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January 6th

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
January 6th

Theodore Roosevelt (TR), historian, conservationist, hunter, explorer Rough Rider, hero of San Juan Hill, legislator, police commissioner, governor, Navy assistant secretary, vice president, Nobel Peace Prize winner, father of the Panama Canal and five children, winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and – when integrity demanded – founder of the Bull Moose Party, was NOT a demagogue.  TR was born in 1858 – and died on January 6, 1919.

A demagogue is someone who … exploits the public mind, calculates how to make political points, enhance their reputation with knowing falsehoods, overstatements, misrepresentations, misdirection, omission, hyperbole, and grandstanding. 

The demagogue is not about patriotism or history, not about conservation or exploration, not about heroic self-sacrifice, advancing rule of law, not about understatement, scholarship, innovation, or being self-effacing, or what philosophers call “other regarding.”

The demagogue works to make much of less, shine bright light of false glory or victimhood to boost themselves, mischaracterizing whoever needs to be defamed or derided so they, or their party, can be viewed as all-knowing, glowing, optimal.

Often the demagogue misfires.  He or the group they led think the public is less smart than the demagogues, dim, easily distracted, misled.  Big words are used with indiscretion, like insurrection, and in their arrogance think common men fools.

But demagogues are less charismatic and convincing than conniving and craven. They have a story they want to tell, are willful about retelling it, play to prejudice, tend to hysteria, histrionics, finding a victim to match their favored villain.

Demagogues are sure-footed, but on loose dirt.  They are lifted by authority, even when others doubt their storyline or emphasis. They love to be part of a group, as it offers political validation, permits multiple shots at a preferred target.

One thing often missed is that demagogues, like weak animals herding, like to work in groups as much as individually. Psychology experts note that they “rail against imminent threats” play to “dark feelings” and “social turmoil,” and do not – obviously – play fair.

In a nutshell, demagogues are “uncredible,” not able to make the world end by asserting it has ended, that it is about to end, or that one person is the villain of the century, even if they play every card. They misunderstand how far acts will support their hyped, horrified history.

Perhaps the Wall Street Journal last week offered the best example in modern times.  On their editorial page, a piece ran entitled “The Uncredible January 6th Committee.”  This piece, balanced and analytical, noted this new Committee on Public Safety is about to flop.

They inquire, “Can Americans trust the findings of a panel whose members began with a preconceived narrative and blackballed any dissenting voices?” 

The writer notes: “Adam Schiff is the House face of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and secret Ukraine impeachment proceedings,” and “Mrs. Pelosi had more than 200 Democratic members to choose from, yet her picks allow Americans to dismiss the committee instantly.”

They continue: The committee is “the worst type of Washington leak machine—dribbling documents, texts, emails and inside tidbits about who was up for a grilling next and what was coming out of depositions” and pushed text messages “altered” to “falsely malign” a former “White House Chief of Staff.”

Broadly, they ask: “Is it fair for the nation to be skeptical of a committee that has trampled any number of institutional norms and practices in the name of returning us to institutional norms and practices?” 

They note “Mrs. Pelosi’s veto of Republican members,” “directive to telecom and social media companies to preserve the communications of private citizens—including members of Congress—but to keep the targets in the dark so they would have no opportunity to litigate,” then “the flurry of criminal referrals to the Justice Department with no debate,” and “more recent, jaw-dropping decision to subpoena sitting members of Congress.”

Objectivity is not the strong suit for demagogues, never is, not important. Facts serve the demagogues’ purposes – get twisted to it or omitted.  Asks the writer: “How can Americans be asked to trust a committee whose work Democrats are openly broadcasting as a political operation?” and aiming to distract from “Biden’s liabilities.”

If the date January 6, 2021, was a bad day for America, with criminal acts occurring inside the US Capitol, capping a divisive, debilitating, trust-puncturing election, it was not the end of humanity, end of the Republic, not savior for the dying Democrat Party.

Most of all, it was not worthy of wasting tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, after six other investigations offered reports, just to put on a big show, trumpet more base demagoguery.

As this chapter closes, as we think about good and great, poor and pathetic, the range of leaders this nation has had – and those we have now – my mind is fixed on the date, as surely by others.

I will always look back across the expanse of American history, so much of what happened on so many memorable dates, how to stack their significance, and what to do with this one – and I know, very well. When the demagogues try to reorder my mind. cause doubt, hype and shout, make me duck or hide, no go. January 6th for me will always be, the day that TR died.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

TR was a Hero Imagine had he been President during WW1

2 years ago

The January 6th Committee is a COMPLETE FARCE and each Committee Member should be brought up on CHARGES OF TREASON!

