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Hunter Biden Business Partner Confirms Email Showing Joe Was Offered Ten Percent Stake in Chinese Business Deal

Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2020
by Outside Contributor

bidenThe recipient of an email that purportedly detailed a business arrangement between a Chinese company and the Biden family confirmed on Thursday that the email is “genuine” and said the family “aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions” from foreign entities.

Tony Bobulinski, who is listed as a recipient of the email first published by the New York Post, offered further detail in a statement to Fox News on the correspondence, which references a proposed equity split: “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

“The reference to ‘the Big Guy’ in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden,” said Bobulinski, who says he was brought on as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings by Hunter Biden and James Gilliar, the sender of the email.

Sinohawk “was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family,” he said.

Bobulinski said he does not believe Joe Biden’s previous claim that the Democrat and the younger Biden did not discuss Hunter’s business.

Hunter Biden “frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals,” he said.

“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line,” Bobulinski said.

“The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China,” he added.

Chinese involvement in the deal was “political or influence investment” on their part, Bobulinski believes.

He has agreed to provide documents to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that allegedly show Joe Biden was designed to be a silent beneficiary in the venture, according to Breitbart. The panel sent Bobulinski a request for documents on Wednesday.

Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), the chairman of the committee, told Just the News that the panel is “working to validate information being revealed by multiple sources.”

“As part of those efforts, we have reached out to several individuals named in recently revealed emails, including Tony Bobulinski. We look forward to their cooperation in helping us uncover the truth,” Johnson said.

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4 years ago

Sadly, several Democrat talking heads say that it doesn’t matter. They have stirred up enough hatred of Trump that liberals rather have a criminal as President than Trump. They are simply not worried about it AND they know that the media can cover it up from those who might be offended by the Biden crime family??

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Prosecute Biden alone for CCP ties with next Trade deal with China, use this ammo in trade talks
alone aside Russia Burisma.

Veronica Storey
Veronica Storey
4 years ago

Not just Joe spending the money. Send them all to the big house. They would have no mercy on us, so give them the same. Old Joe knew what he was doing as well as all the family. Prosecute them all!!!!!!!

4 years ago

Democrats have the enemy of the people (the fraud network news media) in their party. The media has assured us there no truth to this story. In other words, the democrat communist party has told us there’s nothing to see here! Got it?

4 years ago

How much corruption is enough, when will the fake news media stand up for the American people, I truly believe
that all the news media (except Fox ?) are doing their best to be picked for the official news media for the new communist regime the Democrats (Demonrats), just like Pravda is in Russia.
God Bless President Donald J. Trump !
God Bless America !
God Bless The NRA !
Save America, Vote Republican 1

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
4 years ago

nothing is going to happen. Politicians are corrupt, have lost faith in FBI and not so sure about AG.

4 years ago

Nothing will happen to the corrupt bidens. The deep state DOJ will see to that.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

Come on folks! Don’ you know by now that this kind of activity is a badge of honor for Democrats? Look at what has happened to Hillary Clinton. Nothing!

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Keep holding the Biden’s feet to the fire! Teveal the corruption!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

There are so many smoking guns that this will make Watergate look like a bump in the road. There will be no denying the evidence when it is presented. This is a criminal organization bent on betraying everything that they took a pledge to avoid. Election or not, this needs to move front and center with all of the media. If the lame street media avoids this topic, they are co-conspirators in the whole thing.

4 years ago

I wonder if the corrupt politician isn’t so deep that it will be possible to clear it up. DC is referred to as the “swamp”. I’m not sure that “swamp” is correct. It’s more like a chamber of Hell itself. Too many will lie, cheat or steal to get what they want.

4 years ago

Joe Biden is a liar and a thief. Greedy Vice President Biden just might be our next president. Mr. Biden took so much money from CHINA and Russia. The fake news media is not even covering the story. What has happened to the US of A ???

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Hunter was and is a tool. He is the commission sales agent with a big expense account. The brothers,wives,and sons are all involved. However, everything is deny,deny,and deny. The FBI had this laptop/hard drive for @11 months? Taken for the investigation of a money laundering case? The FBI? That gives me the warm and fuzzies!! This email is from 2017? Hiden was hiden in 2017. LET US BE REAL. HILLARY IS STILL RUNNING LOOSE AND JOE IS JUST AS PROTECTED IF NOT MORE SO. NOTHING WILL COME OF THIS EMAIL/LAPTOP SOAP OPERA. NOTHING-NADA-ZIPPO. JUST GET POTUS REELECTED!!!!!

