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It’s Not Republicans v. Democrats Anymore

Posted on Wednesday, December 20, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Democrats and Republicans in the campaign symbolized with Boxing Gloves

Other countries have lots of political parties. 

Italy has more than 20, from the Animalist Movement to the Five Star environmentalists. 

Even Holland, a nation with less than 18 million citizens, has more than 16 political parties, including Farmer Citizens and 50 Plus fighting for senior citizens. Not America. 

Yes, we have had numerous political groupings since the Revolutionary War and establishing our independence from Britain, from the seminal Federalists to the Redeemers who backed the Jim Crow Democrats. But today, the choice is binary: Democrat or Republican—Red or Blue, and yes, in that order. 

Until it was flipped in 2000 by NBC’s Time Russert, the color of the Democrats was red – as it is for ALL the major leftwing parties in the World, from Labour in the UK to the Communist Party in Cuba – and the Grand Old Party’s color was always blue. (We really need to return to Red for the Left and Blue for the Right). 

Yes, there is Jill Stein’s “Green Party” and the Libertarians, but neither political camp has the national organizational clout or brute numbers to field serious threats to either the GOP or Democrats. (Sorry, CATO Institute). 

So, it is all too easy for Americans to fall into the complacent belief that politics is simply about stuffy bowtie and blazer-wearing “Conservatives” and pink-haired pro-Hamas “Liberals.” But they’d be wrong. Something fundamental has changed about global politics in the last twenty years, especially here in the United States. 

Several writers have tried to explain the tectonic shift, which goes beyond dividing Americans into right or left. There was David Goodhart’s 2017 book The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics, and then Henry Olsen’s Ins versus the Outs briefing of the same year. But the best way to understand how both parties became irrelevant and how a non-politician like Donald Trump could become President the first time he ever ran, it is essential to read JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis which was published the year before the others. 

It was the Friday before July 4th weekend, and I was working in the Trump White House. Whilst I was Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategy, there was one man between me and President Trump, my immediate boss, Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon. Today, he hosts the incredibly popular WarRoom podcast. Back then, he was in charge of the Strategic Initiatives Group, and I was his Deputy. Before we separated to celebrate the establishment of our Republic, he instructed that I must read Vance’s best-seller. 

Now, as a rule, I do not read biographies, auto or otherwise. I just don’t have the patience to read about what Eisenhower or DeGaulle had for breakfast back in 1944. I’d much rather be reading the latest strategic analysis from giants like Victor David Hanson or Lord Conrad Black. But if Steve said it was important, so be it. 

I found a paperback copy and took it with me on our weekend away, and I couldn’t put it down. I read the whole book over one weekend. 

The story of Vance’s working-class family being destroyed over multiple generations by a political elite that saw no problem with outsourcing American jobs to Asia and Mexico or failing to secure our borders and thus preventing tons of drugs from being smuggled into the country, drugs like fentanyl that kill more Americans in one year than died in combat in Vietnam and Korea combined, was griping. 

The story of successful families, including the author’s, torn apart by politically induced unemployment and addiction is hard to read but explains perfectly why Americans chose a real-estate mogul and reality TV star as their President in 2016. 

I still find it amusing that as an immigrant to the US – a legal immigrant – I have to remind my fellow Americans who were born here what we all did that year. From George Washington to Obama, every President was connected. They were all members of the political-military elite, congressmen, senators, governors, and former generals. Then along comes a man who has never been part of the “uniparty” and never ever run for office before. And he wins. Why? Because more than 60 million Americans had had it with both parties. 

What do the events of 2016 mean today? How is President Trump 50-plus points ahead of his closest rival on the right and trouncing the incumbent, Joe Biden, 11 months before the election?

It means that we have passed far beyond any division based on party affiliation, GOP or Democrat, right or left. 

The division today is much more basic. The division is between those who are part of the elite or not. 

The division is between those who think they know better and those who have been forgotten. 

The division is between is simply between those who hate America and love America and those who want to Make it Great Again. 

It is time to choose. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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9 months ago

This whole thing breaks my heart. I am 73, and my wonderful beautiful country is dying. Oh merciful God, help us!! ????????

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

That says it all.

A Voter
A Voter
9 months ago

It has never been Republican vs Democrat. It has ALWAYS been Freedom vs Communism.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

This is the battle for the soul of America the reason for its being is attacked

9 months ago

This is about the survival of the United States of America.

9 months ago

The Evil Globalists have demonized the World..and those who saw it in the early stages did nothing to stop it…We are suffering for that.

John Bass
John Bass
9 months ago

I’ve always thought that the Republican party in the past was Blue and that the Democrats were Red. I just let it go as I’m getting old and it must have slipped my mind…ahhh, where did I put my glasses?
Anyway, good article Sebastian and so, so true. It way probably switched by Russert, or he was told to do so because, and I’m only speaking for myself, but from as far back as I can remember, Red has been associated with Communist and blue with the good guys.

Yes it’s gone way past Republican and Democrat, but those that think they know better than us, the political elite and your Hollywood type’s, don’t realize the average citizen is fed up with and getting more so everyday with all their intrusion into our lives. Or maybe they do but just don’t give a rat’s @$$. Just look at John Kerry constantly telling us we need to have a smaller carbon footprint and to quit breathing. Yet he still jets around the world putting out more pollution than 10,000 of us combined, and I’m sure he’s still breathing.

