?
There are plenty of Christians and members of other religions who also commit crimes and hate America. In this country, criminals are tried in court. Of course, we hope that all citizens coming to this country assimilate into their communities and our way of life, but we have no say over what they choose to believe.
Your comment doesn’t help solve the problem.
I am sure Soros is behind more then just that he was with Antifia and BLM to disrupt this country he is also behind a lot more in this country what is wrong with our government they just let this guy run all over this country with his money. Time to put a stop to Soros he is just a hateful person that hates this country and the people in it.
My thoughts about this are that these evil people who ” fund” groups like the “Pro Hamas “
Funny. The only ones I see on TV is mostly wealthy-looking, little angry white girls…
The usual suspects… And don’t forget the Democrats too. Act Blue is a Democrat fundraiser….
Way too restrictive. You sound like the misguided fools of the mid 19th to early 20th century who aimed to keep all non English speaking people out
How dare these students protest the Israeli version of the Holocaust in Gaza?
These horrid students actually believe that killing tens of thousands of mostly women and children by a group of entitled former Europeans (and throw in some former Americans), is somehow……..wrong. After all the Israelis themselves have said such actions will cut down the “continual breeding of those animals”.
What is wrong with these students?