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

Lock Him Up…….Nothing more needs to be said !!!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
4 years ago

Unfortunately, this is too late to ward off the election. Why wasn’t this brought out way before now?

4 years ago

Some jail time needed since big H likes to stay in bunker.

4 years ago

This is treason! Why isn’t the biden crime syndicate in jail? Oh, I forgot. The demoncRATS are above the law.

Star Garnet
Star Garnet
4 years ago

Isn’t that pay to play? Bribery? Influence peddling? ALL of this is illegal, last I knew.

4 years ago

And if Biden wins the election, in his state of mind, is he going to allow the CCP to take over America? He will be puppet to whatever the CCP wants from us for some payback! Corruption at the core but once again double standard! I’m so sick of this! When are BIG HEADS going to roll off to jail in orange jump suits?

4 years ago

This family has the opinion that the whole Biden family is and has been illegally taking advantage of Joe Biden’s position in the US Gov. Crooked is as Crooked does.

Wilbert C. Jennings Jr.
Wilbert C. Jennings Jr.
4 years ago

Biden did nothing for47 years and used his lies and unfortunate loss of family to get a VP with obama and then again for 8 years did nothing but compromise America with his Son for A LOT OF MONEY. He lied when he told a reporter he has never seen the money Trump has to pay in tax when he actually went from under 400K to a billion dollars.

Wayne Ogg
Wayne Ogg
4 years ago

I wish I had confidence that something would be done about this corruption but I have been disappointed by the lack of accountability so many times in the past I am doubtful anything will come of it.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Go Trump Go!!

4 years ago

I think the sad truth is, nothing is going to happen to any of these criminals. And, the fact that the FBI sat on all of this for almost a year makes me wonder if they are getting a commission on the deal to look the other way. It boggles the mind of patriotic Americans!! So,, I think the only thing we can do at this point in time is to make sure that President Trump gets elected in November. Then every election after this we republicans better be on our toes to keep republicans, (true republicans) in every office possible. It’s our only hope for keeping a constitutional America alive for our children and grandchildren. And, we need a DOJ that will root out and prosecute these criminals, let them know there are consequences for their treasonous acts!! Let’s take America back!! We can do it, VOTE TRUMP 2020.

4 years ago

Something to consider; what country that became corrupt ever survived their corruption? The answer is none.
All corrupt nations ( as history show) fell, this one is no exception. Connecticut that has a former Senator who was found to be corrupt still having influence in Government by the name of Christopher Dodd. This scoundrel should in a Federal penitentiary, he simply is symbolic of what Connecticut and this country stands for.The clock is ticking on Americas demise by the judgement of God, the only supreme court.

4 years ago

I hope you are correct about Trump being reelected.

4 years ago

Corruption, lies, deceit and Democrats go together. As such, justice will not be served. Look at Hillary Rodham Clinton as an example.

J Varl
J Varl
4 years ago

One more thought; IF Biden is elected and this is finally PROVEN true (which I believe it is); it may be a way to get him to step down so Harris can reign supreme and select a new VP. How scary is that? We have to re-elect Pres. Trump!

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

Tony Bobulinski could very well die from suicide any time now…

Michael Moir
Michael Moir
4 years ago

Yea we really want a President that is PRE-bought by the communist Chinese

4 years ago

But they are so much more concerned with trashing Trump’s investment in China or any country that his company did business with.

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
4 years ago

I highly doubt anything will happen ” but let’s see what happens, in the event it does it couldn’t happen to a more deserving swamp creature !

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

Everybody is for sale, the only question is the price, we already know your a whore, we’re just neogociating price. And yes, I still suck at spellin’, don’t matter if I have enough money. I think this was a joke at one time, but now I ain’t sure.

4 years ago

Democrats have been the puppets of the Communist Chinese since the Clintons sold them every thing the could get their hands on.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

The walls are closing in on the dems. Trump should play and replay and replay the video of Biden incredibly admitting that he used
$ 1 billion of US taxpayer money to extort the Ukraine govt. Never has a party showed up for a presidential election with as much of a criminal record and with as little to offer as the dems. If the repubs lose this , they will never be taken seriously. Maybe, just maybe, key repubs
will realize that they need to get their butts off the sidelines and into the game with only 10 days left. I don’t know. I think most of the
repub swamp prefer to watch Trump rather than help him. The repub congress is notoriously lazy.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

Is the FBI now the equivalent of the old Russian KGB ?

