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Higher Gas Prices Ahead

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2022
by Outside Contributor

If you think gas prices are high now, just wait. They’re going to get much higher, thanks to President Joe Biden’s “irreversible” plan to eliminate fossil fuels. Truth is, your pain at the pump is being planned and executed by the White House.

Over the weekend, buyers paid $5 a gallon to fill the tank — or roughly $100.

Gas prices have doubled since Biden took office. J.P. Morgan analysts predict $6 a gallon by August. And experts warn this crisis will continue even after Biden’s term ends because he’s dismantling fossil fuel production.

When Biden was running for president, he promised to shut down oil producers: “No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period.” He pledged to put the country on “an irreversible” path toward “doing away with” fossil fuels.”

On Day One as president, Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline, sending a message of no new pipelines anywhere, period.

In the months that followed, he stopped all sales of leases to drill on federal lands or offshore meaning zero new leases allowing oil to be brought out of the ground.

And in September, House Democrats introduced legislation to stop banks from lending money or investing capital for new or expanded fossil fuel production. That legislation hasn’t passed, but it sent a clear message. The oil industry is being shut down.

Now, as outrage over gas prices push Biden’s poll numbers down, Biden is trying to shift the blame. He told Jimmy Kimmel last week that oil producers refuse to expand operations: “Why aren’t they drilling? Because they make more money not producing more oil.” He accused oil companies of deliberately “making things worse for American families.”

Sorry, Mr. President, that doesn’t pass the laugh test, even on late night TV. It’s sheer demagoguery.

Biden confessed his actual plan just six weeks ago, when gas was already over $4 a gallon. He marveled at the “incredible transition” of the U.S. economy away from fossil fuels. “God willing, when it’s over,” we’ll be “less reliant on fossil fuels.”

In a congressional hearing that same week, Biden’s Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland repeatedly declined to agree that gas prices were too high. Climate zealots in the Biden administration want high prices to deter the public from buying gas.

Biden’s media toadies are singing the same song. High gas prices will force us to make “good choices,” claims Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson. “The right-long term solution, for the sake of the planet, is not increasing the supply of fossil fuels.” It’s to compel consumers to switch to electric vehicles.

It’s one thing to choose electric vehicles. Soviet-style compulsion is another matter. EVs are about one-third more expensive than gas-powered cars. Another problem, EVs generally go about 200 miles on a charge, and less in cold temperatures, according to Consumers Reports. About a quarter of charging stations are broken at any one time. Imagine running low on a charge and driving into a charging station that’s out of order. When EVs are ready for prime time, the Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley concludes, consumers will decide to buy them.

In the meantime, people are feeling pain at the pump. And Team Biden is rolling out the blame game.

Playing defense, a gas station outside St. Paul, Minnesota, put up a sign telling its customers, “We hate our gas prices too.” That’s credible. Gas stations are not to blame for today’s prices, according to an analysis in Barron’s.

House Democrats eyeing the polls are trying to fault “price gougers” and are urging the Federal Trade Commission to punish oil companies that charge “excessive” prices.

It’s all theatrics. The FTC has concluded several times that gas prices are the result of market conditions, not illegalities — rising demand and inadequate supply.

Who’s to blame for inadequate supply? Worldwide, there are many factors, but here in the U.S., blame drivers with Biden bumper stickers. They heard candidate Biden announce his “irreversible” plan and they voted for him anyway.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

ENERGY INDEPENDENT with $1.60/gal. for Gasoline.
DICTATOR Beijing biden wants you to SPEND OVER $60,000 for an Electric Vehicle and Then ANOTHER $60,000 A YEAR CHARGING UP his Electric Vehicle. But according to DICTATOR Beijing biden you’ll save money on Gasoline.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

One VERY IMPORTANT thing that DICTATOR Beijing biden and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi hasn’t told the AMERICAN CITIZENS about Electric Vehicles is that they EXPLODE on IMPACT with those Lithium Batteries.
Which MAKES them FAR MORE DANGEROUS than Gasoline/Diesel Vehicles.
So remember that when you put your family and children into a DEATH TRAP Electric Vehicle.
Communist News Network and Fox News with rest of FAKE News WILL LIE to you about it.
Do your own Homework and see for yourself.

