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“HOYAGATE” – Will Georgetown President Have to Testify?

Posted on Thursday, April 4, 2024
by BC Brutus


georgetown university

Rocked in recent weeks by allegations in investigative reports uncovering rampant partisan “lawfare,” plans for election interference, and the breeding of anti-Trump fanaticism, Georgetown University now faces possible congressional hearings following a letter from House Oversight Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) ordering several faculty members to preserve documents related to the potential misuse of university resources.

Such hearings could put university President John J. DeGioia, who has led the school’s sharp move to the left, directly under the spotlight, drawing the kind of publicity that attended the infamous hearings last December exposing the antisemitism running rampant on the campuses of elite universities. This time, however, the issue will be Georgetown’s tax-exempt status and the fact that the school accepts hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars even as its faculty commit apparent election interference and are major players in the lawfare against Trump.

In two extraordinarily well-researched pieces published in March, Deroy Murdock for The American Spectator and Neil McCabe for RedState delve into how Georgetown sacrificed its academic standards in pursuit of left-wing political goals. Their exposés follow additional reporting from “Twitter Files” author Matt Taibbi earlier this year which likewise uncovers how the university has collapsed into angry partisanship instead of an institution of higher learning.

As Murdock, McCabe, and Taibbi all detail, Georgetown has become a haven for the most extreme anti-Trump activists, including individuals who have been entirely disgraced and even may have broken the law.

Perhaps the most infamous is Peter Strzok, the former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI who was a major player in the Russiagate hoax. Strzok was the subject of an Inspector General report that detailed his anger toward Trump and exposed his efforts to label Trump a Russian agent despite knowing there was no truth to the claims. Strzok now works as an adjunct professor in Georgetown’s foreign service school in an apparent reward for his efforts.

Just as astonishingly, Georgetown has also hired former Obama chief of staff and Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta. We now know that Podesta was another key figure in Russiagate, and that even as his boss Hillary Clinton was giving her concession speech in 2016 and urging people to give Trump a “chance to govern,” Podesta was working to overturn the election and push the narrative that Trump was in the pocket of Vladimir Putin.

Taken in culmination, the recent revelations create a stunning picture of how Georgetown now appears to have descended like Harvard and Yale into the worst sort of ugly and malicious hate-peddling political activism – seriously undermining the school’s Catholic identity in the process.

Just a few decades ago, Georgetown was renowned as the home of leading Catholic intellectuals, including names like James Schall, a prominent Jesuit writer and thinker, and foreign policy lights such as Anthony Bouscaren, Lev Dobriansky, and Jeane Kirkpatrick. Now, however, rather than these great thought leaders who exposed Soviet totalitarianism and rallied people to the defense of freedom, Georgetown has courted all the sons and daughters of the radical leftism that is tearing the United States apart.

Murdock’s scathing indictment of the university is particularly telling, as he is himself a graduate of the school. But as he describes in his March 17 column, Georgetown, and in particular Georgetown Law, has now become the “Vatican of Trump hatred” – something which should call the school’s tax-exempt status into question.

“The relentless lawsuits and other efforts to ‘get Trump’ too often lead back to my alma mater,” Murdock writes. “This cabal’s intensely partisan actions at a non-profit university raise questions about Georgetown’s qualifications to receive federal grants and remain tax-exempt.”

In total, Georgetown has received a jaw-dropping $970 million from American taxpayers over just the past six years – all while its faculty were displaying blatant partisanship and working to undermine Donald Trump.

As McCabe reported on March 23, Rep. Sessions recently sent a preservation letter to one of those faculty members, Georgetown Law School Associate Dean Rosa Brooks.

Brooks, a senior advisor in the Obama administration, was a key member of a group called the “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP), a collection of liberal elites from throughout government and academia who thought up ways to prevent Trump from being re-elected in 2020 and war-gamed how they might prevent him from taking office if he were to win four years ago.

Notably, just a few weeks into Trump’s first term in 2017, Foreign Policy magazine published a piece from Brooks in which she openly speculated about “three ways to get rid of Trump” – including a military coup d’état.

As McCabe describes, TIP was funded in part by groups linked to liberal megadonor George Soros. Now, Rep. Sessions is asking Brooks for materials related to TIP, writing that he is “particularly concerned by the activities of TIP, and any similar endeavor in advance of the 2024 election, because this exercise seems to have been administered adjacent to the Georgetown University Law School.”

Matt Taibbi has also reported extensively on the links between Georgetown faculty and TIP. While TIP participants allege that their plotting was just a series of thought experiments, Taibbi notes an eerie similarity between their theorizing about how Trump might seek to “undermine democracy” and actual actions Trump’s opponents have been taking against him over the past eight years.

For instance, months before January 6, 2021, one TIP simulation predicted that Trump “would contrive to label Biden supporters guilty of ‘insurrection’” following hypothetical left-wing protests after a clear 2020 Trump victory.

As Taibbi wrote, quoting Michael Brendan Daugherty in National Review, the TIP report and TIP participants’ activities in the early months of the 2020 campaign give off the unavoidable impression that “some progressives are steeling themselves for a Color Revolution in the United States,” because winning a normal election “just isn’t cathartic enough.”