4 years ago

Well,well,well it’s clear that biden sold out America and lied!
When will these corrupt establishment politicians and Washington elites finally be prosecuted. America must elect President Trump to finally drain the swamp!
Think of it ,hillary, comey hrennan,clapper are all liars and care only about filling their pockets.
They enter the democrat party and the corruption begins.
They do nothing good for America .
Time for these criminals to go!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

Amac is the only place this morning that the news about Joe Biden’s illegal activities is being seen. This is sad and ridiculous because the American people have the right to know that Biden has exploited the United States and that he is still in bed with the Chinese communists. I do not understand why so many US citizens cannot see him for what he is and realize just how bad he would be for the country.

4 years ago

With all the spying FBI did on ordinary citizens, why didn’t they know about HBiden’s involvement with China? Where’s our CIA? Where’s DOJ? Where’s IRS who crucified Tea party? The swamp is still in DC doing Dems’ bidding. Who’s marching riders are they all following?

4 years ago

But Leslie Stahl says there is no evidence. Haha.

Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
4 years ago

What really pisses me off, is that nothing is done to these criminals, and Trump has been harassed since he took office. Why don’t the Republicans go after them???

4 years ago

I do agree with VG. Two sets of laws. One for them and one for us still seems to be in fashion, This is wrong and has been wrong for such a long time. Has there been any doubt that the Biden’s are corrupt and have sold out America and the American people. Those people in our political office, who represent the American people, who make deals with our enemies for their own profit belong in jail or worse. This is treason. Why did the FBI hold on the computer so long?-this I guess this allowed Biden to run for office. It just shows the Deep state is really deep! Perhaps a complete upfront medical physical could have shown Biden was not in his right mind to make a deal with our enemies-I doubt it. He and his family have sold out America. They belong in Jail.

Carol Crozman
Carol Crozman
4 years ago

The best thing we can do is VOTE Trump back in. Let’s all send a strong message that the American people WILL NOT put up with this kind of corruption without some kind of repercussion. The Biden family believes that Joe deserves (after 47 years) to be in a position of power. We, the people may not hold the power to convict the Biden family, but WE CAN WITHHOLD a position that he wants so badly. VOTE TRUMP!!

4 years ago

This should get interesting.
Per Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return, he shows $10,048,739 in income from the two S-Corps he holds, along with $720,087 in salaries from his S-Corps and Jill Biden’s teaching. The $10+ Million is, presumably, from speeches and book royalties. But comon’ man, who is going to pay a former blow-hard ineffectual VP that much money to speak at their gatherings? Biden’s web site and other news reports repeat that he will not disclose how many speeches and how much per speech. And in 2018, his reported gross income drops to $4.5MM. Really?? What happened? Fewer speeches? Lower book royalties? What most likely happened is his 10% CEFC payment in 2017. Now, not holding office he can certainly charge ‘fees’ for whatever as long as he reports it to the IRS as income. But how was this CEFC business deal made initially? Did he use his VP office to set it up? And what about his clear statement in 2019 to Fox News “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”.

So is this newsworthy to the mainstream outlets? Apparently not. For Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 15 Media Research Center analysts looked at the ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning shows, plus ABC’s and NBC’s townhall events with Joe Biden and President Trump, as well as CNN and MSNBC’s coverage (6am through midnight ET). Out of a total of 92 hours of news programming, there was less than 10 minutes (9 minutes, 47 seconds) spent on the latest scandal involving Joe Biden’s son, or less than 0.2% of the available airtime,”

And not to be left out, Twitter has put the NY Post on lock down for daring to use them to transmit the story

More to come!

4 years ago

There are a lot more important issues facing America today. We must defeat the virus & get the US back to normal life. The Wagging the Dog issues like Hunter, Trump taxes, etc. are not top priority & things I want AMAC to focus on. There are only 2-weeks to election & what are the things that will unite USA again & not divide us. I ask AMAC not to take sides but help us to unite.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

If we all get out and VOTE, YES we, the true AMERICAN Citizens CAN win back the House and hold the Senate!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

John Wesley
John Wesley
4 years ago

If life was fair you would be correct. The designed voter fraud that we are experiencing at this time will put the Democrat/Communist in POWER.

Stephanie Staker
Stephanie Staker
4 years ago

This is just so like the Democrats! Why is it that Joe Biden has 3 million dollar homes (at least a million, right?) when he made less that $500,000 a year as a senator? I believe that Hunter financed Joe’s lifestyle. I am sure Joe’s tax returns do not reflect this because Hunter paid all his bills! Hunter even says this in a way in one of the emails. What’s worse is that Big Tech is censoring any and all info on this!!! I am sick of the corruption in Washington.

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