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Harris, Hubris, and the Hurricane

Posted on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

“You will know them by their works,” says Saint Matthew, or “by their fruits.” Here we have one of the worst hurricanes ever to hit the United States, with people devastated, hundreds dead, and millions in need.

Donald Trump was there in hours, organizing private giving. President Biden and Vice President Harris could not be bothered with a visit until days later, too interested in themselves. There – in a nutshell – is the entire campaign: Do or do not, as Yoda says. Care or care not. Act or act not.

If there is a silver lining to this horrific turn across our distressed southeast, up Appalachia’s spine, perhaps it is political insight, a wider understanding of reality, Trump cares, and Harris is a pile of rocks.

Harris, last Sunday, pledged $157 million US taxpayer dollars to Lebanon, where Hezbollah runs freely, after she and Biden invited Iran’s surrogates to hit Israel, paying them billions.

Meantime, the level of damage wrought by Hurricane Helene is off the charts, – pounding Americans who had little to start with, just Biden-Harris’ inflation, unaffordable housing, energy, illegal aliens, drugs, and crime. The cost assessed by NOAA is not “in the trillions.”

Tell me, if you can, how this amounts to leadership. Harris finally went down and got herself photographed with volunteers – like at the border – in a politically staged photo with just enough of each demographic to help win votes, or …not.

The best advertisement for disgust with politics, for real people replacing privileged, out-of-touch, unresponsive buffoons, is Harris pretending to care, at the border, in North Carolina, anywhere.

To watch clips of her coifed, made up, neat, and tidy self in this devastated part of the world, cheerfully smiling, brushing her hair back, nodding, saying nothing, putting deodorant and toothpaste into a plastic bag, as if she is part of a solution, while the federal government blocks private aid, refuses to accelerate federal FEMNA aid, and focuses on Lebanon, is a disgrace.

If ever an event proved the point, that Americans need leaders at every level who are real, who care, have a record for action, are in the game, on top of their game, of substance, action not words, this is it. If ever there was a comparison between doers and talkers, solvers and squawkers, this is that.

Notably, Matthew – and much of the Bible – understands the “Harris type,” who they are and what they represent, Pharisees and hypocrites, talking a good game and doing nothing, or worse.

Wrote Matthew also, recalling Isaiah, pointing out what all could see in his time and what we should see now, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Matthew 15:7-9.

Bottom line:  If people do not see, they do not want to see. Harris is for Harris, no heart for America or Americans in real pain, her posturing as ruthless and empty as her words are inane, her demeanor revealing of hubris, uncaring, a future with her as devastating at Hurricane Helene.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
5 months ago

Very good piece. What leadership we have. Fema is broke, N.C. gets blasted with a hurricane, and is fighting for there lives and no help from the Gov. But we got tons of money for illegal immigrants and the Ukraine war. Also have tons of money to fund illegals health and welfare. Come on people, wake up and Vote right.Our nation is at the biggest decision on the direction it will go. Socialism, communism or back to the greatest nation we used to be.I am sick of hearing” save our democracy”. Remember the pledge of allegiance? To the REPUBLIC for which it stands. Our nation is a constitutional republic. Are we going to let it get trampled on. Think hard on this

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
5 months ago

The Biden-Harris Regime has not changed its behavior since day 1 of taking office.
There is a wonderful quote- “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.
They don’t care about anything except retaining power or anyone other than themselves.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
5 months ago

Your description describes almost all Democrats for my entire lifetime, and I’m 75. They’re the party of death and destruction, caring not a whit for anyone or anything but their own power. Pro slavery in 1828, pro slavery in 1861-1865, pro slavery today. Pro bigotry in 1828, pro bigotry today. The only thing that changes is the rhetoric.

5 months ago

No surprise here. The Biden Harris regime doesn’t care about anyone but themselves. They only “care” when it starts impacting polls that could hurt their chances of gaining or staying in power.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

It is not only Harris and Biden but the whole passel of hypocrites who have their mouths full of equality, sharing, racism, discrimination and sins of white men never shutting up about slavery. Now that brethren need them they are nowhere near the disaster loosening their purse strings. Where are the two mothers of the year Hilary and Michelle who both care about our children so much ..Do those still voting for them need to be whacked with 2×4 to wake up? In the time of need you find out who your friend is. And it sure is not the bleeding heart democrat who is giving your money to those who hate you.

5 months ago

Things are just going to get worse with another hurricane to hit central Florida in a few days, going through areas that were just recently hit by hurricane Helene. Where is the FEMA insurance money going to come from?

Susan R
Susan R
5 months ago

Please don’t use scripture lightly to gain brownie points. Either use is All the time, as if you are living by it or not at all. But please don’t pick and choose scripture to suit your story. Makes you look as bad as the democrats.
As far as our government helping with this disaster it’s the most pitiful attempt I have ever seen. Media coverage is next to nothing which is as pitiful. Thousands of people have died, were washed away in flood waters. They are finding bodies in trees, am sure most will not be found and will remain buried in the debris and/or mud. Those that did survived, alot have been helped but Most have not. They have no water, food, shelter. They need helicopters, people on foot, atv’s, mules, horses bringing supplies, water, diapers, temp showers, temporary shelter. They need rescuing.They need to know someone cares about them. FEMA and Government Help is a farce. Me think something sinister is going on, just it did after the fires in Hawaii, That No one talked or is talking about.

