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Is Joe Biden Really Going Through With This?

Posted on Thursday, January 26, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

With the midterms over and the 2024 primaries now getting underway, pressure is mounting on President Joe Biden to make an announcement about his reelection plans. As the oldest sitting president in American history, beleaguered by a swarm of national crises, historic unpopularity, a classified document scandal, and disliked even in his own party, Biden’s record would at one point in the not-too-distant past have made the prospect of a reelection bid highly unlikely.

As Biden reportedly gears up to announce his campaign, Democrats and Republicans both are quietly asking: Is Biden really going to go through with this?

When asked about a potential Biden 2024 campaign last month, Nancy Pelosi insisted Biden “has done an excellent job as President of the United States” and has a “great vision for our country.”

“I hope that he does seek re-election,” she continued. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer echoed Pelosi’s sentiment, claiming Biden has “done an excellent, excellent job” during his time in the White House.

By every indication, however, the American people disagree. According to a CNBC All-America survey from December, a staggering 70 percent of Americans do not want Biden to seek reelection. That figure includes a shocking 57 percent of Democrats – hardly a rousing gesture of support from the president’s own party.

Biden’s persistently low approval ratings, which have hovered in the mid to high thirties for much of his first two years in office, also paint a bleak picture for the President. According to a Gallup report, incumbent “presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50%” have consistently lost reelection—most notably including Presidents George H.W. Bush, who went into Election Day with a 34 percent approval, and Jimmy Carter, who faced a 37 percent approval rating near the end of his term. Biden’s approval rating has rebounded slightly to the low 40s (still a concerning figure for any politician) but the ongoing classified documents scandal and any future crisis could send him plummeting to historic lows once again.

The state of the country under the Biden administration is also worse than under even the most unpopular of his recent predecessors. On Biden’s watch, the nation has suffered 40-year-high inflation, the worst crisis along the southern border on record, a costly and unnecessary war on American energy, the further radicalization of American institutions, including the education system, and perhaps the most humiliating display of American leadership on the world stage in U.S. history through debacles like the Afghanistan evacuation.

To make matters worse for the Biden team, there remains a distinct possibility that a handful of high-profile Democrats could challenge the president in a primary contest. Figures like California Governor Gavin Newsom, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Biden’s own vice president, Kamala Harris, have been discussed as potential challengers to Biden as the primaries draw near. Even the left-wing New York Magazine acknowledged that “Biden has a less-than-ideal base of support in his party as we approach the critical junction when people decide whether to run for president in 2024.”

But as dire as Biden’s political situation may be, nothing should worry him or his team more than the fact that Donald Trump, Biden’s chief political rival (whom he often cites as the reason he entered the 2020 presidential race in the first place), consistently beats him in national polls. A December Harvard-Harris survey found that in a hypothetical 2024 rematch, Trump would beat Biden handily—by a five point margin—in the national popular vote.

Of course, Biden’s political obstacles are only further intensified by his age and endless series of gaffes and misstatements, not to mention the document scandal, which further undermining public confidence in his competence and basic honesty. But regardless of whether Biden ultimately chooses to enter the 2024 race, it is a sad admission that a figure with a record as abysmal as Biden’s would even be considered a viable candidate for a second term as our nation’s highest-ranking elected official.

As the mainstream media obsesses over the “will he or won’t he” question for 2024, Americans should not forget that the real story should be Biden’s repeated failures as a leader. This dismal record is one voters are unlikely to forget anytime soon, and are even more unlikely to look past at the ballot box.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

It doesn’t matter what Biden wants to do, as he hasn’t been actually “in charge” of anything in his entire presidency. The Democrat Party has already decided that Biden has outlived his usefulness to the Party and is already nudging him out of the way with an always dependable assist from the MSM. The only question is when Biden’s handlers will have Joe Biden make the formal announcement that he won’t seek re-election in 2024. It will likely be sometime after the SOTU address and the beginning of the summer recess for Congress. That will allow ample time for the 15 to 20 Democrats, who have already signaled they are interested in the Democrat nomination for POTUS in 2024, to begin seriously ramping up their their campaign organizations.

In the meantime, the American people have to endure another 2 years of Team Biden and the Democrats inflicting further damage to this country with the help of Mitch McConnell and his merry band of RINOs in the Senate. So pretty much business as usual for Washington, D.C..

