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Hate Speech, Law, and Biden

Posted on Tuesday, September 6, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In law and Latin, the phrase “res ipsa loquitur” means “the thing speaks for itself,” or an act is criminally negligent without need for added proof. If a piano falls from a roof, someone below gets killed, the law against killing people by dropping pianos on them is met, no need for added proof. Now, let me ask you – does “the thing speak for itself?” Did Biden commit the crime of “hate speech?”

In a remarkably hostile speech in Philadelphia, not focused on policy or unity, mischaracterizing the Nation’s founding documents, President Biden impugned the integrity, honesty, and patriotism of tens of millions of Americans, calling Republicans a “threat to democracy,” “extremists,” worthy of calumny, if not hatred.

Staging was cockamamie, except supposed to be frightening, apparently signaling how serious his speech was. Bathed in blood red light, using US Marines as stage props, he looked like something out of “Brown Shirt” Germany, flag-draped Reichstag, maybe President Mao speaking at the Chinese Communist National Congress, or from the old Soviet Union’s penchant for red. American, it was not.

Against this backdrop, he decried the slogan “Make America Great Again,” or “MAGA,” calling those who use it, who believe it, and who are motivated by that idea – “extremists.” Stunningly for any responsible leader, he imputed evil motives to peaceful Americans, calling them “a threat to the country.”

This stuff is edgy, weird, not what American politics is about, and certainly not democratic. The idea – like so many from his party – was apparently to scare, induce, intimidate, agitate, and motivate. It would be laughable, except these holders of power appear consumed by it, afraid they will lose it, desperate.

To bluntly call most of the opposing party “extremist,” “a threat to democracy,” to say they “do not respect the Constitution,” “do not believe in rule of law,” “do not recognize the will of the people,” mean to corrupt “elections,” and “undermine democracy,” is breathtaking stuff, un-American.

It is not only untoward, but out of step with American history, which has tolerated lots of opposition movements, even the end of various political parties, all in the name of hearing the people, which has had Republican and Democratic populists. It is itself extremist and a threat to democracy.

Worse, to see an unpopular, ineffective, often disoriented president of the United States embarrass himself by trying to win midterm votes by demonizing his patriotic countrymen – those who love their historic liberty, the American flag, anthem, and ideals – is slightly unnerving.

Worst of all, worse than defaming millions, misstating facts, mischaracterizing historic documents, giving way to personal attacks, seeding acrimony, and stirring passion; worse than appealing to what divides Americans, letting bitterness reign, and dodging popular miscontent; worse than creating a weird, militaristic Halloween backdrop to create fear, is sewing hate. That is what he did.

The point was not lost – on those who watched. As one regional Pennsylvania paper summed it:  In a “primetime speech Thursday, delivered in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall lit in ghostly red, President Joe Biden cast the most strident opponents of his administration as enemies of American democracy. In doing so, Mr. Biden pushed an already perilously divided and intolerant society closer to the brink …”

What he did was speak hatefully of half the country, seeking to isolate them, inspire hatred toward them as a former Democratic presidential candidate called Americans “deplorables” and another derided conservative Americans as rubes for “clinging to guns and religion.”

Indeed. But this was worse, a broadside against most registered Republicans, a former president and potential candidate, recently subject to an unprecedented home raid – increasingly suspect, political, and a violation of historic understandings around the 4th Amendment.

What is criminal “hate speech?” “Hate speech” is a concept that contradicts our First Amendment, which allows this kind of rhetoric. Ironically, Democrats have pushed the concept of criminalizing “hate speech.”  Arguably, this president just pushed the envelope.

The Cambridge dictionary says it is “public speech that expresses hate …towards a person or group … usually thought to include communications of animosity or disparagement of an individual or a group” for many reasons. Likewise, federal agencies have “investigated speech that fostered a climate of hatred and prejudice in which hate crimes may occur.”

Bottom line: This was an ill-conceived speech, one that stirs unworthy, potentially dangerous passions, sewing hate for no reason, with the obvious purpose of demonizing another political party and their leaders, regardless of damage to the Republic, democratic norms, and political cohesion.

In a phrase, Mr. Biden indulged “hate speech” for political gain, a genuine shame. As Caesar might say, although things ended poorly for him, “res ipsa loquitur.” “The thing speaks for itself.” That said, if you are a Republican, watch out for falling pianos.

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2 years ago

This Administration is drunk with power! All of these things that Biden is accusing Republicans of being is exactly what he and the radical left are themselves. I am one of those “extremists” that Biden is targeting who happens to love my country, and I definitely plan to vote in November (Republican all the way!). How Joe Biden can even hope to be re-elected in 2024 is beyond me.

