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How Democrats Continue to Play Dirty in November

Posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Over the last few election cycles, voting irregularities have persisted in a handful of states that continue to fall under the eye of the media and election watchdogs alike. Unlike Florida, who was once notorious for its “hanging chad” ballot confusion that ultimately decided the fate of the 2000 presidential election–and the problems that continued through 2012 in that state– other states have not been able to identify and solve their election problems. That sort of dysfunction leads to greater anxiety among voters, longer lines at the ballot box, and typically delayed results which ultimately weakens faith in the local election system and tabulation process. Then there is outright fraud, that is always out there somewhere on a micro scale, but which becomes more prevalent in those places that have a history of problems. Could there be some surprises this November? Here’s a look at how Democrats could play dirty.

One of the oldest tricks in the book is stuffing the ballot box with votes for your favored candidate(s). These days, with better maintained voter registration lists and stricter ID laws, people have gotten more savvy in finding ways to cheat the system. One way they do so is through the ‘vote by mail’ system whereby ballots are mailed out to millions of households throughout the country. The notion of millions of ballots floating around out there on the streets seems ripe for fraud. 

In a recent such case, a former border town mayor in Arizona was caught on videotape filling out other peoples’ mail ballots outside a polling location and then going inside and dropping them into mail ballot drop box, in what investigators say was just one instance in potentially years-long, sophisticated, and coordinated ballot collection scheme. 

“Guillermina Fuentes, 66, and a second woman were indicted in December 2020 on one count of ballot abuse, a practice commonly known as ‘ballot harvesting’ that was made illegal under a 2016 state law,” the Associated Press reported. Additional charges of conspiracy, forgery and an additional ballot abuse charge were added in October the following year. “Investigators said it appears she used her position as a powerful figure in the heavily Mexican American community to get people to give her or others their ballots to return to the polls,” the AP reports. “Although Fuentes is charged only with actions that appear on the videotape and involve just a handful of ballots, investigators believe the effort went much farther. Attorney general’s office investigator William Kluth wrote in one report that there was some evidence suggesting Fuentes actively canvassed San Luis neighborhoods and collected ballots, in some cases paying for them.”

Then there is the case of former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers (D-PA). Yes, that Congressman Myers from the famous ‘Abscam’ bribery and corruption case of 1980 that was made into the popular film ‘American Hustle.’ Myers, who continued to work in Pennsylvania politics, was recently arrested and, at age 79, pleaded guilty this summer to “conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election for orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pennsylvania elections,” the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement.

These are just two of hundreds of thousands of cases of election fraud taking place in the U.S. The Heritage Foundation has even set up an Election Fraud Database where you can search by state “a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country.”

Then there are the pollsters, who seem to be up to their usual tricks this cycle. Having been embarrassed in 2016 at what they now called “Trump voter non-response bias,” a condition by which Trump supporters or Republicans overwhelmingly don’t participate in polling projects and thereby skew the sample size to be heavily Democrat, thus rendering the poll unscientific and inaccurate. However, it was recently reported by the New York Times that pollsters had entered a fictitious value into the polling equation to account for this response bias. Pollsters could theoretically be playing an old trick, whereby a false sense of high confidence for a particular party to win is established, and, the thinking goes, that by doing so you can actually drive down turnout because everyone thinks it’s going to go a certain way so they don’t even bother voting. It can be argued that pollsters, in effect, manipulated their own polls towards the end of the cycle to give the appearance that Republicans were on track to handily win control of Congress, simply to drive down Republican turnout.

Being a pollster is one of the few jobs in the world, including CNN anchor, where you can be wrong and continue to be employed. From the polls to the (stuffed) ballot box, Democrats have a history of playing dirty, so don’t be surprised if there are, well, a few November surprises in 2024.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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1 year ago

Lazy and apathetic Republican politicians allowed the Democrats in 2020 to completely transform the election process, ahead of the elections with no real discussions or debates, in the United States to include every single danger point documented in the 2005 Carter-Baker report. All in the name of emergency necessity due to the alarmism surrounding Covid-19. They just rubber-stamped the wholesale changes and went back to sleep. Another typical “We did something” moment from politicians without any real thought behind the consequences of the actions being done. Only a couple of states bothered to roll back some of the most onerous changes between 2021 and the run-up to the 2022 midterms. Everyone else just decided to make this restructing of the election process the “new normal”. Thus opening up the potential for massive voter fraud, in multiple ways, in just about every state in the country.

Amazingly and what should have been fully expected by most people who can actually think, this resulted in 3 elections in a row where the outcomes defy all logic based on all the data concerning the public’s views on so many issues and the direction of the country. Yet rather than admit doing a wholesale change of how elections are done and opening them up to numerous ways to easily commit fraud and manipulation, we seem willing to continue with what appears to be the “new normal” when it comes to voting and expect that somehow “the next election” (now 2024) will turn out differently. If we just do something that doesn’t include undoing the one thing that has resulted in enabling the 3 disastrous election outcomes in the first place. Einstein said it best, so nothing more really needs to be said on the matter.

Dr C
Dr C
1 year ago

How dare Maricopa County Officials say no one was denied their right to vote when at 7pm on voting day, many (GOP VOTERS ONLY) were turned away. The SAME voting day for three hours 40% of GOP PRINCINTS GOP ONLY VOTERS were turned away

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The FASCIST liberals cheated during midterm elections. There is no way they won as many as they did since Republicans had 3 million more votes.
They are still trying to cheat in Georgia runoff by dragging it out just like 2020 so they can sneak more votes in during the night.
Remember ALL those votes counted in middle of night when there was supposed water leak in bathroom after they quit counting at 10:30 pm and then all of sudden by 8:30 am DICTATOR Beijing biden was in lead miraculously when NOBODY was supposed to be counting.
Same applies.

Fed-up with phonies.
Fed-up with phonies.
1 year ago

This article had nothing to do with the headline it shows up as. ??????

Fed-up with phonies.
Fed-up with phonies.
1 year ago

My comment before was in reference to “New President of the Catholic Bishops Conference”.
Not the crooked Demo-rats fraud elections.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

Hey Amac…methinks you goofed!

George M
George M
1 year ago

Most of he AMAC articles are about Politics . How about something NEW……

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
1 year ago

What do we expect?

1 year ago

Nice article, wrong story line.

1 year ago

Election dirty tricks are part of the Democrat playbook. It happens every election. Being in power is their religion.

1 year ago

This is the worst article I have ever read on AMAC. What is the purpose of this, I think the AMAC members are a lot smarter than you think & can form their own opinions.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

Nothing proves the fraudulence of the election of 2020 more than the consequences of the policies which the current administration has implemented or allowed since assuming office. They are unrepresentative of the wants and needs of the American people, particularly, with regard to national security.

1 year ago

We know! So what do we do? We are getting truth out, researching, contacting people in power. It’s right now “in your face”, they don’t care if we know.

Susan Kathy Houser
Susan Kathy Houser
1 year ago

I understand AMAC is one organization that is working to make sure elections are secure. I appreciate that and would like more articles telling us what you are doing to make that happen.

Concerned Conservative
Concerned Conservative
1 year ago

I live in Arizona where we have a broken system at best! When is someone going to stop talking about the irregularities and corruption and come up with a solution to this problem? I’m so tired of seeing my vote count for NOTHING?!

1 year ago

Nothin’ new in this article … the DemocRats have “dirty” as an un-erasable tactic in political competition.

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