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How Bud Light Destroyed Its Brand Overnight

Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

In the three weeks since beer giant Bud Light launched its partnership with transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney, the company has lost more than $5 billion in value, ignited outrage from bar owners and rock stars, and even led one country music singer to change the lyrics of one of his songs. But while the Bud Light saga has marked a high point for conservatives flexing their cultural influence, the brand’s PR crisis is just one prominent example of the right turning the cancel culture tables on the left in recent months.

The Bud Light controversy began on April 1 when Mulvaney, an internet influencer who boasts 10.8 million followers on TikTok and 1.8 million followers on Instagram, posted a video advertising the beer that featured a can with his face on it. Mulvaney has become something of a celebrity on the left following a series of videos documenting his “transition” to “girlhood” – even taking part in a special live performance at the Rockefeller Center to “celebrate” one year of “being a girl.”

After many observers initially speculated that the video was some sort of ill-formed April Fool’s Day joke, Bud Light confirmed that it had indeed launched a partnership with Mulvaney, drawing immediate backlash from the beer’s largely blue-collar, working-class fans. In an interview from March 30 that went viral following the announcement of the partnership, Bud Light’s vice president of marketing, Alissa Heinerscheid, even openly disparaged Bud Light drinkers, saying, “Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out of touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach.”

In response, conservatives took to social media to blast the brand and rally support for a boycott. #BoycottBudLight and similar hashtags trended on Twitter for several days thereafter.

Celebrities also got in on the trend. In a viral (and explicit) video that racked up millions of views, Kid Rock showed his displeasure by eviscerating several cases of Bud Light with a machine gun. Country music star Travis Tritt announced that he would be “deleting all Anheuser-Busch products from my tour hospitality rider” in a tweet that garnered 24 million views. During a live performance, fellow country singer Riley Greene also changed the lyrics of his 2019 hit “I Wish Grandpa’s Never Died” from “I wish coolers never run out of cold Bud Light” to “I wish coolers never run out of cold Coors Light” – to raucous applause from the audience.

It soon became clear that the backlash wasn’t just an internet phenomenon. Dozens of bars reported a drop in Bud Light sales of between 50 and 70 percent almost overnight. Although the company won’t report earnings until May, its stock price dropped 5 percent in a week.

The entire episode has invigorated conservatives and proven – after years of the left targeting companies and forcing them to submit to their woke edicts – that the right can still wield cultural influence when it rallies around a cause. Despite the tight hold that the left still has over almost every major American institution, those institutions can experience serious damage to their brand and image if just a few courageous individuals with a platform are willing to speak up.

This has been demonstrated in other recent cases as well.

In March, Tirien Steinbach, Stanford Law School’s associate dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion, led a protest against conservative judge Kyle S. Duncan, effectively shouting him down before his scheduled speech at an event hosted by Stanford’s Federalist Society. In response, a growing number of conservative judges have announced that they will no longer hire clerks from Stanford. Without securing these prestigious clerkships – which in part help determine the all-important national law school rankings – Stanford risks jeopardizing its status as one of the nation’s elite law schools.

Disney has also suffered blows to its brand and reputation following an embrace of wokeism. Last year, the company openly criticized a Republican parental rights bill and waded headlong into divisive social issues under the leadership of then-CEO Bob Chapek. Disney’s stock price soon tanked amid a push by Florida lawmakers to revoke the company’s special tax status and parental backlash to the blatant left-wing messaging in children’s programming.

Ultimately, the company fired Chapek and brought back former CEO Bob Iger, who subtly indicated that he would move the company away from strong stances on divisive political questions.

To be sure, there is still a long way to go for conservatives to secure any lasting victories. Bud Light has yet to issue a full rebuke of transgenderism and apologize for its partnership with Mulvaney. Stanford has placed Steinbach on leave but refused to fire her, and though the school issued an apology to Judge Duncan, it declined to pursue any disciplinary action against the students who hurled personal insults and threats at him. And Walt Disney has thus far shown no signs of backing down from infusing far-left ideology in its children’s programming, despite Iger’s promise to “quiet things down.”

But the right has nonetheless finally put some action behind the slogan “go woke, go broke.” Perhaps more importantly, conservatives have sent a message to other brands and institutions that they will no longer sit back while woke executives and administrators trample traditional values and beliefs.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

You would think businesses would do extensive research as to who the targeted people group/s they’re trying to cater to. Obviously their woke mentality doesn’t reflect demographics accurately. Sell your products on it’s own merit and leave social agendas out of it, or suffer the consequences if you’re wrong.

