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Give or Take?

Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2024
by Outside Contributor

‘Tis the season for giving.

For me, that mostly means supporting charities.

One organization I donate to is SSP, Student Sponsor Partners, a nonprofit that gives scholarships to kids from low-income families. SSP helps children escape bad public schools by providing grants to students so they can pay the cheaper tuition at mostly Catholic schools.

I’m not Catholic, but I give to SSP because their schools are better than the dreary ones run by the bureaucratic unionized government monopoly. They do better for half the cost. 

It feels good to give.

But wait.

The government already gives out more than a trillion dollars in welfare programs.

State governments add another $744 billion.

In total, we’ve spent $25 trillion on poverty programs since America declared the “War on Poverty.”

Yet 1 in 10 Americans still live in poverty.

Some say the solution is simple: Spend more! Throw more money on the problem, and surely it’ll go away. 

The World Institute for Development Economics says, “Welfare policies, such as cash transfers to the poor, unemployment benefits, child subsidies, and universal health care … can break cycles of poverty.”

But $25 trillion later, why haven’t they?!  

Because government handouts erode self-reliance.

Government programs push the message: “You need a handout. You deserve a handout. It is no longer up to you to support your families, neighbors, or even yourself. It’s up to government.”

As a result, welfare programs are no longer a bridge to independence but a ball and chain that weighs recipients down. Welfare doesn’t equip people with the tools to become self-sufficient. It rewards dependency.

For the first time in history, America has a near-permanent “underclass” — generation after generation that lives off government. Welfare discouraged self-improvement.

People avoid marriage lest they lose benefits. Able-bodied people avoid work so monthly checks from Uncle Sam remain untouched. Fathers are often kept out of the home, especially when welfare workers visit, to avoid cuts to benefits.

The solution? Giving … but not by the government. By people like you and me.

This holiday season, I will also support the Doe Fund, an organization that helps former addicts and prisoners rebuild their lives through meaningful work.

Unlike government welfare, their approach isn’t built around handouts. They say, “Work works.” They encourage self-sufficiency.

Most Doe Fund recipients don’t go back to jail.

Charities aren’t a perfect solution, but they’re better than government welfare.  

Charities get to choose whom they help. They can focus resources on those who genuinely need a hand while saying no to those who just need “a kick in the butt.”

The government doesn’t. Its one-size-fits-all approach means money flows out, regardless of whether it helps or not.

It’s important to remember that in both cases, it’s your money being spent.

But when you give to charities, you have the power to decide where your dollars go. You can support causes where your donations make a real impact.

The government, on the other hand, forcibly takes your money and routinely wastes it on people who don’t deserve it.

In America’s welfare system, 70% of the money doesn’t even reach the people it’s supposed to help; it goes to bureaucrats who run the programs.

Charities actually deliver most of their money to those in need. If they don’t, donors stop giving.

Charity handouts also come with expiration dates, which is a good thing. Since recipients know handouts are not guaranteed forever, they have an incentive to take responsibility for their own lives, sooner rather than later.

Government handouts have no such urgency. The checks keep coming.

Charities do a better job.

Every Tuesday at, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

Charitable giving is an American hallmark however, some charities no matter how well intended are big business. The bottom issue is how much goes to the cause vs overhead and CEO’S compensation. To be fair, nothing is free and it does cost to run a charity. I personally would like to know exactly how much of my dollar actually gets to their intended destination.The government is a different story, we have no idea of who, what or where our taxes are spent. It seems welfare disguised as a social improvement programs keeps career recipients right where they are, dependent of the American taxpayers.

2 months ago

SOME charities do a better job. Most are completely unmonitored and some are actively breaking immigration laws. I believe a LOT of non-profits need to have their status revoked, including most NGO’s and some churches too. And no more federal funding for programs like NPR, Planned Parenthood, etc. They want money-get it from Soros.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
2 months ago

Support domestic animal rescue/humane and wildlife sanctuary charities. Our four legged friends work hard to enhance our lives and save our planet. They do not expect welfare checks.

2 months ago

Democrats reward bad behavior and punish good behavior.They give to many that don’t deserve it and by giving to them,they cause these people to work less and produce less.Then they overtax the people who do the most to increase production and wealth of the country,causing those people to decide it isn’t worth producing more and being punished with excessive taxation.So,we end up with a country producing less and getting poorer.

2 months ago

We need to tie welfare once again to work and education just like back in the 80s. This country could be so much more productive if every able bodied person just got out and did something to help others! Everyone has talents! Great article with good advice!

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 months ago

Reliance on government handouts is right out of the Marxist Playbook. Part of controlling the populace. This article does not mention SSI. SSDI I understand, and is a good program. But SSI has become another handout that is abused heavily, and has become part of our welfare / government handout programs. Is this part of the metric mentioned above? The “Doe Fund” is only available in a very limited geographical area. It appears to work, but could use expansion. A large amount of Ex-cons can’t wait to reenter society and apply for SSI (then live in section 8 while they deal drugs). Sounds pretty cynical, but it is true.

2 months ago

Right on brother.

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