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Joe Biden Just Destroyed Himself and the Media

Posted on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Last week, President Joe Biden gave the worst debate performance on the presidential stage in history. Looking ancient, gazing glassy-eyed and slack-jawed out of frame, jabbering nonsensically — Donald Trump clocked him with the signally true observation, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he knows what he said either” — Biden not only exposed himself, he exposed his administration and his media lackeys as liars. For years, the American public has believed, correctly, that Joe Biden is not up to the job. The White House lied. They said that he wasn’t just up for the job — he was the most coherent and incisive president in modern history. The media lied, too. They said that behind closed doors, Biden was doing handsprings and reciting the poetry of Virgil backward in the original Latin.

Then Joe Biden went out and demonstrated that he belongs in an old age home. He confirmed what we all knew, live. For 90 minutes.

In doing so, he put everyone around him in a terrible bind. The media were forced to dissociate from Biden, declaring themselves shocked — shocked! — that Biden was sundowning. Biden’s aides, preparing for the inevitable attempt to shift blame from Biden himself to them, began leaking about Biden’s mental incompetence: a report from Axios suggested that Biden’s mental fitness begins around 10 a.m. and ends around 4 p.m.

Meanwhile, Biden’s family — the only group of people who can’t, with any credibility, claim to have been ignorant of his condition — continue to insist that the dementia-ridden president is just fine. That isn’t a shock: the moment Joe isn’t president, the Biden family gravy train, which has been running lucratively for half a century, will come to a grinding halt. Jill Biden — sorry, Doctor Jill Biden — who now resembles a cross between Lady Macbeth and Edith Wilson, would have to get herself elected to play at the presidency; Hunter Biden would have to find a career other than picking up sacks of cash and finger painting; Frank and James might have to find clients who aren’t ready to pony up cash for the privilege of hobnobbing with a Biden.

And the Democratic Party, which nominated Joe Biden because he represents a papering-over of the vast chasms emerging between the pro-Hamas, pro-socialism wing of their party and the more sane, tax-and-regulate left, is stuck in-between. They can’t dump Biden and substitute someone else — to do so would be to admit their complicity in this debacle. And they can’t keep him — to do so would be to doom the Democratic Party to a likely Trump victory, and in the aftermath, the victory of a rebellious hard left demanding more power.

Which is why desperation is now setting in. This week, the Supreme Court issued a relatively non-controversial decision explaining that the president has criminal immunity for core official acts, presumptive immunity but not absolute immunity for other official conduct, and no immunity for unofficial conduct. There is nothing particularly shocking here. But the entire left exploded with the extraordinary lie that the president had been given the power to drone his political opponents. Nobody in the media or on the left truly believes this — but Joe Biden immediately rushed to the microphones to speak for four minutes, blasting the Supreme Court and declaring that if he is not elected, the country will fall into Hitlerism.

It was a divisive, nonsensical, utterly dishonest speech. But this is the situation in which Democrats find themselves: running a mentally incompetent 81-year-old for another four-year term, staring down the barrel of a Donald Trump presidency. They have only themselves to blame. And things only get worse from here.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.

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2 months ago

I thought Joe Biden rushing out to issue yet another “the end of democracy if he’s NOT re-elected” speech late yesterday afternoon, over the Supreme Court’s rather straight-forward and matter of fact ruling concerning presidential immunity for all official acts in office, was just the icing on the cake for the end of the MSM’s grand four plus year effort to hide Old Joe’s dementia from the 50% of the public that was apparently shocked to learn last week about Old Joe’s actual true mental state of mind. All Old Joe did yesterday, with his little 4-minute rant, was drive the point home yet again to his so-called voter base.

As to the major financial donors to the Democrat Party, the WH staff seems to be in full damage control mode and now they are all trying to say Biden just had a cold or some other BS to excuse his disastrous performance. The majority of the news throughout Europe and the rest of the world of course has been highlighting Biden’s unfitness for office for years already, but our MSM never mentions that here as that goes against the Democrat narrative. It seems only the majority of naive or mentally challenged Americans, who robotically vote Democrat and consume exclusively MSM propaganda, were unaware of Old Joe’s true mental and physical health issues.

Not coincidently, I see as of shortly after Biden gave the whole world an uncensored, 90-minute display of his mental state last week, that our military’s alert level was raised both across all of Europe and the Middle East due to fresh intel about some new near-term threat to both regions. No doubt either Putin, Xi, Little Kim or the Grand Mullah in Iran thought Biden’s performance last week signaled a window of opportunity that might be too good to pass up. Who says things can’t get any worse between now and the election with the Democrats in charge? Stock up on lots of popcorn, because the show may get very interesting in ways we won’t be able to ignore.

