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How Biden is Blowing a Historic Opportunity to Free Cuba

Posted on Monday, August 30, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman


The world is currently focused on Joe Biden’s betrayal of Americans and those who fought with us in Afghanistan. It’s easy to forget that it was just weeks ago that Biden was widely accused of betraying the citizens of another long-suffering country: the people of Cuba. In truth, both Biden and his Republican critics, distracted by events on the other side of the world, are right now missing a rare and potentially fleeting opportunity to help liberate the Cuban people from their decades-long nightmare. To do so, both Democrats and Republicans need to move beyond their old partisan habits and recognize that the latest protests in Cuba represent a truly revolutionary movement.

To understand why, consider that for nearly sixty years, one of the world’s most autocratic and oppressive regimes outside of North Korea has remained in power less than 120 miles from the United States. For that entire period, both Republicans and Democrats, while paying lip service to regime change, have used predictions of the Cuban government’s imminent demise from internal factors as an excuse for their own inaction. The debate over the most recent protests—with those on the Right arguing that with some more sanctions and louder rhetorical support the protestors would be able to topple the Communist regime, and those on the Left arguing that if left alone the protests will provoke internal reform—is yet another example of denial masquerading as policy.

Two major myths sustain America’s approach to the Communist regime in Cuba. They are the myth of the regime’s normality, and hence its capacity for reform, and the myth of its permanence, and therefore the futility of any action aimed at changing the status quo. Both myths have persisted for decades in spite of obvious and abundant evidence to the contrary.

The first, the myth of “normality,” is at the center of the Democratic Party’s approach to Cuba. You have probably heard some variation of the refrain “Cuba is a dictatorship, but…. It has provided universal healthcare. Cuba is a dictatorship, but…. Batista was worse.”

This myth is old and dates back to the misconceptions surrounding Fidel Castro’s regime during its early months when the Cuban leader coexisted with anti-Communists such as Huber Matos within his own movement, and moderate politicians in his puppet government. This allowed wishful thinkers, including some in the CIA, to delude themselves that Castro was a Cuban nationalist first, and a Communist second, forced into an alliance with the Soviet Union by American hostility. The implication was that if only the United States abandoned its hostility toward Havana, Cuba would reciprocate, not merely with international behavior but also with domestic reform.

Matos, who led Castro’s military forces before being tortured, imprisoned, and eventually exiled to Miami, along with the men Castro allowed to serve as puppet President and Prime Minister, could have—and did—tell American officials better. Che Guevara and Fidel’s brother Raul were militant Stalinists from the start, intolerant not just of capitalists, Americans, and liberals, but even of Socialists or any non-Soviet aligned Communists.

Even on the spectrum of Communist dictatorships, Cuba has never even presented the pretense of pluralism. Eastern European countries, Vietnam, and even China maintain a façade of plurality with fake political parties aligned with the Communists in National or Popular Fronts, along with elections. Castro did not even bother to form a rubberstamp National Assembly until 1976, 17 years after he took power. In effect, Castro was not interested in even the appearance of state building.

This is important, because there is a difference between regimes which are opposed to the United States for reasons of simple self-interest and those which are opposed purely on ideological grounds. The former can be influenced by incentives if strong enough. Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were successful in Africa and Latin America because many of the “Communist” regimes ultimately wanted to take advantage of the mineral and oil wealth of their nations, and to do that they needed to democratize, cease support for terrorism, and embrace an international system they benefited from. But since its revolution, Cuba has never approached the world the same way as its nominally Communist neighbors.

Cuban leaders from the beginning have been ideologically opposed to the entire conception of the modern state. That means elections, an independent judiciary, property, and individual rights. The delay of 17 years before even creating a fake Constitution and only then under Soviet pressure is proof enough of this.

But the strongest evidence of the Cuban regime’s continued adherence to rigid ideology came over the past several years during the government’s “consultation process” for a new constitution. Billed as the greatest reform project in history, it captured the imagination not just of Obama administration officials, who took the process at face value, but leftist academics and activists around the world who descended on Cuba to attend thousands of local meetings where the Cuban people were asked what they wanted. And, in fairness to the regime, they did seem to seriously ask. They even pretended to ask exiles to take part.

