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Hollywood’s Blowhards – Good Riddance

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
hollywood blowhards want to leave America if Trump wins

In the 1300s, a “blower” was a person who thought much of themselves, blustered, threatened, and made “much of their muchness,” to misquote Shakespeare. By the 1800s, they were called “blowhards,” a navy term for self-important know-nothings.  Hollywood is filled with them – many threatening to “leave America” if Trump wins. Good on you, let’s do it, good riddance.

So far, between 2016 and today – from public sources – we have an impressive group ready to “leave America” if Trump wins, or pledges to do so. Do not get excited – but let’s keep ‘em to it.

The “Never America” crowd includes Barbara Streisand, Taylor Swift, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Omari Hardwick, Snoop Dog, Samual Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus, George Lopez, Raven Symone, Bryan Cranston, Neve Campbell, Ne-Yo, and a dozen others. 

Interestingly, Cher and Jon Stewart – either secret admirers of Elon Musk, or like Biden, of China  – have pledged to “leave the planet.”  So, ready the rocket.

Confidentially, looking at that list, half of these people have no meaning to me. The other half I had forgotten. If they choose to depart for Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Laos, Gambia, Gaza, Canada, or France – making that their new home, no loss. As they say, c’est la vie!

Take a look at what America has done for these ungrateful snots – an insult to sinus hydration. While they criticize capitalism, limited government, tradition, and Trump’s policies, they bank ungodly wealth. On the one hand, good for them. On the other, get real. They owe what they have to … America.

Barbara Streisand is worth $430 million, Taylor Swift worth $1.1 billion, Lena Dunham $12 million, Amy Schumer $45 million, Omari Hardwick $5 million, Snoop Dog $160 million, $250 million, $60 million, Miley Cyrus $160 million, George Lopez $45 million, Raven Symone $40 million, Bryan Cranston $40 million, Neve Campbell $10 million, Ne-Yo $9 million …

Note: Median worth for those of median income and in their prime (40 to 44) is $134.730, house, car, and retirement.

So let me say this straight, and personally. More than 20 of my family lie in Arlington. Eighty percent of all Americans have a veteran in their family. None of my relatives, and likely most of those, have anything like that wealth – nowhere near.

Now hear me on this:  I do not – unlike communists, socialists, and anti-capitalists – have any problem with people earning, keeping what they earn, getting rich, and thanking God and America – our blessed Constitution, history, bygone patriots, and the miraculous free market – for their luck.

But lack of gratitude, a sense that you can take the money and run, owe no one, and take down someone like Trump, being reamed by a corrupt group of hacks, and then castigate the likes of Reagan, Buckley, Ike, Bradely, Patton, and those who made that wealth possible, that angers me.

We live in a time when people bluster, blather, and bluntly embarrass themselves on TV shows like “The Five,” CNN, MSNBC, and Networks, pure self-aggrandizing entertainment. They have no idea – really and truly none, no real understanding, of what made their happy lives happen.

What bothers me, and I walk Arlington often, those inexpressibly humbling, pristine, sobering rows of stones, tearing up as cannot help it – is that these buffoons, known-nothings have absolutely no appreciation … no idea, what they are doing, saying, and missing, what their ingratitude looks like.

So, here is the thing.  We do not have perfect candidates, and never will. We elect people willing to step into the arena, get beaten up, and abused, and yet – in the spirit of Rocky, keep at it for America.

Rocky was fiction, but the message is real: We honor those who came before, we fight for the right, and we do not back down when criticized, punched, or forced to endure. That is America. We Americans –real Americans – would NEVER leave America.

Bottom line: For those who think the answer, when Trump wins, is to “leave America,” then have at it. Enjoy the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian life. We do not need more blowhards. Good riddance.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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7 months ago

RBC, not much to comment on other that I WHOLEHEARTLY AGREE WITH YOU. Wonderful post.

7 months ago

Mr. Charles I agree with you and Max. These so called “elites” don’t speak for me. As you have stated they should be totally grateful for what our country has allowed them to accumulate in their lifetime and realize the men and women that have gone before them gave them the freedom to do so.

