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Illegal Immigration Is Going Down? Actually, It’s Not

Posted on Wednesday, July 10, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Weeks after the Biden Administration issued an executive order on border policy, the White House is taking a victory lap, claiming it has solved a crisis of its own making.

Last month, the administration took executive action to close the border once a threshold of 2,500 illegal crossings a day is reached, while at the same time carving out broad exceptions for illegal alien children. Border statistics for the month of June did indeed show a significant drop in illegal crossings, down to 84,000, a number that is still way too high.

The White House celebrated this new marker on social media, claiming that they have delivered “real results” when it comes to reducing illegal immigration. However, the true measure of success when it comes to reducing illegal immigration is lowering not the number of illegal border crossings, but the number of illegal aliens present in the U.S.

Since the Biden Administration assumed office in January 2021, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the country, and there is nothing to suggest the administration has any interest in reducing that staggering number. To the contrary, the executive branch appears much more focused on resettlement for illegal aliens than deportation.

According to a recent study from the National Immigration Center for Enforcement, nearly 99 percent of illegal aliens are living freely in the U.S., unmonitored by the Department of Homeland Security. The administration has also been flying previously deported illegal aliens back into the U.S., according to a report earlier this month from The Washington Free Beacon. Despite rhetorical shifts, it’s clear the Biden Administration has not at all deviated from its plans to use illegal immigration to reshape the U.S. Any reduction in illegal crossings is nullified by the administration’s continued efforts to resettle large numbers of illegal aliens into the country at the expense of American taxpayers.

While we don’t know for sure just how many illegal aliens currently live in the U.S., the number is likely around 30-40 million people. The presence of this many people in the country illegally has always been at the heart of our immigration crisis, more so than anything that occurs at the border. This is not to downplay the significance of border security, nor to argue that reducing illegal crossings is not important. They are. But, the only long-term solution to immigration lawlessness is mass deportations.

Even the most liberal politicians are willing to offer lip service in favor of border security, but the true test of whether someone is willing to do what’s necessary to restore America’s sovereignty is if they are willing to demand the removal of the tens of millions of people who have violated our laws and entered our country illegally. On this matter, the Biden Administration has continued to go in the wrong direction.

On its very first day in office, the administration submitted a legislative proposal to Congress which would grant amnesty to all illegal aliens living in the country through a pathway to citizenship. While this proposal never came close to becoming law, the White House has abused its authority by creating a series of executive amnesties for foreign nationals, many of whom are in the country illegally.

Most notably, the administration unveiled a DACA-style amnesty for illegal alien spouses of American citizens, allowing them to obtain green cards, work permits, and ultimately a pathway to citizenship. This program is ripe for abuse, and experts have warned that it will lead to an explosion of marriage fraud. There is also the recently announced extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for foreign nationals from Yemen, creating a “temporary” amnesty for thousands of Yemeni nationals. Additionally, the administration also took action last month to allow 100,000 illegal migrants to enter the white-collar workforce, further shafting American workers already struggling under difficult economic conditions. This is to say nothing of the ways the White House has spent the past three years abusing its parole authority to import countless illegal aliens into the country.

Artificially reducing illegal border crossings to provide political cover for a series of executive amnesties is the latest cynical move by this administration in its attempt to deceive Americans about the economic, cultural, and national security threats posed by illegal immigration. If the tens of millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S. are allowed to remain here, and also rewarded with giveaways and pathways to citizenship, while illegal border crossings decline, that means illegal immigration is still increasing, not decreasing.

The only way to reduce illegal immigration is to begin the process of removing the countless number of foreign nationals in the country illegally. Instead, this administration continues to do the opposite.

Dale L. Wilcox is executive director and general counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of mass migration.

Reprinted with Permission – By Dale L. Wilcox

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

Meanwhile the illegals are being signed up for driver’s licenses, assorted federal benefit programs, and anything else they need to check off to be registered to vote. It may be illegal, but when has they ever stopped the Democrats from doing something? Answer: Never!

Don’t be fooled by the Democrats’ faux panic and the howls from within the D.C. beltway over what are they going to do about Old Joe. Whether Joe stays or goes, all the other schemes they Dems have already queued up to ensure another Democrat “win” are well underway. Otherwise, the Dems would have already started down the 25th Amendment route and be talking about who would be President Harris’s new VP pick and how long after the election Harris would “gracefully bow out” in order to elevate the new VP to Presidential status.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Illegal immigration is down? Holy Gee, more good news! I just learned on CNN that prices of food, gas, cars, and new homes is down. Hallelujah! Thing is I went grocery shopping today and I’m guessing they forgot to tell the store that! And the gas station where I filled my tank…

8 months ago

biden loves illegals more than americans

8 months ago

Very informative and infuriating article. This is simply one more instance of Biden’s and Obama’s administrations having misrepresented both their actions and objectives on illegal immigration. These two are surely the filthiest liars in the history of United States Presidents. I do hope that both soon fully understand how soiled our citizens feel by having been subject to their damaging, dishonest, and disturbing brand of “leadership”.

