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How We Got to the Brink of World War III

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

biden and harris walking at white house while we are on brink of world war III
Late last month, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk offered a stark warning regarding the current conflicts facing the world, namely in Ukraine and the Middle East, that many everyday Americans believe, but few in power are willing to say publicly: “We are sleepwalking our way into World War III with one foolish decision after the other.” With the war in Ukraine continuing to draw in ever-more U.S. resources, instability in the Middle East after Hamas’s attack on Israel, and China moving naval warships into Middle Eastern waters along with more aggression toward Taiwan, it is hard to disagree with Musk’s statement. While a larger war is far from certain, and God-willing peace will prevail, what is clear is that the world has entered a new era. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, neoconservatives and the Washington foreign policy class widely predicted that global trade and the erosion of national boundaries through organizations like the United Nations and European Union would see the end of large-scale global conflict. The 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama argued this point and was one of the most cited works during that time. Fukuyama and his fellow “experts” predicted that wealth created by democratic governments, backed by capitalism, would create one unified, global community. Free trade, free markets, and universal human rights would become the norm in this new utopia. That vision came crashing down with the 9/11 attacks followed by two decades of war in the Middle East and a series of horrific decisions by the ruling class that was supposed to bring about “the end of history.” Permitting China to join the World Trade Organization as a permanent member killed millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs and emboldened the Chinese Communist Party. American adventurism in the Middle East drained manpower and resources as well as crippled America’s international prestige. Meanwhile, NATO’s efforts to “westernize” former Soviet satellite states backfired, leading to the rise of Vladimir Putin. One bright spot since the turn of the millennium, in terms of international relations, was in fact the Trump presidency. Despite breathless predictions that he would instigate World War III, Trump was the first president in two generations under whom the United States entered no new wars or conflicts, Putin seized no additional territory, China was held in check, and the Middle East saw a real chance at lasting peace. Yet the “experts” ignored all this progress and predicted President Biden’s 2020 victory would reinvigorate and restore American integrity on the international stage – despite decades of Biden doing precisely the opposite of that in the Senate and as vice president. The fantasy that Biden would be a great foreign policy success story was soon shattered by his calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan and then Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden attempted to rally support for his failing presidency by promising that the American-led West would make Putin a “pariah” on the national stage and lead to the speedy defeat of Russian forces. Yet Russia is far from a pariah, with China, Iran, and several other nations continuing to conduct commerce with Russia in direct defiance of the United States. Meanwhile, support for Ukraine in the United States and throughout the West is beginning to wane. Hamas’s attack on Israel has further revealed that it is the United States and its allies, not only America’s enemies, that face real internal divisions. As terrorists murdered thousands of innocent Israelis, thousands of people marched in the streets throughout the West in support of the terrorists. Biden currently can’t even keep his own party together on sending support to Israel. The biggest beneficiary of all this chaos is China, who is using this moment to attempt to shift the global balance of power away from the West. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal last month, Antoine Bondaz, a China expert at the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris, warned that Beijing is trying “to portray the U.S. as the factor of instability and China as a factor of peace. China’s goal is to present itself to the developing nations as an alternative—and as a more attractive alternative.” China has found fertile ground in many of these nations, in no small part due to the failed military adventurism of the U.S. political establishment. Disastrous wars, indiscriminate drone strikes, and ongoing military strife in multiple theaters have left deep lingering resentment across the developing world toward the U.S. To be sure, the United States still retains a strong military advantage in terms of overall force capabilities over China or any other nation. But America now has its attention spread across multiple theaters, creating potential weak spots that enemies could exploit. The U.S. deterrence factor is undoubtedly lower than it was even a few years ago. The U.S. is still heavily involved in Ukraine, and is now supporting Israel in its fight against Hamas. Israel has also exchanged rockets with Syria and Lebanon, and Iran’s involvement still threatens to turn that conflict into a wider Middle East war that would almost surely drag in more resources and perhaps even necessitate U.S. troop deployments. Meanwhile, China has dispatched six naval warships to the Middle East and is still eyeing Taiwan. With U.S. attention divided, Chinese President Xi Jinping could decide that now is a prime opportunity to make his move. In that scenario, the United States would be forced to either look incredibly weak by allowing Taiwan to fall or likely enter into open conflict with China. With U.S. forces engaged in multiple theaters of combat around the world, it would in effect mark the beginning of World War III. So much for the end of history. Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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11 months ago

This was actually a well thought and accurate article. Elon Musk’s comment in the first paragraph sums up the situation quite well. When people are put in charge (the entire Biden administration NOT simply Biden himself) that have a very long and quite public history of both incompetence and a strategic world view that the road to dealing with one’s adversaries on the global stage is through appeasement and weakness, this is the end result one should expect to see. Appeasement and weakness has always invited aggression from one’s adversaries, so no one should be surprised we are where are are now. Sorry, but there are many instances throughout history to back up that view with the disastrous results that followed.

