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In Shocking Litmus Test, FBI Security Inquiry Tried to Unmask Employee’s Trump Support, Memos Show

Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2024
by Outside Contributor

FBI officials conducting a top-secret security clearance review for a longtime employee asked witnesses whether that employee was known to support former President Donald Trump, if he had expressed concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine or had attended a Second Amendment rally, according to internal memos that prompted a complaint to the Justice Department’s internal watchdog alleging political bias inside the bureau.

The employee’s security clearance was revoked months after the interviews, which confirmed his support for Trump and gun rights and his concerns about the COVID vaccine, according to the documents obtained by Just the News.

The memos show that agents for the FBI’s Security Division asked at least three witnesses in spring 2022 whether the employee, whose name and job title was redacted from the memos, had been known to “vocalize support for President Trump” or “vocalize objections to Covid-19 vaccination.” Agents ascertained from at least one witness that the worker, in fact, had declined to get the coronavirus inoculation.

The latter questions about the vaccine were asked in spring 2022, a few months after the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down vaccine mandates in corporate workplaces and a separate federal court had issued an injunction on federal employee vaccine mandates. 

The agents also asked witnesses whether the FBI worker had “attended the Richmond Lobby Day event” in January 2021, a rally for supporters of the Second Amendment in Virginia. The agents’ notes referred to the colleague they were vetting as a “gun nut” but who in engaged in “no promotion of violence.”

You can read the memos here.

FBI officials declined comment about why a worker’s support for Trump and the Second Amendment or his hesitancy to get the COVID-19 vaccine had relevance to his security clearance.

They also declined to answer whether similar questions about support for Joe Biden or other medical issues, such as a woman’s support for abortion.

In a letter to the DOJ inspector general, the FBI employee’s lawyer, Tristan Leavitt, revealed his client made made protected whistleblower disclosures to both Congress and the DOJ about the politicization of the security clearance process, which he alleged he was put through simply because he self-reported having taken a vacation day to go to Washington D.C. for the Jan. 6, 2021 rally.

Leavitt, who runs the nonprofit Empower Oversight center specializing in whistleblower cases, said his client did not engage in any criminal acts nor did he enter the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and he called the security review process that ensued evidence of political bias against conservatives inside the bureau.

“Instead of limiting its investigation to legitimate issues, SecD (Security Division) acted as if support for  President Trump, objecting to COVID-19 vaccinations, or lawfully attending a protest was the equivalent of being a member of Al Qaeda or the Chinese Communist Party,” Leavitt wrote to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz in a letter Monday asking for an investigation.

“The FBl’s intentions are made clear by the questions it chose to put in black and white on a government document,” added Leavitt, whose group has represented the IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden case as well as several FBI agents and analysts who claim their security clearances were suspended or revoked because of their political views.

One of those FBI employees, intelligence analyst Marcus Allen, was vindicated last week when the bureau restored his clearance and paid him more than two years of back pay, according to CNN.

Leavitt told Horowitz he believed the documents detailing the security clearance review for his client were “shocking” evidence of an “abuse of authority and a violation of our client’s rights under the First Amendment.”

Horowitz’s office, which has chronicled years of FBI abuses ranging from mishandling of informants to abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, did not immediately return a call or email seeking comment Monday on whether it has opened a probe.

You can read that letter here.

If the inspector general opens an inquiry, it could help the public and Congress determine whether the FBI’s questions about Trump were more widespread than the employee who went to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, or whether other questions about political preferences and medical treatments are asked during traditional security clearance reviews.

two sources told Just the News that there is evidence that information was gathered during FBI security clearance reviews on other employees’ political views, suggesting the practice was not isolated.

The memos, meanwhile, provided unprecedented detail into how the security clearance review for Leavitt’s client was conducted. Prepared questions were typed into a form for the agents to ask, while witnesses’ answers were recorded by agents in handwriting below.

The handwritten observations provide significant insights into what the agents believed were relevant to the recommendation of whether the FBI employee should keep his clearance.

The employee “had right wing views, nothing extreme,” the agent wrote from one interview that asked about his Trump support. In another notation, agents wrote the employee was “def Trump supporter, strong republican values.”

In a third interview, the agent again noted the worker’s support for Trump, writing: “Very significantly supported, would listen to talk shows. Trump did not lose. Dems stole it. Militant point of view. Never implied would do anything aggressive/physical.”

