For only the second time in US history, the US House voted (209-201) to place impeachment articles of a cabinet secretary – here, Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas – before the relevant committee, which in turn voted to send impeachment to the full House, with a vote likely in February. Does it matter?
In one sense, impeachment is so serious – a finding of legal violations rising to the Constitutional bar of “high crimes and misdemeanors” – that it always matters. In this case, the list of charges is not short.
Having read the articles, they allege that Mayorkas violated his oath “to support and defend the Constitution … against all enemies foreign and domestic … and to well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office,” as he “has willfully and systematically refused to comply with Federal immigration laws.”
The articles allege his abdication of duty rises to “unlawful conduct,” as a result of which “millions of aliens have illegally entered the United States on an annual basis with many unlawfully remaining in the United States.”
They say his “refusal to obey the law” violates the constitutional “separation of powers” – with the Executive not enforcing laws passed by Congress, signed by a prior President, upheld by the Judiciary, and “threatens our national security,” already yielding “dire impact on communities across the country.”
Specifically, he is alleged to have “willfully refused to comply with the detention mandate” outlined in seven separate laws, or sections of laws, including Immigration and Naturalization Act sections 235(b)(2)(A), as well as sections (B, ii), (B, iii, IV), 236 (c), 241 (a, 2), 212(d, 5, A), and 235 (b,2).
In essence, each of these provisions mandated different conditions under which aliens – non-citizens seeking entry to the US – should have been retained, in some cases deported, in all cases held accountable, and not freely released into the interior of the US.
The Articles of Impeachment attribute significant damage to US security resulting from Mayorkas’ decision, presumably made on his own.
To wit: “Despite clear evidence that his willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law has significantly contributed to unprecedented levels of illegal entrants, the increased control of the Southwest border by drug cartels, and the imposition of enormous costs on States and localities affected by this influx of aliens,” Mayorkas “has continued in his refusal to comply with the law, and thereby acted to the grave detriment of the interests of the United States.”
By numbers, from 2017 to 2020, 590,000 alien encounters occurred at border entry points, while under Mayorkas the number “skyrocketed to over 1,400, 000 in fiscal year 2021, over 2,300,000 in fiscal year 2022, and over 2,400,000 in fiscal year 2023.”
Likewise, from 2017 to 2020, an average of 130,000 not apprehended were observed crossing the border, while by 2023, the numbering observed and not apprehended jumped to 750,000, just under a six-fold increase in those “not turned back.”
The Congress notes Mayorkas oversaw a jump from 11 terror watchlist intercepts in all of 2017 to 2020 to 98 in 2022, 169 in 2023, and already – in less than a month – 49 in 2024. Terror is now a real threat.
“American communities … have been devastated by the dramatic growth in illegal entries,” say the Articles, showing massive jumps in drug trafficking, drug deaths, and some 450,000 unaccompanied children not tracked, many presumably now being exploited, abused, and subject to added harm.
Beyond the foregoing, having “degraded public safety,” damaged national security, rule of law, and separation of powers, a Second Article is proffered for “Breach of Public Trust,” by Mayorkas having “knowingly made false statements and knowingly obstructed oversight … to obfuscate the results of his willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” listing his false statements to Congress.
So, having covered the substance of this impeachment, rare but likely to pass, the Senate in an election year will face the question of whether these acts are impeachable. Will it matter?
The short answer is yes – and no. Yes, this impeachment brings front-and-center one of the top issues around which many Americans in both parties, of all affiliations, are angry, distressed, and rightly livid. The abdication of legal responsibility – knowing the encouragement of harm to America – is infuriating.
Yes, there will be hearings, and those will add to public awareness, even as Senate Democrats – and perhaps even some Republicans – argue these acts are not impeachable, or Mayorkas was just following White House orders.
And that takes us to the nub of this whole discussion. This White House – this president, vice president, and all who serve them – bear responsibility, not just one untruthful, deceptive, ineffective cabinet member, or effective if the idea is to encourage unlawfulness, damage the nation’s security.