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

im not a big beer drinker and couldnt care less, when i do get beer its based on taste and quility and not ads

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

im not canceling disney over politics either, the gop is focusng on the wrong issues

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Try UFO Beers & Jeffersons Ocean aged Bourbon & Redneck Riveria whiskies

1 year ago

To me it’s like another AOC stunt. I wonder if purposefully done on purpose to destroy bud light and will this continue to happen to other companies.

1 year ago

Amazing how the people behind these fiascos aren’t fired. I’ll bet that if I was an employee of AB and I did something that cost them a thousand bucks I’d be fired on the spot.

1 year ago

I suggest the old Busch family buy back the beer company. I bet the Germany owners might sell it for penny’s on the dollar.

I buy beer for beer, not some propeller heads political single thought. That marketing campaign company / Mgr. Should be fired

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

I thought these CEO’s were supposed to be above average intelligence. But yet they go after the gay crowd , then lose more than they gain. If a gay wants your product ,he or she will buy it. When you enter a business , nobody ask your sexual preference. Kyle L.

Sam Adams
Sam Adams
1 year ago

Hey Budweiser——-you can kiss my beer drinking All American a_____-, I will NEVER buy another of your products this lifetime! Please fire those marketing morons for costing you $6billion to date.

1 year ago

Apparently institutions have forgotten who own the purse strings. It’s not anybody under 40 that’s for sure. I’m glad folks are standing up and withholding their money from these big whigs. Money does talk! Start small…goes large. We keep it up and they will go down.

1 year ago

Whether you like the product or not it is very important to show these woke corporate “brains” that they have lost touch with True America.. Since all they seem to care about is money then let them see their profits drift away. Boycotting woke companies and their products is an extremely important step to express the feelings of those of us who do not like what is happening in “Socialist America” today.

1 year ago

Since my first taste of any Budweiser product back about 60 years ago, I knew I couldn’t drink the stuff. I have never purchased or ordered any Budweiser product. Too bad, since now I can’t boycott the beer since I never drank it. Since they now have produced a new can picture with a flag (American) on it, I am more aggravated with Bud. It’s too late. You cannot support deviance and sin one minute and wave the flag the next minute and expect people to purchase your foul tasting product. I will go with your first efforts and believe you would support deviance again overnight if it could make you money. There is no honor in greed.

1 year ago

I don’t understand this pandering to less than 1% of the population. I suppose it’s all part of the Marxist push to bring down the country, but these big corporations buying into it is insane; they’ll bring down themselves too. Some kind of money deal to it. Ours is not to reason why, but to just resist!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

the first mistake was in hiring a harvard educated CEO.

The second mistake was hiring a CEO who was CIA affiliated.

The third mistake was thinking your beer was being consumed by Leftists. Leftists drink wine, hard liquor and take drugs.

The fourth mistake was hiring a harvard educated 20 something female budlight marketing VP.

Your fifth mistake was gettign involved in politics at all.

Your sixth mistake was piking the wrong side of politics for the customer base you have.

Your seven mistake was once you realized you had screwed the pooch you did not immediately put out an ad placating your primary customer base.

Eight mistake was not growing off the screw up. if you are going to get in to politics and screw up make politics into a joke.

With all of these failures it seems obvious that the market department, the executives, CEO, and board of directors needs to be replaced. the sooner and more public the better. Anhueser busch means to have a USA wide “who wants to be a executive” campaign and hire an bunch of average guys to run the place. Make that super public. then have those guys on tv asking for help and advice. that woudl get you a customer base back.

Why am I so much more on this the anhueser busch? because I don;t have my job on the line like they do. they are still trying to make themselves look like they were right.

1 year ago

Is Bud Light the biggest problem that exists in USA today? Most people need to calm down or take anger management training if this is that important to their life. Hannity had one of the worst examples on FOX last week when he showed clip of some radical shooting cases of Bud Light with AR rifle. That person should not be allowed to own an AR rifle if he gets that angry & goes off deep end like that.

George M
George M
1 year ago

I LOVE IT ! Americans have finally had Enough of the B.S. we are forced to put up with! I hope they go out of business . Bud- Wise- Up .

1 year ago

… blinded, our whacked-out democrat friends here in America have lost sight, and cannot see the other side of any issue. They cannot fathom anyone else’s point of view, but their own. They’re always right. Everyone else is always wrong. Period. That’s that –

Candace Gonzalez
Candace Gonzalez
1 year ago

If Anheiser Busch were truly sorry they would fire Madame Mouth Full of Teeth. That’s not happening, though, is it?