2 years ago

I watched this “speech” in Puerto Rico and I was shocked.
When I asked friends and family at home their thoughts, I was told that the MSM didn’t air his Nazi propaganda.

Why hasn’t this most corrupted man and administration NOT been charged with dereliction of duty to keep Americans safe and hate speech of thousands of Americans is a huge question.

No way will I give a vote to the democrats party. They are clearly following and endorsing a socialist agenda.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

I believe democrats end game is trying to bait the American people or MAGA Republicans to violence. Any excuse to declare Marshall Law and declare permanent democrat rule. Essentially anyone who opposes them will be targeted. This happened in the Philippines when Marcos became dictator after declaring Marshall law in 1973. Biden’s speech had no other reason but to admonish, label and divide Americans. MAGA Americans are enemies of his state.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Yes, Mr. Charles Biden’s speech was full of division, lies, and hate. Those people who claim that Biden is making a stand for keeping our country strong and honest are either totally brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media, or they are tragically apathetic to the point of no return. It’s tragic that so many Americans are so hard core ignorant to the fact that, as citizens, they have a duty to keep themselves objectively informed. A country without true citizens will, very well, soon be a country without security; and a country without security will, very well, soon cease to exist.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

I noticed that the speech, which I read line by line, mentioned the word “Republic” only a couple of times, and the word “democracy” scads. But our nation is not a democracy, which Plato characterized as halfway to tyranny. We are a Republic, if we can keep it. And I’m a MAGA independent.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

The Democratic definition of democracy is “Us in Charge.” they now consistently demonstrate that they are un-American bottom of the swamp scum. My state’s Democratic candidate for the Senate is campaigning on the idea that Washington is responsible for our money problems. That is true, so how does he think that will cause people to vote for him as a Democrat? Once in D.C., he’ll do a Manchin. That has to be the new political term for Quislings.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

To bluntly call most of the opposing party “extremist,” “a threat to democracy,” to say they “do not respect the Constitution,” “do not believe in rule of law,” “do not recognize the will of the people,” mean to corrupt “elections,” and “undermine democracy,” is breathtaking stuff, un-American.

The irony of saying these things about the Republicans is that these comments are a perfectly accurate description of today’s Democrat Party.

2 years ago

but NOTHING will happen…same as always when a democRAT is breaking the law!!!

Lorraine Paul-Noznisky
Lorraine Paul-Noznisky
2 years ago

I think all us MAGAs should thank Biden for the RED backdrop in his hate speech!! That’s what this country is going to look like after 2022 a nd 2024!!! Yes!!!

2 years ago

I have only this to say…a. When will the Administration and especially Biden apologize to all Republicans and Conservatives of this country, b. Barring an apology, when will there be an indictment brought against Biden for violating the Hate Speech law. If neither happens, this will most definitely be an example of the two tiered law of the land now in place in the country. It also supports the comment that Biden has pushed the country closer to the brink.

2 years ago

Pretty much tired of polls and articles like this. Nothing EVER happens, no one or body of law EVER does anything about it, that includes the republicans by the way… only talk NO ACTION of any kind. All these things tend to do is make people angry,

Dennis Edwards
Dennis Edwards
2 years ago

With all of the attorneys out there, why isn’t he being sued for hate crimes, discrimination, and trying to incite violence against those people who still believe in America and our Constitution

Henry D
Henry D
2 years ago

How many crimes does this person have to commit before SOMEONE takes action and arrests this criminal??? Are you telling me in the face of all this ACTION against President Trump that Biden is above the LAW??? Washington D.C. police must move in and arrest him!! he is in their jurisdiction. ARREST and CONVICT to get him away from our demise!!!

2 years ago

Have you not seen the new midterm election commercials on msm , the Socialist party just lowered your medical and medication bills along with your utility bill by the new lets spend what we dont have plan ,, let me know when you see these things happen ,, they just cut oil production again starting in Oct. so gas prices are already going back up and will be back to at least $4.00 before thanksgiving ,, in the past 21 months there hasant been much to be thankful for in this country unless you got across the southern border ,, WE THE PEOPLE ,, must vote in Nov. to at least slow this take over down some,,,,,PLEASE

2 years ago

He and his ilk have been spewing hate speech for more than 6 years, but they get a full-on pass because msm is nothing more than their cheerleading, hate filled biased agenda driven story tellers! Just my opinion.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Notice the red backdrop for speech
Herr Biden
Very tyrant like

2 years ago

Just like all liberals and most democrats Biden is full of hate. Hates our constitution, hates our Supreme Court, hates patriots and most of all he hates the United States. Who are the people supporting this hate(besides Soros and Obama)?

