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Get Ready for Media-Biden Collusion on “Bipartisan” State of the Union

Posted on Friday, January 27, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


In less than two weeks, President Joe Biden is slated to give his second State of the Union Address in what will be a pivotal moment of his presidency and potential reelection bid. The narrative Biden’s camp will likely try to push is that it is congressional Republicans who are being unreasonable for not embracing every policy Democrats suggest. But the version of “bipartisanship” that Biden will ask for in order to break the “partisan gridlock” is one where both parties obediently accept the edicts emanating from the Oval Office.

Both the substance of Biden’s remarks on February 7 and the media’s reaction to them will provide critical insights into the direction of the 2024 presidential race and the rest of Biden’s term as well. If Biden is going to make an attempt to turn his presidency around and flip the script on his catastrophic first two years in order to make the case for another four, it will have to begin with his State of the Union Address.

Biden’s speech on the border earlier this month and sudden focus on “border security” likely provides a glimpse into what this shift will look like. After refusing to travel to the border and denying that there was even a problem at all, Biden suddenly decided the crisis was worth his attention. He announced several executive actions which he pretended were aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration – but which in fact amounted to a new amnesty plan. He then attempted to pin blame for the border crisis on congressional Republicans, who had just spent two years trying to force the administration to fix the disaster that Democrat policies had created.

Americans can expect a similar play from Biden when he takes the podium for the State of the Union. Facing a new Republican House and a desperate need to resurrect his image with the American people, Biden will feign a desire for bipartisanship while also shirking blame for the many crises his stubborn refusal to engage in bipartisanship has created.

Just as the border crisis is supposedly not Biden’s fault but rather the result of a “broken immigration system,” and just as high gas prices are allegedly not a result of Biden’s sabotaging of the American energy sector but rather the war in Ukraine, so too will the president claim that every other problem facing the country is the fault of congressional Republicans, who just took power a few weeks ago.

But in order to have any hope of pulling off such a messaging scheme, Biden will need the acquiescence of his longtime allies in the media and the Democratic establishment – something that may not be 100 percent assured.

The rest of the Democratic ecosystem is also at a critical juncture in the lookahead to 2024. With Biden now increasingly hinting that he plans to mount a bid for a second term, the mainstream media in particular has shown signs that they may not be willing to drag Biden across the finish line as they did in 2020.

In the fallout from the classified documents scandal, several normally friendly outlets have run pieces critical of Biden. The Washington Post pointedly noted the “pitfalls” of the White House’s strategy to deal with the fiasco. The New York Times ran a headline that Biden “miscalculated” in his response to the revelations. Maureen Dowd, also of the Times, even floated the idea that some Democrats may be “rethinking” a Biden 2024 run in an interview with Nancy Pelosi.

Those criticisms continue a not-so-subtle pattern that began emerging last year. In July, a New York Times opinion piece openly stated that “Joe Biden is too old to be president again.” CNN’s Van Jones and Don Lemon both explicitly questioned Biden’s fitness for office on air last June. Other attacks on President Biden that were previously confined to conservative platforms have also begun appearing in liberal outlets. New York Magazine, for example, published a piece last September on “The sordid saga of Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

The media reaction to Biden’s State of the Union Address will provide perhaps the clearest sign yet of how the Fourth Estate might look to shape the 2024 race. If they respond with the over-the-top gushing about Biden’s speech like in 2021 and 2022, praising it as “great” and “unifying,” it is likely that they are fully invested in a Biden 2024 bid.

However, if the reaction is much more muted, and words like “old” and “frail” are used to describe the address, it will be the media’s signal to Biden that he has lost their backing.

Even without the media’s support, Biden may not be deterred from another presidential run. After all, serious questions about his mental fitness and ability to campaign did not deter him in 2020. But without the excuse of a pandemic to hide in his basement and absent the allegiance of the media class, Biden may suddenly find himself facing a rather difficult road back to the White House.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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1 year ago

We will just have to wait with buttered popcorn and drink, to see which tangent that Pres. Biden will take in his address to the nation, provided that he reads the teleprompter properly and stays FOCUSED on what he his saying and does not wander into Neverland or shakes the hand of the Easter bunny.. Could be another comical entertainment night. Oh well, BEAM ME UP, Scotty, THERE IS NO INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE WHITE HOUSE or CONGRESS.

1 year ago

When will Brandon stand at the WH Podium and take questions, (not the screened liberal questions that are on his notepad), but a half hour, to an hour of open questions from the press pool like President Trump did?