This collection of inconceivable breaches of trust, from underlying acts and failure to act to ritual lying, misdirection, statements known to be untrue, and enormous damage to average Americans’ safety, security, health, and peace of mind – rests at the foot of this White House.
Finally, like punishing a felon who takes lives after the fact, the retribution side of justice may be satisfied, but that does not restore any of what was lost, peace of mind tied to a secure border, millions of young lives ravaged and lost to drug overdoses, drug-related crimes, sex trafficking, murders, and the wider loss of confidence in government. Yes, impeachment is good, but no, it is not enough.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Beyond impeachment he has willfully been and accomplice to the breaking of Federal Law. He should be tried in Federal Court, found guilty and as a plea bargain sentencing would be 1 yr., for each illegal entry while under his control to be served consecutively without parole. For a traitor such as him this as fair as it should get.
Impeach the whole administration.
Things are going to continue to erode in this country so long as we the people go along with and allow the 545 members of our government to push us down the road towards Communism. It’s time the people, NO the citizens of this great country stand up and demand change, back to how things were before diaper Joe and his band of misfits took over and started destroying this Republic.
Sadly, and you can call me a pessimist, but I don’t see things changing anytime soon…simply because the American public doesn’t seem to have it in them anymore. They’ve all given up or been brainwashed…I don’t know what it is, but we’re all in deep s#it.
We need Trump back in office. The sooner the better.
There needs to be more than just a loss of job. What Mayorkas is doing is treason. Treason used to be punishable by death but I don’t think most Americans have the stomach for that anymore so how about life in prison. There needs to be a severe punishment to act as a deterrent for the next traitor that wants to harm the US.
My dream, a congress and senate actually serving the people of this nation and adhering to the constitution, who would by necessity due to dereliction of duty impeach Mayorcas, Biden, and Harris and installing the current Speaker as president until the elections. But it’s just a dream.
Even if the House votes to impeach this evil man, the Democrat controlled Senate will never pass it. This is nothing more than eyewash.
Mayorkas should be goign to prison for life, no parole, no pension, and all assets confiscated.
The man is so guilty of the charges, he should be tried as an enemy agent involved in attempting to overthrow this country. If he was “only following orders from the White House”, that does not excuse him from breaking the laws. U.S. marshals should be knocking on the White House door with handcuffs in hand also.
This is what we get when not enough people vote and too many stupid ones do: NYC paying more for illegals $53M 28-day cash cards than they do veteran services.
Just like everything else, the Republican leadership will not pursue this either, just like Hunter, it is a “Dog and pony” show and being a republican it is an embarrassment to be represented by the party
Impeaching him is a waste of time. There will never be a conviction in the Senate and the whole exercise will be seen as a partisan effort. He will come out of it more empowered having been found “Not Guilty” in the Senate.
Why waste time impeaching the toadie when we should be focusing on impeaching the head toad ?
The impeachment of Mayorkas – as the joke about a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean – is a good start.
No but it’s a start, then do the same to the president and vice president for their unconstitutional acts against the United States of America. But don’t stop there don’t forget all the congressional members who allowed this crime to take place. Oh I haven’t forgotten the criminals in the Senate as well, all who have not opposed every action against our constitution should be prosecuted and serve time in prison or put to death for TREASON against our Nation.
No impeaching Mayorkas is not enough. Any member of the Biden administration who is not enforcing federal immigration laws needs to be impeached as well. also, any member of the Biden administration should be held criminally responsible for any crimes committed by anyone who violates immigration laws and commits any other crimes while here because the Biden administration aided and abetted these crimes by not enforcing the laws already on the books.
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No one of importance will be touched by law such as it is They all know too much and the whole house of cards would go down like in the game of loo It only takes one card Should anything happen at all it will be some insignificant nobody that takes the fall and commits a suicide in jail
the repubs are all blow and no show
the repubs aren’t impeaching anyone
I know Biden and Hunter are frightened. The big, bad republicans are after them.Which wrist, Joe and Hunter, do you want slapped ? Repubs could’nt impeachMyorkas because they said it “would establish a bad precedent “. What a crock.