1 year ago

This issue will be forgotten soon enough. The moguls who run the company are more concerned about their standing within their social and political circles than they are about shareholder value. It is thought that corporations dislike big government. Not true. Big corporations realize that pushing government agendas pays off for them in the long run. Consider the auto industry. When Dictator Joe’s EPA told them they need to focus on EV’s, all car producers were in the same comfortable boat. Before that, the future was unpredictable. Joe’s boys changed the future from unpredictable to predictable.

1 year ago

Good bye Bud Light. You betrayed your faithful customers, you didn’t fire Heinersheid, you didn’t apologize, you doubled down on your woke transgenderism, you used a clown pretending to be a little girl which should offend real women and girls. I hope you go bankrupt over this totally stupid decision.

1 year ago

Anheiser Busch just got WOKE up……..

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

It’s comforting that these “woke” companies are feeling back lash. About d**n time. Performers, actors and companies that “make stuff” should concentrate on their product. Not their political views. I don’t care what political views my delivery guy has that brings pizza to my door. As long as he delivers it on time and it is still hot.

1 year ago

Why hasn’t the marketing director been fired?

1 year ago

You are definitely of a superior intellect. Your thoughtful, well written comments put your high intellect clearly on display and leave no doubt to your IQ.

1 year ago

Get woke. Go broke. The phrase continues to prove itself. Every. Single. Day.

1 year ago

I hope they go out of business.

John dunlap
John dunlap
1 year ago

Great article and I guess we do have a “Sleeping Giant” amongst us. Hope he/stays awake for upcoming elections.

Karen Kelly
Karen Kelly
1 year ago

Love it!!! So simply true. Great article. It’s very similar to the female swimmer Riley Gaines, fighting to have title IX protect her. I posted something on TikTok, that I supported her  and some fragile person commented back to me, and said “ you need to get off TikTok“.  Obviously, I immediately blocked that insignificant person. 

Chris B Grodhaus
Chris B Grodhaus
1 year ago

About time. There is an old saying. “I may disagree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” I did not come up with it. It was said long before I was born. CHRIS

Chris B Grodhaus
Chris B Grodhaus
1 year ago

My previous message was CENSORED. No profanity, no threats, no call to violence. I am a conservative. Please could someone from the CENSORSHIP department reach out to me? CHRIS B GRODHAUS.

1 year ago

This is the by far the best thing I have read in a long time!!! Let’s go Conservatives!!! “Go woke and Go broke!!!”Let’s take our country back to our Christian Values!!!

1 year ago

It’s about time the conservatives stood up and fought back against this woke nonsense. The woke nonsense and the woke democrats are destroying this country and it’s time to put an end to it.

1 year ago

Very well written article!!! Keep writing more like this one. I am going to share this with my friends who need to know that there are more of us out there!!!

1 year ago

Common sense 101. This is what happens when you disregard ” if it works leave it alone” for going with the crowd. What fools we mortals be!

1 year ago

Amen. The trucking industry has started using Bud products as its alternative to transmission (AKA Trany) fluid. Its much cheaper but bubbles to much.

1 year ago

“Money talks BS walks!” It’s time that we stand for our conservative values and the Judeo Christian values that this country was established on!

1 year ago

You know what’s funny. I started drinking beer in 68. I started off with Schlitz malt. I went on to foreign beers with a lot of taste and high alcohol content. I never understood bud drinkers. It was watered down and tasteless. Bottom line, it sucked. Before I stopped drinking in 2000 I drank a beer called Ice House. It was 6% alcohol and tasted great. That was a real beer, not like that piss water, buttwiper. But, I no longer have the need for beer and am damn glad I stopped when I did. It almost stands to reason, since it was a girl’s beer, that a fa**ot pretending to be a girl would be pushing it now.

1 year ago

We out here agree totally with this attitude and article. Keep it up

1 year ago

Unfortunately our local Texas Rodehouse has placed Bud Light pennants all around the exterior seating places. It used to be my favorite place for steak and relaxation, but no longer. It was a real slap in the face and showed they didn’t care about us working folk.

Neil j
Neil j
1 year ago

Tranheuser Busch has lost my support. I used to enjoy Michelob Ultra, but no longer. Miller Lite
Is my choice.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

I will be drinking nothing but Miller Lite from now on. Bud can have there beer along with all the others they make, now they can plaster what ever face they want on there beer cans I could care less.

Mike Hall
Mike Hall
1 year ago

Lmao! Go woke, go broke!

Terry Maznio
Terry Maznio
1 year ago

Woke whatever you call it is a outright attack against Godly biblical values that like Satan himself will die in the end; God is still on the throne

1 year ago

They deserve to lose money for promoting any type of sexual behavior. Keep beer in the bottles/cans not infused with politics!

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