Coach Terry
Coach Terry
5 months ago

Exactly ????
The DemoncRATic party is a cloak 4 Godless, even satanic, SINister shameful shenanigans that imho border treasonous, certainly poisonous, and w libtard media propaganda- criminality towards Americans n our Constitutional Republic.
Where are those who’ll tangibly Stand Against Speak out n DO SOMETHING?!
God pleeeeeeease expose evil n wickedness for those who hav ears 2hear.

5 months ago

Another home run by RBC- well done! It is horrifying to see to what lengths the Feds are going to stop the citizens from helping our fellow citizens! Disgraceful and criminal. “We the People” have allowed ourselves to get in a very bad place, and it’s time to turn this around! Starting with 2 Chronicles 7:14, and watch the Mighty Hand of God move!

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
5 months ago

FEMA should be renamed FEEBLE and Kamala renamed CHAMELEON…

5 months ago

kamala is 100% unqualified. she’s a wind up dolly

5 months ago

Harris went to Charlotte, NC. Nothing happened in Charlotte that doesn’t happen everytime there is a windy thunderstorm. Why did she NOT go to Asheville? Why???

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 months ago

People should consider making a donation to the food bank that serves the Asheville area.

It’s called the Manna Food Bank. I checked them on the Charity Navigator website and they have better than a 94% expense ratio which about as good as it gets (over 94% of money donated goes to their programs).

You can make donations online through the Manna Food Bank website.

5 months ago

It has always been America and its citizens. This is what leadership is all about. But telling the truth, doing the obvious, and fighting for your principles are now evil, but Pres. DJT keeps fighting because he knows there are bureaucrats, technocrats, media-corrupt crates really after destroying what has been built over the last 74 years, but increased within the last 50 years. We are 248 Y/O and now the spoilers want to take away our rights starting with the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
5 months ago

One thing about it, when the votes are counted , we can see how mmany stupids we have in the U.SD. Kyle L.

5 months ago

Well said RBC,as usual.In my humble opinion any person who votes for any Democrat be it Harris,Walz or whoever ,is either.A morally bankrupt,or B,a moron.or C, both.

5 months ago

Harris is shallow, an empty vessel, always posing for the camera and waving those manicured hands. She’s as concerned about the devastation from Helene as she is about the tragedy happening in this country because of her unguarded border. No dirt under her fingernails!

She and biden would rather send billions of dollars in aid to those outside the country who don’t deserve it (Iran, Lebanon, the Taliban) or to those within our borders who don’t deserve to be here. Taking money from a fund devoted to helping American victims of extreme weather and giving it to gate crashers—many criminals among them–is intolerable! That’s how much they care about us.

FEMA, under Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security, is useless. The dire situation in the mountains improves an inch at a time thanks to the enormous outpouring of help and empathy from donors, volunteers, and fellow neighbors with chainsaws. Some reports show that FEMA is denying victims their $750 and allowing only a $300 payout…or none at all. Firsthand reports state that FEMA is nowhere to be seen. This is just one more example of how America is screwing up big time with these imposters in office.


5 months ago

Yet there are people who believe she is a better pick than former president Donal Trump. Again . . . “stupid is as stupid does.” I have been out and about asking people to vote for Trump. I hope many other republicans (and democrats) are not sitting home, sitting on their donkey, saying “woe is me” and are also out and about campaigning for Donald Trump.

Shirley DeGeorge
Shirley DeGeorge
5 months ago

Harris is a disgusting example of a human being! She shows no care or understanding of the “human condition” of those poor people suffering under the horrible effects of Hurricaine Helene. Again, what she does show, is ONLY concern for her own climb to power & position, which she is demonstrably grossly unqualified for. President Trump is 100% correct that if we lose this election, we’ll lose our country! God Bless the victims of Helene & God Bless Donald J.Trump, pray for them: the strength to go on, and the strength to overcome. We must all support and fight for our survival & survival of our USA!

5 months ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science —on Gateway Pundit. If true, this is an act of war against Red states – killing many and preventing them from voting. More destruction by the Deep State against Americans than Hamas has inflicted against Israel.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Once again, after she tried then failed to interject her campaign into Helene recovery/Milton preparatory efforts in Florida, Kamala cries to the press like the little victim she always claims to be because “DeSatis ducked my call”! Is THIS what you want to be President?

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

Where did FEMA funds go? The hurricane season really just got started and FEMA is out of funds already? And WHY on earth are they hampering assistance from other places??? And now Milton is set to devastate half+ of Florida as well.

5 months ago

There is so much garbage out it is impossible to find the real truth, I .e. FEMA lack of funds, the eating of dogs/pets by illegal aliens, and projections of a myriad of items. It’s the hazard of the internet and everyone’s rhetoric, opinions, what we hear from others and what we quickly act upon.

Kevin in Ohio
Kevin in Ohio
5 months ago

What she did was awful but what Trump does on a daily basis is even worse.

Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
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