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Joe Biden Has Reason to Fear His First State of the Union Address

Posted on Thursday, January 6, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Alan Jamison


One of the first big political events of the new year is typically the president’s annual State of the Union Address, which is rightly considered the “Super Bowl” of presidential events. This most widely anticipated speech of the political year usually takes place in January, except for extraordinary circumstances like a government shutdown. In fact, no commander-in-chief of the modern era has ever given a State of the Union address later than February 12.  This year, however, Americans may have to wait weeks or even months longer than usual to hear President Biden deliver his first formal State of the Union. According to reports, the White House is considering March 1 as a potential date for the speech, leading many political observers to ask an obvious question – why the delay?

While the White House hasn’t offered any explanation, one seemingly clear answer is that by any reasonable measure, the state of the union under Joe Biden is very bad.  And when it comes specifically to his performance on COVID-19, Biden’s record is awful. Biden promised throughout his 2020 campaign to get the pandemic under control by using the authority of the federal government. But the country is now seeing more than 1 million cases per day, five times more than ever before. More Americans died of COVID-19 in 2021 than all of 2020, restaurants and businesses are struggling to keep their doors open, and schools are shutting back down in a similar fashion as to when the pandemic first hit the United States. Americans are even struggling to find over-the-counter COVID-19 tests weeks after Biden promised to make 500 million tests available for free.

To make matters worse, just days ago Biden appeared to throw up his hands in defeat, claiming that there was “no federal solution” to the pandemic. This also comes after Biden declared victory over the virus in a speech last summer, and before that was handed three vaccines and the most robust testing operation in the world by the Trump administration.

Given this objective reality, it makes perfect sense to postpone the State of the Union speech for as long as possible, hoping that political circumstances change before March 1.  It will be hard to either ignore or explain away his failures on COVID-19 in such a high-profile speech if there’s no good news to report. So it’s a good bet for Mr. Biden to delay –  as his pandemic performance can’t get much worse, while the natural course of the virus is likely to result in dramatically declining cases and deaths before March 1. 

As Politico reported earlier this week, Biden administration officials “are hoping this surge drops dramatically in the next few weeks.” If that is the case, a decline in case numbers could provide Mr. Biden with a slight reprieve if he chooses to delay his State of the Union address until March. After all, at the current rate of infection, most Americans may have already had COVID-19 by March 1.

However, even if the pandemic does abate somewhat in the coming weeks, that likely won’t distract much from the litany of other crises facing the nation. The annual inflation rate in the United States recently reached the highest level in nearly four decades, as prices reportedly increased by 5.7% through November of last year. Supply chain issues have also ravaged the nation over the past few months, leaving store shelves empty as families prepared for the holidays. Add to that a border crisis, crime wave, and numerous foreign policy fiascos, and the American people are unlikely to buy any positive spin Biden’s speechwriters attempt to put on what was a disastrous first year in office. 

The White House may also now find themselves grasping for what to say in the speech to rally Congressional Democrats given that they have already failed to pass his main agenda items despite having control of both chambers of Congress. Throughout his 2020 campaign, Mr. Biden promised to enact a sweeping far-left agenda to appease progressives, but Joe Manchin just delivered what could be a knockout blow to the White House’ signature spending plan that included many of those left-wing priorities like Green New Deal-type climate policies and massively expanded government welfare. Accordingly, Mr. Biden’s advisors may be trying to buy themselves time, hoping that Congress will pass something that they can tout as an accomplishment so that they do not have to send Joe Biden to Capitol Hill to pitch an agenda that appears to already be dead in the water.

There’s also the fact that Mr. Biden has struggled through a number of far lower-profile speeches throughout his first year in office, often appearing confused or misspeaking at the podium. Aides seem to be acutely aware of his shortcomings as a public speaker, and have made numerous attempts to shield him from the spotlight and prevent him from taking questions from reporters. Perhaps with more time to prepare, Biden’s handlers are hopeful that the President can deliver a passable performance.

Such motivations may have been at play last year as well, when Biden waited a shockingly long time to deliver his first Address to a Joint Session of Congress, the special name given to the State-of-the-Union-like speech a president gives shortly after taking office. Biden pushed it all the way back to April 28. When Biden finally did give the speech, it was to lackluster response, with even liberal commentators on television conceding it was an uninspiring “laundry list.” Biden also waited more than 100 days to give his first solo press conference, when all of his 15 most recent predecessors had given one within 33 days of taking office.