1 year ago

What will President Corn Pop do next? Scary!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

What S4B has to say, no one but the lemmings will be buying, cannot wait for the BS spin!

1 year ago

I wouldn’t put anything past the selection process that they have in place

1 year ago

Question: Should Kevin do like nasty Nancy did, and tear up the speech after it’s over?

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

People with some working brain cells, KNOW Biden brought all this on himself and the ones that wrote the EO’s he signed on day one. When you have to ask what am I signing, you know you didn’t do that!! He can blame Republicans till the cows come home on the invasion at our border. President Trump had that pretty much under control, till O’Biden weaseled his way into the White House. When they say “we need comprehensive Immigration Reform”, that means we want another MASS AMNESTY like the one in 1986 where we were told it would only be 1.1 to 1.3 MILLION Illegal Aliens, and turned out to be over 3 million. Kennedy SAID in that amnesty that the border would be secured, and another amnesty like this one will never be brought forward again. Did that happen??? Nope, BUT all those newly amnestied illegal aliens lobbied that same congress to bring their entire rest of their families here LEGALLY Off of their Amnesty. Meaning it was basically all one culture, which Kennedy said in 1964 would never happen, Push 2 for Spanish ring a bell.

Franki's Mom
Franki's Mom
1 year ago

Maybe this will be the moment that we find out who has been “playing” Joe Biden all along? That’s not the real Biden. The real one has been gone since 2019. Let the unmasking begin!!!

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
1 year ago

There is no way I will watch or listen to this speech. So far, he has spewed nothing but lies from his mean mouth. He will spend much of the speech condeming the Republicans and the “maga crowd” for all the problems HE and his comrades have caused. I never watch or listen to most of the Democrats/Fascists in DC. They hate Capitalism and our Constitution and we, the people. I pray every day that by 2024 the Conservatives will find a way to win again so we can get rid of this puppet forr the Communists!

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Ah, democrats annual blame game. It will be interesting to see how they spin, how much better off we are despite what my wallet says.

1 year ago


Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

I plan to watch the speech, just for fun and an academic exercise. He is a lying, crook, who has done more harm to the US than any other Prez, including Obozo, in my lifetime. Anyone who aligns themselves with him and his ilk, are no better. This frail, demented, old bastard needs to be kicked out to pasture… along with his cackling sidekick. There are many currently and previously in our government who definitely belong in jail.

1 year ago

I have a solution…don’t watch, it will just be lie after lie after lie. Unless, you have a need to listen to the resident liar lie about his lies.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

It’s nothing new, Brandon blames the republicans for all his failures. He has done that his whole political career.
The only reason he will run is because the elites in Davos have decided.
Brandon doesn’t see what he is doing to America and the MSM keeps supporting him.
In his mind, what’s left of it, getting rid of all opponents, meaning republicans is a noble cause.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No one really knew about Obama until he suddenly appeared on the scene Will there be the second showing of the play,could it be that Biden outlived his usefulness and another rabbit is about to be pulled out of the magician’s hat? In that case the speech will be his swan’s song

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

I envision brandon bumbling and mumbling through the speech as he’s done countless other speech’s, but this time somewhere in the middle of it he turns and ask one of his aids for a vanilla ice cream cone or mentions he’s going to need help because he just made number two.

1 year ago

once identified, i won’t listen to liars.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
1 year ago

I hope Kevin rips up his speech like Pelosi did with Trump!!! That would be hilarious!!!!

1 year ago

They will continue to attach Republicans and the news and social media will carry the word and lies for the liberal democrats. Unless the truth can come out and people understand you can see the next step will liberals will say all illegals have a right to vote. Our country is is deep trouble and people don’t seem to care because they get more free money

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
1 year ago

I cannot watch him speak one sentence let alone a whole speech. His dark beady eyes are evil!!!!! He gives me the creeps!!!!!

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

What’s the bet on when the first gaffe will occur? I say one minute thirty in.

1 year ago

Personally, I can’t see wasting my time watching Joe Biden read a speech that someone else wrote for him and that he won’t even remember 5 minutes after he’s done. I have better things to do with my time, than watching a stream of lies and misrepresentations from a dementia patient who needs to medicated at least a few times a day just to make brief public appearances.