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

We need to realize that controlling illegal immigration in this country is akin to trying to reanimate the dead. I can recall back in my high school years growing up in south Texas the situation with the wetbacks was already out of control made by the passage of the “Great Society” legislation. Like today politicians postured wildly over their ongoing efforts to get a handle on and end illegal immigration.
The problem back then was actually still within repair range. Not today in this “free” country and its set in stone status as a nation driven by narrative. Narrative designed and implemented by a mixture of corporate and governmental bodies. That is textbook Fascism and to that we are still supposed to remove our hats and pledge allegiance to?
In short, the illegal immigration problem is too far down the road of the collapse of the entire nation. Dealing with it now is akin to going full bore with Chemo on a patient in the last hours of hospice care.

8 months ago

Nobody is fooled by their fake “trying to do something”. Trump had it somewhat under control. Biden as a traitor to America opened up the border and undid all of Trumps policies. Now that the country is flooded with enemy combatants, terrorists, gang members, murderers, rapists and other freeloaders taking advantage of our system, Biden claims he’s doing something. Too late! He should be put in prison for what he did. Biden is the worst president in history hands down!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
8 months ago

Even if it cost taxpayers a billion dollars, I hope trump rounds them up aned haules them back where the7y come from.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Political dissidents in Soviet Union were subjected to mental torture I wonder if this is worse

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
8 months ago

Priority one should be to stop incentivizing them to come here in the first place. Make it clear they are getting NO assistance whatsoever. No free housing, no free education, no free healthcare, no free food, NO FREE ANYTHING. Make it so they cannot get jobs and evict the squatters from our Country. Start immediately with the deportations. Enter their names and DNA into a database and flag them so if they come back, they will be forever blacklisted and they and their family members can NEVER come here.

8 months ago

Every illegal alien that arrives at our border should be immediately placed on cruise ships that await to fill to capacity. Once full, it should be sailed to Alaska where they will be processed and placed in a shelter city. There they will be semi self-sufficient and be responsible for cooking, cleaning, laundry, and government assigned work such as building new construction and infrastructure including schools, medical facilities, libraries, etc… If they don’t like it, they can always get back on the ship and will be deported once the ship arrives back at port. After living there for (5) years, they can then apply for residency. In the meantime, they stay in Alaska. I’m sure once the word gets out to the masses, you’ll see a ten-fold drop in illegal aliens at our borders.

8 months ago

I understand “President” Biden is working hard on the phone tonight to sell his candidacy to his “Democrat” congressmen. He’s been at it since 5 PM. We’ll wait ’till tomorrow to let him know his phone was unplugged at 4 PM….

8 months ago

Not just 10 million BUT,……10 Million HOMELESS illegal aliens !!!

8 months ago

more states need to create laws giving local and state law emforment the ability to arrest and deport the lawbreaking trash. Deduct the costs from the money given to their home countries. Also eliminate two languages on packaging and telephones. No government dollars wasted on them. Make life here HELL for them before they are deported. And arrest and charge with felonies anybody aiding and abetting them.

Mark Fredrickson
Mark Fredrickson
8 months ago

Sure, Joe realized the err of his ways and started mass deportations right?

David Shingledecker
David Shingledecker
8 months ago

Only a politician would think that southern border crossings are down because of any other reason besides just plain common sense. The temperature at the Mexican border is around 180 degrees this time of year, even at night. Illegal aliens are law breakers, not stupid!

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
8 months ago

Yes, and the executive branch is making those decisions, but I don’t see or hear any group of conservatives out there fighting those decisions by publically speaking out. Writing letters is a nothing burger or something would be being done to reverse those decisions. Our current congress is week kneed when it comes to making something happen to correct the wrong-doing by this administration. Spineless.

8 months ago

Taking credit is ridiculous. Especially after all that Texas did on the border. His is executive order after 3 and a half years of unbridled flooding of military age men and criminals along with non-latinos is too little too late. Gov. Abbott is more responsible for the drop than sleepy, creepy Joe ever thought about being, not that FJB thinks.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

NOT Here in CA

Sad Heritage
Sad Heritage
8 months ago

Dale shouldn’t you be crying to some immigrants that aren’t leaving the public pool about how white history month isn’t real?

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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