1 year ago


1 year ago

Joeblow Biden has the job and the title. He will be held 100% responsible, regardless of who is pulling the strings. The only thing that will change that is if the puppeteers step up and accept responsibility. That will not be happening. Best advice to all with Biden as last name, begin the paperwork to change the last name and maybe consider plastic surgery so no one recognizes you.

1 year ago

Newsom, Buttigieg, Sanders, Harris, Biden. What a nightmare of choices. All are Godless socialists as far to the left as is possible to go. Of course, you know that the demo/socialists will win. They will openly cheat like crazy and do anything to steal another election. The GOP doesn’t stand a chance.

1 year ago

I hope he does run. Assures a Republican president next!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Should any of those people mentioned replace him it will be even worse than it is He does as he is told but he is not stupid, far from it The others have no brain between them ,will think it is fun to play in the Oval office

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Face it. Biden HAS done a excellent job. Best screw ups in a long time. Hang the senile Basterd. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Can someone tell me how this man’s numbers have gone up? WHY?

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

It isn’t his dismal record, although it contributes to his failed leadership.
Pay attention who is behind it all to keep him in the White House.
Follow the money. Soros and the failed FTX comes to mind. The elite in Davos who are striving to bring America down.
They need him to start a third World War.

David Whitton
David Whitton
1 year ago

Biden, as president, is a moron. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are not morons, so their assessment of the Biden presidency is more frightening. Pete Buttigieg for president – that’s so stupid it doesn’t ever deserve a comment. Trump for president – he came as president and fix everything, mostly because the world didn’t know what he would do. He made the country strong again only to be destroyed by Biden. A more moderate choice to me, would be Ron DeSantis, who brings the technical skills of Trump with the personal appeal of a Ronald Reagan. Just a thought.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Bumbling biden WILL NOT run for reelection. He’s used up his usefulness and his handlers have already started turning on him. All you have to do is listen carefully to the main stream media and they will tell you all you need to know concerning demented joey…he’s finished, one term and out.

Dale Rose
Dale Rose
1 year ago

It’s Obama and Gates who want to remain in charge of the office of the president. They are ruining our country by running it.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Well Nancy and Chucky would both say he’s done an awesome job, it’s just the things THEY wanted, not what we the people need and want. Also Nancy is OLDER than Biden, we need some younger people than a lot of those in their 80’s, and Diane Feinstein will be 90 when she runs in 2024, enough of this golden oldies running our country into the ground.
I don’t believe any polls anymore, it’s HOW it’s worded, and WHAT they ask. WHY would anyone want another 4 years of the misery we’ve had to endure for the last 2 years?? Afghanistan??? Gas prices through the roof, and draining our EMERGENCY reserves.
As a caucasian I’m tired of being treated like my family are the devil when they have fought, worked, and lived in this country for close to 400 years. Don’t come here if you think we are evil, but you come for the things we worked for our entire lives, and some get for free while our Veterans can rot and die on the streets, this is really really pi**ing me off.

Don Dupke
Don Dupke
1 year ago

Pedophile joey will run again so scumbuma and other anti-american dumb as craps can continue to ruin our country. And joey can keep working to make us vulnerable to a chinese takeover!

1 year ago

Why wouldn’t Biden think he can win again? So many Americans have been duped by fake news and catchy phrases. Look, he’s doing a terrible job and still has approval rating in the 40’s. If he does happen to do something right in the next 2 years then people will call him a genius.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Democrats have proven that even with Biden as enept as he is, they only need the position to control the American people. Our last presidential election showed us that Biden didn’t lift a finger to get elected and yet here we are. Joe may have outlived his usefulness to the democrats, but look how much damage they’ve accomplished with him?
As for running the country, for dems, it was better to ask forgiveness then to seek permission. Now emboldened democrats do neither.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

I hope he keeps on stalling his decision to run the longer he takes, the longer it will be before others from the Treader Party (the Democrat Party) in making their decision to run in his place. It doesn’t matter because people are starting to understand that Democrats are traders and/or dumber than a box of rocks. It amazes me that treason has become fashionable for Big Tech. the News Media, Corporate America, and Pro Sports, and the Democrats and RINOs, to crap on America and premoto China as the superpower.
Think about the greatness of America now and forever!