The MSM will of course declare Biden’s message of “unity” (do as I say or I will sic the DOJ, FBI, FTC, FCC or any other federal department or agency that his handlers deem necessary on you) yet another example of why Democrats are so wonderful. We all hopefully know how this will play out, without the need to put ourselves through the pain of seeing Biden demonstrate to the rest of the world why he shouldn’t be anywhere near any seat of power. At the same time the MSM will continue the message that Joe should consider stepping aside for 2024. It’s all highly choreographed theater at this point in Washington.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

I know it’s very frustrating to listen to Biden chronically telling lies, while he pretends to be doing what is best for our country. Often, I catch myself getting so agitated that I start screaming at the TV, which is broadcasting Biden’s deceit and hypocrisy. However, I personally think it is good to keep up with Biden’s latest verbal misrepresentations. That way, I am better at communicating objectively to all of my ignorant relatives and friends who are still living in a fantasy land in which President Trump is bad and Traitor Joe is good.

1 year ago

How can we possibly trust a person who applauded a $.85 reduction in the price of gas this year, when he was responsible for a $3.00 increase in gas last year … the emperor is, indeed, buck naked.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Another SATAN BLOOD RED backdrop with Marines in background for DICTATOR Beijing biden LYING again about how great everything is which we ALL know is a LIE.
He will blame everybody else for his THEFT.
Lucifer must be proud of DICTATOR Beijing biden and Communist harris and Socialist/Communist/WOKE Cult party.
Didn’t watch the FASCIST DICTATOR for first one and won’t waste my time watching this one.
NOT into SATANISM/Socialism/Communism/Woke, or FAKE News.
By the way. Where’s the $86 Billion in Military equipment and weapons and ammunition that DICTATOR Beijing Biden gave to the Taliban in Afghanistan when he SURRENDERED to TERRORIST and got AMERICANS Killed and Abandoned the rest of AMERICANS?

1 year ago

He will lie to his media and make the media look like clowns. He can’t or won’t tell the truth. He Never tell the truth. The people of USA know the truth. I hope the joke is on him, after he has taken a wrecking ball to our Country and continues.

1 year ago

For Joe to actually believe that bipartisanship means that everyone just agrees and accepts the White House’s edicts is absolutely ridiculous!!! The whole point of this country was exactly NOT that!! There is supposed to be compromise, discussion, negotiation and one party doesn’t get everything they want!!! But it seems that Democrats just always want their way about everything and that’s not good for the country!!!!! We have already gone too far away from that scenario and I just hope we can find our way back!!!

I doubt that there will be many truths spoken by Biden in his speech!!

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

Liberals Democrats do nothing more than play to the cameras. They are a choreographed farce, calculated to make them look compassionate, when, in fact, they are bleeding the country dry. The people need to wake up and see them for what they are.

1 year ago

The American people are not as stupid as the Biden circus claims. We know the truth and live reality daily. If they do their normal propaganda show, they are wasting precious time. Start telling the truth and work for America’s future.

1 year ago

If Jackass Josef looks like a duck, Quacks like a duck, he is a duck!

1 year ago

The hypocrite Crook N’ Chief should be in prison giving an admission of quilt speech for stealing classified documents, etc. instead of standing in front of Congress! These untouchable elite privileged unlawful criminals never face real punishment for their crimes. Two sets of standards and justice. Sign of a lawless culture/society in which history says leads to anarchy and the down fall of a nation.

1 year ago

The Dems and media will gush all over Brandon. He could be on a ventilator and still get unending support.

Robert Laford
Robert Laford
1 year ago

Why would anyone listen to a total perversion of the true state of the union. Look at this eyes. He will be drugged up and will appear coherent at the start but will decline as the drugs wear off. All Republicans that attend should stand with their backs to him when an applause line is scripted. I will not hold my breath however. Let’s go Brandon!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The only thing I want to hear from this lilly white, elitist, back-slapping country club racist is “I resign my office”. But then that leaves Kamala in charge… God help us.

1 year ago

Run Joe Run! Let’s Go Brandon! Who Flung Poo?

1 year ago


Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

Heil Biden!!

1 year ago

Why executive actions, Joe, that you “pretended were aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration – but which in fact amounted to a new amnesty plan”, especially since we already have immigration laws on the books that you and your party refuse to enforce!! This is NOT something that you, Joe, can pin on the Republicans! You chose to stop the building of the wall, you chose to ignore and to not enforce current laws!! The extra millions of illegals in our country now are all on you, Joe, and your Democrat minions!! You better not try to push amnesty on Americans for the purpose of legalizing the millions of illegals that you allowed illegal entry with a vote buying scheme!!

1 year ago

And I hope that Kevin McCarthy has the guts to rip up the speech just like Pelosi did with Trump. I know at least some Republicans and most Conservatives know that “two wrongs don’t make a right”, BUT it would be awesome to throw that right back in the Dems faces. Come on Kevin, do it!!!!!!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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