7 months ago

Let them leave, and take their money with them, but stamp their passports “NO READMITTANCE” and cancel their citizenship, because they are most rightly NOT good citizens!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

This article , that provides examples of how not to be a good citizen and how not to have respect for the United States of America, has importance. Good character,like what the Scouts list as the qualities necessary, ( the Scout handbook I have is the Sixth Edition published in 1959 ).and a Code of conduct are the basic things necessary to live right and responsibly.. Realizing the significance of what the National Character is all about helps too..I do believe that this Work Ethic for Toolmakers I wrote a few years ago is in tune with the soul and spirit of this issue ,” A Work Ethic for Toolmakers – Making tools that are necessary to accomplish mechanical tasks; to advance and increase knowledge by building things that are needed thereby improving the economy; in the support of public safety and the defense of freedom through the encouragement of craftsmanship and good citizenship; contributing to the betterment of life through development of mental and physical skills by designing , making and using tools for good purposes.”. I have been making tools since 1974. This article you wrote Robert is commendable – it will help to strengthen Liberty and strengthen what civilization is based on too . Well done Sir. Courage , Truth , Faith.

7 months ago

The biggest problem with the Hollywood liberal elites is with the MSM, both news and entertainment. The media treats them as if they are wise, experienced scholars or statesmen whose opinions are much more valuable and informed than the common citizen. When, in fact, their lifestyles have put them out of touch with reality.

K Lee
K Lee
7 months ago

“The Five?” Perhaps you mean “The View?”

7 months ago

My parents were immigrants on the 1920s, never made much money, but always said they were so grateful to be in America, which despite its faults is still the best place in the world. So to these Hollywood idiots: Bon Voyage!

7 months ago

These people pretend for a living, should tell you everything you need to know. My grandchildren pretend all the time, should I take their advice?

7 months ago

Great article, just to bad anyone of the liberal ideology persuasion, will not receive any of the TRUTHS contained in it!!!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

I have some questions for the people who are threatening to leave the U.S. if Trump wins: 1. When will you leave? 2. will you need help packing? 2. Will you need a ride to the airport? Also, a comment, if you do leave, DON’T COME BACK!

7 months ago

May the wind blowing through our open borders forever be at their backs. Buh-bye.

Ziethy Martin
Ziethy Martin
7 months ago

Perfect aricle, thanks!

7 months ago

We won’t miss any of them but they should have to leave all their ‘American $$$$’ here when they go. Thing is, I doubt any other country wants the blowhards either. But they have all been ‘threatening’ for ages and yet they are still here. TRUMP 2024!!!!

7 months ago

Why is “The Five” on your list & not “The View”?

Debbie Boggs
Debbie Boggs
7 months ago

Right on, right on, right on!

Pat R
Pat R
7 months ago

Many of the same people vowed to do the same thing if Trump won in 2016. He won and they never mentioned it again and stayed in the US. Did MSM ask any of them about their vow? Nope!! They are all alike.
Obviously they care nothing about not keeping their word. But then they make their fortunes pretending to be someone else. They present themselves as one thing but live a totally different life. The term for that his hypocrite. Their vows are meant to persuade others but have no intention of keeping them.

7 months ago

I think that China, Russia, Sudan, Afghanistan,Gaza should all be proud to have anti-Americans in the USA it .makes their job easier. I won’t go to Taylor Swift concert no cars about what she is wearing. do so.that is how.she is rich. 90% of the others listed, I have no clue sho they are. The one I recognizes are has been or never really were. I think they should all get .on there private jets and go..just go..All the rest of us can take z beg on how .long they would be gone. They have a life of.privilege here and are so far removed from ordinary real people that they have no. They don’t have go so they have no clue.Really they have no clue. Would one of there servants let them in on reality.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
7 months ago

Wonderful article. The people listed are totally irrelevant to me anyway. They will not leave America because they know that America was where they made their money. Thank you Mr. Charles!

Donald Dalton
Donald Dalton
7 months ago

I have the greatest respect for anyone’s right to have their own opinion. I DO NOT have to respect said opinion.

7 months ago

Hollywood is all talk, no action…just like Biden! Don’t hold your breath that they will ever leave. They couldn’t live anywhere else as free as they are here, and they know it.

Tammy Sikes
Tammy Sikes
7 months ago

Awesome article! This country will be better off without these spoiled, ungrateful, immoral degenerates!

7 months ago

Hear hear!

7 months ago

This time, they ought to be made to leave. Every single one of those UNGRATEFUL people, but for those of us who made them extremely wealthy, are nothing but cattle dung. Go enjoy China or Russia or wherever you want to go … just go….