2 years ago

The objective of the Democrats has always been to make gasoline prices as high as they are in the socialist democracies of Europe. Currently $10 to $12 a gallon equivalent when converting liters to gallons. Actually all energy prices (electricity, natural gas, etc.) as high as Europe. So we have quite a ways to go from where we are right now. Electricity is anywhere from 3X to 5X of current U.S. rates. European citizens have already learned what repeated bad decisions at the ballot box leads to, but they no longer have any decent alternatives at the ballot box. It seems we are about to learn the same hard lesson for so many Americans being so stupid as as to cast a vote for any Democrat.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A….EXTERMINATE ALL demonrats, commies, and nazis!!.. Its time for a new civil war against the far-left loonies!..,,,..

2 years ago

Biden/Harris bumper stickers are as rare as rocking horse poop.Biden voters havn’t got the guts or the courage of their convictions.

Nick DP
Nick DP
2 years ago

Biden forgets one thing. Most electricity is generated with fossil fuels. So EVs still indirectly use fossil fuel.

2 years ago

I can understand how a person can become wildly irrational as Joe Biden has (and has been for a long time), but it really is alarming that his irrationality is being supported by a political party that is the darling of most of the main news media. Our Nation is in peril beyond what most citizens really comprehend. Biden is not just holding different political views … he’s irrational and out of touch with reality.

2 years ago

This “president” is destroying our country with consequences that will be tragic. How much more can the American people take with this boob blaming everyone else when it’s HIS fault all this is going on? He laughs and jokes blaming Putin,Santa Clause,and the Tooth Fairy. Rotten sob….????

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

6.00+ here in So CA Today

2 years ago

F J B! and 0bama!

2 years ago

Higher Gas Prices now mean more voters will become Republicans! . . . Thanks Jackass Joe!

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

the democrat . liberal . progressive crowd has sure screwed up the economy. Every single thing they do or say is beyond stupid.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

Democrats running the country=total fools in charge of their own self destruction.

2 years ago

A question. I remember the gas shortages of the mid 70’s, lines at service stations, 5 or 10 gallon limit. I have not seen a line nor a service station out of gas since this started. I am in no way defending Biden nor the democrats and they are to blame for run away inflation. Two years ago we had a run on toilet paper causing a shortage, people were also hoarding groceries causing empty shelves everywhere, but no one is hoarding fuel and I have not seen an actual shortage. Maybe someone in the oil industry can explain this to me.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

This scenario is like living a half-mile from a gigantic spring and simultaneously be dying of thirst! WE have the LARGEST supply of oil in the world but the climate-worshippers/Communist won’t let us use it!

2 years ago

I have worked in different aspects of energy production, and know things about regulation only known to ‘insiders’. these people are absolutely clueless.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

5.46 in Lubbock, Texas. There is NO excuse in that. For diesel, it was close to 7.00. That’s why our groceries and medicines have all gone up. The delivery drivers all drive diesel trucks and have to pay those exorbitant prices.

2 years ago

That last paragraph. How can we blame Biden voters when we all know there weren’t enough of them to even put him in office… In an honest election, that is.

2 years ago

My opinion…
Democrats are causing chaos we all know. We also know it’s on purpose. Some causes we know why they’re doing it such as gas so we’ll be pushed into electric cars. Others such as the border we wonder why.
I think it’s all a pre meditated plan.
Inch your way forward to get what you want. They already have.
They know there will be things Republicans won’t fight on, won’t take away or won’t change. What happens? They’ve inched forward.
They know Republicans will take over, that’s okay, they’ll fix the mess but dems have still inched forward. They’ll patiently wait and keep getting what they want. After all it’s taken 50 years to do that to our schools with no one having any idea. Just think what we currently don’t know what is going on.
Democrat governor’s who remain will still push the agenda forward for their states.
My nephew lost power the other day for 2 days. Can you imagine if he had an electric car? Can you imagine if our ambulances, police, busses and firetrucks go electric?!!! Someone needs to push back!! We are no way ready to go electric. Heck we can’t even get chips for cars!!
I have been through several black outs some only 2 hours but the longest nightmare was 14 days crawling back and forth with buckets so a sump pump overflow wouldn’t ruin our home, sitting in a cold cold house.
You think the pandemic was bad!! Wait til we go electric! Emergencies forget it, no work, no grocery shopping, no deliveries, nothing. But it’s okay, the good old government everyone depends on will send you money, say you’re OK and still be meeting their goal. Leaving many to smile and be glad for their “free” check clueless to what is going on or a care.
Our America is changing, unless people DO something it will be too late.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