Even if Congress does manage to pass a bill, or virus case numbers do come down, Mr. Biden will still have a herculean task ahead of him when he finally decides to deliver his State of the Union Address this year. As Americans face one crisis after another and Democrats have been frustrated by divisions within their own party, it seems that few people on either side of the political aisle are satisfied with Mr. Biden’s leadership. For the White House, this creates the unenviable situation of trying to craft a speech that no one will be satisfied with, looking for answers that may, quite simply, not exist.

And if the State of the Union is anything like one of the major sporting events of the year, there’s also the question of whether this year’s speech will elicit echoes of the same cheer that has made its way to stadiums and race tracks across the country: “Let’s Go Brandon!”

Americans will probably have to wait another month or two to see.

Alan Jamison is the pen name of a political writer with extensive experience writing for several notable politicians and news outlets.

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3 years ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

I want to hear snippets for Laffs & gaffs & goofs by Joe

3 years ago

Seriously, Mr. biden that is pitiful at best is not worth listening to. he is an abysmal failure that need be put in a home for the aged far from the white house & his assistant the VP harris need be elsewhere as well

Spade David
Spade David
3 years ago

It will be cringe-worthy to watch…no substance that can be verified and falsehoods delivered by a brain-addled empty suit. On one hand so sad, but on the other hand so important to note that the leader of the free world is a failure. The people behind the curtain will be on full display as to their “puppet support” of someone who is clueless. The leadership O’Biden displays is the total chaos in real time in the United States. This nightmare cannot end soon enough. Jill O’Biden should have compassion on her husband, and she should move to get him out of the White House as soon as possible.

3 years ago

I shall put a $5 bet that Nancy Pelosi and VP Kamela Harris will be jumping up and down to give standing ovations to Biden like puppets or jack-in-the-boxes. I hope the applause doesn’t throw Biden off his script.

3 years ago

We all know who the real threat is, my frustration lyes with those who blindly follow this drivel.

3 years ago

If or when he finally gives his speech, I won’t watch it. I can’t even stand to watch the little snippets they show on the news of him talking, he can’t even read a teleprompter. He is the worst president we’ve ever had (in my lifetime anyway) and I can’t believe he is in office, but I guess that is what cheating can do for you.

3 years ago

Waste of time on both sides of this matter….he has nothing good to say, I have no reason to listen.
If you examine the ratings from last year’s “first speech”, you can see just how this one will fare. I won’t bother and neither should he, same for Harris.

John Sanders
John Sanders
3 years ago

I thought the Presidential Address to the nation is a mandatory event. Yes he can potstone it but he cannot cancel the event. Correct?

3 years ago

Another author who relies on coulda, woulda, shoulda to generate an article on what might or should happen. Nothing of any substance here. The reality is if Biden gives a SOTU address, the mainstream media will say it was the best thing since sliced bread. It will be all political spin and Biden thumping his own chest about how great things are going compared to Trump. All lies of course, but nowhere does the Constitution state the SOTU has to be truthful. The Democrats in the chamber will applaud and cheer in unison under orders from Nancy Pelosi. Just like they do each year for any Democrat President. As for the Republicans in the chamber, they will mostly sit there in silence or, in the case of the RINOs, offer up some polite applause to show they can “reach across the aisle” (and get their a$$es handed to them over and over again).

No one here expects Joe will be able to make it through a normal length SOTU address without making flubs, gaffs and potentially completely losing his train of thought at points in his speech. His mental state does not permit him to do so, which is why his handlers keep all his public appearances so brief and limited. So aside from those brief moments of unintentional entertainment, I seriously doubt anyone here expects Biden to deliver an honest assessment of the mess he and his administration have made of the country.

3 years ago

I disagree that Joe Biden will fear anything; all he will do is what he and Democrats always do — lie and pretend to be oblivious of all his fiascos and act as if he’s the greatest president the U.S. has ever had.
3 years ago

Personally I believe that the political atmosphere has absolutely nothing to do with a State of the Union speech. I believe it has absolutely everything to do with a man who is mentally, physically and emotionally incapable of delivery. Please feel free to convince me otherwise. I find it very frightening and dangerous that this is the reason

Michael John Walker
Michael John Walker
3 years ago

President Numb Nuts is a friggin lobotomized drooling moron. Inflation is up 6.8%. If you are one of the idiots that voted for this dumb ass, congrats to the destruction of a great country.

3 years ago

It would be better for Joe Biden to give the speech as soon as possible.
With Schumer and Pelosi intent on getting unconstitutional federalizing of elections passed, which will lead to our very soon becoming a Communist tyranny, and with Biden intent on passing parts of his BBB mess by Presidential fiat, the country is going to be going downhill fast and things will look exponentially worse with every passing month.