Ironically, the lengths to which the Cuban government went to appear to listen to its people and foreign sympathizers ultimately underscored how little it cares about their opinion. Excited foreign observers reported certainty that the new Cuban constitution would usher in multi-candidate races for office, the direct election of the president, and, in a PR move, same-sex marriage. The 135,000 local meetings showed overwhelming support for these measures.

Yet when the Communist party presented the draft to the puppet National Assembly, not only was direct election of National Assembly members moved to “municipal bodies,” which are controlled by the Communist Party, but the President would be elected by the Assembly, not by the voters, the one thing left-wing sympathizers reported support for at every meeting. The final document also defined marriage as between “one man and one woman”.

The bait and switch should make clear that the Cuban regime, rather than being Machiavellian, is at its heart ideological. It actually believes its own lies. A more Machiavellian regime would not have run an open consultive process to discover what the population wanted from their new constitution, only to then ignore it entirely, thereby discrediting itself in the eyes of its sympathizers who would feel, rightly, that they were duped. Only a regime which truly believes that it does in fact represent the people, and that it knows better than the people what the people need, could behave in such a blatantly self-defeating way.

That is the key lesson the Left and Democrats must learn about Cuba. The Cuban regime will not and cannot reform, and it cannot be budged by concessions. All such policies are based on the premise that the Cuban regime themselves secretly believe that Communism has failed, that democracy is better, and that therefore the only challenge is bribing them sufficiently to allow it to come to pass. But the Cuban regime is not driven solely by self-interest. They are real, genuine, ideologues.

Republicans, on the other hand, have a blind spot of their own. Republicans have always understood the reality of the Communist regime in Cuba, but they have nonetheless failed to grasp the power of the “idea” of the Castro Regime – in other words, the persistence of the idealized version of Cuba’s “successes” that the regime wishes to project out to the world. Examples of this include the often-cited but misleading statistics about the Cuban education and healthcare systems. That “idea” of a successful nationalist Cuban regime is so clearly nonsense, Republicans have largely responded to its persistence with frustration and anger. The problem is that lies, if believed widely enough, are powerful. Even before 1959, people wanted to believe in Castro, despite the evidence.

The Right is therefore in danger of missing the significance of what has changed over the last few years. Having long written off the center-left and Democratic-Socialists as potential allies, the Right is dismissive of how much has been changed by the Left’s disillusionment with the farce of a constitutional reform process. If they were never going to be of use anyway, why does it matter if they have finally realized there is no hope for reform?

Well, quite a lot, actually. Recent protests are driven by despair. COVID has a role. But on a wider level, the regime, by consulting the population on a constitution and then ignoring their demands, has proven to all Cubans that there is no possibility for reform. The regime will never willingly allow competition, opposition parties, or genuine liberalization. The significance of the revelation that there is no way forward on reform cannot be overstated, and it is driving the despair of those who previously had too much to lose from violent resistance as long as peaceful change had even the slightest prospect of success. It no longer does.

The Right is also overly wrapped up in their domestic political victory in Miami-Dade in 2020 to realize that they have won the larger policy debate on Cuba. Joe Biden’s Cuba policy is that of Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. Some of this may be fear of Florida voters, but Cuba has genuinely burned its bridges with the center-left. Many of its former defenders feel used, lied to, and betrayed.

The result is that the Emperor is Naked. The Cuban regime is weaker than it has ever been. It lies exposed before the world. Not as a mythical nationalist state, but as a North Korea in the Caribbean, ruled by ideologues with no concerns for the interests or desires of their own people, content to allow them to die to export chaos and suffering abroad, and with an almost religious hostility toward the United States.

Change in Cuba was always blocked by the mythical promise of an easy road of engagement and internal reform. That was the justification for the European Union and Canada to maintain trade ties, and the hope that someone like Obama would follow suit kept the regime alive. That is gone. At the moment, it certainly appears that change can only come from the removal of the regime.