2 years ago

Isn’t it amazing, Jacka** Joe “Lyin” Biden accuses Republicans with everything they, themselves, are guilty of! . . . I’m STILL WAITING for ANY REPUBLICAN ELECTED CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE to PUBLICLY REFER TO THESE SO-CALLED DEMOCRATS AS THE COMMUNISTS THEY ARE!!! . . . Until then and if not the Republican Party is irrelevant and We the People NEED to Rise Up and take our country back!

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 years ago

What I learned a long time ago is that what Democrats accuse Republicans of doing it is they who are actually doing it. They do this to distract the public from what they are really up to. As I have said before and continually will say up to the election is vote as if your Constitutional freedoms are at stake… because they are!

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

I Feel that Biden supporters have gone all in on the green adjenda hoping to rake in a bundle or are heavily funded by the Democratic left to vote the way they do. Money is the root or all evil.

James Jensen
James Jensen
2 years ago

Here comes the orator, with his flood of words and his drop of reason.– Poor Richard by Ben Franklin, March 1734.
Xiden never has had the ability to reason. His major accomplishment in life is and likely will always be the construction of a comfort station on a Delaware interstate highway. Until it is demolished.

2 years ago

I think Mr Hanson has it right. If the GOP wants to win they must not play this childish democratic finger pointing game. To win the GOP must have a solid plan to give all Americans hope, faith and trust in the GOP. They must do that by telling Americans what they plan to do to MAGA, when they plan to do it, and what benefits our country will get from it. Americans need this more than word fights among the parties so they can make sound decisions about who to vote for.

We are sick and tired of nothing getting done. We pay these government employees and elected officials to “work”. Just look at how they are throwing our hard earned money away. Example:
Consider this article from ‘The Epoch Times Aug 31-Sep 6 2022’: “Over 1,100 Scientist and Professionals Declare: There is no Climate Emergency.”

Finally, when weaknesses are clearly evident greed will raise its ugly head. It is clear that China will strike before Biden’s term is over because it feels that America’s weaknesses right now presents the best opportunities for China to strike America and defeat our armed forces. In contrast, it is most probable that if President Trump was in office he would not fall for China’s ongoing antics to become THE world leader and, China would not dare to attack the US. What says you?

Johnny White
Johnny White
2 years ago

Pot calling the Kettle black. Biden is totally non cognitive and just the only person the Dems could get elected and Obama manipulate and run the destructive evil scheme of destroying our Country for what?

2 years ago

Excellent article! One thing I know is the Democrats always accuse their opponents of the things they themselves are guilty of and this is a prime example of just that fact. Biden is lowering himself into the pit by hate speech and vitriolics such as this speech. They are the insurrectionists and hate mongers against our constitution and our freedoms. The Dems are dangerous and traitorous, power mad socialist/communists. We know Biden is a puppet and we know who he is speaking for. He should resign as he is not a legal president anyway.

Carl Sapp
Carl Sapp
2 years ago

Joe Biden has been in politics for over 45 years, maybe if we had TERM LIMITS on all office holders something like this wouldn’t happen. Vote for TERM LIMITS.

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


2 years ago

I think Brandon wants to start civil unrest. The old man is demented.

2 years ago

Idiot Joe has been a corrupt idiot his ENTIRE LIFE!

2 years ago

Biden is committing crimes against or nation and citizens on a scale never before seen in our history..just with the border invasion alone. He should not only be thrown out of office, he should be arrested, charged with all of his crimes and incarcerated for the foreseeable future.

2 years ago

Who are bigger haters than Joe Biden, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer? They stir
the pot and make trouble for the American People and what do the Republican politicians

2 years ago

Hmmm.. A hate crime speech. Was the speaker arrested and charged?? DOJ doing its worse for the public.

Mark Bonner
Mark Bonner
2 years ago

Biden and Stalin share more than just a first name. They both attack their political opponents and use the FBI and IRs to punish their opponents and control the news media

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

No doubt about it, Biden’s speech was Hate Speech. Why Biden is not being brought up on charges for giving a hate speech is a mystery. This is not a new thing for Joe Biden. He has made false, hateful claims about others during his life.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

Biden’s Philadelphia speech was definitely hate speech. Not being an attorney, I’m not familiar with the law sufficient enough to say whether it should be considered illegal hate speech and a crime. I most definitely feel that it was meant to raise the ire of a certain part of the population; to stir the pot and move people to anger. Whether that moves them to vote a certain way is a question. Since there are honest, intelligent, and patriotic Democrats out there who love this country; it may move them away from the Democratic Party. But, if someone hearing the speech were moved to assault a Republican or worse, that could definitely be construed as a hate crime. Under those circumstances, I absolutely believe that this incompetent, misguided, demented, leftist, and foolish old man should be considered guilty of a crime.