Carolyn Wegener
Carolyn Wegener
1 year ago


Lee M
Lee M
1 year ago

You guys, it does not matter. Not at all. Mail in voting has made it possible to run as a doghouse as long as you win the democratic primary. And you are guaranteed to win. Conservatives are finished and we let it happen on our watch. It is useless until, unless, and if those laws are able to be changed. Michigan is finished, they (democrats) codified the mail in voting into their laws, won the statehouse for the first time since 1984, and re-elected a facist governor. All while the republicans watched sucking their thumbs. Mail in voting. It is over.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

I seriously doubt Joe will be a factor in 2024. By the end of 2024 he would be 82 years old and given his current mental state, it’s doubtful he will remain in office much longer.

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

This is what the democrats have become. They ignore all facts on all subjects and push forward anyway. They have a belief that if they act like it’s all good then you are stupid enough to believe it is all good.

Of course, the democrat sheeple are just that stupid.

Biden’s massive theft of government documents is a great example. It is many many times worse than even the made up suggested mistakes handling of documents by trump. Yet we still have most of the liberals, progressives, democrats saying trump was worse.

The democrat party has become the party of the insane.

1 year ago

You guys seriously think voting has anything to do with who is president?


Joe will run and he will win, and he’ll never campaign just like last time.

He is a dementia patient. He has no idea about anything. So they can do whatever they want.

No one wants to be holding the bag when the whole things comes to a halt and they usher in the freedom killing CBDC.

He’ll run and he will win. Voters have no say in the matter. Whoever runs the central banks of the world do.

1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi is delusional. Joe Biden is a criminal, a habitual lair, we must and an embarrassment to the American people. Adam “shifty” Shiff is a despicable excuse of a human who has lied to the American people and will continue to do so. We must do all in our power to reject the violent ideology of the radical left. In other words, we must turn our back on the Democratic Party for ever.

Goldie Barques
Goldie Barques
1 year ago

Biden is obviously delusional. What little mind he has left is gone. Basically has one foot on the curb and the other on a banana peel. He hasn’t got a snowballs chance in you know what of making it, unless he and his crooked and corrupt democratic party steals it again. If that happens there may very well be a second civil war on American soil, beginning with purging the current administration. This is a very sad time for what used to be a great nation. Just breaks my heart. No wonder there’s so many ex-pats.

1 year ago

If he announces he is running again GET READY!! It will mean they have perfected election theft and they have an even better plan than before. They stole 2020 and they will steal the presidential election again. That old fool couldn’t win dog catcher, but they say he did. Mike Pence was in on the steal and it was all orchestrated by Marc Elias. Wake up everyone and don’t let it happen again.

Goldie Barques
Goldie Barques
1 year ago

Democrats are fools. They have to be told what to think and what to do…cannot think for themselves. Corrupt? Yes. Dictators? Yes. Traitors to their country they supposedly live and adore? A resounding Yes!!
We MUST hold each and everyone of them and their “woke” cronies accountable for their actions and misconduct!
If the shoe were on the other foot, they wouldn’t hesitate. That party needs to be totally dismantled and more democratic aka demonic party. They’re definitely the party of Satan!!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden is such a disaster that there is no way he will seek reelection. If I am wrong, and he actually strives to seek reelection his efforts will be denied. Not even the Communist Democrats are so crazy as to try to sell the American people on the idea of a second 4 years of Traitor Joe.

Debra Reynolds
Debra Reynolds
1 year ago

I’m not in favor of elder abuse, but that aside, I hope he does win. It’ll just make it easier for whoever runs against him.

Reta Sutton
Reta Sutton
1 year ago

I’m proud of our country, America! We’ve had several men and women to fight for our freedom. Many have lost their lives. As Americans, we deserve leaders in our government that will honor God and our Constitution. God will heal our nation if we’ll turn back to Him. Please pray, vote, and voice your opinion on all the evil practices that are going on in our government. It’s our right as citizens of our great country.

Rick Lunn
Rick Lunn
1 year ago

Why shouldn’t he? If liberals can fraudulently get him elected in 2020, why can’t they do it again!!

Ralph S
Ralph S
1 year ago

Move the entire Capital to Gitmo and throw away the key!

1 year ago

After Mid-terms, Polls show that both Trump & Biden only have a little over 40% support of voters for candidate for 2024 election & both of them should step aside & let a new candidate run. They have both broken their pick with voters.