These people aren’t going to be happy until we’re all riding bicycles and using firewood to cook our meals and heat our homes. At that time, I’m sure they will all be driving around in their gas powered limo’s and using natural gas to heat their homes and to cook with.
It’s all about control…they must not have been hugged and told they were loved when they were children.

Trump 2024

9 months ago

What does it mean to be conservative? I submit that being a conservative is using and possessing “Common Sense”! If there is one definition to Make America Great Again in a succinct, easy and thought-provoking way it would be embracing and using common sense. Maybe a “Common Sense” political mantra may cause some moderate Democrats and never Trump Republicans, to re-evaluate how they view what is happening, not only in our country, but in the whole world. I realize that ideology makes people dogmatic in their views, and one person’s view of what is true is a huge hurdle to overcome, but maybe people with some sense will wake up think about what makes common sense.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Anything anyone does contrary to the “Democrat Way” will be labeled, not just “MAGA”, but “EXTREME MAGA” now! And what does MAGA stand for? Only a Democrat could try making Make America Great Again a dirty word! Joe Biden says this election is about “saving democracy” and to “protect our rights so they won’t be taken away”. For once, I agree with him! What these ppl say Trump “will do” is what they ARE DOING.

9 months ago

Firstly, there is no longer professionalism, decorum, respect, the True definition of Tolerance, or adherence to higher values and standards.
Why is it that everyone has to cause such chaos and division over one or two of their own personal opinions when they ought to be working together for the overall good of the country and the people?
I’m thoroughly disgusted with nearly everything that’s going on in government especially that I and so many others are being ‘injuured’ by it, physically, financially and otherwise.
We have surely been far better off in past presidencies when people in government strove together for the good of our beloved country and people and NOT to line their own pockets or become millionaires! Our forefathers never planned for this to happen.

Pat R
Pat R
9 months ago

Best opinion/summation of the condition/situation of our formerly beloved country I’ve read, ever. Dr. Gorka truly does hit the nail on the head. And most American citizens feel the same way – this is a war by the elites against regular folks. Is it the power of majority that threatens them? I would truly like to know WHY they hate us so much (or at all really).

Bob L.
Bob L.
9 months ago

The hidden political parties in America – I can think of 4 other parties that get little media mention, if any. I don’t remember when the color recognition of the uni-parties was switched, but it was part of the Socialist turn everything upside down policy. Red has always been the color associated with communism/socialism. Why do I call the big two the uni-parties? Because the Democratic party is the “bad cop” and the GOP the “good cop” in the world of American politics. The Dems take the “in your face” approach to globalism/socialism while the GOP takes the two steps forward, one step back approach and both take us down the same road to the New World Orders global oligarchy.

Brad Bowman
Brad Bowman
9 months ago

It seems to be Good versus Evil and Good will prevail. We the People are ready to fight to restore our country to Good. So keep in mind who will stand against tyranny.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
9 months ago

With all due respect to Dr. Sebastian Gorka, he misses the real political contest. America is divided between two ideologies, the false political theory that is socialism, and the people who seek to keep their inherent rights, rights inscribed in the Bill of Rights.
The socialists, (the Democrat Party, and its liberal acolytes), strive to transform America into obama’s “New World Order” described in the work of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, ” The Communist Manifesto”.
The opposition to the socialists wear their political hearts on their sleeves. They consider the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights to be the aegis of America. The Marxist Democrats are somewhat more circumspect in identifying their true identity. Liberals, progressives, Marxists and communists are all peas in the same socialist pod. Americans never felt easy about Marx’s socialism. That’s why the socialists hide behind labels such as “liberal” and “progressive”. You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats, they always disguise their socialist programs as being commendable. Example: The Biden inspired “Inflation Reduction Act”. One couldn’t find a more inflationary spending program if one’s life depended on it.
OK, I have identified the Democrats as being the destroyers of America, Democrats who use socialist “freebie” programs to bribe the voters. And I identified their opposition as being the righteous citizens envisioned by the Founding Fathers. These two groups are the contestants in the great political controversy in America. Forget “red” and “blue” labels. Instead, focus on the group that seeks individual freedoms, and the group that seeks to enslave all in the socialist’s Utopia called Perdition.

Rob Blackburn
Rob Blackburn
9 months ago

The recent Colorado Supreme Court ruling is a glaring example of this new divide. The four Ivy League educated justices ruled to remove Donald Trump from the primary election and disenfranchising Colorado’s republican voters. The three justices, also appointed by democrats, but educated at state law schools, dissented. It’s the elite class versus the working class.

9 months ago

Fantastic article and I totally agree with him! We need to protect and defend our country…. it is being torn apart by idiots who could care less about our country, our constitution and our inalienable rigths and seem to care more for communistic and destructive actions and beliefs. MAGA!!!

9 months ago

Those who care about their families, themselves and their fellow Americas have to reach out and connect with one another and vote. Get every person who has seen this present government disrespect our flag, our national Anthem, our Constitution and our laws and put these existing represenatives out on the street, because they are not working for the American people. Then drain the Swamp, cut off any government spending that has not been budgeted and approved by congress. No more dowel to non governmental programs and organizations. Charity begins at home as well as learning how to make a living.

9 months ago

I’d say we’re heading for Moslem-brown-black vs cis white. Why am I wrong?

9 months ago

I have read that there is a “playbook” for the radical left which provides guidelines on how to destroy this country. Anyone heard of this?

9 months ago

And you’re an idiot who promotes stupidity!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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