Having won this debate, Republicans should work on building the largest consensus possible that the Communist regime must go. There will be time enough to settle past scores later. Former dupes and fools should be welcomed aboard if they admit their errors. This regime does not have to be permanent.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

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3 years ago

Whether it be Cuba or any other socialist, communist or Islamic country where the people yearn to be free of their oppressive regimes, the Democrat party has NO INTEREST in aiding, or in any way facilitating, the people of that country to oust their oppressive rulers. I don’t care if its Biden or Obama or even Bill Clinton. They all had opportunities to aid the people of various countries to throw off the yoke of totalitarian rule and all intentionally chose to do nothing. Ensuring that the authoritarian regime in question would have the necessary time to ultimately crush any such rebellion by the people.

Understand that the Democrats LOVE the notion of an authoritarian government and are working frantically to impose one here. All while the American people are basically sitting by idly and doing nothing of substance to prevent it. The Democrats have never been shy about their agenda or their intentions. If anything they dropped any pretense of being anything but committed socialists in 2020 and openly campaigned on an agenda to achieve their goals. So why would anyone, at this late date who is still able to think and reason in any capacity, think that the Biden administration or any other Democrat in power would seek to aid the people of Cuba, who are trying to free themselves from the very type of government the Democrats want to impose here?

As for how the article ends, the notion that the Cuban resistance will be able to hold out until 2024, when supposedly some weak-kneed establishment Republican the author is hinting at (more talk of consensus building when there are no shared values between capitalism and socialism) sits in the WH, that is laughable. Establishment Republicans are good at talking a good game, but they are lousy at actually doing anything of positive substance. In three and half years (2024), the Cuban military and secret police will have either rounded up and jailed most of the resistance by then or they will have been executed as enemies of the state. That is how authoritarian regimes around the world deal with anyone that opposes their rule.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Guess no desire for kickbacks from Cuba right

3 years ago

The DEMONRATS have a history of NOT helping people to be FREE, as that would run contrary to the DEMONRATS COMMIERAT MANIFESTO! This regime has shown HOW MUCH THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE! 2022 and 2024 is a good time to get a whole bunch of PAYBACK!

John Shannon
John Shannon
3 years ago

So Biden should forget the people he left in Afghanistan to die, many Americans, so he can mess with cuba? Really? You are kidding right?

3 years ago

Why would Biden or anyone other demoncrat want to help free a communist nation. It’s not their agenda. They don’t want anyone to be free, not even America.

3 years ago

Yet again, our political leadership swaffles and dwaddles another opportunity to be statesmen, not mere polititians. Why am I not surprised? It’s too bad we set up the Monroe Doctrine, as we could have had Cuba as either a territory like Puerto Rico, or even an actual state. Once again, the chance to change the world around us will pass into oblivion, even as our nation is doing, ever so slowly.

3 years ago

He’s not blowing it He’s Ignoring it because the democrats support Communism and Socialism. To know this just look at what Biden and the Liberal democrats are doing to our Country.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

It is not Lying Joe Biden’s desirer to free anybody, he and his Commie friends want to put all of us in bondage. He is a Psychopath lying Dictator wannabe himself and is destroying America to make his dream come true. When you vote for a Demonrat , you vote for a Dictator wannabe and a America hating weasel. Make America Great again, VOTE REPUBLICAN !!!!!!
God Bless America !

3 years ago

Don’t worry, Biden will do what he does best, make a mess, of something that
should be a straight forward decision. God help the world, we have three and
a half more years of this demented, inept old fool.

3 years ago

Let us not forget the United Nations One World Order agenda that came to light while Obama was in and is still being pursued. This is why America is being attacked by Communist China and Socialist Dictators of South America and Mexico. They even came out during the election and Publicly stated that it’s time for the U.S. to get in line with the rest of the world. This is just one of the many reasons Biden, the Liberal democrats and Liberal Rhino republicans are doing what they are doing. Power and Total Control.

3 years ago


3 years ago

If Jackass Joe does anything about Cuba it will be to aid his fellow Communists! The Liar in Chief who abandoned fellow American citizens in Afghanistan will eventually destroy America UNLESS GOP Governors of Red States threaten secession and refuse a Communist takeover. Otherwise America WILL BECOME COMMUNIST!