I will watch because I am getting very little consolation from this revolting administration. I won’t deny myself the small pleasure of watching Biden attempt to make sense and lie his way through.

Let him try to sell the for the people act, whatever its name is these days.
If Americans think it is a good idea, we are already doomed as a country.

Kevin S
Kevin S
3 years ago

Make popcorn, gather by the fire, here comes another episode of “Democrats defending the patently indefensible”. But with a new low – delivery by a person who couldn’t deliver a pizza to the only house in town.

Red Allosaur
Red Allosaur
3 years ago

Just listening to Quid Pro Quo China Joe’is senile groping bumbling blather while watching the Pupprt-In-Chief squint at whatever his Marxist handlers wrote for the teleprompter will tell us all we need to know about the sorry state of our split down the middle union.

3 years ago

Real American Voice – Steve Bannon’s “War Room” – If you never watched, watch!
Steve is a warrior who is not afraid to attack Democrats, the Main Stream Media and all the RINO”S in our governments. His program is on 10AM seven days a week and again at 5PM weekdays.
I have ROKU and get Real American Voive streamed.
More and more of people who miss and love Donald J Trump will be encouraged watching the War Room, guarenteed! The more of us watching,the better. Pass it on!

3 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon Biden is NOT the president. Cheater-Fraud-Liar.

Zoe Frost
Zoe Frost
3 years ago

Bwahahaha, January, February, March…doesn’t matter…the Commie DEMONcrat, beholden to insane evl billionaire Commie/Globalist elitists/ChiComs, fraud puppet will just lie, lie, lie like he has since day one. Says and signs destructive c r a p he has no clue to, and lies…that’s pedo Joe.

3 years ago

Our adversaries in communist countries are watching the weakness and division of America, and it’s incompetent President and legislative socialist agendas. The enemy is plotting an end to all God founded countries. Our forefathers new this and warned us of autocratic insurgence.

don heer
don heer
3 years ago

Biben solved the supply problem by creating inflation so there was more items to pick from at CHRISTMAS no shortages

3 years ago

I don’t think the SOTU should be postponed for just any reason. The only reasons I can think of would be if the President is sick, throwing his guts up sick or increment weather that would be dangerous to be driving. Otherwise, it goes as scheduled.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

what could he possibly say with straight face the disaster speaks for itself if he stays mum at least people BP won’t go up

3 years ago

Everything Biden and the Democrats have touched has turned to fecal material. Destroy America appears to be their plan. Destroy the middle class and anyone else in their way. America is not allowed to be a proud nation !!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
3 years ago

Joe and Jill went up the hill (Capital hill) to fetch a pail of money. They both came down millionaires. And Hunter came tumbling after.

Tony Robe
Tony Robe
3 years ago

Not sure why the bad condition of our country would be a cause for postponement to the State of the Union Address for the democrats, even though it’s clear they fully caused it. All they have to do is what has always worked for them in the past. Simply lie and say it’s going great and millions of liberal will cheer out loud.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

OOOOH, The poor dear, I’m crying tears in my beer. Go away Joe, and never come back. Only thing he’s done good is stay out of the limelight at least one hour a day. Kyle L.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

As usual Biden is a coward. Be a man Joe and own your incompetence and blunders instead of postponing and lying all the time. You think we Americans are stupid? We (conservatives) see right through your games. This whole administration is so corrupt it is sickening. It’s really disgusting that the liberal community only watches the mainstream media networks so they only get lies or no coverage at all. That’s the small percentage that thinks he is doing a good job. Poor clueless idiots.

3 years ago

No Real Americans want to watch this bumbling fool talk about how everything he touched has been an epic failure.
The anti american,American, serving traitorous democrats should hang their heads in shame!
They are ALL a clown show and MUST GO!
joebama, there’s a talking point for you- your resignation!

Steven Williams
Steven Williams
3 years ago

“Mr. Biden has struggled through a number of far lower-profile speeches throughout his first year in office, often appearing confused or misspeaking at the podium”

This has got to be a huge reason why there will be a delay. Biden’s people have to be on the edges of their seats whenever he goes out before the cameras because of his tendency to go off on weird tangents or to lose his place, say something bizarre due to his deteriorating mental state.

3 years ago

Why wait until after Sleepy Joe makes his bumbling state of the union address? Say it now: “LET’S GO BRANDON”.

3 years ago

Biden has always been, and will always be, a has-been and a FAILURE!

