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Good News: Americans Are No Longer Listening to Mass Media

Posted on Friday, November 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

If the 2024 presidential contest proved anything, it’s that the mass media no longer drive the national conversation. They can no longer stoke fear and outrage in average voters. They can no longer prop up terrible candidates. And, like him or not, President-elect Donald Trump’s success with black, Hispanic and Jewish voters, if exit polls are even close to correct, proves that the entire “fascist” scare was a flop.

Indeed, the establishment press are less trusted than virtually any major institution in American life. It’s a well-earned ignominy. It’s also a tragedy for a free nation that we have a barely functioning press. Reporters probably tell themselves they’re disliked because they’re fearless truth-tellers. But, far more likely, it’s a referendum on their deceit.

There was never a reckoning for the Russia collusion hysteria that enveloped the nation or the concerted effort to censor and gaslight us on the Hunter Biden laptop story. There will be no reckoning for spending years fear mongering about the coming Nazism, either.

Recall, as well, how we got here. Most of the media had spent four years covering up President Joe Biden’s mental and physical decay by the time the first presidential debate rolled around. It was perhaps the most stage-managed presidency in history, and not one reporter with access to the White House, outside of Fox News, thought it important enough to let us know that the commander in chief could barely function. This, far more than another pedantic fact check of Trump hyperbole, is why we need journalists.

When the Wall Street Journal finally ran a well-sourced piece detailing Biden’s slippage, the paper was widely assailed by leftist media, which feigned deep concern about the veracity of the sourcing on the story. These are the same people, incidentally, who treat anonymously sourced Atlantic hit pieces as incontestable truth.

Those who shared a video of Biden puttering around aimlessly were accused of spreading conspiracy theories themselves. When Biden’s fragile mental state could no longer be hidden, the political press immediately, and without any explanation, turned their focus to elbowing out the president and installing Vice President Kamala Harris. That’s not just bias – it’s corrupt.

Then came “Kamalot,” the shameless, sycophantic, contrived campaign to persuade voters that a woefully inadequate candidate, one who had never won a primary contest, was actually a generational political talent. She went a month without giving a genuine interview or offering as much as extemporaneous comment. In a properly functioning liberal democracy, the press would never have stood for it.

When Harris finally began unleashing her swirling platitude-ridden sentences, it became clear she was in over her head. Once-respected institutions such as “60 Minutes” threw away what was left of their reputation, splicing one of Harris’ disjointed ramblings into a coherent answer. CBS News has yet to release the transcript of her interview. The rationalization, no doubt, was saving democracy.

Most quarters of the media, though, not only refuse to debate but won’t concede that there is a debate. Most days, there isn’t a single person on MSNBC or NBC News or ABC News or CBS News or on any of the editorial pages of most of the biggest newspapers in the country who can articulate positions held by half the country, much less agree with any of them. And, no, stacking your panels with Trump-hating former conservatives who champion every left-policy position imaginable doesn’t count. The zeal of the liberal convert isn’t really serving anyone.

On election night, I watched MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow processing the loss to Trump. These were the people anchoring news coverage. Really, a satirist would struggle to replicate some of the astounding crackpottery I heard. Reid, as an example, used the word “fascist” with the frequency a normal person might use pronouns.

There is a preternatural lack of self-awareness in much of the established media. Not once, for instance, did anyone on that MSNBC panel ever bring up the possible downside of recklessly accusing everyone who disagrees with them of being a “fascist.” Rather, they just kept wondering how all these Americans could vote for Hitler.

Even the day after Harris’ defeat, cable news panels were devolving into struggle sessions and group therapy. It’s almost surely going to get worse before it gets better. The presence of Trump, in fact, promises higher ratings at these outlets.

With every debacle, the institution gets worse. There is more insufferable self-glorification. More priggishness. More smugness. A bigger unearned sense of moral superiority. It’s exceedingly doubtful much will change.