And SloJo can’t fathom why his poll numbers are so low. He will easily go down as one of the worst Presidents in history.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Joe, if the Federal government offered million dollar grants to prove global cooling there would
be thouands of scientist proving it. Don’t believe me I challenge you to offer the grants.
Even if there is global warming the estimate all this pain might reduce rising temperature
by a quarter degree in a hunderd years. Explain me Joe how the age of the dinosaurs was thriving
tropical period? Did Fred Flintstone’s fleet of pedal cause it?

Joe, if you really feel our pain at the pump, understand that most of us have trouble affording a 
gasonline powered car, let alone a hybrid, electric or hydrogen powered vehicle. Also, understand
many of us cannot get to work or shopping using public transportation. And finally Joe, we know this
rapid gasoline price increase is not a Putin tax, but is a Biden tax! Do what Trump did and solve 
the problem! As a politician Joe, you must understand this matter will be determined by politics and
not pseudo science. There a lot more of us in the electorate than in government and you may see a real

Battery electric vs. hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: which are the better zero-emission cars?

5 Fast Facts about Hydrogen and Fuel Cells –

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on earth. Hydrogen is an alternative …
Fuel cells can be used to power several applications. Hydrogen and fuel cells …
Fuel cells are a clean way to produce power. Fuel cells are similar to batteries …
Fuel cell cars are very similar to traditional gasoline powered cars. Similar to …
See full list on

If fossil fuels are used as the original source of hydrogen there will be more by-products, such as carbon dioxide. When hydrogen is produced from water electricity is used to split the water molecule.
Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Science Behind Fuel Cells

10 Reasons Why Hydrogen Fuel Cell Is Better Than EVs,the%20best%20technology%20for%20long-term%20clean%20air%20vehicles.

Averaging the CO2 production over the lifetime of the battery leads to between 80-124g/km of CO2 when taking into account charging. In contrast, the most popular method to produce hydrogen gas comes from burning fossil fuels and leads to an estimated 120g/km of CO2 over the lifetime of a fuel cell.
Battery Vehicles Vs Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars – Moneyshake Blog

Jim D.
Jim D.
2 years ago

Can’t seem to get past many constitutional issues…
Scuttle the economy in order to usher in your new “Socialist workers paradise”.
These people are PURE EVIL! PERIOD!

2 years ago

In spite of what Biden and his administration have lined up for the USA, there was one piece of good news. Israel and Egypt have signed an agreement to provide natural gas to the Western Europeans. Israel has natural gas to sell, but not the capability to liquify it. Egypt has agreed to use their plants to liquify the gas. This leaves Russia (Putin) out of the picture to get more funds for their Ukraine invasion and to help keep Europeans warm this coming winter.

God is good and He is at work. It gives me hope that Biden’s failed policies (may cause us to suffer), but other countries are helping each other.

Maybe Biden should not have turned his back on Israel as he goes pleading to the Saudis to bail him out of his foreign policy failures!

2 years ago

DOOM and GLOOM . Uncle Joe is going to do what he does best make a mess . Now you can do what some Americans are doing and just say NO ! Mr. Reagan said that to the Commies . Mr Webber said NO and Amac was born . I said NO in the Desert Spring remember that America ?? I have used since then American made E-85 and have not will not pay $5.00 a gallon . Support the American farmer Amac !!

2 years ago

Four plus decades of failure while suckling at the teat of the federal government. He’s such an arse.