DId the dims care about “precedent” when they impeached Trump twice ? I’m supposed to vote for the party of wimps in November ? I’d rather stay home
Why are the people who decide which posts to “post”, allowing morons like the one who uses the name of the greatest president we’ve ever had Renoldes Magnes,to infiltrate AMAC.? IF fools such as this are allowed to spout their drivel on this sight ,I for one will seriously consider dropping my membership to AMAC.Censors do your bloody jobs!
Here we go again, I thought Johnson was the man, however he has failed SSDD
it is just a big show! The republicans only initiate action if they know it will fail. I want to throw the whole bunch, including government employees, out of DC. Some out of the country.
There are three RINOs who voted against impeaching the homely and polluted slob.
What is wrong with republicans
They didn’t impeach Mayorkas
Don’t pay Mayorkas wages or a salary
Pay mayorkad the one dollar that Marjory Tyler recommended which the law recommends
The Republicans that voted not to impeach Mayorkas are a bunch of democrat rhinos.
I heard the like a bunch of turkeys saying let us not go on the road why are they saying that? Because the democrat rhinos are not for uSA or the people in USA
The ard for socislism they are a herd of Marxist idiots.@
They are not conservatives or republicans they are democrat rhinos.
They were fast to impeach and remove Santos
Santo have not cause so much damage to the country as Mayorkas or as shifty shift had cause
Shifty shif was a liar ???? who lied to the country and to congress
They want to put Navarro in jail
I haven’t heard any strong aposición from republicans for not Navarro defense republicans are quiet ????
Why are the Republicans quiet
Because they are democrats
Do not call them just rhinos call them democrat rhinos ????.
I the democrat rhinos are afraid of Mayorkas can you imagine how afraid they of Biden?
This republicans rhinos are out of the closet every time they come defending the democrat party criminals
Are still confused who they are?
Don’t act hi you saw the republican rhinos on camera saying we should go this road of impeaching
Why not?
Because you are a democrat rhinos
The repubs woulnd’t impeach Hitler. One of the repub wimps stated that this would set a bad precedent. Did the Dims worry about precedent when impeaching Trump twice ?
Hell no. DC is a tough place to be when only one side knows how to fight. You can also forget about impeaching Biden. I don’t care how many nations he’s extorted.
He is at fault for what has happened in this country we are over ran with people from all over the world and some have capital crimes like murder, rape and terrorist and more it is not just him but Biden and his VP and other Dems are at fault as well.
Considering that the motion was blocked by all the Democrats in Congress, this is a wasted discussion.
Check-and-balances do not matter anymore if they ever did. He’s ‘just following orders’…. That’s why he’ll never be held responsible for derelection of duty.
He should be in jail. Where have you ever seen anyone get away with telling congress he would not enforce laws because nobody else does. What law enforcement gets to pick and choose what laws to enforce and obey. Oh it is Majorkis.
He should be impeached and shot for treason to God and country.
Mayorkas is employed by the President, not the people!! If Mayorkas didn’t agree with the President, Obama and Soros about the border, he should have resigned!! But he sealed his fate by continuing, for three years, to refuse to enforce the law that he took an oath to do and he has put every single American citizen in massive danger and our country in possible financial ruin!!! He is as guilty as Joe and Kamala in this matter!!
All this theater. Yes, Myorkas abused his office and is essentially a traitor. However, EVERYONE should realize this impeachment BS will go nowhere as the Dems will never support the articles in the Senate.
To pound this wormy A-hole into the ground, what Congress can do is completely defund all agencies under the control of Mayorkas. How would it hurt the situation as is at the border? It cannot get any worse. Starve these tyrant bureaucrats and they WILL fell it and MAY correct their action and begin actually doing their jobs
I think Charles misses the big picture here as the way I understand it: Mayorkas is a cabinet member of Biden administration & did Biden put VP Harris in charge of Southern Border a few years ago & does WH press claim border is secure. The WH administration is the problem & getting rid of the messengers will not solve the problem. Another thing, it appears that Texas & Florida governors are adding to a more widespread problem by shipping these border jumpers to states deeper into Northern states.