2 years ago

Good article, kudos to Robert Charles for the insight and view which I find on track and in line with reality.

2 years ago

The only stated purpose of the January 6th Commission, per Nancy Pelosi, is purely political. The FBI has already ruled there was no planned insurrection, even though the Democrats continue to push that narrative non-stop. The stated goal of the Democrats is to try and ensure that President Trump cannot run in 2024 by either publicly smearing him, a la the same method they used to propogate the false Russian collusion hoax for over 2 years, or try to get AG Garland to arrest and try President Trump on some bogus charges. That is how much they fear him, as they already know he won’t plpay ball with the swamp and their plans for the United States. So this theater of the absurd will continue as long as the Democrats and the MSM think they can get any mileage out of it with the portion of the country that still buys into all this nonsense.

It also makes for a much needed distraction from all the ruinous policies that the Democrats have inflicted on this country over the last 18 months. The Democrats desperately need to deflect the public’s attention from all the economic damage and societial chaos they have inflicted on this country with their socialist policies and objectives. So it is in their own self interests to milk this for all its worth.

It would be nice to think that the American people were smart enough to notice the many similarities between the January 6th hearings and the old Soviet Union or modern day CCP show trials. Of course that would take a far better underdstanding of world history and current events than most people seem to possess. None the less, the parallels are absolutely striking. Which should scare the heck out of the American public that one political party, the Democrat Party, in our country has so easily and completely adopted all the traits of two of the most totalitarian and repressive regimes to ever exist on the planet. So if nothing else, it is a useful learning experiece for a lot of Americans as to where the Democrat Party ultimately plans to take this country. Anyone cheering on the theater being carefully choreographed by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats is really cheering on their future enslavement to the exact same type of repressive and totalitarian government that the Democrats are openly emulating.

2 years ago

History has shown many times before what happens to his country and its people every time a lying, cheating and thieving– DEMORAT– his band have been put in charge, and down the road i sure hope we can get back to the truth and history will show it again for what is happening now ,, for the life of me i will never be able to figure out how people can be so blind , deaf and dumb as to keep bringing them back in to do the damage to this country ,, THAT THEY ARE FAMOUS FOR ,,,

2 years ago

Who believes or would want to watch this kangaroo court with nothing but has been socialst democrats and two rino’s. I would not waste my time but unfortunately it is costing me like all tax payors financially. How much money is being spent on a soap opera this time?

2 years ago

My attitude towards this committee was how it was another waste of taxpayer money instead of doing the work of real legislation because they are so blinded by their hatred of alternative opinions.

2 years ago

The fact that the Jan 6 committee leaders felt compelled to spend money for a professional TV producer and then air their dog and pony show in prime time last week proves how desperate they are to gain attention for themselves and deflect attention away from the bucket load of problems created by the DEM(agogue)S. If only they could look inside their own party, they might find the answers they supposedly seek.

Richard C..
Richard C..
2 years ago

I love it. In the second paragraph of this story it mentions, or should I say they tell us what a demagogue is…it basically describes all of Congress!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

If you watched the recent documentary on TR, many of his traits are the same as DJT. The one major difference is that the media back then liked TR but ours hates Trump. And it’s the media that changed. Back then they liked TR because he STOOD UP to billionaires (in today;’ $$). Our current media HATES Trump because HE stands up to billionaires!

Tom Claridge
Tom Claridge
2 years ago

Remember Joe Biden Infamously said: “we choose TRUTH over FACT” — we should have loudly shouted who defines “TRUTH” — the same people who fomented & created the “Russian Collusion”?

Eric Sampson
Eric Sampson
2 years ago

This so called committee just shows you how corrupt and bias Congress is, which President Trump exposed these swamp dwellers during his administration. They hate him for that because he has never been part of the good old boys club in Congress and is rich. The corruption in Congress has been going on for years.What this committee is doing is very dangerous to every American with no due process, no evidence, no facts and are just covering up what they’ve been doing all along.The judicial system along with law enforcement ( FBI, Secret Service, etc…) are just as corrupt as Congress. The Constitution doesn’t exist anymore unless it falls into the Libtard’s favor!! And there are plenty of Rhinos that need to be thrown out too!! I didn’t realize there are so many traitors to this country in Congress until now!