2 years ago

Look no further than your friends, neighbors and relatives who ignored what this shell mumbled on the campaign trail because their noses were out of joint over trumps personality and demeanor. Its tough to admit you’re wrong so most will not. They’ll stay the course, mindlessly ignoring european style gas prices. Forty two years ago reagan scooped up traditional democrats. Sadly, thats not possible now owing to four decades of poisonous conditioning.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Oh quit crying…….who needs to drive to work? Who needs food the fuel drinking trucks bring to the stores we cant afford to drive to. We are talking real change here people!!!
“killing one self is ones duty”…… old saying from the Democrat Book Of Knowledge

Michael L Arnold
Michael L Arnold
2 years ago

It would seem to me that if there was one move to turn the corner of this wrong path we are on is to reverse course on fossil fuels. I believe that one move will bring almost instantaneous improvement in our economy. It won’t be the total answer but if the cost of manufacturing as well as shipping products and goods goes down then things have to improve to some extent. IF/when the Repubs take over in November, the first item on their to-do list is to work towards reversing Biden’s suicidal path he has the country on. I am not schooled in all the nuances of the politics involved in reigning in all of the damage that the flying monkeys in the Democrat party have spawned. There has to be something that the Repubs can do if they have veto-proof control. If there is not then we are screwed and Israel is on their own against all of Her enemies.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

A little more than two years ago I was paying $1:85 a gallon to fuel my sport fishing boat (holds750 gallons) now at the same marina it is $7:65 a gallon, keeping my boat tied up to the dock this summer, all the recreational activities will be severely damaged due to these outrageous energy costs.

Robert M De Angel
Robert M De Angel
2 years ago

I worked for 40+ years in the Gas & Oil industry. What Uncle Joe & his Clowns are doing is criminal. They have the cart before the horse. The question has the US Government built any new wind farms or solar farms before the start of this shamble, and the answer is NO! He and his Clowns have spent billions supporting other countries, but NOT the USA. I believe there will be a time for electric vehicles, but not yet. Another question, how many charging stations have they built, NONE!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

I’m so enthusiastic about going electric, I’ll shoot straight to the car dealer & buy me an electric F-150 at $83,000.00 dollars on my social security income no less!
Talk about putting the cart before the horse…Charging stations across the nation are all but invisible at this stage…ALL EV’s currently suffer the same problems, NO RANGE. They adversely react to cold weather conditions, especially if it is badly in need of a charge at 3:00 am on a rural interstate at minus 30°…America has ZERO manufacturing facilities to process lithium into batteries, think about that for just a second folks. All American lithium goes to China first for processing, think about that one for another second…China owns or controls the vast number of lithium minds around the planet & they are gobbling up more of them with each passing day, weeks & months moving forward.
The Democrats ran on the Green New Deal & they did in fact tell everyone in advance of their WOKE agenda, all those that voted these Democrats into office, all of you can go pound sand…
Does anyone miss the real POTUS yet? We are experiencing the extremes of what happens when a rigged election was allowed to stand & the world is watching as America is getting flushed down the toilet my a tired old senile man that ran a campaign from his basement that garnered 81 million votes after the polls were closed, imagine that folks!
Bill… :~)

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

AS big asthis country is,and our resorces ,we should he self suffecent in just about everything. Kyler L.

Stan S.
Stan S.
2 years ago

With his 40 years of political expertise, He just continues to prove how useless He has been as any type of leader and putting America first!

2 years ago

I think we sure tell Biden to open the pipe line or the American people will not pay his pay check

2 years ago

I’d bet money that Biden and his DemocRat Commies have privately invested in electric driven automobiles. And one real good way to make it seem economical to the public is to see that gasoline prices soar. And I would be money this is subtle goal of Biden and his lefty Commie Democrats. I pray that the Delunaware Biden era ends sooner than later.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

Don’t blame me. I voted for Trump in 16 and 20 (and will again in 24).

David Franz
David Franz
2 years ago

Thanks Biden… Living on a fixed income is hard enough, let alone this administration is working “hell-bent” overtime to create a socialist, communist state forcing us on fixed income to choose between eating or medication; medication or auto insurance; fuel or utilities…!
There has not been ANYTHING good out of this administration!
Hold on folks: this is foretold in Scripture!
Get yourself “right before The Lord!”

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world

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