On vaccine hesitancy, agents clearly got one witness to confirm the employee had not gotten inoculated but was following the bureau’s rules for unvaccinated employees.

“Very against masks and vaccines. Not vaccinated,” the agent wrote from one interview. “Not vaccinated and tried not to wear mask.”

The agent noted the employee was “connected to anti-vaccinated FBI groups” but had engaged in “no anti-FBI rhetoric.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former head of the government’s COVID response, recently told Congress he did not believe he saw any studies showing masks were effective in stopping the spread of the virus before mask mandates were imposed and that the science since remains murky.

“I believe that there are a lot of conflicting studies too, that there are those that say, yes, there is an impact, and there are those that say there’s not. I still think that’s up in the air,” he told Congress.

Fauci also told the New York Times last year he believed in the final analysis that vaccine mandates were ineffective or counterproductive for Americans.

“I think, almost paradoxically, you had people who were on the fence about getting vaccinated thinking, why are they forcing me to do this?” Fauci said. “And that sometimes-beautiful independent streak in our country becomes counterproductive.”

By the time the FBI was asking about the worker’s vaccine views in April 2022, the U.S Supreme Court had three months earlier already struck down vaccine mandates in the corporate workplace and the U.S. District Court for Southern Texas had issued an injunction against a federal employee vaccine mandate. 

The Biden administration appealed the latter case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and granting review, the Supreme Court ruled that the judgment was to be vacated, and the case remanded with instructions to direct the District Court to vacate as moot its order granting a preliminary injunction. 

On the employee’s Second Amendment views, FBI agents used terse language to describe the witnesses’ answers. “Gun nut, went to all 2nd Amendment gatherings,” the agent wrote in a summary of one interview. “…No promotion of violence.”

Leavitt wrote the IG that he believed the FBI’s conduct in his client’s security clearance review violated the Constitution and Supreme Court cases involving employment law and the First Amendment.

“The Supreme Court held that terminating public employees for political patronage purposes _ belonging to the wrong political party _ ‘to the extent it compels or restrains belief and association is inimical to the process which undergirds our system of government and is at war with the deeper traditions of democracy embodied in the First Amendment,’” he wrote,

Leavitt added: “Revoking a security clearance for being near those who did or merely sharing some similar political views as others who acted unlawfully is pure guilt by association.”

Reprinted with permission from Just The News by John Solomon.

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9 months ago

Amazing. With all this proof of the weaponization of DOJ, FBI and other entities against the people of the nation, I would like to inquire “Why there is nothing being done about this injustice?” Wait. This situation has been happening for years by the Socialist Demos. They are so well entrenched that it will take a lot of time to dig out these Poli-Ticks and correct all the injustices that have occurred

9 months ago

The FBI ( Federal Bullying Institute) no longer is worthy of our respect. How do we rid our country of this branch of puffed up branch of tyrants who are a poison ?

9 months ago

This is exactly how our Totalitarian Communist Fascist Democrat Party government comrades operate now.
Also it’s not just the FBI, it’s every single 3 letter government agency / department. Corruption in the only thing our government has an over abundance of.

Allan Terry
Allan Terry
9 months ago

The DOJ investigation into FBI agents’ illegal conduct related to security clearances is like the fox guarding the henhouse. As far as I know, Attorney General Garland has never told President Biden to stop doing things that violate federal laws. The FBI has lost public confidence by spying on honest citizens and their actions like those described in this article. p

9 months ago

Biden’s Gestapo at work. A day in the life…

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
9 months ago

After the inaugeration parties are over, President Trump must FIRE EVERYBODY!!!!!

9 months ago

It looks like, after two hours, we only have two brave souls who are willing to brave the wrath of the KGB (I mean FBI). Hat’s off to both Jackie and Max!

9 months ago

After Trump becomes President he has to restructure the FBI starting at the top. He really screwed up by appointing Wray, who has shown his political bias.

9 months ago

What should obviously be more concerning to the American public is the fact that the FBI obviously thinks that such factors as the persecution of political opponents, an aggressive stance against constitutional rights, support for the killing of babies, and succumbing to coercion to take an unproven “vaccine” that results in negative health outcomes are factors meriting a security clearance, and employment, and continued employment at their agency. Based upon their criteria being applied by them to their employees there can be no reform of this agency, only a complete dismissal and abolition of the institution as a whole.

carol exposito
carol exposito
9 months ago

Is the Biden (Obama) Administration totalitarian? No doubt about it. Would they steal another election? Probably! So, Republicans be on guard before these foxes’ raid the hen house again!