7 months ago

I’ve offered to buy anyone, young, old and any age in between, a 1-way ticket to anywhere they think they can be happier (the political/social system is to their “liking”), and so far … no taker. Strange … baffling … ain’t it? 😉

7 months ago

Love America or leave it! Works for me and take your money with you.

7 months ago

If you don’t like living here, I have only this advice . . . Planes, trains, automobiles, boats, we have aplenty. PLEASE avail yourselves of them, and we won’t leave the light on for you.

7 months ago

I am a veteran, from a long line of veterans. I have had these sentaments sinxe they first started with Bush. May the door hot them on the way out. Undortunately they don’t follow through.

7 months ago

Most people know these low life’s aren’t worth a consideration.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

They said the same thing in 2016 but didn’t keep their promise. The only time these ppl would flee the country is when they’re caught molesting underage girls and boys. Then they have to receive their Oscars in absentia!

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
7 months ago

Bravo! Could not say it better.

7 months ago

Whoopi said she was leavin when Bush got elected…What taking her so long……. See Ya !!

Marsha Henney
Marsha Henney
7 months ago

Outstanding comments and so very much appreciated. Thank you for your service to this country. Now, please make arrangements for those ungrateful Hollywood has-beens to be delivered to other shores by December 1st.

BP Matt
BP Matt
7 months ago

I so wish AMAC had a proofreader who would catch (at least) the grade school level errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

7 months ago

That’s the problem with cowards they talk and say nothing and do nothing for the people or country that has given them what they have. I know not very Christian, but it wouldn’t bother me at all if the plane they all leave on is suddenly raptured by the good Lord. Even that would be to good for them.

7 months ago


7 months ago


7 months ago

All these blowhards, Trump haters, etc. who hate the very thought of him winning the Presidency back again….what are they REALLY afraid of? My only answer is the TRUTH! They are all living in a fantasy world where truth is never spoken, only despised, and those who speak it are to be equally despised and ridiculed! Keep speaking the truth Mr. Trump, and you shall persevere!!

7 months ago

Wonderfully said! It would be great if the ungratefuls left this country! They don’t even consider that tens of thousands of our best young men spilled their blood for this country. It’s disgusting. Thank you for your article.

7 months ago

Yes these fools always say they will leave if only we can get so lucky, but we all know whats gonna happen Trump will win and they will stay in America licking their woons crying to Mama , all I have to say is Trump 2024 , they have no idea how many people have died or on the streets because of this lieing fool that is running the country.

7 months ago

Good riddance

7 months ago

Yes as a veteran I am fed up of ALLLLL the damn bs shoved down my throat. DONE.ALLLLLLLL the ungrateful women

7 months ago

The Bible says to pray for your enemies. People who hate America truly need our prayers that the blinders may be removed from their eyes and their ears can hear truth. Jesus said Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

7 months ago

This is on point, well said.
No actor or actress should be giving political advice. They are paid to act!
Or sing and some are very bad at it .

Curious can we add the Blowhard politicians like Maxine Waters and then throw out the radical racially corrupt treasonous government officials like Omar , Talib , Cortez , Presley, Bush, Schiff and many other idiots ????????
America would be a better place without them.
Let’s get them booked on a flight over the Indian Ocean where planes seem to mysteriously Disappear .

Jim H.
Jim H.
7 months ago

Some of those names were leaving when Trump won in 2016. I’m still waiting for them to go, cry baby rich jacka**es. If you make a comment like that own up to it and LEAVE! I won’t miss them!!!

Rick G
Rick G
7 months ago

You mean “hollywood monkey”! Where America or modern civilization ever got the idea that fantasy is good, just beats the heck out of me!Actors and actresses are highly overpaid, just like athletes. I guess selling soap, kotex, beer and tampons are too important! If I save a billion dollars not advertising a self seller, don’t I still make a billion? It’s like commercials, I’ve never seen a commercial that made me want to buy anything! Oh well I guess I have more common sense than most.

J H Bell
J H Bell
7 months ago

All true as written and thanks for putting all the correct information in one document!

7 months ago

Support the country you live in, or live in the country you support.

7 months ago

We all know they are full of it.I say entertain me and keep your mouths shut the rest of the time.-I really don’t give a hoot about any of them. I say good riddance to bad rubbish!

7 months ago

As if anyone really listens to or gives any attention to those std-infected lowlies.

7 months ago

Spot on, Robert! Little by little we boycott the actors on your list (and several others). Our entertainment options are becoming fewer, but we’ll be darned if we’ll add a penny to their wealth. Bon voyage to them all!

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