3 years ago

State of the Union message regarding the United States of America??? One reasonable speech (and the most accurate and shortest in history of SOTUs)would be “The Nation is in shambles mostly attributable to my horrible leadership”” But the worrisome part for the Democraps is at this juncture in time a significant majority of Americans already know this. Personally, I am more than disgusted with Biden and the Democraps’ role in the that status …. I am truly alarmed as to how torn up this Nation and its Constitutional Democratic governance has been savaged by the incompetence of the Biden Administraion … it is a bit scary if you think about the next few years ahead. I wonder if the citizens of Delaunaware are really and truly proud of Biden’s incompetence and Communistic influence on future governance.

3 years ago

Why can’t they make the dementia ridden jackass get a cognitive test? They made Trump take one and he is sane. Bumbling Biden can’t even carry on a conversation yet they say ‘he is fine”?????? He should be locked back in his basement,

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

The GOP should be happy to wear masks, people won’t see them giggling.

3 years ago

About the only plus of the Biden administration is to demonstrate how screwed up inept leadership by a crook and cheater can mess up the welfare of a Nation. And the “plus” wasn’t worth it by a long shot since most Americans knew this in the first place. Thanks, Delaunaware for bomb-loaded package of the Bidens to foul up the Nation. Makes one wonder how really fouled-up Delaunaware became during the Biden decade of dominance in that state’s political system???

Bobby Shelton
Bobby Shelton
3 years ago

The actor giving the speech needs time to perfect his role.

Bobby Shelton
Bobby Shelton
3 years ago

This may be his resignation speech and State of Union all wrapped up in one.

3 years ago

State Of The Union Address should only be afforded to a president that has made a difference in the United States of America…fair and righteous improvements to the country ( warming farce, green deals, electric vehicles NOT included), limiting taxes on the average worker, enforcing and re-enforcing any means needed to secure our borders and thus our safety as American citizens, restrictions on other countries regarding trade policies, imprison ANYONE that is promoting terrorism and Socialist/Communist agendas (that means the rich liberal elite specifically), and of course the CCP fiasco, just to name a few…and as far as I see, I do not feel this current person in office has lived up to our country’s betterment…therefore, he does not deserve anything!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Biden is biding time with his ‘Tutor In Court’; trying to pass: ‘Presidency 101’. The textbook is late; due to it being censored off an Internet website by Warren & Company. Without a textbook, his ‘Tutor Exemplar’ has worked ardently to no avail. “Sire, repeat after me; There are three Branches of Government…”

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
3 years ago

Won’t be watching anyway!
Speechwriter are wasting their time trying to put a good spin on anything that happened in this Administration’s first year.
Garbage in, garbage out!

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

It should be a short speech since he hasn’t accomplished anything other than making a mess of everything he touches.

Paul Dean
Paul Dean
3 years ago

Will ice cream be served? I cannot fathom a lecture given by our dementia boy without a bowl full on the table to keep him from wandering. Next, how will they hide the strings that keep him animated? My big fear is how well will they keep the audio recording synchronized with the lip movement. I cannot tolerate poor synchronization without plenty of “kung foo” action as distraction. Sarcasm and insults aside, there is no credibility with this person or administration. Why tune in and deliberately waste time to hear the nonsensical ravings of a liberal elitist known for their dishonesty? Reruns of Betty White on any game show would be a better expenditure of my precious time.

3 years ago

Okay, it should go like this:
~Resignation Speech for State of the Union Speech
~Combined with Civil Takeover of the government for a Return to States of the Union regulated by the Constitution
~This would remove all the sociocommunist riff-raff in Any political position
~I am pretty sure that my 18 month old grandson can do a far better job running this country as the Leader of the Free World

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Assuming the telePromptTer doesn’t break down, expect a dull speech sowing discord. A lot of name calling, falsely claiming credit for any success (where?), and promising the moon!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

Another thought. What will he look like to the rest of the world?

3 years ago

I’m guessing this address will be put off by the demon rats indefinitely. The illegitimate president can’t read or talk that’s quite obvious.

3 years ago

I will not watch the evil demon rat who kills babies and is a child sex pervert. He is not president or a Catholic. he is more a satanist than a Christian. I glad he looks and act like a senile of jackass. the true character and soul of his is coming out to show the world.

3 years ago

Biden: A study in stupidity. Afghanistan, Keystone Pipeline, Southern Border, Inflation, Build Back Better?, Nationwide Riots and the list goes on. This man is not fit to be a crossing guard. Hopefully, the 2022 midterms will help. Let’s go, Brandon!

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter if Biden gives the speech now or in March. He will continue to lie, lie, lie. The news media will spin it to his favor. Obama lied, lied, lied and smiled while he did it.

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