One would have hoped the American people would have been smart enough and well versed enough in at least some domestic and world history, as well as the public records of the likely people one would expect the Biden administration to select for all its key positions to see this completely preventable train wreck coming from miles away. Yet unfortunately, that’s now how most people select their politicians or allowed them to be imposed on us. So, we are where we are as we continue to slow-walk our way towards the inevitable showdown with China as we split our forces in two or three different and very costly conflicts before ending up in a face-off with China.

Personally, when that showdown inevitably occurs under this administration, I don’t expect it will be result in WW III. This administration will blink and essentially opt to go the appeasement route yet again, which will end the United States as being viewed as a superpower in any sense of the word and China controlling the vast majority of the semiconductor industry and thus nearly everything associated with modern existence for the world after reclaiming Taiwan. Thus, elevating China to the lone superpower status that President Xi has been steering China towards for his entire political career.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

RE: WAR. First thing that needs to be done,is get that idiot out of the Whitehouse. Kyle L.

A Voter
A Voter
11 months ago

Liberals always claim they hate war, but in most instances it is their stupid, lack of resolve (read diplomacy) and ineptitude that cause the situations to deteriorate to the point of war. But then Trump is the war monger right?

11 months ago

When WW 3 comes it will be fought right here on American Soil, and the Soldiers will be you, and will be fought right in your living room and the streets in front of your house, how do I know this, it’s because Joe Biden and his minion have let 7-million people into our country we know nothing about, the only thing we do know is that a good number of them are confirmed terrorist and are waiting for the order to attack.
People had better have a stockpile of food and Guns and Ammunition, excess guns and Ammunition can be traded, more food and medication.
Don’t let your guard down, dark days are coming, I hope I am wrong, but I will be prepared!
God Bless America, fight like your life depends on ii, because it does

11 months ago

How? Because ole Joe is in the White House and Obama rules. Enough said.

11 months ago

The lack of experience and the stupidity of Socialist Democrats!

11 months ago

We got to the brink of WW3 when Obama entered the White House. The brain dead Biden administration is sealing the deal.
The thing I find most ironic, and history will confirm this, and the media and academia will deny it, is, in how the Republicans (RINOs and neocons excepted) endeavor to win or keep from entering wars, while the Leftist/Marxist/Democrats endeavor only to try to keep from losing them.
How do YOU spell treason?

11 months ago

Simple, we are being led there by suffering a cheating, fraudulent, and corrupt “Democratic” party with ambitions of an authoritarian communist dictatorship and weaponized Deep State, with a greedy, corrupt and incompetent politician who is afflicted with senility and dementia at the helm of our nation! Any other questions with such obvious answers? Write an article with solutions and you’ll have my interest, there are enough stories that have joined the choir heap of lamentations without the merit of offering solutions, and hope.

11 months ago

Not hard to understand. The USA is being led by dumbest, most incompetent group of losers in its history.

David Campbell
David Campbell
11 months ago

The problem in a nutshell is that Western liberals believe Neville Chamberlin was right.

Carl S.
Carl S.
11 months ago

Elections have consequences.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
11 months ago

Appeasement led us into World War 2, yet history has a bad habit of repeating itself. With out being cynical maybe we should let China handle all the world’s problems. Then while they are bogged down, we can rebuild stronger and wiser.

11 months ago

I believe that every military cemetery where allied servicemen and women are laid to rest after WW1,WW2.Korea ,Vietnam etc,etc should have these words above the entrance gates.BUT FOR APPEASEMENT AND THE STUPIDITY OF POLITIANS THIS HALLOWED GROUND WOULD BE A PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN.I served for 12 years with the RAF.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

WW3? …then progressives really would get the Cloward & Piven “do-over” they crave.

11 months ago

My apologies to the victims of the holocaust and their surviving family members.Didn’t mean to forget you folks.The same notice should be above the gates of the grounds where those slaughtered by Hitler rest.

11 months ago

Vivek 2024. He is the only one speaking truth about what needs to be done. Focus on America, not the rest of the world. Forget foreign aid and intervention. If countries want to trade with us and purchase our goods, military or otherwise, great. Otherwise, we have no business sending our boys anywhere in the world, period!!