9 months ago

When ole Joe appeared in Philadelphia surrounded by red lights and the military surrounding him. He looked like the devil and there he declared we were fascists, Nazis and domestic terrorist for being a rep and most of all if you supported Trump. And that is when all this started. The FBI was weaponized and politicized, arrested anti vaxers, business fired those who supported Trump or didn’t take the COVID vaccine. Refused to wear a mask or keep 6 foot distance. We were ahead of time for now we find out from Mr Science himself that masks didn’t or don’t work, and 6 foot distances was arbitrarily. School closures and vaccinating children was the greatest hoax perpetrated in the name of science. And now we have children so damaged they will never be right, ever. And all this is still going on. Take the vaccin they mandated and you won’t get the COVID. Even 4 years later and many boosters people still get COVID. So much for these big pharmas companies saving us. Those of us who did not take the shots are living on in good health. Those who took the first two shots only are all suffering from cancer or heart failure. The excess deaths that are occurring every day from the vaccine all over the world is not reported. 3 Million in the US alone. Because all govts.won’t give out that information and MSM won’t report it. See how long it took to get this story out. One of millions I am sure. And the invaders at the border can come in without any shots. The switching out of American citizens for the invaders is flourishing. Go ahead and vote for Obiden. You are voting for your own demise.

9 months ago

Vote Trump in 2024!
He will get to the Bottom of this injustice.
Beleive in our Founding Father’s Constitution.
It’s in place tp protect us from this kind of assault on the citizens of the US.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
9 months ago

The Swamp is filled with evil demons and human scum.

Fed Up
Fed Up
9 months ago

Anybody with a brain KNEW there were going to be serious consequences from receiving the Covid shots. We are still paying dearly for government shutting down the economy.
Government and social platforms are STILL deleting comments against Covid shots. People were telling war stories so I told mine.
My sisters work for one of our hospitals. They were threatened with job termination if the were not vaccinated. They did not have any contact with patients. Youngest sister breezed through just fine. My other sister suffered a stroke. Every specialist determined the stroke was caused by the shot. There was no causes left after numerous tests. It took some weeks and therapy and it was time for the 1st booster. Within 24 hours she had another stroke. She is no longer allowed to have another covid shot. Trust the government for medical anything? Not then, not now, not ever!

9 months ago

It’s pretty interesting that these FBI “motel detectives” are aggressively sniffing around what seems like a law-abiding, non-imposing American Citizen.
Contrast this with fairly recent memories of the CIA-to-FBI email mentioning the “favor” that the Hillary Clinton campaign requested… to back up the hoax she was working on about Donald Trump’s “Russia Collusion”. That was exactly the favor the FBI granted to the Clinton’s, along with illegally surveilling the Trump Campaign while also lying to the FISA Court about Trump AND their motivations.
Thankfully, that infamous email surfaced when Judicial Watch successfully sued the DOJ for it… and I have found Comey’s “holier-than-thou” posturing in the aftermath to be the most dishonest misrepresentation I have ever seen. He got fired for his corruption, PERIOD…. and, obviously, so should many more among our FBI, DOJ and CIA, who defraud when their job is to protect.
To betray one’s own citizens and countrymen to that degree takes unusually dishonest people… many of whom still work for these corrupt agencies. I am still sickened by the fact that none of these criminals were never arrested or charged with a crime.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
9 months ago

I vividly recall watching a news documentary 25 years ago, A very business type Female was addressing the UN about a topic that was very much in the news then and now. I presumed then and I still believe she was a CDC rep. who specialized in world hunger. I will never forget these words ” THE PRIMARY PROBLEM WE WILL FACE ON THIS PLANET IN THE NEXT 50 YEARS IS OVER POPULATION, AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT” ! She implied that it had to be dealt with by the leading Powers and it needed to start in the 20th century. I have wondered for 25 years where they would begin. Now I know and it worked and it is still working. COVID-19,,, like cattle being guided to the slaughterhouse we lined up and freely accepted their needles. 

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

The Police State is here

9 months ago

Just wanted to point out that the links to read the FBI memos and the letter to the cleared agent wrongly accused are either bad links or incorrect, but I am not surprised, that is expected when you deal with spooks.