3 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden is sidin’ with the enemies and his nutty dementia continues to widen as he is sidin’ with historic enemies of our Nation. It becomes very critical to insure this cannot happen again to our great Nation. FIX THE VOTING SYSTEM!!!!
(1) Insure that every one entitled to vote is indeed a legal American citizen.
(2) Provide an annually renewable photo card that shows the addy and SSN that the user must show to renew or vote.
(3) Have a small group of personnel to monitor the actual voting process (limited to 2 days – 48 hrs) consisting of at least an equal number of monitors from Dem, Rep, and Unaffiliated) election monitors and supervisors.
(4) State, Federal, and Local law enforcement on voting premises to arrest anyone attempting to harass, picket, or annoy voters (including news media … monitoring and seeking verbal contact is okay if not pushy. No political protesting or campaigning within the general voting area.
(5) I’m sure there are other valid restrictions that might be applied because partisan zealots are like fire ants and are always seeking to ‘spoil the broth” by cooking up distractions and harrassment.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Since maybe 1975, when have Democrats opposed any COMMUNIST regime? Truman or JFK wouldn’t recognize this bunch of Marxist/Communist traitors! They loved the Soviet Union and Teddy the Fish even worked with them against Ronald Reagan. Once the Commies were out, DIMMs got a hatred of “Russia” all of a sudden while still taking graft from them (Hunter and “The Big Guy)0.

3 years ago

Free a country from socialism while we have a socialist/demo party in D.C.? They wouldn’t do anything to oust their friends. They’re likely helping them to stay in power and keep the people under their thumbs. Why would they end socialism there when they are trying to hard to establish socialism here and lead America into the bondage of globalism. The demo/socialist party is evil, wicked, & satanic.

Bill Gray
Bill Gray
3 years ago

Although this is an interesting article, I missed what the current, or any other administration, should do to help the Cuban people overthrow the communist regime. Even if they do overthrow the communist regime, would they have the knowledge, desire, and ability to form a democratic republic?

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

This president blowing it? Try feeding me more BS! And then to say this presidents position/policy on Cuba is the same as President Trump’s, apparently you didn’t watch biden’s first hours in office, when he signed,(all that we conservative Americans had prayed for), away! Granted I don’t breathe the same rare air as a PHD, I do know this president and the rest of the political far left/center left/socialist/dems, and far to many who call themselves Republicans, (RINO’S), will go to their grave trying to discredit/undo any and all that President Trump accomplished! So he, (biden) is not BLOWING IT, just following the play book. He (biden) won’t have to pull out of supporting Cuba in the same way he did Afghanistan, he pulled out the first day.

As for the Republicans, with the exception of a few, no way or help there as long as the RINO’S are in control.
My last words go a head let this government take our weapons, (guns, knives, and pitchforks), and you will see in this Nation (America), what we watched on the news a few long weeks ago. Is it just me or dose this last 8 months seem like 8 years or longer?

3 years ago

I think at this point the American people need to be invested in stopping the current communist regime of the biden administration from turning the great United States of America into a communist regime!

3 years ago

My question is: Why would Biden want to free the Cuban people when he is so darned busy enslaving the American populace?

3 years ago

He can only do what the chinks allow!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

The ( D ) communist mantra –

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

Let us pray for a Republican takeover of the house and senate in 2022!!!!!!! That’s about all we can do at this point. Even if Biden resigns (not likely, he is too full of himself) or is impeached (again, not likely) we get Kamala do nothing Harris as president. Which is worse??????????????????

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

The job assigned to the current administration under the flag of Biden is to utterly and forever “insure” every last remnant of individual freedom is eliminated …. in every nation on the globe. History plainly tells us what that looks like. ????????time to send the demons to hell … forever more.

3 years ago

Just leave the title at ‘Biden blows.’ There, I fixed it.

3 years ago

I am much more concerned about the Americans and the Afghan allies Biden stranded in Afghanistan than I am with Cuba. In Cuba they at least don’t have rabid rogues hunting them down to execute them by beheading with a serrated knife.

3 years ago

What makes you think he would take care of Cuba? He doesn’t do anything else well. Time for him go home back to his basement.

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

Why would Biden and his ilk admit that what they are proposing to do here is a failure in Cuba? If he helped Cuba, it would be admitting that he and others are wrong about the glorification of depending on government for everything and that people can not live or thrive under such a scenario.

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