On the bright side, though, most people have stopped listening.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at the Washington Examiner. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books – the most recent, “The Rise of Blue Anon,” available Nov. 19. His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on X @davidharsanyi.


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ken rittenhouse
ken rittenhouse
3 months ago

No one in my house – two 50yo and 4 teenagers watch any MSM or read the major liberal rags.
Those business models – are DEAD>

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

Can we please STOP calling them the mainstream media? They are not mainstream and they have destroyed what little credibility they had left. A more accurate term would corporate media, legacy media or (even better) democrat party media. Also, if any of the democrat party media is wondering why no one watches them, reads them, or listens to them anymore, tell them to look in the mirror because they have no one to blame but themselves.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article. The Mainstream Media is the STATE media which does nothing but lie and brainwash. Why would anyone in their right mind believe anything they say.

3 months ago

Yes, we stopped watching and reading any “mainstream ” news years ago It was so obvious that they only presented what was the approved message from the left. It is extremely sad to see presenters without integrity or knowledge ranting and raving because their crusade of fabrication failed

3 months ago

Best video ever! Nancy Pelosi CRYING!!! I stopped having TV in 2016, which was the last time I EVER watched NBC. Used to like Lester Holt, until his interview with candidate Trump, where he could not hide his disgust. Done. I only use Newsmax, AMAC to get my “real” news. I did spend a bunch of time on the liberal Yahoo and MSN in order to HOPEFULLY convince undecideds that they were being lied to and to check the truth before believing the MSM. I told the truth, this election was about saving AMERICA, not about Trump the man. Now, the actual TRUTH about all that lawfare needs to get out, somehow, so that new Trump supporters can continue voting red!! And the Republican party leadership needs to LISTEN to we the people and get over the power hungry crap they pull. TERM LIMITS.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

I concur with this writer, he is spot on. We no longer watch or subscribe to the fake medias, because they lie, deceive and distort everything to fit their narrative, so they are the garbage. One day soon, they will all fold because no decent patriot will watch them anymore, nor buy the products they promote. They are not journalists. they are puppets of our enemies, as defined by a very smart senior. I agree with him.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Why hasn’t the Fake Mainstream Media reported on that we are only getting 1/3 Size of Food Serving Products that are being Sold as the Normal Full Size Servings at Outrageous Prices? Or that a loaf of Bread is not even a Half loaf and mostly water and Chips are puny and mostly oil and salt. Even now a Normal Size of a bag of Chips is being sold as a Party Bag (NO BS) for Outrageous prices. This is just a very small example. Never since the 1930’s Great Depression has anything like this has ever happened. Where is OUR FOOD? Ask biden/harris while they eat in luxury at our expense.
Where’s the Fake Mainstream Media Outrage that is being done against AMERICANS?

3 months ago

We stopped watching / listening to the national MSM over 30 years ago and have never looked back. Absolutely no integrity. Anybody remember CBS Dan Blather’s infamous “fake, but accurate” hit piece on GWB’s service in the TX Air National Guard? I rest my case.

Ron Fausnight
Ron Fausnight
3 months ago

I don’t understand why people writing columns about qualify their comments about Trump with ( Whether you like him or not). How could you not like him for his sacrifice to save this country?
You have to be an idiot if you don’t know by now that he is the only one with enough backbone to stand to the Obama led Libtards who wanted to turn this into a communist state.

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

If no one is watching msm, then who’s propping them up? Manipulating the public is why they exist, but it appears they may only be catering to their own kind. If the voting statistics prove anything, it’s shows where the concentrations of those who might be swallowing msm’s rhetoric. As for the rest of the nation, they don’t seem to be buying it.

3 months ago

I hate to break it to folks but the main stream media has been that way going all the way back to Vietnam a general from that time admitted that our own media kept them going. The only difference is you’ve got a conservative media to call them out on their total hypocrisy. Make no mistake we’re the biggest thorn in their side, that’s why they want shut us down. As long as we keep holding them accountable they can stand it

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