John Cannon
John Cannon
2 months ago

I have been a democrat since my youth indoctrinated into the class warfare. I am now an independent ridding myself of both parties but voting for President Trump the only competent leader for the greatest republic on earth. It saddens me that media and politics has degenerated into such a lowly discourse of lies and manipulation. I am proud to be free from the media and informed by various outlets including this new one that am glad to be a part.

2 months ago

The only thing I can say is the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades have destroyed the party and anyone who supports them is a Traitor to America.If you are voting for ANY Democrat than tou are complicit in there crimes against America and humanity.

2 months ago

He hasn’t been President since day one. This is Obama and his old administration. I hope all Democrat voters soon wake up before their ignorance ruins this great country.
We must demand that we hold an early election , Biden can not be trusted to hold the Nuclear codes nor is he capable of performing his duties. This is now a National Emergency.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
2 months ago

I agree with the entire article and nearly all of the comments. I must point out, however, that before we declare Mr. Trump the almost certain victor four months from now, the elephant in the room should be acknowledged. And what is the elephant? Anyone with a functioning brain knows that the election of 2020 was stolen, with millions of fraudulent votes counted, in addition to the likelihood of millions more switched due to manipulation of the computer programs in the machines that count the votes. Since that election, only Florida and Texas, and to a lesser extent Georgia, have done anything significant to ensure election integrity. That means that 47 states plus DC still have in place the fraud/cheating machine that stole the 2020 election. Unless and until something is done about this situation, you can bet your last nickel that the election in November will be stolen.

2 months ago

I am seeing celebs and other, call for Biden to have Trump assassinated..Something needs to be done, but will not. I find it concerning.

Gary Bird
Gary Bird
2 months ago

How much space do I have?
The whole Socialistic Agenda has just taken a GREAT WOUND in it’s
side and is bleeding profusely.
The Capilistic Thugs, The LBGTQ ,
The Catholic Left, The “Liberal Political Left Church”
The Congressional Left, The Woke Agenda, The Followers of Soros,
just to name a few of that ILK.
Hopefully some will bleed out

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Biden is an embarrassment and a toothless paper tiger on the world stage The world knows it and reacts This is a catastrophic presidency We are lost on the ocean

2 months ago

America has many enemies. Here are the top-6 “enemies within”:
1. The mega-corrupt, habitually-lying, devastatingly bias and often times truly evil Lame Stream Fake News media, in ALL of their despicable forms. 2. The extremely corrupt, fumbling, stumbling, incompetent, decomposing (before our eyes) walking corpse Joe Biden, and his narcissist, power-hungry, self-centered elitist and elder-abusing wife Jill. 3. ALL of the Left-wing puppeteers behind the scenes who are actually destroying and running this country into the ground (and beyond). 4. The CONgress: The Left-wing, America-hating, Socialist/Fascist/Marxist/Commie Damn-o-craps (and the RINO traitors) who want to destroy America and will do ANYTHING LEGAL OR ILLEGAL to maintain POWER: And the many spineless republicans who give up the fight before it even starts. 5. ALL of the egotistical, self-centered Hollywood elitists who support and idolize Biden almost as much as themselves. None of the Failure-in-Chief’s policies effect them at all. IE a. Bidenomics (mega inflation: food, gas, housing, utilities, etc.) doesn’t concern them one bit because they are millionaires and live in an artificial, anti-reality ‘bubble’, oblivious to what the real and average American is struggling with on a daily basis. And they don’t give a damn. b. Crime. This doesn’t bother them either because they all have armed security guards and high fences around their homes. How ironic, and totally hypocritical since they are against the 2nd Amendment. Again, they just don’t care. c. Border Security (Biden’s wilful LACK TO SECURE): Allowing millions and millions of ILLEGALS to enter, unopposed – Terrorists, rapists, drug traffickers, murderers, gang members who torture, rape and kill their victims, and human traffickers, who are killing thousands of innocent Americans with drugs, while raping and murdering thousands of others. And you NEVER HEAR A WORD from these pathetic Hollywood PUKES because they simply don’t give a damn. 6. ALL the ignorantly arrogant and brain-washed, and now brain-dead voters who support all of the above. They are too STUPID to be able to see any of this sadistic evil for what it really is. No, theses ‘cupcakes’ are too upset because Trump has sent mean tweets or that he may have hurt their snowflake feelings. BOO FRICKIN HOO!!
Liberalism is truly a SERIOUS MENTAL DISORDER.