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
1 year ago

This idiot doesn’t deserve another four years…gawd he’s already screwed this country enough. Let him wallow away the rest of his days , in his basement and eating ice cream…two things he’s very good at.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden doesn’t even know where he is without a teleprompter and is a Fascist.
Watch out now. The Feds are now targeting Americans that aren’t and oppose their one-sided commie correctness whether by memes or opinions by treating Americans as a National Security Threat. NO BS.
DICTATOR Beijing biden who commits TREASON every day has treated Americans as the enemy since January 21, 2021.
But those who oppose the FASCIST liberals narrative are now considered a National Security Threat when the REAL National Security Threat is sitting in the White House ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY with support from his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION and STEALING SENSITIVE HIGHLY CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS and SELLING OUT the United States to Communist China and Killing our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE and OUR STRONG MILITARY.
And this Communist Fascist Traitor wants to run again ILLEGALLY for president in 2024.
The LOSER DICTATOR Beijing biden is just that, a LOSER.
And NO. I am NOT AFRAID to speak up and STAND against a FASCIST regime and government who treats Americans as the enemy.
This is my country.

1 year ago

He’ll probably run and win. There are too many in this country who put money and their style of life above God’s laws, so He is allowing Satan his time of ruling. Not just the US, but much of the world. It’s moving rapidly toward world rule of the antichrist. Christ said we are to love God above all else, and that love is shown by keeping His commandments. All of us sin, break His laws, but can be forgiven if we confess to Him and try to change our ways. Never the less, he knew he didn’t have to campaign last time as it was rigged for him to win, and will probably be a repeat.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

biden is half the man he thinks he is.

1 year ago


Katja L Kirsch
Katja L Kirsch
1 year ago

First, anyone Pelosi & Schumer back is definitely no one I would want. As far as the 3 mentioned as democratic contenders, all I can say is SCARY????

David Lee
David Lee
1 year ago

Joe Biden has done more damage to America than any potus in history. The election that got him into the office has corruption at a level never seen in our country.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

I hope he does run. He is a disaster but any sitting president is usually a shoe-in for the nomination. Should he win the nomination for a second term, he does not have a chance of reelection IF THE ELECTION IS TRULY HONEST. But election integrity will be a very big issue no matter who the Democrats nominate. Beating this disgrace of a president should be child’s play if the GOP does not find a way to screw it up.

1 year ago

As mentally challenged as he is, it wouldn’t surprise me if he DIDN’T make it to 2024. He is declining so rapidly.

1 year ago

He is not the President, he is a puppet to obama and rice. The sad thing is people will vote for him because he has given so much free money. Our country is overrun with illegals and Washington knows the next step is get them the right to vote

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
1 year ago

That’s exactly why we have open borders, so these people can come in and vote Democrat because they get “free stuff”. That’s been his plan all along. The media is obsessed because they need to start planning “the fix” so Trump doesn’t get elected. I’m so sickened by the corruption in this country. It needs to stop but how?

1 year ago

he’s got the face of the people in nursing homes.

1 year ago

Watched Hannity on FOX this week & he has a real bad habit of interrupting others on his show & not letting them answer the question. My take on FOX is that both Hannity & Tucker Carlson would make good Bobbleheads in the back window of Trump’s golf cart.

1 year ago

He needs prison not destroy America some more

1 year ago

Biden and Harris need to go.

Judy W Fuchd
Judy W Fuchd
1 year ago

He needs to stop no reelection!!!

Michael S.
Michael S.
1 year ago

My personal opinion is that if Biden isn’t in jail or impeached before the 2024 election and does decide to run again it would be DOOMSDAY for the Democrats currently in office across America. His actions of incompetence are shameful at the least and criminal in nature at best. The entire Democratic Party has propped him up along with the liberal media and should be held accountable for their complacent behavior not to mention their BREACH of faith and lack of integrity in the OATH they took upon entering their RESPECTIVE OFFICES.

Bill T
Bill T
1 year ago

CCP, UKRAINE,HUNTER,THE BIG GUY, MANSIONS, and the most treasonous criminal politician ( and president) in our country, ever. $7 a dozen eggs, still costs me$140 to fill up my truck ( was only $65 a few short years ago) Afghanistan is the worst tactical mistake in our country’s military history, lost all respect and gave our biggest enemy most modern airfield ( complete with fighter jets , and all other fully operational tactical equipment) . All because he’s a compromised thief and total sellout to we the people. He’s the most damaging and dangerous enemy our country has ever faced, and basically everyday he’s allowing tens of thousands of Illegals to flood over our southern borders and invade our country. All so the progressive liberals can use them to prop up there pathetic base and as usual steal everything.

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