If that was indeed the case, it seems Georgetown allowed itself to become home base for plotting that revolution. The links between the school and the individuals leading the “resistance” against Trump are numerous.

And now, according to Taibbi, they are apparently back at it again, preparing for a possible Trump victory. At least some of that preparation, it appears, may be taking place within the confines of Georgetown.

Mary McCord, who told NBC News in January that she is “already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits” – an endeavor that sounds suspiciously similar to the TIP – is a visiting professor at Georgetown Law School. As Murdock relayed, McCord “submitted the original false FISA application to the court using the demonstrably false Dossier,” placing her at the center of the Russiagate hoax.

Former DNC Chair and TIP participant Donna Brazile is also a professor and lecturer in Georgetown’s Women’s Studies Department.

Jennifer Granholm, the former Governor of Michigan and current Secretary of Energy, joined the board of Georgetown Law’s “Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection” in 2019 – just a few months before becoming involved with TIP.

With a pivotal election coming up in November, Americans deserve to know what role exactly Georgetown is playing in trying to influence the outcome of the current race. That could put Georgetown’s President DeGioia squarely under the microscope if House Republicans decide to more closely look into this matter – as McCabe’s reporting suggests they already are.

Specifically, the House Education Committee could haul DeGioia in for questioning to ask what he knows about apparent plots by his own faculty members to stop Trump from taking office. Republicans could then press for more answers on what exactly these individuals are teaching Georgetown students – many of whom will likely go on to occupy prominent posts in the government.

Georgetown could also lose its tax-exempt status, something that would be a major warning for other leading universities to rein in their political activism.

As the questioning of the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and M.I.T. late last year showed, transparency is often the most powerful tool in swaying public opinion. At the very least, transparency is what the American people deserve when it comes to potential efforts to undermine democracy.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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6 months ago

Take away their tax exemption and stop sending them US taxpayer dollars.

6 months ago

It just goes to show that in today’s woke America, you can get busted for corruption and maybe you’ll get fired from your current position, but there’s always a high-paying job waiting for you at a woke university or lamestream media outlet.

6 months ago

Everything is intertwined with one another in the dems political world and Academia. From H to Podesta of the Pizza gate fame, to ole Joe and O and senators and representatives to Soros and Bill Gates to the WEF to the elites ruling the BIS. Today ole Joe fell to the deep state and told Israel Cease Fire or Else. Tyranny is rampant in the USA as well as the rest of the world. We the people have let it go too long and the foothold the dems with the rest of the left ideologues have created will take drastic measures to reverse. The reverse racism against the White Race is well and flourishing in the White House.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

Follow the money and you get to the bottomless depth of the rot

6 months ago

Well, that’s quite a list of hate staff, isn’t it? The problem is, they will continue to get away with it simply because it’s “Georgetown,” and we know nothing which happens in D.C. is held accountable for any wrong doing. When I think of the millions of young people who have been brainwashed and indoctrinated through and under the guise of education, it makes me ill. Until they grow up and in their late 60’s get a “got it” moment, I don’t think the few honest people in leadership stand a chance. God, please help our nation, we have sinned!!!! (And are still sinning – with no remorse.)

Dean Howerton
Dean Howerton
6 months ago


Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
6 months ago

These entities intent on AMERICA having a one party political system,a leftist system of democ rats.It seems to me that a one party system is what russia,north korea,cuba,china and a few others have.This stinks like a very deep”sewer”communist system run by democ rats and other leftists.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
6 months ago

Perhaps GTown will award Lyin’ Biden an honorary doctorate degree in Governmental Ethics.

Old Silk
Old Silk
6 months ago

Bubba’s alma mater.

6 months ago

The first clear evidence that I saw of Georgetown sinking rapidly was a few years ago, when students decided to purge a library there of works they found offensive. They were triggered, inter alia, by pulp and noir novels from the 50’s with cover art featuring scantily clad women of all hues. They “surmised,” based on covers alone, that the books had no place in a college library. Yes, you read that right, they were judging books by their covers. Isn’t that what higher education is all about, after all? Isn’t that sort of knee jerking precisely the reason you want to spend your youth and your tuition marinating yourself in the wisdom of centuries? You know. to hide and destroy things that feel icky to your half-formed brain and immature sensibilities. Moreover, they were urging removal of books with scary words in them, words like “squaw” and “ni%%er,” books by Twain and Conrad.
Cultural vandalism was still astonishing in 2020. Sadly it is less astonishing today. We have fallen a long way in four years.

6 months ago

Embarrassed to be an alumnus

6 months ago

Dr. Anthony Fauci landed at Georgetown as well.

6 months ago

It’s ok, they’re Democrats. Nothing to see here folks. Oh look, Trump said something mean on tv!

6 months ago

Time to just plain shut these so called universities down!

6 months ago

It appears that if you are a Conservative, you would not be allowed to apply for admission to Georgetown.

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
6 months ago

Georgetown was founded as a Jesuit institution. But the Jesuit fathers lost control of it to liberals years ago. Recall that when Barack Obama spoke there, they even covered up Christian symbols near the podium. BTW: Isn’t Pope Francis a Jesuit? Any comment, Your Holiness?

6 months ago

This sounds strangely like conspiracy to commit insurrection.

6 months ago

I tune out when anyone, right or left, writes under a pen name.

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