9 months ago

Biden and his administration taking us down a slippery slope of invalidating our rights which are ratifies in our Bill of Rights.

9 months ago

This reminds me of when the Nazi’s had children spy on their parents and turn them into the regime and inform on what the parents were saying at home. We have sunk pretty low as a free nation with the FBI spying on law abiding citizens.

9 months ago

The Justice Department management finds the First Amendment to be an inconvenient impediment placed in the Constitution and has decided that employees who express an opinion contrary to Democrat Party dogma need to be expelled from their positions. One can follow the policies and procedures of the Department, but be expelled for expressing an opinion is indeed a reason we need to see some legal action against those in leadership positions, starting with Garland. To think this hack could have been on the Supreme Court. That thought alone makes me want to fly the flag upside down!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I confess, you got me! I voted for Trump and plan to November 5th, I have contributed to 2nd Amendment advocacy organizations and iwn several guns myself, and I have and do question the efficiency of masks, the origins of COVID, and vaccination effectiveness. Call me “scum”.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

Hard to believe a well respected American law enforcement groupe ,has noiw turned into the Gestopo. In the 40’s and 50’s kids my age looked up to them with utmost respect. ., But no more.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
9 months ago

I agree with what Max penned below 1000%, problem is the inmates are running the institution. I would venture a guess that it will take 25 to 30 years to turn this ship around to prevent it from being beached or worse yet stuck in the swamp permanently.
The excess deaths that are occurring every day from the vaccine all over the world is not reported, will never be reported. 3 Million in the US alone. Because all govts.won’t give out that information and MSM won’t report it. See how long it took to get just this story out. And the invaders at the border can come in without any type of vaccines or preventative shots or real vetting. Go ahead and vote for Obiden. You will be voting for your own demise. You will know when the end is near they will be carrying AK 47’s and wearing blue UN Helmets.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
9 months ago

The FBI against someone (employee) that works with and respects firearms. Oh, the horror!. Just imagine our own FBI as effective as an English unarmed ‘bobby’. Why pay for this organization at all? We best keep arming ourselves!

9 months ago

What do you expect from a Banana Republic?

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
9 months ago

Organizations rot from the top down. I personally cannot trust anyone in the FBI.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
9 months ago

The FBI has been corrupted.

Stephen Russak
Stephen Russak
9 months ago

The FBI needs to be investigated for political & personal bias when investigating for security clearances. These criminal/biased criteria are violating basic Constitutional rights and need to be prosecuted as felonies. And Biden needs to be arrested for promulgating this guidance to the FBI.

9 months ago

It is these employees of the FBI that were given grief over their support of Trump etc. that the Donald needs to elevate to leadership of the FBI itself. Probably the only way to save the Agency. And of course those that caused the grief in the first place need to be fired and banned from ever being a part of any intelligence agency for their lack of support for the values of our Constitution!

9 months ago


NIcholas Elder.
NIcholas Elder.
9 months ago

Didn’t the attorney general just make a speech denying any warfare by the DOJ? I would like to hear his BS explanation of this travesty!

9 months ago

People sense when a pattern of questions is “not valid,” but it takes a lawyer to explain why. If we don’t stop the over reach and our law enforcement becomes able to accept just one line of thought, how can equality survive. Plain people have a variety of preferences and beliefs — at least freedom was our prize.

8 months ago

Any way you look at it biden’s gestapo, KGB, SS, it is all the same horse but maybe a different color. ( I hated dto use the horse for this one.) UnAmerican is what this is.

9 months ago

FBI can not survive as is. It needs to be dismantled and restructured. Yet worthless Speaker Johnson with a lot of help from Democrats rewarded this corrupt agency with money for the new building. This guy is total sellout, worse than Judas.

8 months ago

DRAIN THE FREAKING SWAMP! It has become way too big!

8 months ago

It would not surprise me if this happens at every Federal Agency. When he wins the election, DJT and the Republican Congress really need to clean house.

Doug W
Doug W
9 months ago

Link to the memos is not working.

Ray j
Ray j
9 months ago

I guess Kamalatoe must be a supporter.

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
8 months ago

I wonder how many members of AMAC work for the federal government.

Mike Rowe speaking at an event in National Harbor, Maryland.
Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
Man in handcuffs
DOGE closed down more than 200,000 government credit cards

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