Has this ignoramus united this country? No, he has not. What he’s doing is driving a wedge right down the center to where many are just waiting for an explosion of violence. Once that happens, this bold experiment with democracy that most Americans have cherished would be at war with itself. Many people die in war and many would die in this one. Because once the bloodletting starts, it would be difficult to stop. This once proud American veteran will no longer call himself an American as America will cease to exist. The “United” States of America will quickly cease to exist and the world will enter into another dark age. Once that happens, the number of dead that were lost during WWII will seem paltry to the numbers lost during this conflagration. I’ve seen it overseas. Is that what we want because there was no one with sufficient intelligence stepping up to prevent it and remove from office this incompetent from the Presidency? I’m asking both Democrats and Republicans both to step up and remove this man from office before he destroys us.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Excellent article. Excellent!

2 years ago

I wrote a piece for the blog

It is called A Tale of Two Speeches and compares the two events of Trump’s Pa. speech and Biden’s Philadelphia one.
It is long.

2 years ago

Are there not laws against hate speech such as biden made???… Arrest and prosecute him and the rest of his administration for treason a murder!!!!…. SEND THEM ALL TO GITMO FOR PUNISHMENT!

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
2 years ago

Have NO fear. That’s what the Devil loves!!! #AmericaFirst

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

fuhrer biden and his demonic clan of supporters are liars, cheaters, baby killes, back stabbers, deranged, lunatics, crazies, low class, lack morals, lack ethics, are hypocrites, a disgrace to this country, irrational twits, who are a drain and danger to this great country of ours (those with common sense and good patriots of the United States of America) The dums try to justify their pathetic, hateful agenda and the stupid supporters take it all in!! Biden is a disease who must be snuffed out!

Ann Ritterbush
Ann Ritterbush
2 years ago

Ecclesiastes 10:16 (Living Bible) :
“Woe to the land whose king is a child [mentally] and whose leaders are already drunk [with power] in the morning.”

2 years ago

The hypocrites on the left make accusations that anybody who voted for Donald Trump and believes in making America Great Again is a ” Facists” have proved that they are the ‘Facists”. MAGA republicans didn’t riot in Portland, Minneapolis and New York City, burning down buildings and murdering citizens.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

To bluntly call most of the opposing party “extremist,” “a threat to democracy,” to say they “do not respect the Constitution,” “do not believe in rule of law,” “do not recognize the will of the people,” mean to corrupt “elections,” and “undermine democracy,” is breathtaking stuff, un-American.

Mr Biden and his administration need to look in a mirror, they are the ones guilty of all the above!

As for the staging, It reminded me of 3rd rate horror films that cost 25 cents at the high school auditorium Friday night in the 60’s.

2 years ago

just following that great communist spokesperson, saul alinsky in his rules for radicals. to paraphrase, blame the opponent for what you are guilty of.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
2 years ago

I have said, from the beginning, the Biden Administration is destroying our great Country daily!

2 years ago

Sowing hate (not “sewing hate”). If Biden’s purpose was to isolate his perceived enemies, he succeeded. Not very presidential. I feel like he’s succeeded in being a dictator. If that’s what his party is doing, they r the dictators.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Biden is growing more desperate by the day.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

A major problem with Biden’s speech is that he and other Progressive Democrats don’t see anything wrong with it. They truly believe they have a right to dictate American politics in any fascist manner they feel like.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Truly folks–are you afraid of this wimp ass fool? He continues to do what he has ALWAYS done–nothing for the American people and whatever it takes for the demonic Democrat party. He could care less what WE think, as he ASSumes the world revolves around the Biden dysfunctional family. We will have to tolerate this plague until mid-terms castrates this idiot. If and then If the gelding Repugs stand up and display a pair, God will provide a means of bringing some moral and family value BACK to the USA!!!

2 years ago

Abraham Lincoln was elected to the presidency of a country on the verge of civil war. He was warned there were assassins lying in wait for him on his journey to Washington for his inauguration. Despite all that, in his first inaugural address, he said:”We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”Those are the words we need to hear from our president, not division, hate, and anger.

2 years ago

The backdrop wasn’t “Brown Shirt Reichstag”…It was first rate Hollywood Satanic throne s**t! The lunatic stupid left isn’t even hiding their allegiance to the Devil anymore!!For those who have EYES!!

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