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Gavin Newsom’s Moderate Makeover Is Like a Bad Hollywood Reboot

Posted on Saturday, March 8, 2025
by Shane Harris

It’s no secret that California Governor Gavin Newsom has presidential aspirations. But his shameless attempts to moderate his left-wing image following years of unabashed progressive governance is like a bad Hollywood reboot—nobody’s buying it, and the original wasn’t any good to begin with.

The first installment of Newsom’s new podcast, featuring conservative commentator Charlie Kirk, was the governor’s most transparent attempt yet to seem like a “normal” Democrat. Newsom chummed it up with Kirk, famous for debating liberals on camera, agreeing that President Donald Trump is a “cultural phenomenon,” asking Kirk for campaign advice, and even admitting that his 13-year-old son was a big fan of Kirk’s content.

But the comment that generated the most buzz was Newsom’s statement that it is “deeply unfair” to allow males who identify as transgender to compete in women’s sports.

“Would you say no men in female sports?” Kirk asked the governor.

“I think it’s an issue of fairness,” Newsom responded. “I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness. It’s deeply unfair.”

Democrat elected officials and the liberal media were quick to bring out the pitchforks for Newsom. SFGate called the podcast “genuinely humiliating.” Mother Jones likewise called the governor’s comments “humiliating” and “craven.” The New Republic declared simply, “Gavin Newsom Is the Worst.”

Politico, meanwhile, reported that “Democratic lawmakers in Sacramento described Newsom’s remarks ricocheting between their phones, trailed by incredulity and outrage at a governor who built his national political profile on recognizing same-sex marriage aligning himself with right-wing opposition to trans rights.”

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot called Newsom’s comments “disgusting,” saying, “There are kids waking up today in California with this news thinking that their governor hates them, and rightly so.” California Democrat Rep. Sara Jacobs said it was “unfair” that politicians were supposedly “abandoning [trans kids] for political expediency.”

But filming a podcast with one of the most reviled figures on the far left wasn’t the first instance of Newsom attempting to rebrand as a moderate – or even MAGA-adjacent.

Following Trump’s inauguration in January, Newsom was the first elected Democrat to sit down with him in the Oval Office. Newsom also went out of his way to offer a friendly greeting to Trump when he visited the Golden State earlier this year, emphasizing that he wanted to work together with the administration on wildfire recovery efforts.

For anyone with a political memory of just a few months, it may indeed seem like Gavin Newsom is a pragmatic moderate willing to work with Republicans and Democrats on common-sense solutions while avoiding the divisive left-wing culture war. But this woefully naïve analysis ignores a career of hard-left governance that has devastated Newsom’s home state.

While Newsom now claims that allowing men who claim transgender status to compete in women’s sports is “deeply unfair,” does he really expect viewers to forget that he signed a law which made California the very first “sanctuary state” for transgender procedures on minors? That legislation allows California courts to strip custody from parents – even parents of children who don’t live in California – if they refuse to acknowledge their child’s gender confusion.

In other words, in California today, minor children can seek permanent, dangerous, life-altering transgender surgeries and hormone treatments without the consent of their parents thanks to a signature from Gavin Newsom.

The case of Jeff Younger, a father of twin boys, is just one tragic example of the horrific consequences of this law. In 2022, just days after Newsom signed the bill, Younger’s ex-wife Anne fled with one of his sons, who believed he was actually a girl, to California. A California judge then awarded Anne full custody of the boy – including the right to pursue so-called “gender-affirming care,” such as chemical castration.

In 2024, Newsom also signed AB 1995, a law which prohibits California schools from notifying parents if their child begins identifying as the opposite sex. Elon Musk called this law the “final straw” that caused him to move SpaceX’s headquarters from California to Texas.

But Newsom isn’t just a left-wing radical when it comes to gender ideology. He also supported ending cash bail; oversaw policies that allowed thousands of inmates, including violent offenders, to be released early; suspended the death penalty in California (despite voters upholding it in a 2016 vote); has spent over $20 billion on the homelessness crisis only to see it worsen; signed legislation supporting so-called “safe injection sites”; signed an EV mandate that threatens to upend the entire U.S. auto industry; approved free health care for illegal aliens; restricted local law enforcement from working with federal immigration authorities; and mandated courses teaching Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools – just to name a few far-left insanities.

All of these policies have been an unmitigated disaster for his state. California ranked number one in the country for the largest net migration loss in 2023 and 2024. The state also ranks dead last in cost of living, has by far the largest homeless population in the country, and is $158 billion in debt – more than double any other state.

Gavin Newsom’s sudden moderate pivot isn’t likely to fool many conservative and independent voters – while also putting him on the outs with the liberal Democrat primary electorate. He can cozy up to Charlie Kirk, shake hands with Donald Trump, and throw out a few talking points that sound centrist, but the record of his governorship tells a different story.

Californians are living in the wreckage of his policies, and no amount of political rebranding will make voters forget who wrote the original screenplay.

Shane Harris is the Editor in Chief of AMAC Newsline. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
19 days ago

Common sense will tell you, that leopard is not going to change its spots.
Don’t buy it for one second.
Far Left insanity, by any other name, is still Far Left Insanity.
Semper Vigilans

19 days ago

He is a wolf who is temporarily cloaked in a sheepskin until he gets inside the sheep pin.