2 months ago

Have you ever questioned why are we seeing so many different facades of Biden? We see him strong and younger looking, other times we see him like we did at the Debate? Seems like we are seeing many layers. Who is the real one? If you get a chance look up Arthur Roberts. We all know that all important positions have body doubles. But who is who anymore? I am beginning to question if we are even seeing the real or not. Are you too? Jest sayin…

2 months ago

The Great Biden Gravy Train/Deception is at a close. Hunter must now seek gainful employment, maybe at the Correctional laundry. Jill must turn in her crown and scepter. The entire Biden dynasty is now a train wreck. One of the most corrupt political families is coming to a crashing end. Good riddance . Say it ain’t so, Joe!

2 months ago

Didn’t expect any less with Biden coming out to address the SCOTUS ruling on immunity. His administration is to inept to realize that actually this saved Joe’s behind as well. Sorry , but I have to call them idiots….

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
2 months ago

next time you get pulled over for speeding tell the officer you were goign exactly the speed limit and if he believes a bunch of scientifically based equipment then he is clearly wrong. after all we have watched biden fall and stumble and trip and wonder off and mumble and lose track of where he is yet the media and democrats told us for years that biden is just fine.

well the democrats and media lied. they literally put the country at risk to maintain power and support their political party. Now it is time to start talkign about how to punish the treasonous acts. When trump gets in office he needs to immediately launch an investigation into every media outlet to find the Democrats, hosts and networks who were most forceful in their support of the cover up of bidens state. They need to be charged with treason.

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 months ago

Right on, Ben!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Trump says he wants to “make America great again” while Democrats declared primary goal is to keep Trump out of office. Who do you think really cares about the America people?

2 months ago

The Media has shown clearly that they believe that the American people are stupid. The media Have become propaganda distribution agents of the Democrats. Hopefully now that the Genie is out of the bottle it will stay.

2 months ago

Bye bye Joe. Can’t say it’s been fun. You have governed like the demented old man you are. ????‍????

2 months ago

I really feel that some sort of higher power has a hand in his comments. Not good for Biden, he exposed the radical left for what they are. The God I know will not be mocked. Sorry Joe you are not a King.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 months ago

Is Joe now immune from being charged as an accomplice before, during and after the murders of Americans by his “Newcomers” since it was an official act?

2 months ago

Ben is right about usurper Biden, but he lost a ton of credibility in his treatment of President Trump.

2 months ago

Republicans Trump Democrats (formerly known as Reagan Democrats), Independents, beware of complacency. Do not underestimate the power and coniving evil of the left wing, progressive string pullers. They have proved that they will not sit back and let the Trump train roll over them. They will play nasty if they see no other way. We must get out the largest vote in history. We can’t lose any momentum because of the poor performance of Biden in the debate. Do not give up. Run the race like an Olympic runner, past the finish line. DO NOT let up. A beaten snake will sometimes rise before the moment of death and strike a deadly blow.

2 months ago

So is Kahmahlah la la la the inevitable ?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

What is funny they said President Trump would never leave office look who does not want to leave he know that he is not up to being President but his wife like the glory of being First Lady so she pushes him to stay in he cannot run this country we need change this coming year time for Biden to go.

2 months ago

Democrat voters are largely ballots picked up in retirement homes and neighbor hoods where people cant vote their own ballots.

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 months ago

The media, the other Democrats were with him when they were covering up what they could, and they need to just stand with him now that they have been caught again, come what may, whether the people like it or do not. They are elder abuser financial exploiters, the lot of them. He’s on the hook for his own actions, too, so I don’t what he’s crabbing about.

William S. Klocek
William S. Klocek
2 months ago

Forseen by Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, George Orwell, Murray Rothbard, et al. Visit for prescient readings.

2 months ago

I can just imagine seeing the Rats putting a gun in Joe’s hand and programming him to assassinate President Trump.

2 months ago

Is that photo of Biden from like 20 years ago?

2 months ago

He can still win!

John Shipway
John Shipway
2 months ago

Jesus Ben…….oh, sorry for invoking the name of some regular guy according to your ilk, but what are you doing wasting your time writing about Biden for? Shouldn’t you be fund raising for armaments to complete your homelands genocide of the Palestinian People?
Times a wastin’ Ben. Lotsa innocent women and children need killing. Get off your backside and provide aid for your beloved IDF you demonic, Brylcreamed creep.

Center Left Voter
Center Left Voter
2 months ago

Biden is a fighter.

The MAGA right hates him.
The Fox News viewers hate him.
The progressive left hates him.
Most people hate him.
Seems like almost everybody hates him.

Yet he fights on.

2 months ago

How private equity destroys businesses

Private equity firms buy up businesses, load them up with debt, and sell them at huge profits. The businesses have so much debt they go bankrupt. Then the story repeats.

The CEO of the private equity firm visits Trump at Mara a Lago and donates a few million of the profits to Trump. In exchange, Trump promises to write laws to make private equity firms immune from prosecution.

Trump and the private equity CEO then put out a statement blaming Biden for bankrupting the businesses and MAGA eats it up.

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