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It’s Now Or Never To Save America

Posted on Tuesday, October 15, 2024
by Outside Contributor

By Gary Binford

Just get one, flip blue to red. Start there. Or convince an abstainer to vote for Donald Trump. If every Trump supporter can influence one voter, game, set, match! You may think we have a choice in this regard, but we don’t.

This time the threat is for real, patriots. The proverbial can has been kicked so far down the long, winding road by both political parties that only the cliff remains. And the fall is a rapid spiral toward Communism.

The intent of my weekly “United Patriots Uprising with Gary Binford” podcast is to have high-profile guests enlighten, edify and equip us so we can engage, expose and defeat the left’s radical agenda. The arena of ideas was the battleground for three-plus years. Now it’s all about getting involved, it’s about turnout.

“We’re going to lose everything if we lose this election,” renown author/filmmaker Trevor Loudon stated as my podcast guest. “No matter how rich you are, they’re coming after you, they’re coming after your kids. What we’ve seen coming across the border is nothing compared to what’s going to happen if [the Democrats] win this. And then there will be millions of Muslims coming from the Middle East on top of that.”

Loudon wasn’t finished: “This country will be unrecognizable in a few years if we lose this next election. We’ll never win again because they’ll give all of those people voting rights. So we’ve gotta win this election. Donate to conservatives who can win in the Senate and the House. And make sure you get behind President Trump.”

So just how did we get here? One day at a time over nearly 100 years. Former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen warned us in his 1958 book, “The Naked Communist.” Their plan for America’s demise included getting control of our schools and teacher associations, the press, radio, TV and motion pictures; promoting pornography to break down morality; presenting homosexuality as normal; infiltrating the churches, discrediting the Bible, replacing revealed religion with social religion, eliminating prayer in schools; discrediting the family, encouraging promiscuity and easy divorce.

Take stock where we’re at. Ouch! It took quite a while, but Naomi Wolf, formerly a Democrat darling, finally saw the light and left the party, becoming an Independent. The feminist icon hopes that Trump gets re-elected.

“The Democratic Party has become unrecognizable to me now,” Wolf said as a podcast guest. “[It’s] a Marxist party that is trying to open our border, destroy our culture, groom our children, and create a kind of Orwellian dystopia. I’m very interested in populist national movements like the MAGA movement. Populist nationalists on the right, like MAGA, and grassroots freedom lovers from the left, are actually coming together and realizing they have a lot more in common than they thought, and they need each other to fight against the real enemies, who are the oligarchs.”

Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci, who died in a Mussolini prison in 1937, is the father of the Cultural Marxism ideology that has infested and infected our country. Since America didn’t respond to the (Karl) Marxist call for government overthrow by revolution, they got us by changing the cultural mores and language. They’ve divided us, looking to conquer, using race (black vs. white), gender (male vs. female) and class (rich vs. poor). Barack Obama incorporated the community organizing tactics of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book, “Rules For Radicals,” to Lucifer.

We should have seen this coming having viewed from afar the fall of China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and, most recently, Venezuela. National security analyst Brigitte Gabriel, the chairman of ACT for America, was born and raised in Lebanon and saw its decline start as a teenager.

“Lebanon is a republic exactly like the United States of America,” she said as a podcast guest. “But we refused to read the writing on the wall and we imported people into our country who did not share our values. When they would say ‘We hate you, we want to change your country,’ we would not believe them because we thought, ‘Oh, they don’t mean it; it’s just a few crazy people mouthing off.’”

Continued Gabriel: “My 9-11 happened in 1975 where radical Islamic terrorists blew up my home, bringing it down, burying me under the rubble, wounded…I saw how a country can turn from Paris of the Middle East to today, a hellhole of a country controlled by terrorists, where people are starving, where people have lost their dignity.” 

We’ve got to hit the reject button, right here, right now. Reject the left, reject the globalists. America First, all the way. We’ve got to have so many people voting for Trump that the election can’t be stolen. This time there’s only one way for We The People to respond. Turnout! Just win, baby!!!

Gary Binford hosts the audio/video conservative podcast, “United Patriots Uprising with Gary Binford” and is the founder of “Nation Savers 2024” on Facebook. He previously was a sports writer for Newsday and the New York Daily News, and the longtime manager of Dmanns Music contemporary jazz flutist Dwayne Kerr. 

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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