17 days ago

Believe him….or any dem, at your peril

17 days ago

Newsom is a left wing loon that will tell any lie necessary to win an election. He is holds our constitution in contempt. He has completely destroyed California. He is unfit for any office

18 days ago

This guy is in pretend mode. Don’t believe him. All one has to do is look at how it has mishandled California during his tenure. Ruining one state is bad enough but ruining another 49 states for be cataclysmic. The problem is the stupid people in California reelected him, but we also have a lot of other stupid people in the other 49 states.

17 days ago

only a fool would believe this lying greasy slimeball

John Galt
John Galt
17 days ago

Typical Motte-Bailey playbook by Lefties. Against Boys in Girls sports? Oh, so you are anti-Trans, are you?! Intellectually dishonest in failing to recognize the gulf between those two positions. Newsome is finally correct, but for the wrong reasons. He is about Power, not Authenticity.

17 days ago

Newsom is invaluable to the R;s, D’s fantasize about him as a candidate. [R’s do also!]. In the meantime he muddies up the D’s efforts to find a leader, find find policy positions the electorate might consider, and find their rear end with both hands.

Ed Soucek
Ed Soucek
17 days ago

Newsom has a classic narcissistic personality…he has dreams of the Presidency, although he failed California in many ways…. truly a tainted perception….of himself.

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
17 days ago

Who cares. California like New York, New Jersey and the other liberal controlled starts are filled with braindead voters that obviously are followers and yes people who cannot think for themselves and only will believe everything they are told. The politics in all of these liberal controlled states are so embedded with corruption that only a miracle from God can save them. Newsome once said that he wants to break California away from the US and go out on his own. Do us a favor and do it but remember this that you get no more aid from DC and no foreign country will ever be allowed to help you. These states will never change.

17 days ago

what a glib greasy hair phony

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
17 days ago

Commiefornia has problems going well beyong Newsom but he is an excellent example of the foolishness of Commiefornian voters. I remember when CA was awesome, San Francisco was one of my favorite cities. We used to cruise the Pacific Coast Highway (bikers… NO not the spandex variety) but the Libs have turned the cities into dumps.

17 days ago

I can’t stand Newsom but agree with him that transgenders should not be allowed to compete on female sports team as they still have male hormones, strength, etc. And it should be ILLEGAL for any child under 21 to undergo sex change.

17 days ago

Dems are tired of the centrists. They continually lose elections.

anna hubert
anna hubert
17 days ago

Like a chameleon he is only adapting to new circumstances, .

Patricia G Staples
Patricia G Staples
17 days ago

If anyone who really believes this zebra can change its stripes they must be as delusional as Gavin is. He has destroyed California now he wants to finish off the rest of the Country. He is a liberal loon and will not change his stripes.

Sanity is back
Sanity is back
16 days ago

The statement “and no amount of political rebranding will make voters forget who wrote the original screenplay.” is totally false. The clapping seals who drink the Kool-Aid will lap it up and buy into every lie he tells. Look at how Biden changed his spots during the 2020 election, and they bought it hook and sinker. It did not take but a few minutes of research on Biden’s record to see the truth, but they could not be bothered to do so. Newscum will be presented as a moderate and the clapping seals will buy it, and promote it, conveniently (and deliberately) overlooking his true record. And the MSM will be all in as well.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
16 days ago

Oh please! If good ol’ gavin is serious, let him put his money where his mouth is and clean up California. Oh wait…he can’t because he has no money and all the money he did have has left California. What a lying, sniveling snake in the grass this putz is.

16 days ago

Newsom is a far Left-wing progressive, egotistical, lying, self-centered radical that CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Like ALL Damnocraps, he WILL SAY ANYTHING NECESSARY TO BULL$HIT THE VOTERS. SADLY, it sure works in Commie CALIFORNIA.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
16 days ago


Ed J
Ed J
16 days ago

If Governor “Meadow Muffin” Gruesome and his Libtard ilk had not created trans children in the first place or indulged, aided and abetted adults becoming trans in the second place, there would be no issue here. The sex equation is very simple: if you were born with a Y-chromosome, you are a male and if not, you are female — basic biology — DUH!!! The label for this issue is Gender Dysphoria, which is definitional.

15 days ago

Newscum’s getting busted at the French Laundry during the CHINA VIRUS…. did everyone forget?????

15 days ago

California Governor Gavin Newscum, is a lying, thieving, narcissist, dyslexic wannabe dictator. Yes, I’m a born and raised Californian, still live here and never voted for him. Voted to RECALL him but, Sacramento kept changing the “rules” for his recall. Thanks Auntie Nanzi. He is with the California four families that have “ruled” our state for years. Think of how much Tax Payer Money he has “misplaced” and can’t be accounted for. How many times have you seen him read from a teleprompter, a book or notes for a speech? Most times he uses his memory, what happens if he forgets to suggest or remember an important issue? What about negotiating when political issues, foreign or domestic arise?  He sure can BS his way out of so many questions, that he never answers(lies!)  This is an issue that he flip flops his opinion of changing circumstances. His past speaks for itself. TRUST is the immediate issue. He is not POTUS material and should not be in a political position ever again.  

16 days ago

I’m buying it.

16 days ago


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