2 years ago

Good article, RBC. As usual, the Democratic adversary is just trying to divert the public’s attention from reality while again WASTING the taxpayer’s money on a BS situation that has been already resolved.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..arrest the whole biden administration and send them to GITMO for punishment!!!…its time for a new civil war against the leftie loonies!!,,,,

2 years ago

Remember Reagan said if the Government said we’re here to Help…RUN!!!!..Now we have Big Government getting their Grubby hands in everything, LBJ was a Racist and many in the KKK sided with him..they were called Dixiecrats,so LBJ. a Democrat finally gave people their Civil Rights to save Face, Republicans we trying to give the greatist Country in the World, i believe it was Eisenhower wanted to give Blacks their Civil Rights, the LBJ started The Great Society, we were already involved in Vietnam, in which the French started, t put a halt to Communism,at least try, the French ran away and left the US their along with some of our Allies.. LBJ tried Bombing the hell out of them and left Nixon with the Mess, it’s always the Democrats that seem to be in office when wars occur and Republicans try and clean up the Chaos, Wilson was a terrible President, another Racist, he didn’t care for Henry Ford whom revolutionized Travel with his ModelT ok skip ahead to 1968. Nixon instituted the Draft and granted that was scary, i wish i hadn’t started this it’s just my Opinion, JFK was a good Man, his policies were decent, of course he had a woman problem, Marylyn Monroe and certain prostitutes brought to him by the Mafia, i know i left out some Individuals like J,Edgar Hoover!!..getting away from the Kennedy Family, oh wait Ted was a jerk, but anyway, Nixon took the blame for it seems like everything,the Watergate fiasco in which he tried to cover up, blah,blah,blah, the Black Panthers,Gerald Ford dopey smiling Jimmy Carter, sorrry i left out Martin Luther King Jr’. a Republican that had great message,shot by a racist, heretic and criminal James Earl Ray! The Clintons were terrible acting like they were helping people,they were only in it for the Money,The Bushes, Money again, Bin Laden, Clinton again,yeah Bill, you did Nothing, he was too busy with his love life, then came along the demagogue, Facist ,Islamic Liar and Racist, The Media’s darling Obama of course a Democrat choosing a white racist Useful Idiot Biden as his VP!..Trump had the right idea, people were beginning to prosper again and people were fairly happy again!..the weaklins didn’t like his Rhetoric and dismissed his accomplishments, Hollywoods,Scientist former Clintons VP Algore won an award for his sensational movie An Inconvenient Lie,oops Truth,then the Chinese Virus Hit, in which the Democrat/Leftists/Fauciites handled it the wrong way, now we have the Fraud Idiot Bideme and the rest of this stupid Marxist Administration along with the RINO’s and Big Tech Running the Show polluting the Country with their stupid policies, look at the Blue States they all play victims and cancel culture and Identity Politics George Soros(the DemRats friend) are Ingrates

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
2 years ago

In my opinion the desperation of the Left and a number of Rep elite to keep Donald Trump from running again is that he might win, resulting in his power of position to get the facts of the November 2020 elections out in the open. All of the other things they are hiding are beginning to unfold, but they believe they can stonewall investigations into the election results forever barring the President’s re-election.

2 years ago

Congress is a mess. i’ll only consider Trump supporters or those he endorses. won’t vote for ANYONE ELSE.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Since Hillary’s Presidential loss, which was like cutting the head off their queen, President Donald Trump knew them all and the Commiecrats became like caged rabid animals when he won the Presidency. Trump knows all about them, so why should they hide their ways any longer? So nothing they tried to do to get him out worked. Then they decided that the only way to make certain he would not stay in the White House was to steal the election. They have no scruples, no morals and no integrity, they don’t care. Like President Trump said, “they’re not after me, they’re after you, I’m just in the way.”
Their evil is out in the open in full display and they’re doing everything in their money, er I mean, their power to create chaos to distract us at every turn and keep us from focusing on who they really are. I don’t put it past them to even put our children in harm’s way to push their agendas.

‘The LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL EVIL.’

At this point, I believe only Almighty God can stop them….and I’m praying He will soon.

2 years ago

VERY well said. Priorities. If I have to be sad about January 6, let it be that a great president and human being passed away that day….NOT that some unintended activities took place in “the people’s house,” in Washington D.C. My sadness now lies with those patriotic (and maybe misled) political prisoners who STILL have not been given fair trial because they have not been charged with anything worth a trial. Political prisoners yet because they were duped by infiltrated agitators from the “other side.” Something has to be done for them and soon, before more commit suicide because they feel abandoned! Where are the republicans!!!!!!!

Maureen Edmond
Maureen Edmond
2 years ago

Teddy Roosevelt is still one of my very favorite Presidents. He did so many good things for this country and he was definitely a very smart man. They don’t make them like that anymore. This is also how I want to remember January 6th – not the farce of a committee holding hearings about all the lies they want to spread. I picture Teddy Roosevelt as a firm, truth-loving President, and always will.

2 years ago

Au revoir commie Dems. Thanks Teddy. Let’s go Brandon. See you in November Reps.

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