11 months ago

What a mess and it’s just started. If Ukraine had been given the right aid at the start the war would be concluded. The middle east is a twisted can of worms that can’t be reasoned
is a few paragraphs.
The biggest battle will be here at home. The Chinese have at least two battalions of young military age men that have just walked thru our open border and I’m sure their
not here to sight see. All vets and interested patriots need to start forming “minute man
groups.” Someone has to defend the home land.

11 months ago

Well, the “experts” were wrong and it seems that they are wrong most of the time anymore!!! Joe ran on getting us out of wars and now we are supporting two – that’s the wrong direction, Joe!!! Joe and Kamala and most Democrats are still very hung up on Trump and can’t seem to see anything else that goes on in the world!! They all seem oblivious to everything that is going on around them!! Joe naps and Kamala cackles; neither cares about the state of the country as long as they are having a good time at our expense!! And when I hope that Democrat voters will see the light and stop listening or watching the useless media, there is an election and Democrats win more than they should!!! Wise up, Democrat voters, and see what Democrats are really doing to all of us!! 10 million, at least, extra people in our country because of their ignorance, their inability to do their job and their weakness!

11 months ago

Fantastic article! These are things I’ve been thinking about quite a bit recently, as I imagine we all have. I was relieved to read your coverage of Trump’s presidency — the fact that he kept everything on an even keel is NEVER discussed. The fact that Biden’s administration has been nothing but a ceaseless series of insane blunders is likewise rarely mentioned. Yet when you look at most liberal news outlets, they keep asking, “How could people still say they support Trump?” Hmmm…. with staggering food and gas prices, and constant calamities at home and abroad, I am surprised they would need to ask. Biden’s party has labeled many of it’s country’s own citizens as terrorists while at the same time many in their ranks have been marching in support of ACTUAL terrorists. They have weaponized the justice system, turned the feds into their stormtroopers, locked up, silenced, and censored many of their political enemies, opened up the borders, and let crime run awry through all of their cities. At this point, I can confidently say that we have nothing left to lose but everything to gain.

11 months ago

The world is a complex place. There is push and pull in every direction by every entity. Allowing psychopath globalists to control our government will be the end of us and the beginning of a nightmare for humanity. Obviously, Biden is a puppet as are most of gov officials. The only option – cut the head off the snake, or be consumed by it.

11 months ago

The Bible predicts that end will be War that starts & ends in Israel & that Jesus Christ will return at that time. Has this started & call it WW_____??

11 months ago

Well written. I think Ramaswamy is right: we have the media in charge (nd they are not promoting the best interests of America.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

We’re on the Brink of WWIII because we have an Illegal and Unconstitutional so-called president who committed Election Fraud and Election Interference that is in reality a Communist Chinese Spy Agent who accepted BRIBES and turned the World from being at Peace under President Trump to a World that is at WAR under Dictator Beijing biden since he SURRENDERED and GAVE $Billions to TERRORIST including his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION.
TERRORIST STILL POURING IN ACROSS OUR BORDERS WITH AMERICANS BEING ATTACKED DAILY AND Dictator Beijing biden gives them cellphones, Government Benefits, and Signs on how to cross our BORDERS ILLEGALLY.
Act of intentional sabotage, espionage, and treason.
So no, I’m not surprised that we are at the BRINK of WWIII thanks to Dictator Beijing biden and his Terrorist loving Communist Party.
And nobody, especially the FAKE news still hasn’t Reported on how many TERRORIST CELLS are already in the USA thanks to Dictator Beijing biden, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and the FASCIST democrats.
Welcome to WWIII. They’re just waiting for the right moment to launch their complete Attack so Dictator Beijing biden can Illegally remain in power knowingly that he will NOT retaliate since he admitted it on FAKE NEWS just like obama said he would let the United States be destroyed by NOT retaliating. It’s ALL on Record.

11 months ago

North Korea, backed by RCCP, kicked our butts prior to a ceasefire in 1953. Today, there would be only one side emerging victorious, sort of. Survivors would all die from radiation poisoning.

Nancy Higgins
Nancy Higgins
11 months ago

Excellent article. Spot on with this world view we live in today.

Don Wong
Don Wong
11 months ago

Ridiculous desperate moves to remain relevant.Many lies of non existent success Many voices rebelling decisions, muffled in social and other media. Society helpless, voiceless, and those who should do the battling for correction, take no action. Blaming those who support them for not giving enough. When I consider that these government positions were part time and non paying, they worked a full time job outside, and today, they get large salaries, but still take recesses.Something is extremely wrong with this picture When you hide truth from the people, the new story you create is what the people begin to believe. What a shame

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